The Villainess Proposed a Contractual Marriage

Chapter 22: Duke Luminel's Family

We had to endure Elphisia's shopping spree for what felt like an eternity.

Yulian, used to noble extravagance, seemed to handle it well enough. But Tina and Glen were visibly exhausted. And I, their supposed guardian, was pathetically at my limit trying not to show my fatigue.

That's when I had a profound realization.

'So that's why... In romance novels, male leads often buy entire boutiques or order everything in sight.'

Before this experience, I'd never understood. I'd misjudged it as just a way to show off the male lead's wealth.

The real reason romance novel heroes went overboard with luxury was...!

'No matter how much they love the heroine... shopping is mind-numbingly boring...!!!'

While the heroines might not have caught on, I, as a man, had cracked the code. It was clearly an unspoken plea to wrap up shopping quickly because they were dead tired, so everyone could go their separate ways.

How many women's hearts had these male leads been deceiving? No wonder the "scheming male" trope was so popular.

Just as I had this epiphany, Elphisia, showing off her glowing skin, got our attention.

"Well, we've got most of what we need for the Founding Day event. Let's head back to the mansion and rest."



As Elphisia narrowed her eyes at me, I quickly backpedaled.

"I mean, we'll finally see where my wife grew up... Wow, I can't wait..."

"Oh, w-wife...!"

Elphisia bit her lip for a moment. She broke the brief silence and continued as if nothing had happened.

"Ahem, when we arrive, you and I need to talk with Father. The rest of you can pick any room you like."

Yulian and Glen nodded. But Tina, eyes sparkling, asked Elphisia:

"If he's Mom's father... does that make him my grandfather?"

"...... I suppose it does."

Elphisia reluctantly agreed after some thought. Since Tina was officially our daughter on paper, Duke Luminel would technically be her grandfather.


Tina exclaimed, eyes full of excitement. But Elphisia and I could barely hide our mixed feelings.

Duke Luminel probably wouldn't make a great grandfather.

It was clear from how he treated Elphisia like a pawn.

He might even dislike Tina, who wasn't blood-related. After all, what Duke Luminel really wanted was a legitimate heir from Elphisia and me.

"Don't worry too much," Elphisia whispered, leaning close.

"Since getting you is his main goal, he won't lash out unnecessarily. He's just not that kind of person."

"I trust you. If he was dangerous, you wouldn't have suggested staying at his mansion."

"You're quite trusting. Of a wife you've only just met..."

"I wonder why too. It just feels right. Somehow, I've come to think I can trust you... even without any reason."

"Hmph, what's with that? Such a silly reason without any logic..."

Elphisia scolded me and then fell silent for a while.

Though usually hard to read, I could tell she was feeling embarrassed.

Even someone less observant would have noticed.

Her face was so flushed that even the sunset light through the carriage window couldn't hide it.

As we sat quietly, I suddenly noticed the sweet scent coming from Elphisia's hair.

'Rose perfume... It suits her perfectly.'

Elphisia was truly a red rose.

Not just because her face was tinged like a rose bud. She simply suited the passionate red, and her unapproachable personality reminded me of sharp thorns.

That's why I felt I needed more time to get to know her. Like carefully examining a thorny rose stem before touching it.

To avoid hurting the delicate flower through my own clumsiness.

'Sometimes... no, often I wonder.'

What she thinks as we live together.

Why she tries so hard to be nice.

If she's unhappy with this life at all.

'... I'm just curious.'

Touching the cheek where Elphisia once kissed me - that was surely just because my curiosity was getting the better of me.



By the time our carriage passed through the mansion's main gate, evening had fallen, and the sky had turned deep blue.

As soon as she stepped out, Elphisia started giving orders to the head butler.

"Head butler, prepare the best rooms for each of the children. And assign them discreet maids."

"Right away, my lady."

Watching the servants move with military precision, Tina let out a soft gasp.

"Mom, are you someone really important?"

"Well, from what I can see, there's no one here who isn't important."

Elphisia wasn't being modest - it was the plain truth.

Tina was a unique dragon-human hybrid, Yulian was the Third Prince, and even Glen was royalty from a fallen nation.

As for me... I was originally someone who shouldn't have left the temple at all.

In that sense, there wasn't a single ordinary person among us.

As the children were led away to their rooms, Elphisia held out her hand to me.

"Shall we? It's time to meet Father."

