The Sexy Futa Player

Chapter 22: Chapter 22

(Still in 3rd person!)

Gabriela and Juri reviewed their equipment, seeing that everything was in order and nothing damaged, they decided to proceed.

Juri this time guided, the reason he thinks he found a Treasure Chest, is because there is a different red dot on the [Map], which is surrounded by decorated borders and black.

Just because of this, Juri thinks he is an Elite, protecting a Treasure Chest!

It's almost 2 km away, so Juri drove around dodging many monsters.

In the middle of that Gabriela asks. - "We took several detours and didn't find any creatures, how do you know its location?"

Juri looks at her and answers. - "I receive information because this is a Dimension I created, where I feel the energy of the creatures, the distance I don't know exactly, I think about 5~10 km more or less."

Hearing that, Gabriela nodded, satisfied with just that, at least for now.

"The creatures we are dodging, are they very strong?"

"A large majority are not, I think we passed a pack of wolves, there being an Alpha among them, Alpha that is stronger than the one I faced to give him the materials, probably a mutant just like Boar!" - Juri said.

"I see, it would be complicated to face a pack of wolves with an Alpha of that level..." - Said Gabriela calmly.

"Well, we're a little far away, just follow me, but in the meantime, ask questions, I'll try to answer as best I can!" - Said Juri.

Gabriela was silent for a while, then asked. - "Since when are you able to create these Dimensions?"

"Since last month!" - Answered Juri sincerely.

"How did you find out?"

"Hummm... it's hard to say, I've always had this power to know everything that happens in my body, just like I know about my body being present in several dimensions.

Because of that, I received information about a type of energy, different from [Negative Energy], I call it [Magic Energy], as it is called in games, Mana!

I knew I had it, I knew how much I had, but I was unable to touch it or feel it properly, so I spent 2 decades incessantly failing to try to understand this energy.

But 3 years ago I started meditating a lot and began to feel changes, changes that made me understand and be able to handle this energy.

But there were still many flaws, which I worked out over time, until last month, the Magic energy inside my body that I accumulated reached a point that made me unlock this power of creating dimensions, as well as storing it." - Said Juri patiently, a lie she had made up for quite a while.

Gabriela listened to this intently, every time Juri speaks it is always a shock to her reality.

"Last month I just touched the surface of this energy and already got such powers, so I focused on understanding it, I happened to become the target of a demon, so I was exposed to the paranormal and everything changed!

And [Negative Energy] is much easier to control and feel, not to mention there are teachers and books explaining it, which helped me enormously to understand how to activate [Negative Energy].

This practice helped me for many years to better develop the [Magical Energy], finally molding it and being able to use it.

But I only recently figured out how to manifest it to attack, but it's still imperfect and also causes me damage if I use it, only yesterday I was successful in using this energy without taking damage!" - Said Juri which made Gabriela even more impressed.

"But what must you pay for it?" - Gabriela asks frowning in curiosity.

For such power, surely there must be a price!

"Well... I guess one of the many prices I paid, was the lack of being able to get pregnant, since I don't have ovaries!" - Said Juri scratching her chin, for technically that is a disadvantage.

Gabriela was surprised, then a little guilty for touching this subject, since this is a pretty sensitive subject.

"But I guess in compensation for me not being able to get pregnant, I can get others pregnant, since I am a Hermaphrodite!" - Said Juri which shocked Gabriela and almost made her stumble.

"You're a what?" - Gabriela asked shocked.

"I am a Hermaphrodite, a woman who is born with a cock and a pussy!" - Said Juri looking at her smiling and then asked. - "You didn't know? Kind of everyone knows that."

Gabriela blinked, because she really didn't know.

Juri laughed and said. - "Don't worry, I won't do anything to you unless you want to, because then I want to!"

"Even if I tried you couldn't!" - Gabriela said closing her face.

Juri stopped, thought, nodded and said. - "Indeed, you are much stronger than me, but I would never force you, because as I said, I like you!"

"..." - Gabriela remained silent, blushing under her helmet.

Juri smiled looking at her, which made Gabriela blush even more fiercely and clench her teeth.

"You know I can see your eyes and they tell me everything!"

Gabriela snorted as Juri laughed.

"Ah! Can I touch your tail?" - Juri asked excitedly.

"No!"- Gabriela shouted, which made Juri pout.


The duo advanced for a while, until they finally reached the spot, an area with fewer trees and low grass.

There was a giant snake wrapped around a tree in the center of this open area, where at the roots, it was obvious a sound that seemed to come from a fantasy game, a magical glow, and the appearance of the Treasure Chest!

But along with this is the aura of the snake in the branches of the tree, it is gigantic, Juri and Gabriela felt intimidated.

Juri was able to see above the snake's head, its basic information:

[Giant Hunter Snake - Level 15()]

"This thing is strong, but it is very big... its disadvantages should be obvious, but due to the rules, this thing should have a lot of stamina before it dies..." - Said Juri frowning.

Gabriela also frowned, wondering how to proceed.

"The chest... can it be destroyed?" - Gabriela asked.

