The Sexy Futa Player

Chapter 26: Chapter 26

(3rd person view due to the protagonist not being very well!)

After Gabriela's revelation, Juri was extremely affected by it, because for her, it was something special, of course, she doesn't think she would commit to Gabriela or anything, it was just casual sex.

But still, Juri thought that Gabriela wanted it too, that she was finally opening up to her in many ways.

But in the end it was all fake, this was an intense blow to Juri's mind, who felt like a rapist and a profiteer.

Pietro seeing Juri's state, was quite surprised and confused, he looked at Gabriela and asked for the exact details, but then Juri spoke.

"Mr. Pietro, are you with your main weapon?" - Juri asks with already red eyes.

"My gun? Yes, why?" - Pietro frowns in confusion.

"Then I leave it to Gabriela to explain it to you, come when you are ready!" - Said Juri who opened a Dungeon in front of Pietro who stared, then entered.

Gabriela was quite shocked by this, taking a while to understand that her revelation affected Juri more than she thought.

Pietro got up and ran to the portal, but stood a little ways away, staring intensely at it.

"That... is not a Rift... at least not one for the [Negative Dimension] or adjacent... what is that Gabriela?" - Pietro asked intensely to Gabriela already standing.

Then Gabriela said. - "That's part of Juri's power... she can explain it better, but I'll try as hard as I can!

Isn't there this thing about her body being connected to several Dimensions? She somehow gets power from those dimensions which to me, seems like she borrows power from the Gods!

So Juri is able to possess a storage that as far as she said, appears to be infinite, as well as being able to create Dimensions and portals to them, as well as set some kinds of basic rules...

it's kind of like a role-playing game, with Dungeons, Monsters, Treasures and Loot!" - Said Gabriela scratching her head trying to explain.

Hearing this, Pietro was bewildered, nodding his head a little, then asked for more details and looked at the notebook that Juri threw on the table.

Soon he went and took it, started to read, while Gabriela tried to explain further, saying her experience and so on.


"I understood the basics, these Dimensions that Juri creates, indefinitely generate monsters, that regenerate every 24 hours, following rules similar to Juri's body, where if the damage they receive doesn't reach a specific point, the creature can continue fighting, when they die, they disappear and leave behind the loot!" - Pietro asked after reading about it in the notebook and listening to Gabriela.

"Yes!" - Gabriela replied.

"Now, about why Juri reacted that way, what happened?" - Pietro asked with some concern and doubt.

"About that... she and I had sex yesterday right after she helped me feel the [Magic Energy]... but I wasn't me... at least not 100% me at that moment!

At one point I was resisting the pain, while sweating and concentrating, then I started to feel a lot of things, which made me very horny and I acted in ways I wouldn't normally act, I forced myself to kiss Juri, I was provocative...

actually I acted a bit like Juri..." - Gabriela said noticing something.

"What do you mean?" - Pietro asked confused.

"When Juri injected his energy into me, at first it was pain, but I was feeling and feel vaguely, a similar energy inside me, but Juri's spread and permeated every corner of my body, flowing in and out.

I think that this energy is very connected to the emotions of its owner... Juri constantly flirted with me, joked and made obvious insinuations of wanting to kiss me and be with me...

I think when she helped me feel the [Magic Energy], she passed those emotions to me, which clouded my mind, it was still me, but not 100% me... it was just an accident..." - Said Gabriela slowly understanding what happened.

Pietro was amazed, finally understanding better, then got serious. - "If we get through, will we find her?"

"Well, she's probably far away now, but I think we can follow her tracks." - Gabriela said.

Pietro nodded, went to a closet next to them, showing them several weapons and vests.

"Take what you want and let's go in, we need to help her, Juri is feeling guilty, we need to make her understand that it was an accident, it's not her fault for wanting to help her!" - Pietro said seriously.

Gabriela agreed, because for her, even though it was good, it was just Sex!

She has been raped by creatures from the Other Side, she has had relationships with both men and women, so like many other Agents of the Order, she has learned to put relationships aside and treat sex as something insignificant.

