The Unique Guardian Beast Master in Cultivation World

Chapter 250 - 177: Self-sufficient Food Supply_2

Chapter 250: Chapter 177: Self-sufficient Food Supply_2

Translator: 549690339

Of course, extending one’s lifespan is highly challenging, but it is easier to restore his originally lost lifespan.

Martial Artists are ferocious and combative, often dueling to the death. Who knows how many battles this old man, who looks ancient and feeble, has been through in the past two hundred years?

Feng Qing’an doesn’t know the details, but he does know that the life essence of this old man is severely depleted. But this is a common condition among martial artists; it’s quite rare to see a martial artist brimming with vital energy.

“Young master, just keep going. If I can’t keep up, I’ll naturally stop. I won’t hinder your journey!”

The old man’s face broke into a joyful smile as he made this promise.

“By the way, I rarely stick to the main roads. I like to cross mountains and valleys when the mood strikes me. Is that okay with you?”

“That’s quite a coincidence. When I travel, I also like to cross mountains and valleys instead of following the main roads!”

“That’s good. May I ask your honorable surname? How should I address you?” Feng Qing’an continued to inquire.

“Before you, I would not dare call myself ‘honorable’. I am surnamed Zhao, the third son in my family. If you don’t mind, you can simply call me Zhao Lao


“If I address you in that manner, others might think less of me – saying I don’t respect the elderly!”


The old warrior was momentarily stumped. Although he had lived a long time, he had mostly been a martial artist – amongst whom respect for the elderly was not really emphasized, especially in conflict.

“Given your age, I assume you’re quite adept at dealing with people. In that case, how about you serve as my steward? I shall call you Steward Zhao. Does that sound good?”

“Thank you for your graciousness!”

As he spoke, the old man made a slight bow, then glanced at his ragged clothes,

“I should change into something more suitable. My current attire is too shabby!”

“That’s not a problem. If anyone dares to grumble in your presence, you can slap them!”

Feng Qing’an set off again, now with a seemingly disciplined, cautious Steward Zhao following behind him – but this was just the first, not the last.

Maniacs and zealots discarding wealth and fame in pursuit of higher martial arts accomplishments have never been few.

With the rumors of the Martial God Armor spreading from Anqing Mansion outward, Feng Qing’an found his previously calm travels becoming quite lively.

Every day, martial artists sought him out. At first, Feng Qing’an found it amusing, but as it continued, he began to grow impatient. He realized that those who sought him out were all looking for free tips.

According to the rumors, the Martial God Armor would only spar with others, not endangering their lives.

Under those circumstances, many martial artists seeking further progress approached him. Even timid cowards, upon hearing the rumors, dared to approach him. After all, their lives weren’t at risk, they wouldn’t even get injured. So why not experience the so-called Martial God firsthand?

Feng Qing’an agreed to let the Divine Dragon Armor spar with martial artists initially because it could integrate and grasp its own learnings through the process.

But after discovering that continuing to battle opponents of this caliber brought no benefit or feedback, and was simply a waste of time, he changed his approach.

Want to spar with the Martial God Armor? Sure!

Firstly, you must be in the Gang Sha realm. Secondly, you must defeat Steward Zhao first. Only those who defeat him can spar with the Martial God Armor. And finally, the most important point.

The duel with the Martial God Armor is no longer free of charge. If you lose, you must hand over your martial arts techniques and skills. If you win… well, that’s simply impossible.

Feng Qing’an was total confident in the Divine Dragon Armor, but the martial artists bold enough to challenge him – weren’t they all full of faith in themselves?

Not only was it a bait, had made the bait quite enticing. The one who can win the challenge can get a martial arts scripture from him that leads to the Divine Elixir Realm.

Although it was only a speculated Divine Elixir Realm, and even the creator of the derivation method hadn’t replenished to that realm, it didn’t consider as fake. Besides, this bait was merely to “fish”, Feng Qing’an had no intentions of letting the “fish” have it, so it didn’t matter anyway.

However, when the aroma of the “bait” spread out, the martial artists of Da Jin went insane instantly. Every martial artist who received the news hit the road without hesitation.

Some may not care about the Martial God’s Armor, and snort at the alias of the Martial God, but few martial artists could ignore a martial scripture that allows cultivation to the Divine Elixir Realm.

