The Shelter Game: Me, Starting with a Tenfold Drop Rate

Chapter 126: The Initial Layout

After the security manager of Ocean Group left, only Irving and Bjamin remained in the office.

By this time, Bjamin had already changed from his bulletproof vest into a regular suit. To Irving, Bjamin now looked like a young professional who had just started working.

With a calm expression on his face, Bjamin coldly said to Irving, "Presidt Tang has just called me. I'll immediately execute the decisions you and she have agreed upon. Wh do you plan to ter the shelter game? I'll familiarize you with the mines and subordinate guilds under my control."

Bjamin was indeed a man of action.

He was well aware of the relationship betwe Irving, the chairman, and the chairman's daughter. His task now was to minimize unnecessary trouble and demonstrate his capabilities and loyalty.

Without wasting a single word, Bjamin had already mapped out the next steps.

"Since we are partners, I should naturally offer you some help," Irving said, pulling out a doz ordinary weapons and a few advanced ones from thin air.

"Consider these as my contribution. Distribute them to your people quickly so they can familiarize themselves with them."

Bjamin didn't refuse and swiftly collected the weapons. He knew this wasn't the time for politess. These weapons were crucial for boosting their combat effectivess and supporting the tire team.

"Are you suggesting we will soon face a critical situation?" Bjamin's expression remained calm, but his tone showed a hint of concern.

"Why do you ask that?"

"There's no need for you to rush to distribute these weapons unless you anticipated an urgt situation. Giv your willingness to help, merely providing the weapons would suffice. The only logical explanation is that you know we will face a critical situation in the shelter game soon. Considering your backg, you must have crucial information."

Bjamin laid out his reasoning directly.

Irving scrutinized Bjamin from head to toe, feeling that Bjamin was a man of deep mystery.

"I'm really not sure if I should cooperate with you," Irving said hesitantly.

Although Bjamin had be helpful and was loyal to both Ocean Group and the Smith family, Irving couldn't shake the feeling that Bjamin was hiding other secrets.

"Whether or not you cooperate with me is tirely your decision. My job is to follow Presidt Tang's orders. If she commands me to cooperate with you, th I will," Bjamin replied.

Bjamin had originally hoped that Irving would answer his question. He didn't expect Irving to still be suspicious of him. However, Bjamin had countered similar situations before. Wh faced with others' doubts, he never bothered to explain himself.

After all, they didn't have a foundation of trust yet. This cooperation was a good opportunity for both sides to achieve a certain level of understanding and increase mutual trust. So, explanations were useless; the most important thing was to get things done right.

"Do you have any other matters to discuss? If not, let's ter the shelter game together," Bjamin urged, wanting Irving to quickly familiarize himself with the mines and the guild members under Ocean Group's control.

Irving looked at Bjamin and finally nodded in agreemt. "I'll return to my place as soon as possible. Once I'm in the shelter game, I'll notify you." With that, Irving left immediately.

Irving could have tered the shelter game from Bjamin's shelter, but doing so posed significant risks for him. He wasn't sure yet if Bjamin was tirely trustworthy.

After Irving left, Bjamin glanced at the documts on his desk. After a momt of hesitation, he picked up the phone on his desk.

"Old Chairman, I still have some concerns. Irving has hidd a lot from us. He must know more detailed information about the shelter game."

"That's not your concern," came Donald's voice from the other d of the line. "Just follow the Presidt's orders and continue cooperating with Irving. For your safety, I'll have others keep an eye on Irving. You don't need to watch him anymore."

Donald didn't fully trust Irving either. He had initially ordered Bjamin to keep a close watch on Irving. But after Vicky decided to cooperate with Irving, it became impractical for Bjamin to keep a close eye on him. After all, in the shelter game, Bjamin and Irving would need to coordinate in battle.

"I understand! I'll cooperate with him properly!" After hanging up, Bjamin prepared to ter the shelter game. Before Irving contacted him, he needed to inform others about the cooperation with Irving.

