The World's most Overpowered Side-Character

Chapter 16: System Error

"Took her long enough," Sol snickered to himself watching the skilled maid run along the rooftop toward him, while Ikaris slowly disappeared.

"Sir, please refrain from wandering off like that in the future..." The maid stopped in front of them panting after searching the entire castle before seeing him through a tower window.

"Are you my babysitter?" Sol raised an amused brow.

"Actually, yes!" She reached for his hand and pulled him along roughly. "The general has instructed me to keep you in my sights at all times, now come, you are to take a bath and join the heroes for dinner with the queen, you as an imposter must keep a low profile and behave yourself is that understood?" The maid stepped on the edge of the window and Gertrude that he enter before her.

"... Understood ma'am,"

"Please, I am Sara, do not call me ma'am we should be the same age," She smiled at him.

"Okay, Sara." Sol smiled to himself and obeyed her.

"You're back?" Princess Vernon turned as soon as Ikaris entered the dressing room regarding her with a warm smile. "What happened?"

"She went crazy and jumped out a fricking window, that's what happened!" Dina grimaced from the side, she was no longer wearing her earth clothes, she and the other female heroes were instead wearing the clothes of Arkadian Nobility, though Dina herself was wearing pants while Eris and Usami wore full dresses.

On the other side of the room, Han and Bruce were wearing different clothes as well, leaving only Ikaris who had stubbornly refused to wear anything other than what Sol had given her.

"I met Dr'ul," Ikaris proclaimed with a sour expression. "I must say, I do not like her one...!?" She stopped shocked when the princess suddenly approached and grabbed her by her shoulders.

"Dr'ul!?" Darla shrieked, staring Ikaris in her eyes. "Did you truly meet Dr'ul!?"

"Yes, this large muscular figure with a body covered in white light and a flaming red sword, Dr'ul." Ikaris removed the princess's arms with a slightly disgusted face. "Do not touch me so casually, regardless of the situation,"

"A-apologies!" The princess dropped to her knees and stared up at Ikaris with bright blue eyes full of wonder, adoration, and respect. "Unbelievable, you have been acknowledged by the goddess of war and you have yet to even touch the battlefield!"

"Acknowledged, is an understatement-"

"Most definitely not!" The princess exclaimed passionately, causing a blush across her face.

"Dr'ul, the goddess of war, the most violent and impractical of all the gods that created Arkadia, I could have easily refused to believe, but not only did you provide her name despite not being Arkadian, but you even know her appearance which is only recorded once in the history of our people, magnificent, this... You Hero Ikaris, are truly magnificent!"

"Did she really?" Eris turned to Dina, but found the woman fuming with her teeth grit and steam rising off her clothes.

"Does she strike you as the type of woman who likes a lot, she's been unbelievable since the start, using magic even though nobody taught her, declaring herself the strongest, hell, there's a ten-thousand-year-old mural of her in the castle, it makes sense don't you think?" Usami asked with slight praise in her voice.

"Ikaris, is the chosen among us heroes, I think, if we all want to get back home alive, she's our best chance,"

"What garbage," Han spoke up. "There's no way you met any goddess of war, what a load of bull-"

"So I suppose that great red flame in the distance isn't the doing of the sword of the goddess of war falling from the heavens, and all the thundering you heard on this clear night were just what then?" Ikaris asked, pointing to a closed window, next to him.

"Don't bullshit me-" Han shoved the window open and went into shock when he saw the red flame she spoke of, a tower of crimson fire off in the distance that seemed to reach into the heavens.

"Why, why did the goddess drop her holy weapon, there is nothing in the texts that said this would ever happen," Princess Vermon stood after composing herself.

"History is not set in stone you know, unexpected things happen all the time, honestly, it was kind of a shock for me too," Ikaris nodded, but she didn't mean the fact that the goddess had lost her sword.

She was talking about the fact that Sol was only able to tank a single attack from her before being struck from the heavens, it made her blood boil that a foreign god was so easily able to beat her greatest warrior.

"The meal begins in thirty minutes," One of the maids had a small magical item resembling a watch staring at a timer with arcane letters and numbers.

"In the meantime, where is the imposter?"

"Oh, he is in the middle of a bath," Ikaris pouted, taking a seat opposite of everyone else and crossing her legs with the most regal posture the princess had ever seen from someone other than her mother.

"He was dragged there by several maids," She huffed.

"Several?" General Grim asked surprised. "I sent only one-"

"You will find that it takes more than a single woman to subdue him, Sol is a beast, he does whatever he wants whenever he wants, he does not adhere to any rule, he is subject to no being be it a mortal or a god, he is and will always be the brightest star," Ikaris boasted.

"Are you kidding me, that boy is nothing but a side character," Dina scoffed causing Ikaris to lower her gaze to meet the woman who seemed set on opposing every word she uttered. "Don't start trying to convert anyone into your fetishism.

"Dina Levina, a mere level 6," Ikaris smirked after hitting the nail on the head.

"I promise you, he may actively play the role of a weakling, but Sol is the strongest, otherwise, how could he have subjected me to his will, maybe the Sol you knew was some weakling, in fact, he probably was, but the man I met is not weak, he is resilient, intelligent, brave, heroic, he is everything a man should be, and most of all, he is powerful beyond anyone's wildest imagination, and despite all of that, he is still pure of heart."

"You expect me to believe that?" Han spoke up again, siding with Dina. "Sol Vestic has always been a weakling, just because he went and put on some muscle over a month of absence doesn't change that fact,"

Meanwhile, Sol was seated in the bathroom with three maids fully nude surrounding and washing him while he wore a serious expression as he recounted his short fight with the goddess of war.

"Dr'ul, she utterly beat me in two moves, if we weren't above such a populated place I'm sure she'd have tried killing me at whatever cost, but the last kingdom must be important to the gods, not only that, but she even cursed me, I'm sure Ikaris can get rid of it, but it just goes to show, I may be strong, but the gods here are no pushovers either, if I don't want to end up getting killed because of some irrational deity, I need even more strength, I don't know how, but I need to get stronger somehow!"


[Open status window]


[ Name- Sol Vestic

Race- Human +

Level- 98,350,120

Title- Error

Skills- Error

Class- Error

Buffs- Error

Blessing- Goddess's Love

Curse- Damned.

Special- Error

Evolution- Unknown]

"How on earth do I get stronger?"

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