The Sexy Futa Player

Chapter 41: Chapter 41

(Juri's view!)

I could not understand!


I'm really hurt, my 18,500+ HP, below 3,000 now!

I'm hurt, even though I don't look like it!

What am I doing? I'm running through the forest of my Dungeon, as I can't get out of it, the entrance has been surrounded by Agents of the Order!

I don't understand why this happens!

Why did they betray me? Where is Mr. Pietro?!

(Previous time - 3rd person vision!)

After Pietro's meeting with 3 other branches of the Order, the woman, Samirah, took the report personally to the headquarters of the Order.

And the headquarters of the Aurea Order is in a deep bunker below the [large summit], where the president and many important politicians reside during large meetings and projects!

Samirah personally spoke the leader of the order Aurea, Rouseph Astroys, national level agent!

Samirah has long told Rouseph about his Juri and capabilities, since he's his spy!

Unlike Pietro, Carlos and Vladimir, Samirah is extremely patriotic and does not like to think that a girl with so many powers, run rampantly.

Especially with the pado of [non -governmental organization], it showed Samirah that they are focusing on a very wide range, wanting to devour more than they can!

For Samirah, the best thing to do with the Juri's abilities would be to produce it to the nation, to help in its prosperity!

Only after your country prospered greatly with those resources that are technically infinite, as well as magic, which has unlimited potential, only after your country used most of these resources, which would begin to make available to the rest of the world, but only Your allies!

Thus the country of Braast would become the world power No. 1 in the world, where they could finally have a valuable currency for Asians to deliver their unique techniques and knowledge about a mysterious energy, which such [martial artists] use!

Samirah understands that they are very human, she admires that in them, but she despises this innocence, thinking that defeating the paranormal will change something, it will only make them focus!

And her country will lose much of the profits and prosperity they could receive with Juri focusing on helping the country!

Samirah will not accept that Juri use now, her power to benefit everyone, so she will use absolute power that her nation has, to make her understand reality and stop being innocent.

Not to mention that she needs to stop lying and tell the whole truth, because Samirah different from others, there is something able to detect lies!

She knew that many of the things Juri was talking about, they were covered with half-truths!

When Juri said she didn't know where these powers came from, it was an obvious lie, talking about her body, it was also a lie.

Juri lied a lot, but with her actions, she deceived everyone!

But Samirah has not been deceived, so she will make Juri tell everything, so she will force her to help her nation prosper, for as someone who lives in the nation, she has to help her development.

Why thinking about helping everyone, and your nation nurtured it and helped the best you can?

Because she didn't show her gifts in the past, it's not the nation's fault for not helping her better, it's her fault for hiding it to herself and being selfish.


"Everything you say is true?" Asked Rouseph seriously, not even worrying about reading the document delivered to him by Samirah.

He heard all her mouth!

"Yes, Juri is dangerous, we need to make her understand and stop being so innocent! She has the potential to get over her in a few decades, so we need to make her loyal to the nation, before she thinks of being humanitarian and helping the world! " Said Samirah full of determination.

Rouseph frowns, so he said. - "I personally want to find her, don't worry, I have no thoughts to leave such potential and rich lands get out of our hands!"

Samirah smiled, especially when Rouseph said. - "When your help and information will be extremely useful, as soon as we can bring it to our side, being good or bad, you will be promoted and will receive your proper reward!"

Days later, Rouseph accompanied Pietro to the island, where she met with Juri, who is more beautiful personally than in the photos.

With a wide smile on his face, Rouseph introduced himself to the Juri, so he asked for details.

He was still skeptical about all this magic thing, but when he passed through the portal and found a new world on the other side, he faced the first creatures, saw Goblins and etc., he was amazed!

When he asked about the resources that [Lumberman], [Quarry], [Mining] and [Farms] produce, how it worked, it was shocked that this dimension regenerates everything, ie infinite resources!

Not to mention that the speed of [Farms] is also impressive, generating 100 Kilos of Grains per day, that is, 10 Farms, 1 Ton per day!

Not to mention that you can choose what to produce, Potato, Carrot, Lettuce and etc!

Rouseph was shocked and talked a lot with Juri, making several insinuations, that Juri didn't react much, which made Rouseph understand that Juri is not at all patriotic.

She's thinking about the human as a whole, she doesn't care about benefiting a nation as a focus, then the world.

Of course, she will have to start from one point, but when she started talking about [Non-Governmental Organization], Juri was extremely excited and talked about countries that could start helping and so on.

