The Retired Hero is an Extra

Chapter 27: Chapter 27: Unexpected Warmth

Jash turned the shower knob with great familiarity as it started spraying cold water directly on his pale skin.

Glancing at the shower head, he couldn't help but get sidetracked. He compared its functioning with typical showers back in his first life.

Showers generally released water pumped from underground to a height using an 'electrical pump.'

But right in front of him was a simple shower mechanism with a single knob to flick it off or on. The temperature selection remained affixed on the side wall.

All he needed to do was move the knob and water would flow, following the temperature he set up.

It all worked using complicated lines carved with special tools, called runes, connecting the mana stones to the showerhead, forming a complete circuit.

It worked by siphoning the ambient mana and recharging itself.

Naturally, it was much more efficient than some prototypes. It had been refined over time, supplemented by the accumulated knowledge and experience from other races.

Unaware, Jash couldn't help but muse, 'The difference in technology in these complicated mana circuits is insane compared to my first life! Maybe due to different races pres–'

'Wait! What the?'

Jash's countenance stiffened as he realized he had just thought of those memories as his first life.

The cold water continued pouring over his body as he shivered, not from the low temperature, but from how his thoughts had changed.

'Was it manipulation? Tweaking my brain? Altering memories? Or something else?'

Jash tried to discern when his line of thoughts shifted but remained clueless about his current situation.

Unknowingly, he had mulled over the memories so much that his brain just accepted them as a part of him.

They were already in continuation, so it didn't really matter much in the first place.

The only one refusing to accept them was Jash.

Yet he continued to be absent minded as he finished his shower before drying and dressing himself.

Without putting in active effort, he still managed to do his chores, unlike the previous him.

While his lazy personality certainly changed, it didn't deviate much, as he was still hell-bent on living an easy life without having great goals or burdens.

Unfortunately, the weight of knowledge bore heavily on him, allowing him to regain his bearings as he sat on the edge of his bed.

His brain moved rapidly through many ideas and situations, ignoring his unkempt appearance.

'I feel like my thought process has quickened,' noted Jash as he tried to take note of the subtlest changes within himself.

However, it wasn't easy.

His mind kept wandering off, thinking about the knowledge of skillfully wielding the elusive and ethereal power, mana.

Despite being present in both his lives, it seemed to have different natures and followed a different set of rules.

Yet the fact remained: mana was mana.

This allowed him to feel a false sense of familiarity with his body when all of it was just inside his brain.

The feeling became a constant reminder to awaken.

However, he believed something else took priority.

'I have to confirm if this is the world of the novel... But how?'

Raising the question, his thoughts swirled for a few minutes, recalling some event that would help him confirm his suspicion.

'If I visit the church, it will be clear as day...'

'But... I don't really believe in the Goddess worshiped in the Church...'

Jash was never a believer, as most nobles didn't really believe the fabled tale spread throughout the Solarnelle Empire.

He too was raised by his parents and the servants in the mansion differently from how a commoner would be, instilling a belief in nothing but himself and his family.

His feelings of atheism and narcissism, to a certain degree, only skyrocketed with Bhairav's memories.

Recalling the fabled tales of God, or rather Gods, in those memories from his mother, he couldn't help but doubt their authenticity.

Yet they belonged to an era long past, before mana even came into that world.

The fables he heard from Sera were far different and downright exaggerated.

"In the end, it all boils down to a show," mumbled Jash helplessly, recognizing the crux of the situation.

"Nobles just like to put up a pretense of being kind and benevolent by donating to the Church, but are depraved deep down..."

However, in his case, he held zero or maybe even negative belief in the 'Goddess'.

'No way the believers won't sense the difference with me... And if she takes note of me, then...'

Jash trembled as his teeth clattered from the mere thought of being caught by a God for who knows what reason.

Going into a God's domain was the riskiest plan he might have to go with if he couldn't find a safer solution.

Sadly, it was extremely hard.

Since the novel more or less focused only on the protagonist and his harem, he couldn't recall any noticeable events before the academy began.

'Either I wait till the academy or check it now, but there's no way my presence won't have butterfly effects. That's just impossible!!'

Not knowing where to start, given his absurd situation, Jash quietly contemplated the best time to confirm.

"WAIT!" Jash suddenly shouted as he stood up, hitting the bed so hard it seemed he had jumped.

"How did I forget something so important!?"

"There's the last birthday banquet of the Royal Family before the Academy Arc begins!!"

"Excluding the protagonist, who basically lives inside the church, most major characters from nobility would be present!"

"Even if I don't know every one of them, it would be the best bet to confirm the reality of this—my world!"

Calming himself down after reaching the conclusion, he didn't waste time mulling over things he couldn't change or affect, for now.

'I need to awaken as a hunter first...'

However, awakening wasn't going to be the same for him, given he was a victim of pseudo-forbidden magic.

Sera and Carcel would be fools to allow him to wander around before confirming if he was well and fine.


Catching him off guard, the door creaked open, and a girl who looked like him entered.

'What is she doing here?' Jash froze upon identifying the guest.

"Ja–... Jash... h-how a-are... y-you?"

Hearing her shaky and trembling voice laced with concern for him, Jash's heart warmed as he got up to hug her.

"I am fine now. Everything's fine, Caera," he muttered into her ear as he enveloped her in a warm embrace.

He could feel her flinch before holding him back with her trembling arms as she buried her head in his chest.

Jash's eyebrows rose up involuntarily as he felt her light grip. 'It seems she is afraid of losing control of her strength and hurting me.'

A warm smile graced his lips as he patted her back gently, afraid to frighten her.

Time passed slowly before Caera broke the hug reluctantly and muttered in a small voice, "Mum and dad are waiting for you. Just tell me whenever you feel ready, and I will bring you to them."

"Okay," Jash nodded in response as he patted her head, causing her to stiffen before running away, feeling embarrassed at his gentle touch.

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