Da Jin’s control over martial techniques is particularly strict because they cannot manage Immortal Cultivators, and their constraints on ghosts and gods are very limited. Within Da Jin territory, many are granted favor, and the spiritual beings that do not obey orders abound.

So when a martial scripture that allows cultivation to the Divine Elixir Realm appeared, numerous martial artists immediately went insane. Some people questioned the news, but after investigating the origins of the people holding the martial scriptures, no one doubted anymore.

One who has slaughtered many ghosts and spirits, would it not be normal for him to possess a martial scripture that allows cultivation to reach Divine Elixir Realm? It would be abnormal if he didn’t.

As a result, wherever Feng Qing’an went, it was a scene of desolation, full of ruins. This naturally had nothing to do with him; it was just the destruction caused by the pursuing martial artists and the traces left from their clashes.

Most of these were skirmishes between martial artists. The Dragon Armor rarely took action. The obstacles set by Feng Qing’an could eliminate many martial artists. Of course, only the housekeeper, Zhao could keep up, forcing the poor elderly man to do a lot of running.

But Feng Qing’an wasn’t completely heartless. Along the way, he selectively accepted a few Gang Sha martial artists who expressed a desire to follow him and let them help the Dragon Armor choose its opponents.

And the reward? That was even simpler. Regularly let the Dragon Armor beat them up. The more brutal, the better. After each session, these fellows would have to express their gratitude while nursing their wounds with pleasure.

Gold, silver, and currency were too vulgar. Not to mention Feng Qing’an didn’t care, but also the people who sought to follow him didn’t care. Many brought their own rations and wanted to follow him around with great enthusiasm.

However, Feng Qing’an’s standards were rising, and he became more particular when choosing followers. After the number of martial artists following him increased to seven, he basically ceased selecting any more.

It’s enough. Although clashes between martial artists often resulted in broken limbs, there was a Qilin Beast that could revive the dead and rebuild the flesh at Feng Qing’an’s side. As long as they didn’t die, there wasn’t anything that couldn’t be cured.

This drove the martial artists of Da Jin even crazier!

“Young Master, we will reach Jinling Prefecture soon!”

The carriage glided smoothly, and Zhao looked younger by decades. His full head of white hair had turned light grey. Zhao drew near the carriage, bowed his head, and respectfully reported.

“I have sent Sun Biao ahead to prepare a residence in the city for you!”


Inside the carriage, a lazy voice floated out. A gentle breeze blowing the curtain revealed a young man lying between two wolves. After a few days, he had acquired an aristocratic aura, and the term ‘young master’ was no longer just a courtesy; it was fitting for him.

“Take care of it. You don’t need to report every little thing!”


The old housekeeper withdrew respectfully. By evening, under the escort of numerous powerful martial artists, he moved into a large house without spending a single copper coin. The followers paid out of their own pockets, and even the deed was given to him.

Just after he settled in, the familiar scent of sandalwood permeated the courtyard. This time, before Feng Qing’an could react, the Gang Sha martial artists who had moved in with him had already drawn their swords.

Martial artists bathed in the aura of celestial strangulation and terrestrial slaughter were not ordinary people; most tricks used by monsters, ghosts, and snake spirits could not fool their eyes.


An enormous, bear-like man wielding a blood blade stared at the ghost that drifted into the courtyard and, without uttering a word, swung his blade. Even ghosts need to announce their arrival; entering without announcement was considered as theft, execute him!

“Young Master, please spare me!”

The ghost that passed through the wall into the courtyard, upon seeing the brutal and violent blade light, was scared to the point where its soul was about to disperse. Robust martial artists whose aura was like a furnace were the very people they abhorred the most.


Feng Qing’an halted the bear-like man, causing his blade to pause mid-air, sparing the ghost from being sliced apart. Even so, it was still trembling. With a dozen pairs of eyes fixated on him, he felt under immense pressure like never before.

“Interesting. When I first entered the city, what I saw were either Military Judges or the Prefecture City God himself. Unexpectely, on arriving here, it’s you, a minor official!”

“Young Master, you misunderstand! This humble official is here to deliver an invitation.. The City God has prepared a welcome banquet for you!”

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