Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 12 (4/12)

Book 2: Chapter 12 (4/12)

Kain carefully observed the bottle and asked, "What kind of potion is this? I have never seen any potion containing boiling liquid before.

It is a God Potion. By drinking it, you can instantly become a God-tier Mage and serve me in the higher realms. This is a dream come true for many Saint Mages. If you prefer to be a God Warrior, then I can give you another God Potion for warriors instead."

"If I become a God Mage then my physical strength won't be on par with a God Warrior? I thought after I became a God Mage my physical strength will be equal to God Warrior as well."

"You can, but it would take a lot of time to train. If you become a God Warrior then similarly, it would take a lot of meditation for your magical power to reach God-tier."

Why are you suddenly so kind? Are you trying to poison me?

I cant kill you, remember? It is a real God Potion. I just want you to become a God-tier and not to create chaos in Toria Continents. Kain Bersk, drink it and become a God Mage. You will be able to roam the higher realms where you can fight with much more powerful God-tiers, endless adventures await. One day, you can even become a Watcher to manage several realms by yourself.

Kain thought about it for five seconds, then he asked, Why are you willing to give me a God Potion that easily? Is it just to save the Mages Council of a planet in a realm of many planets that you govern?

Watcher Zorim sighted out heavily as she said, This isn't easy to explain. It contained history that no one in Toria Continents has ever known before."

"Feel free to explain the best you can. I have time."

"Exterminating the Mages Council of Toria Continents will create unnecessary chaos that could affect other planets in the same realm as well. Believe it or not, Heaven and Hell were once located in the same realm. As you have known, Hell Realm is under Watcher Tykans govern while Heaven Realm is under my control. Despite that, Tykan couldnt control all the Devils just like I couldnt control all the Archangels. An endless war broke out between the Devils and the Archangels for over twenty million years way before planets like Toria Continents were created. After the Creator split Heaven and Hell into two different realms, the Creator then built Toria Continents and other planets in the same realm to prevent Hell Realm and Heaven Realm from continuing their endless war again. That is how the demons and angels can't be killed when they were summoned or conjured to other realms. Even when a Devil opened the Hell Gates or when an Archangel summoned a hundred Sixteen Wings Angel Warriors to Toria Continents, no demons and angels will die after the battle was over.

I havent heard anything about Heaven and Hell being once located in the same realm."

"As I have said. It contained history no one in Toria Continents has ever known before. You are the first and only one to learn about this.

"Even so, how can powerful Watchers such as you and Tykan failed to control the Archangels and Devils?

Because we cant interfere much in their lives, remember? Being a Watcher allows me to grant fortunes to some individuals while causing chaos amongst some others. Even so, our hands are tied if we want to use our power to kill someone. This was why the Devils and Archangels refused to follow our order to continue waging endless wars on each other.

Kain asked, Since Hell Realm and Heaven Realm have split by The Creator, why does the Mages Council of Toria Continents still important? I dont understand.

Zorim answered, Because the Archangels and the Devils can once again unite Hell Realm and Heaven Realm into one to start their endless war again.

"Can they do that?"

"Of course. That was why I didn't want to destroy the Mages Council of Toria Continents."

"This doesn't make any sense. How does the Mages Council of a planet can prevent Hell and Heaven from war once again?"

"There are many things you don't understand, Kain Bersk. The bottom line is don't destroy the Mages Council. Become a God Mage or a God Warrior instead. I can grant you a high position in the higher realms where you will never have to worry about losing your life fighting among other powerful God-tiers."

Kain thought, Everything you have just said is bullshit. Heaven and Hell used to be one realm? The endless war between Archangels and Devils? Do I look like a three years old child that will believe that kind of fairy tale? I respected you as the Watcher who governs the planet that I was born in, that was why I didn't hide my intention of destroying the Mages Council when talking to you. But if you continue lying to me using that kind of lame bullshit, don't ask why I will disrespect you."

Zorin smiled and said, You can't lie to me anyway. I am a Watcher. I can see through every one of your lies.

Another bullshit.

Kain then placed the God Potion on the table and said, I wont accept this God Potion. I will get revenge for my parents.

Watcher Zorim wasnt surprised or upset hearing Kain said that. She nodded her head, waved her hand, and said, You may leave now. There is no way you can win the next battle. You have chosen to commit suicide, I wont stop it.

Kain slightly bowed his head to show the very little respect he still had toward Watcher Zorim then turned around and started walking out of the room with his head held high. Kain thought to himself, I have trained very hard for what? For revenge. I have lived this long for what? For revenge. The only purpose in my life is what? Revenge. You thought I want to be a God-tier that bad? You are wrong. My original intent was to destroy the Mages Council and that will never change!

After calming himself down, Kain said one last thing before exiting the room, "I don't intend to massacre the entire human race of Toria Continents, they were just following the laws that the Mages Council had set. I was angry and just said random stuff to piss you off. After I complete this Timeless Dungeon and return to Toria Continents, my only goal will be to destroy the Mages Council and rebuild it as the new leader. Under my govern, the Mages Council will be much better and Twin Soul children will be carefully trained to do good deeds. I don't need you to believe me, but this is a promise that I have made for myself. I want the human race to know Blood Mages are good people too."

Watcher Zorim said, "You? As the leader of the new Mages Council? Only female Saint Mages can be chosen to be Holy Mage."

"That stupid crap will change as well. Men or women, it will make no difference. Just because you are a female Watcher, you wanted all Holy Mages of Toria Continents to be females as well?"

"Kain Bersk, I guarantee you won't live to see go back to Toria Continents."

"I will prove you wrong about that." Kain then walked out of the room without saying anything else.

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