The Villainess Proposed a Contractual Marriage

Chapter 14: Abandoned Ties

The Empire's marriage procedures are straightforward.

Nobles need the emperor's approval to marry, as certain unions can shift the balance of power.

Commoners only need to notify their local lord with paperwork. This makes sense, as such marriages rarely cause issues. As a result, few lords bother scrutinizing these documents.

But what about marriages between nobles and commoners?

Traditionally, if the noble is an heir, imperial approval is required.

However, for those without inheritance rights, like Elphisia, approval from the local lord is enough.

So Court Count Arwel found himself thinking about the marriage contract between Harte and Elphisia on his desk.

"Duke Luminel has... lost his mind."

He'd wondered what the Duke was up to, trying to get closer to Harte, but to marry off his daughter?

More surprisingly, Harte actually agreed to this?

He wasn't one to rush into such a big decision, low status notwithstanding.

"As much as I'd like to step in..."

If this marriage was Harte's own choice, Arwel had no grounds to object.

Plus, refusing might give Duke Luminel leverage to pressure him.

"Approving is... the right choice, isn't it?"

If the marriage was truly ill-advised, the Temple - a powerful organization - would surely intervene.

Harte was, after all, a rare individual capable of wielding divine power.

Speaking up then wouldn't be too late.


Court Count Arwel's seal stamped the couple's marriage contract.

No turning back now.

Harte and Elphisia were now legally married, having followed proper procedures.

"May your future be blessed."

Arwel prayed with all his might for his benefactor.



After Elphisia moved into the orphanage, I often watched her in secret.

Despite her strong sense of responsibility, I worried about her relationships from the original story.

Yulian and Tina were openly hostile, while Glen was treated as her personal assassin. I feared their relationships might worsen.

I soon realized these concerns were unfounded.

"Mom, can you read this book to me?"

"Bring it here."

Though she maintained a brusque demeanor, she never refused.

In truth, Tina was well past the age of being read to. But it seemed she wanted to act childish with her new mother.

No doubt she had things she wanted from a mother, not a father.

"You know what? I love when you read to me because your voice is so pretty!"

"It's all because of a promise."

"A promise?"


Tina tilted her head, puzzled. What her little mind would make of it was anyone's guess.

Though she couldn't quite figure it out, Tina's face beamed.

"Then it must be a really good promise! Because we got a new family member!"

"... I see."

Elphisia, still wearing a cold expression, popped a cookie into Tina's mouth.

"Here, eat this. It'll interrupt the reading otherwise."

"Okay, got it."

As Tina munched on the cookie in her lap, Elphisia's clear voice filled the quiet room.

Indeed, as Tina said, Elphisia's voice was quite beautiful.

With that voice leading a service, even drowsy clergy would stay awake.

As Elphisia left Tina's room, our eyes met in the narrow hallway.


Feeling awkward for no reason, I blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"It's good to see you like the kids."

Contrary to my observation, Elphisia crossed her arms and turned away.

"Hmph, I can't stand kids! How does it make sense for someone my age to have children? What's so great about these tiring little things running around all day..."

"So it's all because of the contract?"

"What other reason could there be?"

"I see."

If there's one thing I've learned about Elphisia in the past few days, it's that she's not always straightforward.

Though diligent in her actions, she has a habit of speaking harshly. As if she has some defense mechanism to repel kindness directed at her.

I smirked subtly and prodded her with my words.

"So giving Yulian books and teaching him, listening to Glen's worries late into the night - that's all because of the contract too?"

"Wh-what are you getting at?"

"Just thinking how lucky I am. To get such a wise and diligent wife from a single contract. Did I do something good in my past life?"


Elphisia's face turned as red as an apple. Moreover, the way she fidgeted with her fingers looked somewhat ominous.

'Did I tease her too much...?'

I hastily waved my hands, speaking as if to make excuses.

"No, well, I just mean you're so good at keeping promises. I haven't done much yet... so if you ever need anything, just say the word.

I'll keep my end too."

"Keep what?"

"A husband's duty."


Thud, thud, thump, thump!

Elphisia brushed past me forcefully without a word. I didn't know where she was headed, but she was clearly avoiding me.

Suddenly, she stopped and turned her head slightly towards me.