"Your Grenade Launcher?" - Juri asked and Gabriela only nodded.

"Look... I don't know, do you want to test it?" - Juri asked.

Gabriela thinks, then said. - "You're fast, right?"

"Sure, I'm fucking fast!" - Juri says confidently.

"Then go and lure the snake away from the tree as far as you can, then I'll blow it up!" - Gabriela said.

Juri closed his face hearing that, looking at her with a raised eyebrow and a closed mouth.

"So while I run and fuck myself, you're going to send explosives? What if it hits me?" - Juri asks indignantly.

"You'll be fine even if you get hit, you don't get scars or lose limbs." - Gabriela said.

"Just because nothing gets scarred on my body like that doesn't mean I won't die! I'm sure if a fucking explosion hits me, I'm going to die!" - Juri shouted.

Gabriela rolled her eyes, but it was obvious that she was joking, but didn't bother to explain.

"Just get her out of the tree, I'll come out and keep shooting at her, you throw grenades and so will I, let's kill her!"

Juri nodded snorting this time, so they talked some more about the plan, before acting!

Juri moved forward and the snake looked at her, but didn't move.

Then Juri pulled out his Ak-47, took aim, and started firing!

Soon the painful hissing came from the snake being hit, then it started to descend and go towards Juri at high speed.

Its body must be about 20~30 meters long, being as thick as a refrigerator, which shows that that tree is really huge!

Juri was shocked by the size of the snake, so she shouted. - "IF IT'S GOING TO HELP, I THINK IT'S TIME!"

At her shout, Gabriela waiting moved forward, a grenade in hand, and already threw it, falling close to the snake's slithering body and exploding, causing it to hiss shrilly as it raised its body high and swayed in pain.

Juri stopped running, took aim, and began firing, reloading and firing!

Fury was found in the eyes of the snake, which leaped towards Gabriela, who's eyes widened and began to run!

Juri pulled out a grenade and threw it close to the snake, soon it exploded and again its hissing.

At this point, 3/5 of the snake's HP was lost!

Gabriela quickly pulled out her sledgehammer, turned and ran towards the snake, agonizing in pain, looking at Juri.

But then she heard footsteps, when she looked, she saw Gabriela jumping and the next instant a loud, muffled sound rang out, the snake's mind leaving its body for a moment!

"RUN!" - Roared Juri, Gabriela didn't think twice, abandoning her sledgehammer for now and running after throwing a grenade.

The snake was about to regain consciousness when the grenade exploded and its head slowly lifting, it was forced into the air!

Then Juri pulled out Gabriela's grenade launcher, which he had borrowed, aimed at its body, and fired!

The grenade came down, hit, and exploded!

With a shrill hiss, the snake began to disappear, and Juri received a reward:

[+15,000 XP!]

That was a lot of XP, equivalent to killing 150 Level 10 Tigers!

Juri was happy about that, XP is never too much!

But on top of that, there was the loot, high quality sacrificial materials!

"Why are these things glowing?" - Gabriela asked looking at the materials that fell from the snake.

"Well... maybe because it is a much stronger creature than others, it gives much better sacrificial materials... wait..." - Juri bent down and picked up a piece of cloth that fell.

"What's that?" - Gabriela asked confused.

[Bandana of the Giant Slayer(Rare)]

Description: A bandana made from one of the scales of the "Giant Slayer Snake", refined to the point of becoming a cloth!

Effect: +20 Agility

Effect: +10 Strength

Effect: +10 Constitution

Effect: +10 Intelligence

Effect: +10% Night Vision!

"Uwo! That's a good thing!" - Juri said smiling.

"Good, how? I don't see any inscription on that!" - Gabriela said curiously.

"You know role-playing games?"

Gabriela nodded, she's not an idiot, she understands a bit and has played a few games.

"This has effects just like RPG items, if equipped, it will passively improve some physical aspects, but it seems that its main function is improvement in night vision ability!" - Said Juri smiling.

"How do you know that?" - Gabriela asked.

"Dimension, I created it! I receive information about things I discover! Magic item that fell, I get information, do I need to explain more?" - Juri asks rolling his eyes, Gabriela said nothing.

"Can I test?" - Gabriela asks and Juri smoothly hands her the bandana.

Gabriela takes off her helmet and puts on the bandana, where she soon feels a wave of energy strengthening her, which surprises her, not to mention that her vision has become a little strange, the shadows in her field of vision becoming clearer.

"Impressive!" - Gabriela said astonished.

"You can stay, I'd rather not cover my face or hair, I'm too beautiful to hide such beauty!" - Said Juri in a nascent tone.

Gabriela growled lightly and said. - "I don't have to, it's nice, but I wear the helmet."

"Hey, that's a bandana, not a helmet, you can wear yours over the bandana, beast!" - Said Juri rudely as he rolled his eyes.

Gabriela stopped, a little embarrassed for not realizing this, put the bandana back on, coughed and said. - "Trunk!"

"Oh, that's right!" - Said Juri, collecting the resources on the ground and running to the trunk, which she pulled out from the roots and without further ado opened it!

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