Gabriela is someone who has lost a lot, as well as suffered a lot, sex has even become something that only brings her pain.

But she admits that yesterday had a special meaning, it was the first time she felt good having sex again, after many years.

Gabriela felt a taste for sex, which tormented her a bit during the night and she almost couldn't sleep.

Soon Gabriela and Pietro entered the Dungeon, Gabriela saw that it was identical to the previous one.

Pietro was amazed at the transition, before it was in his office, now in a lush forest.

"She went this way!" - Gabriela said finding tracks.

Pietro came to his senses, he drew a sword and nodded, soon the two ran following Juri's tracks.

In the process they found signs of a struggle, ammunition cartridges and so on, but the main thing was the loot that Juri did not collect.

Pietro bent down to take a look, even though he was not an expert in the field, he felt that these materials were special and very good.

"Is that the reward for killing the beasts of this Dimension?" - Pietro asked and Gabriela nodded.

"It's pretty random, but something related to the creature killed will always fall, with low chances of falling Potions or Skill Books, even lower chances of falling items, because of the almost 10 hours I spent here, the only item fallen was this bandana!" - Said Gabriela taking the bandana from her pocket.

Pietro asked to take a look, since he read it in the notebook, so he put the bandana on and felt the strengthening, being impressed, he took an intense look at it, but could not understand where this additional strength comes from.

He soon handed it back to Gabriela, so they continued in search of Juri.

And it didn't take long before they heard the sounds of gunshots, where they ran towards him.

It was kind of close, but to get to Juri, the pair met a creature on the way, a Level 15 Bear...

"Shoot!" - Said Gabriela drawing her Rifle and firing without stopping, hitting the bear's chest roaring painfully.

Pietro activated his [Negative Power], where black smoke exploded from his body, the bear furious with Gabriela, looked at Pietro and you could see the fear in his eyes.

Then Pietro moved forward and disappeared, when he appeared again, he was behind the Bear, which was standing still, before it shattered into millions of particles, leaving behind its Skull and a Healing Potion.

Pietro looked at it thoughtfully, thinking a bit about the cutting sensation that was quite real, but it felt like something was missing.

He then looked at the loot, taking the potion and leaving the rest.

Then they continued on to Juri, finding some more animals, which Pietro dealt with in moments, he is a man above Level 200, the power he is capable of wielding is not something Gabriela can match.

It can be said that Pietro's physical attributes when he activates his [Negative Power], will not be less than 1,000 Points!

They soon found Juri, sitting with some bruises, her expression empty and sad.

"Juri!" - Shouted Pietro stopping in front of Juri, Gabriela right behind.

"I need some time alone, Gabriela can explain everything to you!" - Said Juri in a vague and distant tone.

"Juri, I don't blame you for what happened, nor do I care, so don't feel bad about it, in the end it was just sex!" - Gabriela said in the back, but it didn't help at all.

Pietro looked at her with a look that said, Don't say anything, it's better!

Letting out a sigh, Pietro knelt down and looked into Juri's eyes.

"Juri, understand that because we are battling against the other side, the mindset of the Agents of the Order, even more those with some years of experience like Gabriela, have their mindset more formed on the subject, where sex is no longer a happiness or pleasure, but something that brings painful memories.

I for one, when I was young and weak, was unable to save the person I loved, was captured and forced to watch her being abused by those freaks and killed.

I saw my daughter fall into madness by those freaks, today she is trapped in the underground of the order along with many other Agents who have also gone mad." - Pietro stopped talking for a moment touching Juri's head who looked at him more significantly, surprised by those words.

"What I mean by saying all this, is that sex doesn't affect us as much as you imagine, not to mention that our resistance to aphrodisiacs or mental attacks is extremely high, even if your Magic Power has such properties, which I don't think it does, the probable cause of the incident between you must have been an increase in Gabriela's libido, even an awakening of it.

So don't blame yourself so much for an accident, it happened, apologize and Gabriela will forgive you!" - Pietro said gently.