She said:

"... You got one thing right."

"Hm? What's that?"

"That you did something good in your past life."

"... Ahaha."

Unexpectedly, she went along with the joke. She certainly wasn't just a rigid, cold person.


"Yes, Elphisia?"

"Didn't you say you were heading to the night market soon to buy groceries for tomorrow?"

"Ah, yes, I did."

"I see."

"Is something wrong?"

"No. Just..."

Elphisia's next words were quite suggestive:

"After the children are asleep, I'll come to you privately."

"... Huh?"

An expression open to multiple interpretations.

My mind keeps shifting its meaning in strange directions, leaving me blank.

While I stood there stupidly frozen, Elphisia quietly vanished.

"What was that...?"



Elphisia headed to Yulian's room, bypassing Harte.

Their evening routine had settled into tutoring Yulian after dinner. So Yulian, already seated at his desk, greeted Elphisia.

"Have you arrived, Vice Director?"

Yulian and Glen address Elphisia as "Vice Director." This came from feeling that "wife" or "ma'am" sounded too distant.

Elphisia readily accepted the title of Vice Director, but when addressing Yulian in private, she used a different, more genuine title.

"You've done your review, I presume? Your Highness."

"Of course."

The formal speech was mutual. Elphisia's manner was as respectful as addressing a superior.

From the start, both knew each other's true identity.

It was unlikely for Elphisia not to recognize the Third Prince's face, and the Third Prince couldn't possibly be unaware of Elphisia, a well-known socialite.

Elphisia opened a book identical to Yulian's and began reading political theory. Yulian listened intently to her explanations and elaborations, taking diligent notes.

As the lesson progressed, a moment of leisure arose. This was one of the few times for casual conversation during their studies.

"Honestly, I'm still amazed. To think I'd be studying under you, Vice Director..."

"Consider it an honor and learn diligently. Studies shouldn't end as mere studies."


"You can't hide in Court Count Arwel's domain forever, can you?"

As Elphisia said, Yulian was destined to participate in the struggle for succession someday.

With no faction and his young age, he could only lie low for now.

But as years pass and he grows into a young man, he must inevitably reveal himself to the world.

"Hmm, I wonder how you ended up betrothed to someone like the Director."

"... What nonsense are you spouting?"

"Am I wrong? I don't believe your engagement with the Director happened through proper channels. There must be some underlying story."


"Nothing more to add. I just find it curious how you seem to be a good mother and partner to others, if not to me."

Yulian meant to express a purely innocent observation, but Elphisia retorted curtly.

"Ha, how annoying. I'll give you a memorization test."


"It's punishment for letting your mind wander during studies."

"You're much stricter than the Director..."

"Unfortunately, unlike him, I know how to get angry."

Elphisia watched Yulian struggle to answer her questions.

Knowing what kind of adult he would grow into, she found it rather fascinating.

The same went for everyone here.

There wasn't a single unfamiliar face at the orphanage.

She'd barely managed to hide her surprise upon seeing these familiar faces.

'Of course... being called "Papa" was so shocking at first that I only realized later.'

To think someone like her would flounder in confusion...

She wondered how fate had twisted to bring them all together like this.

But she didn't dwell on it much.

Because Harte was at the center of it all.

She accepted it as the result brought about by the only man she trusted.

Moreover, the future is inherently uncertain.

Even the smallest actions can lead to significant changes.

There must have been some catalyst at work somewhere. At least, that's what Elphisia thought.

There's no point in dwelling on the past; from now on, she must do her best.

If she could make up for even a fraction of her sins by caring for these children she once hurt...

She felt she might be able to look Harte in the eye with some dignity.



A spouse's duty. What does that entail?

Spouses should trust, rely on, and support each other as a virtue.

They should also be faithful in all matters as each other's one and only companion.

... That's what most people think.

But in noble society, it's different.

In aristocratic circles, a wife's main duty is to produce an heir.

It makes sense, given the trouble caused by lacking a legitimate successor.

Elphisia came from such a noble society.

And now this woman says she'll visit me secretly late at night.

Though I know it's wrong, I struggle to suppress my wild imagination.

"Thou shalt not commit adultery. Even in thought, I have already sinned... Oh Mother in Heaven, please grant me chaste discipline..."


