The Sexy Futa Player

Chapter 35: Chapter 35

(Juri's view!)

After completing my first mission with excellent performance, receiving a great pay and reward, my mood was great!

What I had to do now was wait patiently until Mr. Pietro finished things up.

But since I have 1 month before I can take the next mission, I focused on training!

The [Meat Potion] was extremely useful, giving me almost 100 Attribute Points, or 10 Levels!

Of the 2 Levels I got during and completing the Quest, I played the 20 Points in Intelligence.

And now having peace, so to speak, I'm back to meditating, but since reaching Level 99, that damn Skill never went any further!

But I'm calm, very calm and just kept going, since meditating helps me focus but and accelerates the growth of [Magic Energy Control] and [Negative Energy Control].

But for me, Negative Energy is something that only gives me a huge buff in my Attributes, I do not wish to delve into Rituals and Sacrifices.

Since I don't need it, I won't do it, even though it's tempting to make a deal with the Flesh Entity, so when I activate my Negative Power, the bonus I'll get on Strength, Agility and Constitution won't be 20% of Negative Energy, it could be 25~40%!

But in the end, I spend Sanity and do not wish things to mess with my mind.

So let's stick to Magic anyway, it's something safe and interests me more than having the chance to gain some extra arms, I might even gain an extra head in excessive cases.

In other words, get out of here, Rituals of the devil!


When I started to get back to my routine, something changed, that was a friendship that formed with the members of Team Chinchilla, as well as my casual sexual relationship with Flavia.

And I wanted to maintain this relationship, because it is sex with a hot, beautiful woman who makes such melodious sounds, who am I to refuse?

So sometimes, when she is in the mood, she calls me or leaves a message, then we meet in my room or hers.

Then we would have an intense and pleasurable evening, where by chance I learned that Flavia has friends in the Order.

This surprised me, I thought she was a recluse, but I found out that these "friends", are more like fellow ritualists, who attended the same classes.

They just happen to have common interests, so they help each other in their studies and discoveries about the Paranormal.

And for some reason they have a similar personality to Flavia, what does this mean? That knowing of my relationship with Flavia, they became curious and Flavia told me about her friends.

At first I was confused, I accepted the situation without knowing it, and when I realized it, I was sleeping with three women at the same time!

In other words, my first message was an accident, because Flavia doesn't know how to express her feelings.

But well, what person in their right mind would refuse such a thing?

Virtually all orderlies, especially those in the field, train their bodies to have energy.

In other words, these Ritualistic women who cover their bodies underneath are hot!

I happily satisfied them all by wearing my big friend between my legs!

Now, apart from the sex part, I focused on practicing my Magic even more, neglecting the physical part a bit.

The reason for this? I need to improve my magical abilities to close the gap that I put in my Level!

Per Level I get 17 Points, but 7 Points I have no control over, while 10 Points are not enough for anything!

Others should get at least about 20~30 Points when moving up Level, since for everyone, it's Level multiplied by 10, that will be around the highest attribute.

I understood that this is due to [Negative Energy], which is the Level multiplied by 10, that is, the [NE] next to HP and MP, is an Attribute, just a measure of energy as well.

And Paranormal is based on Negative Energy, strength, "magic" and so on are all through Negative Energy.

The good thing is that the gap of Levels isn't that big, since because I focus on physical abilities, but only recently started to improve my Intelligence, I against other Agents of the Order, have a huge advantage!

But if I confront Creatures from the Other Side, my advantage greatly diminishes or I am at a disadvantage.

So I need to close this gap, but I got so focused on Attributes and Skills, that I forgot a very important point in my System, that can close this damn gap in a snap of my fingers.

What would that be? Equipment!

So far I have not gotten my hands on any equipment above the Common rarity, and Common Items are very... useless!

They don't have decent bonuses, their durability is not the best, and something I need never comes.

As for Rare items, it was only that bandanna, materials and so on, in the end I didn't get my hands on anything good enough.

But I think it's because of the low chances of Level 1~20 Dungeons, the skill book drop is even decent, but that's because I kill a lot of monsters, but it obviously has its limits.

That is, I need equipment, I thought about trying to acquire the Skill of [Forging], but how would I explain this to Mr. Pietro?

In the end, let's be on our own and focus on leveling up, pray to find some Treasure Chest, because since the first one 3 months ago, I haven't found one!

The Dungeon I started to clear, was Level 40, where the main monsters were [Fierce Black Bears]!

Bears ranging from 3.5 to 4 meters tall, entirely black fur, and great Herculean strength!

I decided to stop playing it safe and started taking on enemies closer to my Level, which gives me 520 XP per kill!

Within a few hours of starting the Dungeon, I hit Level 71, I was pretty close anyway.

Then I saw the XP jump from 101,500 to 131,350.

I didn't think much of it, the XP doesn't increase that much, so I thank the System for being so good to me.

So I kill 200 Bears a day, that's 520 x 200 = 104,000 XP!

In other words, every 2 days, I raise 1 to 2 Levels!

After 1 month, I accumulated I think 3 Million XP, which took me to Level 90!

My Intelligence exceeded 500 Points, at the same time, I was able to find the 3rd set of magic veins, which I opened and gained a 15% bonus in Mana capacity!

Along with that, I got some interesting Passive Abilities:

[Enhanced Strength&Agility], Skills with no Levels, +20 on each Attribute.

Also, I got this one, which surprised me:

[Herculean Strength, Lv.--]

Type: Passive

Effect: Your body has divine strength! +20% charge strength!

