Tyrant of the Ruined Sun

Chapter 32: News of Triumph

The sun slowly rose from the endless skyline, as it cascaded over the three towering walls that safeguarded the city of Ekleposus, and shrouded the ancient city in it's golden radiance, signaling the roosters and birds to begin their morning symphony, to wake the sleeping citizens from their peaceful slumber, but the usually energetic people didn't budge leaving the great city plunged in an air of depression and eerie silence.

The reason for this was obviously the still ongoing war with the Luminous Empire, and the seemingly never-ending battle in the Melting Mist plains!

Because of this, many nefarious people and organizations began to spread malicious rumors claiming that the emperor is incompetent and foolish for attacking the mighty Luminous Empire, and his great victory a month ago was nothing more than a stroke of dumb luck.

Because of all these defamatory rumors the people even began to resent the same emperor they celebrated only a few weeks ago.

In fact, if one decided to take a midnight stroll through the city, and happened to walk past a pub or a tavern they would hear an endless amount of drunken drivel, insulting and cursing not only the emperor but also the entire royal family!

Seeing this, Alexander's half brothers, half sisters, and half mothers all eagerly jumped at this opportunity that presented itself, and began to also publicly criticize him saying that their family member was too young and inexperienced, and he became blinded by his ego after winning a single battle.

Some of the more ambitious and impatient ones began to even claim that they should become regent until the new emperor is capable enough to rule wisely.

Even the reputations of the Eclipse Empire's greatest generals, such as Sodarus and Hamilcar were not left untarnished, as many started to claim that the two ancient generals have long gone past their prime, and are no longer able to lead men into battle like before!

If not for Darius's order to increase the protection of the royal family, as well as his strict control over the public order, then several riots would have already occurred in not only the capital, but also all over the empire!

But little did these people know that their words that were said in drunkenness, foolishness, greed, or ambition would very soon herald a cataclysm of wrath and ruin upon them!

***Scene Change***

Nizam was currently trudging his way to his mother's chambers with a tired expression on his face. These last few days have challenged his mental and emotional strength to the extreme!

Not only were the rats that were previously cowering before his mighty brother coming back out, but even the people that were once singing his praises now boldly cursed the royal family, they were even beginning to challenge his brother's rule, and he could do nothing about it!

But that was only the start of his struggles!

Empress Esmerelda, his and his sibling's kind mother's condition has severely deteriorated in the last couple of days!

Her once beautiful face was now deathly pale, her full rose colored lips were now dry and withered, and her kind and enchanting emerald eyes were now closed most of the time, since her exhausted body demanded a lot more sleep. She only woke up to eat, drink, and to pray for my brother's safe return!

But every time she did wake up she would always worry about his and his sibling's health first, while wearing a beautiful smile, that hid away all the pain she was constantly in.

Worse yet, was when his mother asked him about the state of the war and his older brother, and he could only repeat the same heart wrenching words that would only cause her more pain and suffering "Brother is still fighting in the Melting Mist Plains."

At that moment Nizam reached his mother's chambers, and he could only sigh as he thought 'If only brother was here. He would know what to do.' before opening the door.

As soon as Nizam entered the room he was assaulted with the strong odor of medicinal herbs, as several doctors, herbalists, alchemists, and priests tirelessly worked to make sure that nothing happens to the empress.

Turning his face to the left he saw his dear mother quietly laying on her bed, as she peacefully slept.

Nizam slowly closed the door, and stealthily made his way to her side, before quietly sitting on the nearby chair and gently grabbing her hand. But the second his hand held hers, she opened her eyes, as if she could sense her son's presence, and smiled happily as she asked "What time is it?"

"It's at the crack of dawn." Nizam replied.

"Then what are you doing here? You should be asleep." Esmerelda said worrying about her son.

"...I woke up because of the sun's light through my window, and I couldn't go back to sleep." Nizam lied, since he has been up all night, but he didn't wish to worry his mother.

"I see." Esmerelda decided to go along with Nizam's little lie, since she could always tell when her children were being dishonest, before asking again "Is your brother and sister asleep?"

"Yes." Nizam immediately replied.

And for the next few minutes both mother and son talked about miscellaneous topics, before they were interrupted by a loud commotion outside the door.

Nizam's eyebrows knit together in anger at this, but before he could do anything the door burst open as a maid ran inside with an ecstatic smile, and loudly said "Victory! His majesty has won!"

Neither Nizam nor Esmerelda reacted at first, as if they were still hesitant to accept the news they so desperately wanted to hear.

A few seconds later, Esmerelda's eyes overflowed with tears of joy as her heart became filled with pride, happiness, love and so many more emotions that words would fail to do justice describing!

Nizam in contrast stayed stunned for a few more seconds, before jumping off his seat and excitedly saying "Are you certain?!"

But before the maid could reply an aged voice was heard from outside the door saying "The news is indeed correct, your highness. His majesty has won."

Nizam turned his head in the direction of where the voice came from, only to see Darius with a large smile across his face.

Knowing that the Grand Vizier would never lie about such things, Nizam rushed out of the room as fast as he could to tell his little sister, and little brother, who also greatly missed and worried for their older brother.

It took Esmerelda a few minutes to regain her composure, before looking seriously at Darius and despite her tired appearance asked with all the majesty and dignity an empress could ever ask for "Is this war over, Grand Vizier?"

Darius's jubilant smile turned into a cold smirk, as his gentle eyes took a far more calculative light as he emotionlessly and confidently said "Yes. The Luminous Empire's only option is to sue for peace."

Hearing this, the empress's weak body seemed to have suddenly grown stronger, and her pale face gained some color as if all her worries had suddenly vanished.

And the same was true for the entire empire, as the people celebrated in every city, instantly washing away the previous air of uncertainty and fear that had plagued the empire.

As the Eclipse Empire reveled in their victory, and cheered the name of their young sovereign, the Luminous Empire that had grown accustomed to victory was shaken to it's core, as the great city of Solis Luxuria, the capital of the Luminous Empire, was engulfed in the echoing wails of it's new widows and orphans.

Never in a million years did they think that the declining Eclipse Empire would ever defeat them in battle not once, but twice! This was so shocking that many refused to even believe it!

But sadly, no matter how strong or profound one's belief is, it could do very little before the unyielding might of reality.

And among these people was emperor Octavian himself! He initially didn't believe the news either, but after investigating, he discovered that the news was indeed right. His most talented and experienced general, commanding one of his most powerful armies was defeated!

And no matter how much he racked his brain, he couldn't think of a single way to turn this situation around. Even after two hours of brainstorming, while subjecting his most exemplary and loyal ministers and advisers to suffocating silence, he was still stumped.

The silence was only broken when one of his bravest ministers, finally couldn't take it anymore and boldly said "My liege, we can't stay like this. Every second we stay in this state of inaction, is another second our nation is growing weaker! Please! Give us your order, sire."

Hearing this Octavian could only helplessly sigh, since he too knows that he must make a decision, as he thought 'It's at these moments that my crown feels heavier than usual.'

"Send the peace emissaries!" Octavian said decisively, as he vengefully thought with a vicious look in his eyes 'I may have failed to clip your wings, but that's of little importance, since sooner or later I shall return this humiliation a hundred-fold!

So enjoy your victory for now young man, because the moment you reach the pinnacle of joy, I will be there to cast you back into the deepest pits of hell!'

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