The World's most Overpowered Side-Character

Chapter 29: Demons approach

"Um, sir, was this your plan all along?" Sara looked at Sol concerned while he sat with his back turned to Gordo who was eating with the hooded woman in an open restaurant and staring at him menacingly

"Not particularly," Sol replied with a smile. "It just happened the way it did."

For an entire month after meeting the man, Sol spent his days greeting and then skillfully avoiding him until he had completely forgotten about returning the spear, his people were safe and they had already begun settling into Argom society, the only problem he had with this place was the way everything he did somehow turned into something villainous in the eyes of the people just as Sol's case had been, which was why he stopped chasing him around, because after observation, he saw no evidence of Sol being evil, but they never got along.

"You wasted your entire time playing cat and mouse with that poor man, and now your first battle is upon you, I know you are strong, but I still worry for your well-being, you are extremely carefree," Sara narrowed her eyes as she spoke to Sol.

"No worries, I'll be fine, it's like I said before, there ain't nothing on Arkadia that can kill me!" Sol chuckled and raised his glass of wine to her.

"Very well then," Sara nodded with a smile of her own. "I choose to believe you," She thought about that time he lost an arm and Ikaris literally created a new one on his body.

[The goddess of war is interested in the first raid of the tarnished against the invading demon forces]

"Your interest is wasted there, the only demon I have any interest in is their ruler, and I'm not particularly hasty to fight anyone either," Sol pushed the window out of his way.

"Did you say something" Sara looked at him again.

"Nope," He hummed back, and she went silent for a few seconds before finally asking.

"Sir, You already gave me an answer, sort of, but I am still confused about the relationship you and Lady Ikaris share, You say it is that of a master and a slave, but the way the two of you behave is more akin to newlyweds, it confuses me no matter what way I think of it, what are you to each other?"

"You're asking that again after spending two months with me?" Sol seemed bored at her question, but his expression sobered up as he thought about it. "Well, to be honest, Ikaris is my strength, it's important that she never leaves my side, but more than that, I don't think I'd have wanted to live on without her."Sol admitted and Sara's mouth dropped.

"I know she used me as a scapegoat, but she used her wealth to manipulate the shadows to get me a second chance at life, I'm not sure entirely what I am to Ikaris, but for me, she is hope, she brought me back to life and gave me purpose, and after I fulfilled that purpose she willingly chose to lay at my feet in service, it doesn't even matter that she does though because what would I be without her?

I don't have anyone else to turn to whether it's here or back on our world, she's my past present and future,"

"How could you have formed a bond so strong in just three months?" Sara seemed bemused, the same way Ikaris spoke of Sol with admiration in her eyes, Sol too spoke of her with that same look of admiration, or maybe even a bit more, it was beyond infatuation; they worshipped each other as their own gods.

"All we have is each other," Sol answered sternly.

"If I lose her, I lose a part of myself that I can never regain again... So I'm resolute not to, and it doesn't matter who, if anyone tries to take Ikaris away from me, I will kill them, it doesn't matter if it's a man, a god, beast, an angel, or a demon, I'll kill anyone who dares," Sol declared, resting his glass on the counter and looking over at Sara.

"She is verything, to me, Ikaris is the universe itself."

Sara refrained from responding, her curiosity had been completely sated.

[The goddess of love is infatuated with your story and wishes to know more]

[The god of misfortune raises a brow at your tale]

[The god of stories is taking notes]

[The god of chance has placed a bet]

Sometime afterwards, Sol was wearing the most bored expression as he stood next to Ikaris, who was standing before the queen with the other heroes as they were addressed.

"This speech is going to kill me," Sol mumbled, and Queen Vermon squeezed down on her sceptre with her eye twitching after hearing his murmur clearly.

"Master, show some courtesy," Ikaris elbowed Sol in his ribcage, but he just chuckled at her expression since she sees even more bored than he was. "You are making me stand through this lecture so you too must do the same.

"They are always like this when they face anyone important, what's their deal?" Bruce frowned at the way the two behaved.

"It's simple really, to them, none of this is of utmost importance, they just show up every time because they're required to, in their world, the only thing they see are each other." Eris answered, and in her tone she held both jealousy and admiration.

Sol and Ikaris went through the entire ceremony just like that, finding small ways to entertain each other until the queen finally stopped talking and started calling the heroes for their second blessing before they set off toward the approaching demon advance army.

"Han Young, Hero of the sword, though your start was not the most humble, aside from the hero Ikaris, your progress was the most polished, we had set a goal of sixty levels, and you met that goal punctually, as she has expressed her displeasure in leading the party, the role rests on your shoulders, respectfully." Queen Vermon placed the ceptre on Han's shoulder.

"I give you the blessing; [Strength] As long as you are leading, anyone who follows you will receive a boost of strength and speed, may your sword be true and strike down evil wherever it hides.

"Thank you, your majesty,"

"He didn't turn out so bad did he?" Sol nodded to himself, staring at Han's back.

"Master, the only reason that man was able to overcome his ego was because you kept knocking him off his pedestal." Ikaris countered, and Sol nodded again in agreement.

[Name: Han Young

Race: Human

Level: 66

Title: Hero

Skills: Cloud devouring sword, Strike (max), slash (max), 1001 bladestorm, space slash

Class: Sword Hero

Buffs: Strength (following party receives a 40% strength and speed buff whenever they are led by subject

Blessing: Queen's blessing, Sword arts

Curse: None

Special: Void slash (subject has a One-shot space-warping cleave technique that can be targeted at a single individual with no penalty, cooldown is 30m]

"Taking into account the strength they all possess with the [hero] title, I'd say these guys made some good progress, they should currently be stronger than general Grim by several degrees," Sol nodded.

"Hero Ikaris, please step forward and receive your second blessing," The queen called her, and Ikaris released Sol's arm and started walking ahead.

"This is rushed," Sol thought to himself, looking at the warning window in front of him. "If I hadn't told Ikaris to make a scene and emphasize the situation these idiots would have likely been attacked while they were unprepared," He frowned at the warning.

[Warning, the demon army is upon you, several lieutenants of the demon army are about to lay siege, the kingdom is unprepared, Argom is in danger of being overrun]

"It's time these isekai babies graduated and were exposed to some real danger." Sol grinned.

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