"Sorry about this. I should've offered to escort you first, but I'm still not used to it..."

"Did you think I married you without knowing that? You worry about the strangest things."

"Take it as me trying to improve. You're such an amazing wife that I want to be a better husband too."

Elphisia linked her arm with mine and leaned on me but didn't respond. Yet the atmosphere felt warm rather than cold, which was oddly comforting. It seemed my efforts weren't entirely wasted.

We walked like that for quite a while. The corridor seemed endless, far grander than the short, narrow hallways of the orphanage.

It was awe-inspiring that a private home, not even a temple, could be this massive.

"How does someone even get this rich?"

"Our family's old money, but Father has made even more."

"Through business?"

"Surprisingly, he put in the physical work. He's a war hero, and he even killed a dragon once, selling all the parts."

Right, Duke Luminel was known as the Empire's Greatest Swordsman. His military achievements were no empty boast.

"Were dragons really that valuable?"

"Of course. The body doesn't rot, and things like dragon bones and hearts are worth a fortune."

"... Maybe I shouldn't have burned that one then."

"I doubt anyone would even think it possible to burn a dragon."

According to Elphisia, dragon bones were the best material for weapons and armor, and the heart held immense magical power. Apparently, when news spread of a dragon being caught, merchants and nobles lined up at the mansion.

Dragons never appeared in the original story, so I had no idea. The plot seemed to focus more on political intrigue.

Plus, my lack of common knowledge from being stuck in the temple didn't help.

"We're here."

Elphisia stopped in front of a large door. I expected her to knock, but the door opened by itself.

'That's pretty impressive.'

Moving objects with your mind was something only the Holy Knight Commander could do. He usually opened doors like this to show off, and it seemed Duke Luminel had a similar flair for the dramatic.

We stepped into the Duke's office together.

We then offered our greetings.

"It's been a while, Father."

"Pleased to meet you. I'm Harte, Elphisia's husband."

Given that this was a contract marriage, I couldn't bring myself to add something like, "Please take good care of me, Father-in-law."

That was purely a matter of conscience.

The Duke greeted us with a bright smile and held out his hand. I immediately shook it.

"Pleased to meet you, son-in-law. I'm Cardi Luminel. Seeing my daughter bring such a fine young man reminds me of my late wife."

How she would have loved to see Elphisia married like this.

And how warmly she would have welcomed her son-in-law.

The Duke wiped away tears as he poured out these pleasantries.

'... Those are real tears. If that's pure acting, he's a master of the craft.'

I struggled to swallow my nervousness.

The original work barely described him, and he clearly had the upper hand in social experience.

Heightened wariness was inevitable.

Finally, he offered us seats.

"Please, sit down. It's been my dream to sit and chat with my daughter's man like this. People might think I have grand ambitions... but they'd be quite wrong."

"Haha... I see."

The Duke turned his gaze to Elphisia.

"You look well, my dear. It seems your husband is treating you right."

"Yes, he's diligently fulfilling his husbandly duties."

"Duties, you say... duties... Well, that's good to hear."

Even the most oblivious person could grasp the gist of this brief exchange.

The Duke was probing whether we were working on producing an heir - the husband's duty.

Of course, Elphisia lied without batting an eye. How could we be working on an heir when we slept in separate rooms?

"Well, well, I'm glad to see you two getting along so well. I've been warming the fireplace with piles of love letters, wondering who I'd be meeting. It turns out it was all for you."

This was news to me. Unable to tell if it was a joke or the truth, I asked quietly.

"... Really? You warmed the fireplace with love letters?"

"Yes. It's true."


My heart ached at Elphisia's behavior.

Fundamentally, feelings of affection for someone are noble. Even if Elphisia wasn't satisfied, she had a duty to respond sincerely.

If the contents of the letters were respectful... honestly, I think she went too far.



"Your thoughts show plainly on your face. It's a flaw of yours."

"Ugh... Well, I'm sorry..."

"It's fine. It's not like I don't know your nature as a man of the Temple."

Elphisia then added an enigmatic sentence in passing.

"Besides... you've been just as cold-hearted yourself."

As I was about to ask Elphisia for details, the Duke cut in with a voice full of goodwill.

"Oh my, have I kept this newlywed couple too long? How thoughtless of me."

His cheerful tone suggested he wasn't offended. He was also the first to rise from his chair.

"You should retire for now. We have plenty of time ahead..."

"... Thank you, Your Grace."