So I have 281(+20) Strength, technically I can lift almost 2 tons with that much strength, but this load capacity increases by 20%, so from 2 tons it goes to 2.4 Tons.

This doesn't affect my combat ability that much, but it's practical and why am I going to turn it down?

And speaking of Abilities, the [Mana Strengthening], I raised it to Level 43, I used it a lot, because go I had some epiphany and unlocked some unique power.

But nothing happened, at least if I want to, I can get +43 Strength, Agility and Constitution in the blink of an eye!

Ah, I can even use it on other people, I tested it on Mr. Pietro, who was amazed by the magical power strengthening him.

I said I need to touch someone for that, which is the truth, but I think in the future I might be able to cast such a Buff!

And well, it was because of this Magic that Mr. Pietro became more determined to help me in my studies of Magic, which made me very happy.

Now leaving my Skills aside, since the changes are not that big, let's talk about my loot!

During the 30 days I was off, I killed 6,000 Bears, explored a lot, and found an Elite, protecting a Treasure Chest, where I got my hands on this shit!

[Black Bear Paws(Epic)]

Gloves made from the paws of Black Bears, bearing immense devastating force!

+30% Attack Damage!

+20% Attack Speed!

+100 Strength!

+100 Stamina!

Skills: [Crushing] and [Bear Palm]!

My 1st Epic Item, is a cute fucking bear-like glove, I may not care about my appearance that much, but... damn!

This is not an accessory, but a weapon!

It's like Freddy Krueger gloves, same shit, only much cuter and you can't take it seriously, even though it's powerful.

So I did what any sensible person would do!

"Mr. Pietro, present!" - I passed this cute thing to our leader who is very interested in the items that fall from the Dungeon.

And I saw him frown looking at the cute black bear paws.

"Material?" - He asks, but soon notices that they are gloves.

"What's that?" - He asks confused and I say.

"Put it on and feel the power, I found it in a Treasure Chest!"

He puts it on, widens his eyes and says with a straight face: Impressive!

"All yours, that's not my style!" - Saying that, I left him contemplative with the bear gloves, went back to my room and went about my business.

But other than that fiasco, I got my hands on 4 items that I am using today!

[Boots of Flames(Rare)]

Boots made of high quality materials and a Fire Stone, allowing its wearer to deliver powerful kicks with flames!

+15% Attack Speed!

Cause an additional 10% Flaming Damage to your kicks!

+35 Agility!

+20 Strength!

Abilities: [Ifrit]!

[Roman Bronze Armor(Rare)]

Armor made in the mold of Ancient Rome, extremely strong and durable, as well as not hindering in locomotion!

+30% Physical Defense!

+20% Magic Defense!

+50 Constitution!

Skill: [Bronze Defense]!

[Mad Beast Necklace(Rare)]

Necklace made using fragments of the souls of crazed beasts! Technically this is a cursed accessory, but other than Debuffs, it won't do you any harm!

+10% Physical Damage!

-5% Magic Damage!

-5% Dexterity!

-10 Constitution!

-20 Intelligence!

-10 Sanity!

Skill: [Frenzy Beast] and [Bestial Ferocity]!

[Golden Compass(Special)]

A one-time use magic Compass, granting luck to its bearer, until the day its bearer goes to the indicated location and finally loses its magic effects!

+100 Luck!

Note: It does not need to be equipped to have an effect!

It may seem silly to have the [Mad Beast Necklace], but I really liked the [Beastly Ferocity] ability, which in exchange for a good part of my sanity, makes me very strong, almost doubling my Strength and Agility, for short periods of time.

Of course, because it is only a Rare item, the damage I suffer after the Skill ends is not small, so I want a better version of this item, but it will be difficult to get, I see.

As for the [Golden Compass], it was next to that damned bear glove, at least it had something I could use in the trunk.

Now this compass points to the East, there must be something there, but I'm not going to go, of course, to give +100 Luck, it means that the treasure that this compass must take me is quite valuable.

But it could also be a trap, should I survive, I could lose a +100 Luck buff, so no thanks, let's leave the treasure hunting for when I incorporate Captain Jack Sparrow!

But well, that's it!

I got that month, a few Active Skills, but I ignored them and gave everything to Mr. Pietro, since they were Techniques, no Magic.

I understood that Dungeons with themes, tend to have higher chances of giving items related to it.

In the case of the Level 1~20 Dungeon, which I like to call [Hunting Ground], the rewards are quite varied and for some reason it has a lot of Magic skill books!

Maybe it's a gift from the System to support me or some other reason, either way, I don't see any disadvantages.

Maybe it is some configuration, which I have been researching a lot, with [Create Dungeons] reaching Level 25, I have access to more configuration options, but of course, I can't raise the chance of certain items dropping.

I can take certain items off the list, but what will replace them will be nothing or another type of item of equal value.

Unfortunately I can't filter that much what will drop in the Dungeon, so I'll take a look at the [Hunting Ground] settings, likely that all Low Level Magic Active Abilities are available to drop, so the chances are high.

And speaking of theming, I think it's time to test my first Negative Energy Dungeon, I've been looking forward to this for quite a while but haven't tested it until today as I fear what sort of thing might occur.

So far the Dungeons I create have a single energy wave, which nobody notices.

But if it is a Negative Energy Dungeon, then the situation is different, everyone is likely to think: Fuck, a rift has appeared in the order, we are under attack!

So I would take it in the ass!

So I urgently need a peaceful place to test everything I can!

But well, it is time to go to Mr. Pietro and get information about my new mission, as for Team Chinchilla, I have not yet decided if I will formally be part of this team, since I have a lot of work.

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