As I prayed, golden particles fluttered around me like fireflies.

The divine power I hadn't meant to use reacted.

'Hey, disappear quickly!'

Shik, shik!

I wave my hands like fans, trying to shoo away the bits of divine energy.


This is terribly awkward.

My prayer was so earnest I nearly caused a miracle.

A miracle coming from lewd fantasies. I'd rather headbutt a wall and die of embarrassment than see such a thing.

"What should I do...?"

It's just base fantasy for now, but if Elphisia really comes seeking physical intimacy, I'll be in a tough spot.

I can't easily accept such a request.

I know loveless physical relationships are common. I'm not naive enough to insist that love must accompany sex.

But that's merely respecting others' lives.

At least my mindset is no different from the temple clergy.

Originally, I planned to stay chaste for life.

Now that I've left the temple, I don't have to stay chaste, but that doesn't mean my principles have changed.

Loveless sex.

The mere thought makes me faint, and it's something I just can't do.

Even if Elphisia wants it... I...


I can't help but sigh.

Just then, a polite knock pierced my ears.

Knock knock.


Unconsciously, I straightened my back and sat up straight on the bed. After waiting over 10 seconds with no entry, I remembered to speak.

"C-come in!"

"Excuse me."

As soon as Elphisia opened the door and entered, she glared at me strangely.

"What's with that ramrod straight posture?"

"Lately... I felt like I've been sitting crookedly."


It was such a stupid excuse it made me question my own intelligence. However, Elphisia graciously let it slide.

"Well, whatever. If that posture is comfortable for you, by all means."




An awkward silence hangs between us.

Having already committed a sin, I take the initiative to break the ice.

"Ahem, Elphisia. May I ask why you're here?"

"Yes, there's an urgent matter I'd like to discuss."

"What is it?"

"It's about a child."

"Kuheh, kek, cough, cough!"

A child?

Did she say child?

About having a baby... that kind of child...?

"I was talking about Tina... Harte, what were you imagining?"

"Ah, aha. Ha. Tina. Tina, I see. Uh. Yes. Tina..."


Elphisia let out a deep sigh.

"I don't particularly want to have your child, but if you really insist, I wouldn't mind? This too is a spouse's duty, after all."


"Yes, Harte. Even if it's right now, I truly, really, particularly, don't mind..."

"A-aren't you being too shameless...?!"

"Eh, what? Wh-what...!"

"How can you suggest having a child when there's no love...!!!"

I shouted while trying my best to keep my voice down.

I was careful not to let the children overhear.

Elphisia, the one in question, immediately retorted with a flushed face.

"You're the one who misunderstood first!"

"You went along with it!"

"Good heavens, I'm at a loss for words...!"

"Look, Elphisia. I believe intimate relations should only happen with love. But... hearing such things makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong."

The sins of voyeurism and fantasy...

This was wrong to do to Elphisia, who was the subject of it all.

"How could we... have a child when our contract is so clear? Love is crucial for everything. Love..."

"Not particularly..."


"Important... already... have..."

Her mumbling made it hard to hear clearly.

In any case, judging by Elphisia's spreading blush, she seemed quite embarrassed too.

It's time to sort things out.

Now that the misunderstanding is cleared, we can have an honest conversation.

"Ahem, anyway! You mentioned Tina, right? What about her?"

"Really, you..."

Elphisia grumbled briefly before focusing on the matter at hand.

"Haah, I should probably discuss this with Tina later too... but I thought I should tell you first."

"Okay, go ahead."

"This is just a what-if, but... what would you do if Tina wanted to go with her birth mother?"

"Her birth mother...?"

She must mean the woman caught up in the dragon's whims.

The woman who sent Tina away, unable to handle her outbursts.

Things are different now.

The dragon's instincts that tormented Tina are gone, and she can mix with ordinary people.

In other words, Tina's birth mother could now raise her normally.

'It's not impossible.'

There's a reason they call the love for one's own flesh and blood unconditional.

I couldn't be sure about the relationship between Tina and her birth mother.

"But... why do you ask?"

"Because I found her."

"Found her? You don't mean...!"

"Yes. That's exactly what I mean."

Elphisia made it clear.

"I know where the birth mother is."

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