Juri was confused, very hurt, she looked at Gabriela, bowed her head in shame, then said in a tearful tone. - "I'm sorry... again I humiliated you... I'm sorry..."

Gabriela was surprised, thinking, but soon letting out a big sigh she said. - "Don't worry, it happened and... I want to thank you!"

When she said that, Juri raised her head in surprise, Pietro also looked at her in surprise.

"It's been a long time since I last had real sex, a long time since I've felt real pleasure and a sense... of security..." - Gabriela blushed a little, since Pietro is here and it gets hard to say that, even if he wasn't here.

"But... yesterday, even though I wasn't 100% conscious, I remember everything, every sensation... so I can say that... you made me forget all the bad things I suffered...

I don't think like before anymore and you are the cause of that, so I thank you for giving me back something I lost a long time ago... if possible I want to try again next time, only for real now!" - Said Gabriela with seriousness and confusion.

Juri was shocked, but received message alerting her about recovering Sanity.

Pietro got up a while ago and got out of the sight of the two, he is smart and understands that what to do.

A while later, Juri was up and in a much better mood, so with more calm, they left the Dungeon and there Juri explained everything!

Pietro listened attentively, keeping his notebook, because it will help him a lot to understand everything better.

Then came the time for the main point, how to help the Order with the Dungeons?

Juri said that she can create several Dungeons, she doesn't know the limit, but the quantity is not low.

"But I think for now, it would be good to select groups loyal to our branch, then have them research deeper while collecting the resources from the Dungeons.

Then start putting the materials into the Order's stock and sell them to the Agents, as well as rewarding and so on, while we understand and strengthen our people.

I know how valuable my powers are, I know that you, Mr. Pietro, are very kind and human, not using me as a coin or a lab rat.

But I know you have limits to your influence and ability, should the information of someone being able to create other Dimensions come up... well...

you would be forced to turn me over to the Order's Headquarters and there is no telling what they will do with me there!" - Juri sighed and Pietro nodded ruefully.

"But I am different from you and Gabriela, as well as from everyone else, for some reason I have no physical limitations, I can develop my body without stopping and with that, I can practice my Magic, even if little by little I damage my body, at least I can avoid crippling and permanent damage, just by feeling pain!

So what I wish Mr.

Pietro, is not that you hide it from the Order, but that you use it little while I get stronger and understand better the power of Magic, then when I have a significant strength, where the Order won't be able to capture me and use me as a toy or tool, that's when we will start to make it available to all the branches of the Aurea Order around the country and then the continent!

What I aim for is to get support and strengthen our people, so it would be interesting if you would talk to leaders of other branches that have a similar mindset to yours." - Said Juri his thoughts, it is risky and a huge request, but it is his only hope of not being controlled by others.

Gabriela said nothing, just listening from the side.

Pietro thought seriously, for it is no small request, but he knows that if he refuses, he will be condemning Juri's life, not to mention that he doesn't know if Juri has the ability to teleport his body to another Dimension, thus breaking contact with them.

So if Juri happens to be in another Dimension, she will grow stronger and become an enemy of the Aurea Order in the future.

Pietro doesn't want this, since Juri has discovered an energy that is apparently beneficial to humans, without having to make sacrifices to entities from other Dimensions that drive his people mad.

This will be revolutionary and bring new life to the Order, more strength and hope, they will be able to deal with the Other Side more easily!

This war is constantly pending for the side of the Paranormal, they are strong and it is hard to detect where they can arise and cause trouble.

Many people die, Civilians and Order Agents, before the problem is finally solved.

"I understand, I will try to talk to some old acquaintances, for now complete your training and when you officially become an Agent of the Order, I will send you on a mission that will last for a long time, but it will be just window dressing, I will be helping you set up a base so we can study Magic further!" - Said Pietro seriously, determined to help Juri.

Pietro feels that Juri is the opportunity for humanity to win this war, for humanity to prevail and be able to thrive without fear of the demons lurking on the Other Side!

So Pietro decided to help Juri get stronger, because her getting stronger means that she will gather more information and that she will be able to help humanity understand a new power, a new weapon to fight the Other Side!

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