Transmigrate inside a Web Novel as a Side Character.

Chapter 14: Chapter 14 Reunion.

[Daily Quest Complete]

[Reward: All stats +1]

Soma is still lying face down on the cold hard, wet floor. His chest part was moving up and down pumping oxygen. He lifted his head looking upfront and saw the translucent window before him.

"I did it, haha".

Staying in that pose was clearly uncomfortable for him so he shifted his body to face the ceiling, and gave his lungs more freedom for gathering some oxygen. Looking at the window before his eyes, made the corner of his mouth lift. Even though the work was hard, it was pretty satisfying for him.

Soma pondered when he ever get this sense of accomplishment in his life. Never, in his life, had he experienced this kind of feeling.

"This feeling is great".

Soma closed his eyes, diving into this new feeling. Just a small act to show his progress in his stats makes his heart throb as a new feeling begins to creep out from inside his mind. He never thought that this outcome would greatly affect his mind. That is why everyone loves to play games because they can manage and see the result of their hard work. The thing is, he got addicted.

A clicking sound could be heard from the door behind him. The creaked sound that came from the door behind, opened slowly and a pretty lady wearing a nurse outfit appeared. She opened her eyes wide after seeing the state the room was in. She saw a boy with a drenched body lying on the floor gasping for breath and soon blood faded from her face.

"Oh my, are you okay!?".

The nurse clearly had a panicked reaction on her face. She dashed and approached Soma before crouching down beside him. Soma, muttered, "There must be a slight misunderstanding going on around here". Opened his mouth.

"..I am okay, don't worry".

"Please stay still for a moment. You are a patient that recently just awoke, after all. So leave everything to me!".

The nurse slid her hands toward Soma's back and knee. She raised him in a princess carry before bringing him back onto the soft bed.

The nurse began touching Soma's body. Checking his pulse and temperature, then she checked the surroundings, his drenched body, the wet floor, and the rising temperature the boy had aroused her curiosity.

"What have you been doing?".

"..Just, a small exercise. ..Don't worry my body is the epitome of health itself. I didn't feel any abnormalities, or anything since I woke up earlier".

Soma began to explain his body condition, afraid of the nurse reprimanding him. The nurse knitted her brows before sighing. Then she saw that the tray in the drawer was empty.

"Please wait for a bit, I will refill the water in the kettle. Ah, did you have an appetite? I will bring you some food".

Hearing her mention the word food, Soma's stomach began to growl, letting out some protest. He placed his left hand tapping his empty stomach trying to shooting it down.

"Yes, please".

"Okay, please rest, and don't do anything that will burden your body, since you just woke up from your long slumber".


The nurse nodded her head before carrying the tray and leaving the room. He never knew that he could get this treatment in the hospital. Maybe he was in a VIP room.

Alone in this spacious room, Soma began to turn his attention again to his status, while waiting for the nurse. Not long after that the door cracked open and the person who entered now was.

"Good morning Boy, how are your feeling?".



It was not the nurse that came earlier. It was the two awakeners that Soma met the other day.

The beautiful lady with red hair was Hisako. She is holding a tray filled with food that has been prepared for Soma. She is currently wearing casual clothes, a simple blue shirt with her shoulders open and a light white cardigan on top. On the lower part, She is wearing dark blue long jeans that are loose at the end and a pair of black heels. Approaching Soma, with a blossomed smile.

Behind her, Soma could spot a handsome guy with a calm trait holding a tray with a kettle and a glass cup, on top.

He was the husband of Hisako, Named Hiroshi. He had short black hair and gentle black eyes looking at him. Wearing a simple white shirt and a blue jacket on top. For the lower part, he is wearing dark blue jeans and a pair of branded sneakers.

"Why are you guys here?".

"Hehe, We came. Here is your food".

Hisako, who now stood beside Soma's bed, began to prepare the table and lay the food before Soma. Then she took a white chair from Soma under the bed and sat on the left side.

"Pardon for the intrusion".

As for Hiroshi, he walked around the bed and put the tray on top of the silver drawer. Before taking the chair and sitting on it.

The delicious smell from the food before him, that tickled his nostril made his stomach growl. He began to look around and hesitated before the two people.

"Hurry, enjoy your meal. Don't mind us".

"Help yourself".

After getting the two permissions. Soma nodded his head and began to put his hands together.

"Then, Let's eat".

Soma tried to eat his prepared meal slowly, but his hunger got the best of him. So he gulped the food before him like a starving person. As for the two couples, they watched Soma eating with an amused gaze that made Soma feel awkward.

After savoring the food. He clapped his hand and said his appreciation before drinking a glass of water to moisten his throat. Then began to face the couple.

