Transmigrate inside a Web Novel as a Side Character.

Chapter 9: Chapter 09 Curses.


Seeing the count that keeps rising up. The devil's face becomes contorted. He also realized that the overwhelming strength he once possessed began to dwindle bit by bit. As if it was eaten by the ringing sound from the emotionless voice inside his head.

As a last resort, with his last remaining strength. He concentrated it on his right foot, which stepped onto the demon girl's chest and began to put pressure on it to crush the poor demon girl's chest.

Tyr, who noticed the demeanor of the devil, knitted her brow as she began to flail her hands trying to pry open the pressure that was crushing her chest. Slowly her face dyed purple, her eyes were wide open with dilated pupils and tears began to accumulate in the corner, gasping for air because the pressure to her lungs made breathing difficult. Her strength was slowly leaving her body.

Then the cracking sound echoed in the quiet night as Tyr began to cough out blood.

knowing that her life will end soon. Tyr, muster her remaining will to shift her gaze to look at her master before her mouth flapping as if to tell her last word. "..Please!". With the pressure on her chest and her clogged airway, no sound escaped her mouth. however, Devi who clearly understood her intention began to turn moist.

The devil's brow twitched watching this interaction between the two demons before him. A vein appeared on his temple as he put more strength on his right foot.

"Tch, annoying.. Die!".

The word that the devil whispered carried into her ear and Devi, whose eyes were moist, began to get flustered as she had a bad feeling about this. She raised her legs and tried to approach the two of them.


Another cracking sound echoed as his right foot embedded itself deeper into her chest and flattened it. Tyr's hands, who struggled to tear the devil's right foot flinched. Then it flopped down like a doll that the string had been cut. She just lay there without moving any muscle.

Her purple face was a mess, wide eyes filled with tears, snot, and even blood splattered on her former cute expressionless face.

[You gained Exp]

[You level up!]

[The user's soul has been greatly aroused because of the murder]

[Speed up the adapting process 80%.. 81%..]

Seeing her loyal subordinate with that suffering expression on her last breath, made her vision turned red.

"You dare!".

Something inside Devi snapped. Like a raging storm, her mind becomes clouded with the desire to murder the being before her.

Devi clenched both her teeth and fists. Then she took out the sword from her ring and dashed forward trying to attack the devil. Trying to take revenge on her loyal subordinate. Her mind was polluted, therefore she could not think rationally.

However, she suddenly stopped her advance. All of a sudden her body jerked and dropped down on her knees. Then, her left hand clutched her left chest which began to throb painfully.

Before her gaze, a small magic circle with a symbol of a single piece of paper and a feather pen appears, chained. It was the soul pact they made earlier. Because of the violated agreement from her side, she begins to receive her punishment.

[Devi, has violated the agreement from the soul pact she made]

[Delivered the punishment]

Devi's heart began to throb once more, but only this time she felt her whole body. No, not just the physique, rather her soul was also screaming from the excruciating pain she felt. She coughed up blood and all of her seven orifices were pouring blood. One could not imagine how painful the punishment the soul pact had given to her.

A clunking sound of the steel that hit the ground reverberated in the silent night. Her right hand began to clutch her left hand, trying to calm her aching heart.

"..Shit, why did it come to this". She curses under her breath. Her mind began to race and recall the event that happened before her eyes.

A black shadow began to loom over her in a blink and it gave Devi's body a shudder. She looked up only to find the devil with a grim expression standing there blocking the moonlight that illuminated her figure.


The devil grabbed Devi's throat and began to kneel to match her gaze. Normally he would lift the demon woman in the air with just his strength alone, but because of his weakening state, he could not do it.

"No time left". The devil muttered, his complexion showing his impatience.

"Give me the other blood!"

[...90% …91%]

Devi noticed that the devil had an impatient face and also she could tell that his behavior also showed a light impatience. Even the strength on her throat began to lessen.

".. What happened? … Does he begin to lose control over the body.. Is the brat going to awaken soon". She kept that to her heart and began to watch the devil's impatient expression.

"Tch, hurry up!!".

Seeing the devil shout, made her earlier assumption seem legit. She lifted the corner of her mouth and for the first time began to mock the devil.

"Fuck off!".

"You bitch..".


[The user's soul has adapted toward the devil's power]

[Mental enhancement level up]

[Mental enhancement level 6]

The devil's vision shook, and his overwhelmed strength left his body. A pair of goat horns that protruded on his side skull, batwing, and tail that emerged from his back, began to disappear puffed out like smoke. Soma's body went limp, and his body dropped down toward the ground lying motionlessly.

Devi had a sigh of relief. Seeing everything is over. The realize that her loyal subordinate lay there motionless, suffering splattered across her faces. She cast her gaze down watching Soma's body twitching, but She could only grit her teeth and clench both her hands leaving a trail of blood and couldn't vent her rage.

"You will pay for this, brat!".

With a sudden turn of events and the loss of her loyal subordinate. Devi, while making a furious face, could only swallow her resentment. She raised her feet and approached Tyr's dead body. She looked at her subordinate body which had a deep crater on her chest, because of the pressure the devil gave.

Also seeing her suffering face made her blood boil like a volcano that was ready to erupt, anytime.

However, because of the existence of the soul pact. She couldn't do anything to vent it. She took a deep breath and exhaled everything that disturbed her mind and began to concentrate. Devi began to concentrate her magic in her hands and perform some rituals.

A magic circle with a grim pattern began to appear below Tyr's dead body. It began to emit a glow of black color. Then a black slimy mud began to appear around the dead body. Before swallowing its body slowly like a swamp.

"Thank you Tyr for staying with me for all this time and protecting me. I will avenge you!".

[Level 7 Dark magic: Swamp of Gluttony]

Swamp of Gluttony. It was a magic that would give the user some random curse. After the user offers the swamp using a dead body from any living being. It depends on the dead body they could offer. Such as the quality of the dead body, or the quantity of the dead body they want to offer.

The more they feed it or feed it using a stronger living being. The higher the chance they will receive a powerful curse that couldn't be lifted even using high-level light magic.

After Tyr's body got swallowed whole. The magic circle began to shrink until it was only a diameter of a volleyball. Then from that magic circle something muddy-like substance wriggling like it was alive, floated before Devi before she grabbed it using her right hand.

Devi looked at the thing in her hand and a translucent window began to appear before her.

[Curse of Slow Growth]

[Detail: The curse that will make the user who receives it, will get a penalty for leveling up. The experience points they need for the next level up will doubled]

[Condition of release: High-level Dispel Magic(Level 7 Light magic)]

"..I thought I would get a better curse than this but, this will do''.

Devi turned her back after witnessing her subordinate final moment and walked toward Soma. She inspects the unconscious boy. Then she releases the curse on top of Soma's body.

The curse pulled by the gravity then it landed into Soma's back, and began to enter through his pore, then disappear inside his body. After the curse assimilates with Soma's body, then a X-shaped mark began to appear and it nestled under Soma's left armpit.

"..Next time, no matter what it takes I will definitely kill you".

After witnessing the curse assimilate itself inside his body. Also, the things she wanted were in her hands. It was time for her to leave the place. She spread her bat wings, jumped through the air, and disappeared, swallowed by the night sky.

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