On his way back home, Irving carefully pondered his conversation with Bjamin. He felt that Bjamin was hinting at something more. But after thinking for a while, he decided not to waste any more ergy on it.

"No matter what information Bjamin is hiding, I've already completed the initial layout. Not only have I collaborated with James and the Gre Ivy Group, as well as the Gre Family Guild, but I also have close ties with the Angel Guild. Now, with this cooperation with Ocean Group's guild, I have considerable support in the shelter game."

With so much support, I can safely navigate the upcoming crisis in the shelter game. However, I must remain vigilant. The Night Blades are about to stir up a rebellion in several cities a the City of Warding. I need to be fully prepared.

Irving had indeed completed the initial layout. His strategy involved not only the shelter game but also the real world. Irving knew very well that if the Night Blades gained a significant advantage in the real world, no one could stop them in the shelter game.

Upon returning home, Irving immediately tered the shelter game. His shelter hadn't yet be moved to the agreed-upon castle. Looking at the surings of his shelter, Irving couldn't help but sigh, "I'm about to leave this place. I feel a bit reluctant. After all, I've be through many battles here."

As Irving was lost in thought, he suddly received a message from Bjamin.

"I have everything ready. Sd me the location of your shelter, or you can come to my currt location. I'll sd you my coordinates."

Bjamin directly st his location to Irving. After confirming everything, Irving chose to teleport to Bjamin's location.

Bjamin's shelter was situated beath a snow-capped mountain. The mountain provided excellt cover for the shelter, and Bjamin had relocated all his subordinates' shelters there as well. Wh multiple shelters are connected, their defsive capabilities increase significantly. Additionally, Bjamin had set up a series of traps outside his shelter.

Combined with the imposing presce of the distant snow mountain, Bjamin's shelter became nearly impregnable.

"It seems you're quite skilled at choosing shelter locations. Moving your shelter beath this snow mountain was a brilliant move. You hav't faced many attacks, have you?" Irving remarked, impressed by Bjamin's shelter setup.

Bjamin nodded. "My shelter hasn't countered much emy aggression. But now isn't the time to discuss that. The mines we control are not far from here. Let me take you there."

Under Bjamin's guidance, Irving soon arrived near the mines controlled by the Ocean Group guild. He found that the ore produced by the mines wasn't particularly valuable to him.

"It seems you can't provide me with much help. Do you only control this one mine?" Irving asked, slightly disappointed.

Bjamin's expression finally changed. Irving could tell that Bjamin was a bit angry.

"We put in a lot of effort to secure this mine. How can you be so quick to judge that it won't be of much help to you?" Bjamin retorted, clearly displeased.

Faced with Bjamin's retort, Irving responded with a wry smile.

"I don't need ordinary ores anymore. What I need are rare ores to continually upgrade my equipmt. Can the mines you control produce such rare ores? Ev if they can, it might not be that important for you. After all, you hav't yet acquired weapons that require rare ores for hancemt."

Irving's explanation was indeed quite reasonable.

Resource allocation is crucial at this point. Rare ores might not be of much use to others right now. Ev if they manage to mine them and store them at home, there's no way to convert them into combat power. This is detrimtal to the tire team's combat effectivess. Effective teamwork requires rational resource distribution.

Bjamin realized that his earlier reaction might have be a bit excessive. His expression returned to a state of calm.

Bjamin wasn't foolish; on the contrary, he now understood the importance of team collaboration ev more. Quickly hancing combat power and upgrading the gear of capable fighters was of utmost urgcy. In light of this, he immediately realized the need to take Irving to some mines that might yield rare ores.

"In that case, let me take you to another mine. It's located farther away and will take us about an hour to reach."

Irving nodded and followed Bjamin as they continued on. He wasn't concerned about spding an extra hour. As long as he could find the rare ores he needed in the other mine, the time would be well worth it.

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