The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly

Chapter 119 - A Slap for Every Penny Found (1)

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

Chapter 119 - A Slap for Every Penny Found (1)

"We’re going to live together from now on, right?"

I was momentarily speechless as I looked at Ismera’s brightly beaming face.

It wasn’t because I had gone deaf, nor because she had spoken in Elvish.

I just couldn’t make sense of the sentence itself.

The subject seemed to be missing, but it probably implied something about us living together?

She suddenly showed up at the academy dorms with all her luggage?

"Olysia, you go inside and finish what you were doing."

I sent Olysia back into the house and asked Ismera quietly.

"What are you talking about all of a sudden?"

"What do you mean? Isn’t it obvious that we should live together?"

"Okay, but who with who?"

"Me and you, of course."


"Why? What do you mean why?"

Ismera gave me a look like I was a stubborn student who just couldn’t understand no matter how many times she explained it.

"Which part are you struggling to comprehend?"

"Just... all of it. Why do you need to live with me? And when you say 'live together,' you mean under the same roof? In the same house?"

"Is there another way to live together under one roof?"

"No, what I mean is, why do we have to live together under one roof?"

"Why are you asking me that? Are you seriously confused? Of course we have to live together! We’ve already shared our hearts, our bodies, our tongues, and gone all the way!"

"Shh! Shhh! Quiet!"

I quickly clamped my hand over Ismera’s mouth and turned around to check behind me.

Thankfully, it seemed Olysia hadn’t overheard.

"Ismera, just go back. If we live together at the academy, it’ll cause a huge commotion."

"Why would it?"

"For one thing, Olysia might flip out."


"Yeah. She’s obsessed with me keeping my professor position at the academy secure. She can’t stand the thought of even the smallest blemish on my career."

"I know. When we were preparing for the competition, she kept asking me if you were doing your job properly or if you were lazing around like some idle, no-good layabout, and whether you were on bad terms with the Headmaster."

What? What kind of image has Olysia been spreading about me?

"But what does Olysia’s concern for your career have to do with me moving in?"

"It’s all related. Think about it: suddenly, the Vice-Headmaster and the Head Combat Professor are living together. They’re not even married. And in the academy dorms, no less. You think people won’t gossip?"

"Married… That’s a bit problematic…"

Elves don’t practice marriage. In fact, they tend to find the concept of being bound by contract to someone for life quite shocking and off-putting.

That explained why Ismera’s expression instantly changed the moment I mentioned marriage.

"So, while it’s only natural for me to live with you, in the human world, for a man and a woman to live together, they have to get married… If they live together without going through that process, all sorts of bad rumors will spread…"

Ismera nodded seriously, looking thoughtful.

"In that case, I suppose it’ll be difficult for now. I understand, I’ll stay in the dormitory for the time being."

She hugged her bag and gave me a bright smile.

"Mister, come closer, please."

As I stepped closer, Ismera quickly glanced around before pressing her lips to mine.

"See you tomorrow, then."

"Take care."

After Ismera left, I savored the lingering, fresh scent around my lips as I returned to the house, where Olysia was waiting for me in the living room.

"Sir Dian!"

"What’s with the yelling?"

"Why did the Vice-Headmaster say she’s moving in? Why did she bring all her luggage here?"

"Well, it’s… complicated. Let’s just say it’s something you don’t need to know about."

"I’m not a kid, you know? Hmmm…"

Olysia stroked her chin and scanned me up and down.

"Something happened the night you stayed out, didn’t it? That’s why the Vice-Headmaster came here, right?"

I almost told her, but then I remembered that Olysia was still a minor, so I decided against it.

Actually, it was only recently that Olysia found out I was a former member of the Demon King Slaying Special Unit.

I brought her here when she was very young, so I was worried she might blab about it to everyone if I told her.

Even when Linus visited Brunswell earlier this year, Olysia had no idea who he was.

Brunswell is a distant neutral port that was spared from the war, so Linus’s legend hadn’t really reached there.

It was only after we moved here that Olysia realized how famous Linus was and started asking how we became friends, so I told her.

Now that she’s older, she knows how to keep secrets.

Surprisingly, when I told her I was a former member of the Demon King Slaying Special Unit, she wasn’t that shocked.

‘Oh, so that’s why you were able to beat the crap out of those Ferencino thugs all by yourself?’ was about the extent of her reaction.

I guess to Olysia, my past doesn’t really matter that much.

Anyway, I decided not to tell her. She’s still a minor, and how on earth am I supposed to say, "Yeah, I slept with Ismera last night"?

"Quiet down, you brat. You’re still a kid to me."

"What?! Sir Dian! This is really important! We’re talking about the Vice-Headmaster here!"