Rouseph cooperated with this scam, so when he returned, he started the operation to capture Juri, unbeknownst to Pietro and 2 others!

Rouseph also prepared to replace them, they proved unloyal, Rouseph doesn't want them under her wing!

As for Juri, she will be captured, if not possible then eliminated!

Samirah has already confirmed that if Juri dies, the Dungeon will not disappear, since even though she has control over the Dungeons, and can increase its difficulty, but never decrease it, the Dungeon is not linked to her life.

The Dungeon is self-sustaining with energy from the environment, so it can continue even after it dies.

She even talked about opening various Dungeons across all major Order Aurea bases across the continent, helping Operators to collect resources and magic items, improve knowledge as well as the quality of Rituals!

Rouseph agreed to this, then curious about something else, he asked for Juri's blood, he wanted to test it himself and Juri gave him plenty of her precious blood.

It even made Rouseph feel a little bad, but he was set on her plan.

So he prepared everything and 2 weeks later, performed several Rituals using Juri's blood, strengthening himself a lot, getting about 30% stronger!

And look, Juri has acquired the [Observe] Skill that allows her to see more details and information about people, in addition to their Name and Level!

But [Observe] is only Level 57, normally she can only see superficially, the Level of individuals up to 100 Levels above her, but [Observe] expands that by +1 Level by Skill Level.

That is, Juri can see the Level of those up to 157 Levels above hers, as she is Level 165, she can see Level up to 322!

So she knew that Pietro is at Level 265, when Rouseph, is showing interrogations, that is, she is above Level 322!

Juri believes he is Level 400 or higher, as Pietro had told her about him being a National Level, above Special Level.

In other words, extremely powerful!

That's why Juri was very cooperative and liked the fact that Rouseph was so nice, little did she know she was digging her grave!

Weeks after Rouseph performed the Rituals and became much more powerful, he arrived on the Island, accompanied by 5 Special Level Operators, 20 High Level Operators and +100 Medium Level Operators!

Juri at that moment was out of the Dungeon, seeing some matters with Gabriela, when they came to report about it.

Initially Juri didn't bother, Rouseph said that he would come bringing very important and strong agents of the Order, to learn Magic!

So she packed up and went to find Rouseph, but when she did, she noticed something strange and opened the [Map], noticing that everyone who arrived, was like Yellow and Red Dots!

Juri didn't understand, getting scared, as the BOSS, who and Rouseph, the huge Yellow Dot, were looking at her intensely.

"What is it?" - Asked Juri and Rouseph said!

"Juri, come with us calmly, we don't want things to get more serious!" - Said Samirah coldly.

"What is the meaning of this? Why are you doing this?" - Juri asked in panic, stepping back as she sees everyone approaching, even more on the map, people around her.

"Juri, your goals are admirable, but we are thinking about the future and prosperity of the Country of Braast, we cannot let it develop wildly and help our enemies without thinking!

Please think about this country, help it to prosper!" - Rouseph said with kindness in her tone.

Juri frowning at this and soon getting annoyed, she couldn't believe that out of greed, they are willing to do this.

"I refuse!" -Juri said fiercely and then a magical aura circling her, along with hers [Negative Energy].

"A pity, I really wanted you to come for good!" - Said Rouseph sighing and then the air began to shudder when a dense and black mist appeared!

Juri trembling in fear looking at Rouseph, he wasn't the only one.

Rouseph's aura is so heavy, it made the air and the ground shudder, whoever was nearby almost falling over.

"I'll give you one last chance to surrender for good!" - Said Rouseph pulling a sword.

Juri responded by launching countless [Magic Missiles] and intense explosions began to sound!

At the same time, Juri started getting shot at from all over, which took her by surprise and her HP started to decrease!

She quickly activated [Magic Protection], creating a thin protective layer of Mana around her body, nullifying this damage!

"It's useless, maybe if it was my former self, you could have hurt me with your Magic, but your Blood greatly amplified my power, my Paranormal Exposure increasing even more!

Juri, you are extremely valuable, both your abilities and body, we cannot allow you to waste such treasures!" - Said Rouseph advancing and Juri feeling everything getting harder, even breathing.

And soon Juri only saw a figure in front of her, where Rouseph's form appeared, followed by the himself who held out a hand.

Juri quickly backed off and launched a kick at Rouseph's arm, her hand going up, but without hesitation, Rouseph slashed it with her sword!

Juri saw that half of her HP was gone, she shivered and backed away trembling.

Rouseph just blinked, clenching and unclenching her fist, then said. - "As expected, not everything you said was a lie!"