"Why are you guys here?".

Soma repeated himself.

"We went to the hospital to check your condition and found you awoke after sleeping for a day. Ah, but first let me introduce myself. My name is Akabane Hisako and this was..".

"Akabane Hiroshi, pleased to meet you, boy".

"Ah, yes, pleased to meet you too. My name is Soma, and.. Wait, a day has passed?".

Hisako on his left nodded.

"Yes Soma, you have been sleeping for a day after the battle. Did you happen to remember something?".

"..No, not all of them".

Soma's lied. He remembered every detail of that fight. However, He couldn't just actually mention that he had gotten himself fused with the devil's blood and managed to kill one of the demons on his own. Luckily, the two of them were unconscious back then. So the event that happened that night stayed in the dark.

"Is that so?".

"How much did you remember that night?'.'

Hiroshi began to open his mouth. probing Soma.

Soma pondered for a bit before He formed a small lie. In hope can convince the two couples before him.

"..Um, what I remember was, when I struck a deal with the demon to let you two go, by giving the relics, and after she got what she wanted she stabbed me and..".


Hisako shot up from her chair and the chair was cluttered to the floor. Hiroshi also opened his eyes wide for a bit hearing Soma mention that. However, his gaze still holds a little doubt.

"Are you okay?".

"Yes, I am fine. Actually I have never felt this better in my life. I wonder why?".

Soma didn't lie about this one. He raised his left hand and put it on his left chest. Pretending to remember what happened last night. However, the action he took made Hisako raise her brow, and she began to put her right hand on top of his chest.

"Are you truly fine?"

Hiroshi asked worryingly.

"Yes, I truly am. As a matter of fact, how can I get here?".

As the topic of conversation was not too good for him if it kept continuing. Soma tried to change the subject. The couple looked at each other and began their story.

The couple began to describe what happened that night. After the demon left, Hiroshi was the one who got his consciousness back first. Checking the surroundings to make sure everything is fine. With his aching body, he began to search for the whereabouts of his wife.

Hiroshi found his wife sitting while leaning her battered body on the wall. He checked her condition and found no life-threatening injury on her. Then he found a boy who was out of place, after what happened last night, lying down in the middle of the main road with tattered clothes stained with blood.

He approached him and inspected his injury before calling for help and brought the two to the hospital.

"..And, I found out that you are the one entrusted with the relics by Hisako right. I am thankful for that".

After finishing his story, Hiroshi bowed his head and expressed his gratitude to Soma. Soma began to fluster and flapped his hands sideways.

"No, No need. Actually I am the one who should apologize because in the end I gave the two relics to save both of you and thank you for saving my life back then".

"What are you talking about? We are the ones who should feel gratitude. Because of your brave action you saved our lives".

"Ahaha, My wife is right. Because of your actions at that time. We are still here living and continuing our lives".

"..No, I..".

Before Soma could speak another word. The Warmth that enveloped his cheeks made him stop in his tracks. He found a pair of sharp and strong-willed eyes gazing at him. His cheeks are being squeezed by a pair of soft and smooth hands belonging to Hisako.

"Okay let's stop this never-ending gratitude. If not, the conversation will never end".

Soma, whose cheeks are being squeezed, nodded his head. Seeing that both of them had drawn the conclusion, Hisako released the grip on his cheeks.

"..But, I am curious about one thing?".

"About what, Mr. Hiroshi?".

Soma tilted his head..

"You said you were stabbed back then. But how couldn't I find a single wound when I found you unconscious back then?".

"Hey Hiroshi, is it that important to ask right now".

Hisako shot a glare at Hiroshi's side. She felt unpleasant about what her husband asked a child who was experiencing something horrible. But, Soma didn't feel disturbed or anything. Instead, he just raced his mind, trying to find a way to explain the thing he hid.

"..Um, I didn't know anything at that time. But, I noticed that my class has awakened".

Both the couple's bodies stiffened, hearing a word that appeared from Soma's mouth.

"Really, Soma?".

"Is what you said the truth?".

"Yes, It was..".

Soma hesitated at first before opening his status window and letting the other two see his class. By keeping the other hidden, the status only showed his name and class that was displayed.

[Status Window]

Name: Soma

Class: Martial Saint

""Martial Saint!!"".

After Soma shows his status window. The two of them have wide eyes. Even Hiroshi who keeps his cool all this time, can't help but be shocked after seeing this one.

"Dear, this is..".


Hiroshi keeps his mouth shut. It seems the two of them know how amazingly monstrous the Martial Saint in the legend is. Hiroshi, who was pondering, began to look at Soma's eyes directly.

"Soma, are you interested in going to Hero Academy?".

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