"Let’s eat. I’m hungry!"

I chased the fuming Olysia off to the kitchen.

But seriously, Ismera really surprised me.

Who would’ve thought she’d just show up out of nowhere, ready to move in?

# # # # #

The day after we returned, the personnel order from the Security Office officially appointed Ismera as the new Vice-Headmaster.

A new Vice-Headmaster’s office was established not far from the Headmaster’s, and Ismera moved in there.

Her old office, which she used as the Head Theoretical Professor, was reassigned to Kaiden.

Kaiden isn’t coming immediately; he has some matters to wrap up at the Tower of Illusions.

When the announcement of Ismera’s appointment as Vice-Headmaster was posted on the bulletin board, the response from staff and students alike was overwhelmingly positive.

Considering how much Ismera had dedicated herself to the academy, this reaction was only natural.

"Oh, Professor Ismera… I’m so glad for her…"

Merilda, upon reading the announcement, even teared up.

It made sense, as she had witnessed firsthand how hard Ismera had struggled over the past month while preparing for the competition.

"Merilda, come with me to the Vice-Headmaster’s office. We need to talk."

"Is this about the private lessons?"

Sharp as ever, Merilda picked up on it right away.

"Yeah. We said we’d discuss it after the competition, didn’t we? Besides, the Vice-Headmaster herself invited us to come check out her new office."

"Sounds good. Let’s go."

As Merilda and I headed towards the main building together, I heard someone calling out from behind.

"Head Professor! Head Professor!"

I turned around to see Orendi, his cloak billowing as he rushed towards me in a fluster.

"Can we… haa, can we talk? It’s really… haa… it’s really important."

Barely able to catch his breath, Orendi, who clearly didn’t get much exercise, bent over with his hands on his knees, panting.

"What is it?"

"Just a moment… away from Merilda… somewhere private… Hold on…"

It took him a long while to catch his breath, but eventually, Orendi pulled me aside.

Once Merilda was far enough away, Orendi asked.

"Head Professor, who are you really?"

"Me? You idiot, I’m the Head Combat Professor, of course."

"That’s not what I mean, and you know it!"

Orendi shot back.

"When you went to bring in Priestess Maya, you were with the Chief Administrator Lormane. During the competition preparations, you were with the Great Mage Kaiden. And when you went to get the Vice-Headmaster, you were with Sir Linus and Lady Selene. They’re all members of the Demon King Slaying Special Unit!"

"Yeah. What citizen of the empire doesn’t know that?"

"All of this seems incredibly suspicious. You came here recommended by the Imperial Palace, you’ve got ties to the Special Unit, and… it just doesn’t add up."

Of course, he’d figure it out. He’s a mage, after all. Only an idiot wouldn’t have noticed by now.

I guess I’ll have to tell him. There’s no point in denying it anymore.

"Yeah, yeah. As you guessed, I was a member of the Demon Kin—"

"You’re a secret prince, aren’t you?"

Orendi blurted out.

"…What? What did you say?"

"A secret prince. You’re the hidden prince that the Imperial Palace’s been keeping under wraps. It all makes sense now."

Orendi nodded to himself, as if confirming his own theory.

"You came recommended by the Imperial Palace and suddenly became the Head Combat Professor. Every time you get involved in something, the Security Office steps in to help you. It’s as if the entire Empire is working to support you. There’s no other explanation—it must be because you’re a secret prince. Right, Your Highness?"

Orendi stared at me with a look that said, "There’s no escaping it now."

"You crazy bastard. Tch, tch."

I chuckled and flicked him on the forehead with my finger.

"Stop spouting nonsense and go do your work. I’m busy."

After getting rid of Orendi, I went up to the Vice-Headmaster’s office with Merilda.

"Vice-Headmaster, it’s Dian."

"One moment please."

I heard Ismera’s voice from inside after knocking.

After waiting a bit, I heard footsteps and the sound of locks being undone. It seemed like she had locked the door from inside.

"Don’t open it yet. Wait a little longer."

Then came more hurried footsteps and some rustling sounds.

"Alright, you can come in now."

I opened the door halfway, but then immediately backed out and closed it again.

"What's going on, Sir Dian?"

Ignoring Merilda’s question behind me, I spoke through the closed door.

"Vice-Headmaster, Merilda’s with me too."

"Ehh?! Ahh! Uhh! Oww! That hurts!"

Inside, I heard the sounds of Ismera moving around frantically, accompanied by a loud crash.

"Why is she doing that?"

"Oh, she probably only prepared two chairs and is getting an extra one ready for you."

I lied.

There was no way I could tell her that Ismera had been standing by the window in nothing but some very revealing underwear.

That crazy elf…

[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

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