Juri looked in horror at Rouseph, one hit and half her HP is gone, he needs to get away!

So he turned to run, activating everything he could and greatly boosting his Agility!

Rouseph ran after Juri as dozens of Order Agents surrounded Juri.

"Juri!" - A roar came as Gabriela and other Agents arrived.

They looked at all this confused, they thought they were occultists, but that wasn't the case, it was the Aurea Order.

Gabriela and others were confused.

"Lagertha Juri Han is a danger to the Aurea Order, it needs to be contained, help the Order or do nothing, if you interfere, you will be seen as traitors and executed on the spot!" - Rouseph shouted coldly.

"Run! Do not interfere! They are mad and blinded by greed, don't kill yourselves with me!" - Juri roared, even desperate, she thought, the [Player's Mind] helping her to think rationally.

She doesn't want Gabriela and the others to get hurt, they are very important people to her and she knows that the help they can bring her is very low!

Gabriela and the others looked at each other, confused, even more so with Juri's shout, Rouseph's order.

But then Gabriela charged forward, wielding a massive [Berserker's Axe], then fiercely crashing into the Order's Agents, clearing the way for Juri.

Juri was thrilled seeing this, but she really wanted to scream that she was crazy.

"GO! CROSS AND ESCAPE TO THE DUNGEON!" -Gabriela yelled, activating everything she can and exerting immense power!

And along with her, more of Juri's friends went and helped, not caring too much about their lives.

Of course, there were those who stayed put, but most of them decided to get involved.

Rouseph just snorted, he was chasing Juri, but it turns out his focus isn't speed, but Strength and Defense!

So he was still slow, but he was still extremely strong.

As it doesn't matter anymore, we can say that his past Tier was 467, but after the sacrifices with Juri's blood, as well as many of the Rare materials and even some Epics, his Tier has boosted to 607!

140 Levels, that's what Rouseph got!

This alone gives it tremendous Attributes, along with [Negative Power (National)], with its various Rituals and Abilities, its power and attributes are tremendous!

But due to such power, it is certain that the world has its restrictions, so Rouseph is unable to exert 100% of his capabilities, or he would be even more powerful than he is now.

That's why Juri is not limited by [Negative Energy], but using Magic and her body, she had no restrictions and can run with everything she had, activating several Spells!

But even though Rouseph wasn't that fast, he was still slowly closing the distance between him and Juri.

Juri saw herself desperate, running and running, where she saw her Green Dots on the [Map], disappearing

She cried, soon spotting the Dungeon, she ran towards it, but there were Agents of the Order waiting.

Furious she bombarded them with spells of mass destruction she had, her screams echoing, Juri ignored the EXP coming in and just jumped into the Dungeon, but not before a bone spike pierced her chest!

She fell on the other side, moaning in pain, some people running to her, but looking at the [map], saw that they were enemies!

Juri looked with a certain despair, then exploded with his sister and took a HP (average) potion.

Her hp of her that was at critical levels, recovering.

She then ran as much as she could, already noticing the huge red spot entering the dungeon!

Juri ran nonstop, just as she changed the dungeon, going from level 1 ~ 50 to 1 ~ 199!

Now level 199 beings appear in the dungeon!

Juri has seen many red spots appear on the map, not to mention that floating islands have started to emerge in the sky!

"JURI! Stop running away now! " - Rouseph's roar came in the distance, accompanied by the roar of many fierce and powerful beasts born!

Juri ran away, but Rouseph chased her!

In the end, it didn't take long for Rouseph to reach her, even with so many obstacles, he is a level 607, what could a 199 boss do with him if he had found him?

Therefore, Rouseph looking at Juri's back, no longer thought, he felt powerful creatures being born, his senses warning him about it.

He thinks Juri can make even more powerful beings are born in this dimension, so he didn't hesitate anymore, Juri is very dangerous!

He launched his sword, Juri running only felt sharp crossing him and for the first time, [body of the player] did not help him!

Juri saw the hole in her chest, blood exploding from her lips and she falling to her knees.

Rouseph arrived at her, looking at her severity. - "You could have done great things, but look, your friends and lover dead, at least be proud that your work towards humanity will not be useless, magic will continue to be researched!"

Juri looked at Rouseph, saying nothing, she just felt her hp from thousands, falling to 0!

She snorted before falling and then a message came up.

[The Player died!]

[Do you want to go back to the rescue point?]

Juri was no longer in her body, now I was looking at this message while Rouseph saw the Juri corpse disappearing, so he went to recover his sword.

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