The Sexy Futa Player

Chapter 17: Chapter 17

As promised I stayed in the Dungeon much of my time, using my [Map] to find every possible beast.

If I go Dungeon by Level, I will find: Rabbit, Wolf, Boar and Tiger!

Only these 4 are available, but if I make the Dungeon Level 1~10, it will kind of create a forest inhabited by various animals, as if it were real life.

There are a lot of animals here even bigger than normal birds that attack me!

There are also animals like Leopards, Cougars, Wild Cats, Wild Dogs and so on.

Some animals like Wolves, are walking in packs, sometimes led by Level 8~10 Alphas.

What I did was hunt and hunt a lot!

I bought an Ak-47 Rifle, as well as many cartridges of ammunition, they asked me what I would use all this for, I said they would know in the future.

Since Mr. Pietro gave the green light, they sold it to me with no problem, so I went to the Dungeon and there I poured shot into the numerous animals.

While I was organizing my inventory, preparing the item sets that I will give to Gabriela as my compensation.

If someone asks me: Are you interested in her?

I will answer: I would lie if I wasn't.

She may have beaten me and hurt like hell, but she probably gets a buff of 150~200 points in her Strength, while my Strength only jumps to 162, and she is already quite strong without it, probably around 80 strength points naturally.

In other words, she is 2 times stronger than me if she uses [Negative Power]!

But even though she can break me like a toothpick, it doesn't change the fact that she's beautiful and damn, those big tits don't leave my mind, those muscles, that tail, even that effeminate moan.

Fuck, I get horny just imagining it, calm down Juri, calm down!

Well, after 2 days, I finish preparing everything, I even go to the meeting with my dear Doctor Julia, I flirt a bit before taking a vial of my blood.

Next I leave and go to meet Gabriela.


I arrive at the room on the 4th floor, N117!

Knock* Knock*

I knock on the door, I'm certainly a little nervous and soon I hear hurried footsteps before the door opens.

"What took you so long-" - I see Gabriela a little excited, but her expression closes as she sees me.

"Go away!" - She says fiercely and already goes to close the door, but I stop her and realize that she is going to attack me.

"Wait! I came to apologize!" - I say hurriedly.

"I don't accept, go away!" - She continued coldly.

"Then at least accept my compensation for the humiliation you went through!" - I say as boxes begin to appear in my hand, which startles her.

"What are these?" - She asks pointing at the boxes.

"My unique power!" - I say understanding her doubt.

I soon leave the boxes in the middle of the door, stacking them a bit and Gabriela just watches with some surprise.

Then finally, I take out the vial containing my blood and pass it to her.

She looks at my outstretched hand with the obvious vial of blood.

"This is a special blood, I don't know if you have learned, but the Entities love this blood, you could say it would be like comparing the common blood used from animals and humans as Copper and Silver Coins, but this blood is a Blood Diamond!" - I explain and see the surprise in her eyes.

"Really I'm sorry, I'm new and I didn't know about the Tail, it's just that I thought you were very pretty and your tail was cute, so I wanted to take it, but I didn't mean to insult or humiliate you, I apologize!" - I continue apologizing when she finally takes the vial from my hand.

"In the other boxes they have high quality sacrificial and ritual materials, inside there are tickets information of what they are!" - I say and after that, I leave.

(3rd Person View)

Gabriela looks at Juri walking away, her eyes narrowing and thinking about his expressions and words, as far as everything indicated it was sincere.

Looking at the blood, she didn't know if it was that precious, she will ask later if this is true.

So she started to open the first box and at first she saw a boar skull, beside it a paper, which she took and read, while looking at the packages and vials, knowing that everything here was boar stuff.

Putting the box back inside, she opened the next one, a wolf skull, which was quite large indeed, making her wonder if it's Paranormal, but found no trace of Negative Energy, which surprised her.

Reading the contents, materials from an [Alpha Wolf].

She kept looking and found that there were Tiger, Cheetah, Cougar, Monkey, Gorilla and some other large and ferocious animals materials.

She was shocked and didn't understand where it all came from, she naturally wanted to get her hands on Tiger meat, it is extremely expensive and rare, a great material for Sacrifice.

But she couldn't, so she used the set she had, with a variety of meats and in the end, the most compatible with herself was Monkey meat, thus the tail.

She was shocked that Juri handed her such large volumes of such precious materials, there are at least 30 Million Credits here, which shocked her.

She understood that Juri was being really sincere in her apology, just as she understood that this bitch is fucking rich!

Gabriela was stunned by so many precious things, she even thought about refusing, because it's too much.

"Gee, what's all this?" - A thin voice sounded as a woman with large breasts and a short figure came in, looking at the boxes.

"Hey, is that a Tiger skull?" - She asked looking at the skull on the table in surprise and already running, then read the paper in Gabriela's hand and began to disturb her!

(Back to Juri!)

After I delivered my compensation to Gabriela, I felt more relieved, as if a weight was off my back.

So happy I could go back to my routine, training my body, studying, and moving up in Level.

But I think the time has come for me to practice some fencing, I need a melee weapon, just relying on my legs and fists is not the best way.

And since the leveling speed of my Attributes was slowing down, I think it's a good time to slow down my time at the Academy.

With my decision, I started training less at the Academy and learning more Fencing!

I quickly acquired [Fencing]:

[Swordsmanship, Lv.1]

Type: Passive

Effect: You learned how to use swords and blades, increasing your Stability and Attack Speed by +1%!

On the 1st day of class, I already raised it to Level 3, on the 2nd day, it went to Level 5.

Then I started using it to kill animals in the Dungeon and the Level started going up pretty fast.

I also started to temporarily stop going to the Academy, spending the time I would normally spend there, to Meditate!

Now Meditation is at Level 59, I am feeling my Mana much better, I am very close to being able to touch it, then control it!

So I went into a time of self-learning, isolating myself from people a bit.

Then when I reached Level 42, that's when I finally acquired [Magic Energy Control]!

[Magic Energy Control, Lv.1]

Effect: Gives magical knowledge to the bearer who learned it all by himself! +1% Mana Circulation, Mana Control and Mana Senses!

And with that, my happiness only increased!

Soon I will launch fireballs and meteors from the sky!

I will become a Ruthless Mage!

Of course, my focus is physical combat, as a Ruthless Magic Warrior!

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