"We'll pay our respects in the morning."

The brief conversation concluded under the Duke's direction.

He personally escorted us out of his office. Judging by his expression and manner alone, he was the very image of a benevolent father-in-law welcoming his daughter's husband.

It was a meeting that left me with decidedly mixed feelings.



The moment I realized I'd overlooked something crucial was when Elphisia entered the room wearing rather thin, provocative clothing.

Elphisia and I are a proper married couple. The servants had a duty to heat up the atmosphere in the marital bedroom, and Elphisia had become the sacrificial lamb for that duty.

That was all there was to it.


"Why are you calling me...?"

"Stop hanging your head and look this way."

"No... my spine is strong... I can endure like this all night..."

"... I'm properly hidden under the blanket. I don't want you to be uncomfortable either."

Only then did I turn my eyes to where Elphisia lay. Sure enough, there she was, face flushed, with the blanket pulled up to her chin.

"Elphisia, I should really sleep on the sofa. I swear I have absolutely no intention of doing anything inappropriate."

"You don't need to do that. I am your wife, after all. A wife should trust her husband."

"That's... touching."

"So hurry up and lie down. It's making me uncomfortable just watching you."

"... Alright."

Following her instructions, I slowly lay down on the bed and pulled up the covers. The unfamiliar softness of the pillow immediately captivated my senses. It was a heavenly sensation worthy of being called a new world.

Moreover, by turning my head slightly to the side, I could see Elphisia's face at the same level and position.

Her beautiful face with auburn hair spread out on the white bed sheets and ruby-like eyes...

Our sideways gazes met for a long time.

I felt oddly shy.

It was my first experience lying down at such close proximity, and it made me feel warm and fuzzy.

As our gazes lingered dreamily, Elphisia called out to me.


"Yes, Elphisia."

"Do you regret it? Coming this far..."


I could answer without hesitation.

"Not at all."

While it had become troublesome in the end, there was nothing to regret.

This fate was born from acting entirely for the sake of the children. If we hadn't been summoned here, the orphans' fates would have taken a drastically different turn.

I was satisfied, having traded peace for saving lives.

Elphisia said to me:

"Me neither. You might not believe it, but... I haven't regretted returning here even once."

"I... see."

"For your sake, since you're struggling to understand but feel compelled to respond, I'll spell it out clearly."

Elphisia, her eyes filled with warmth, shared her thoughts:

"The implication is that the lack of banquets, soft beds, luxuries, and wide hallways in that place... couldn't cause me any discomfort."

Her candid and refreshing statement involuntarily made me chuckle. It was quintessentially Elphisia - sharp words with a warm underlying meaning.

"I told you, didn't I? Everything shows on your face. I can always see you feeling indebted to me."

"I guess... you caught me."

"Whether I catch it or not, don't pity others on your own. Believe it or not... I'm enjoying this, if only by the tiniest fraction."

Embarrassed by her final remark, Elphisia turned to face the other way. Still, her ears peeking through her auburn hair were honest. The color of her ears, thoroughly flushed with heat, was sincere and pretty.

What expression would she make if I gently caressed her ear right now?

Surely, she would...



That snapped me back to reality.

'What was I fantasizing about!'

Thou shalt not be a pervert. Thou shalt not sin.

Begone, worldly desires! Begone, temptation...!

At that moment, Elphisia prodded suspiciously.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing... What is it?"

"It's nothing much, just that the clothes I'm wearing are a bit chilly."

"I'll get you something else to wear."

"No need. I don't want to be a bother."

"Then, um..."

Before I could properly consider, Elphisia came up with her own solution.

She slightly extended her right hand from under the blanket.

Then she said...

"Would you hold my hand?"

"Your hand...? Is that enough?"

"Yes. That should be enough to chase away the cold."

"If that's the case..."

I carefully reached out my left hand and grasped hers. Elphisia, seeming uncomfortable, fidgeted her hand around before finally settling on firmly interlocking our fingers.

"Good night, Elphisia."


There was no reply.

Just a slight twitch of our intertwined fingers.

But that alone was enough to assure me that Elphisia had heard my goodnight.

It's warm.

My earlier concerns proved unfounded.

It truly was... warm.

Just from firmly holding hands.

Merely connected hand to hand.

As if there was a cozy fireplace nearby...

I couldn't help but marvel at Elphisia's wisdom.

As the night deepened, it grew increasingly warmer.

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