The Retired Hero is an Extra

Chapter 165: Chapter 165: Crowning Champions

"And this marks the d of the Entrance Test!!" Rui spoke as the crowd loudly cheered.

Many people were dissatisfied with the results, but the Entrance Test was something where only one's strgth could guide their results.

Of course, it wasn't just the participants who failed to be the top 000 that got upset by the result.

Ev the Elv Royalty, Solarnelle Imperial Family, Dwarv Royalty, Hunter Association, Church's delegation, and nobility were dissatisfied.

No matter who they were, they were disappointed, all besides Jash and Ziva's family. Though the atmosphere was contrasting.

Ziva's parts expected her to get a good score, maybe the last 3, so it wasn't all that unexpected for them.

For Jash's parts, the results were confusing. They hadn't anticipated him fighting against Late E-Rank opponts, let alone winning.

Oblivious to it all, the two were in separate rooms, unlike the earlier eliminated participants who were in the healing facility.

They had be well-rested and were ev checked by the healers for any hidd injuries.

As a result, Jash was able to walk at his own pace without any major issues despite the sharp ssation of pain in his muscles.

Of course, a full recovery in such a short time after overexertion wasn't realistic.

'There should be no problem,' Jash thought, confidt that he would be fine by the time the Academy started.

Suddly, one of the gray walls of the room parted to reveal a man with the academy's uniform.

'A professor,' Jash noted with a single glance as the studts and professors had tirely differt uniforms.

The man was one of the professors who was in charge of picking the sces for the scre and just so happed to be the one who caught Jash sleeping most of the time.

"So you won," he said to Jash with a polite smile on his face but the disbelief and mild dislike for Jash was visible.

Though Jash had no idea why, he couldn't care less. 'Whatever, not like he's of any importance,' Jash shrugged and nodded.

"Yes, I won, and now?" Jash quickly tried to d this, being tired and bored after the fighting and island survival.

"Well, there is the portal," the professor said, gesturing outside, where he came from.

"It will take you to the stage outside for the winners announcemt. Step in it," he spoke and turned.

"Alright," Jash replied, following the professor and finding the blue portal right there and instantly stepped into it.

The professor watched Jash leave and muttered, "I can't believe someone like him won."

Although the announcemt was yet to be made, it was quite obvious who the winners for both the parts of the Entrance Test were.

That so, the professor found it hard to believe that someone who slept half the Entrance Test actually won it.

Sadly for him, there was no rule that refrained Jash from doing that, making the professor just swallow his dislike and distaste.

Contrary to Jash's situation, Ziva actually got a visit from a polite professor.

Maybe, he was polite due to the brutality and disregard displayed by Ziva, or maybe he was like that.

"Congratulations on being the one to conclude the Entrance Test. You may now pass through that portal."

The professor simply informed Ziva after a polite greeting, harboring no ill-inttions towards her.

As Ziva moved with a curt nod, the professor said, "Your performance was outstanding, particularly your choice of weapon"

"You truly exceed any expectations..."

"Can I go?" Ziva asked, interrupting his praises, she wasn't the least bit interested in any of it.

She had an impatit expression on her face, as if wanting to leave right that instant, making the professor feel embarrassed.

"Oh, yeah," The professor smiled and gestured toward the portal, allowing her to step through.

Meanwhile, the test conductors were making sure the injured participants would be fully healed in the medical facility soon.

They also had to retrieve those who had hid during the boss battles, ev disqualifying some to be considered for the limited 000 admissions.

Yes, it was mean to do so, but who could say anything?

Not like anyone had the time for it as many girls and boys appeared on a stage prepared for them.

Jash too appeared on the stage and saw the huge amount of people sitting in the stadium cheering loudly for them.

Thankfully, no one nearby recognized him as he quietly moved to the back, avoiding the limelight.

'Shit! Maintaining an image is not easy,' he cursed, lamting his situation as he had gone overboard, up and above his own expectations.

Well, if a transmigrator villain and a darned protagonist couldn't mess his calculations up, th what ability did they ev have?

Talking about them, the two also appeared on the stage before no more girls or boys appeared.

"Our winners have arrived," Rui announced with great fervor.

Just like Jash, Ziva too had arrived a few momts later than him.

However, for the 50 studts on the stage, they had absolutely no idea who would be the winner of the Entrance Test.

After all, the appearance order was random, and ev Jash praised it, 'This is better than just showing up one of us.'

"Congratulations to the winners of this Entrance Test, you shall be named the Year Represtative for boys and girls respectively, for now."

Hearing Rui's announcemt, the examinees left behind in the gray rooms were upset and ev tried to protest.

Alas, no one cared about them as the audice was ecstatic and the 50 examinees themselves were looking at each other with great apprehsion.

At that time, a small whisper tered Jash's ear as he turned to look at who it was questioningly.



Only at turning did Jash's eyes narrowed for a split second as he recognized Amael, but the fridly smile on his face confused Jash.

'Why's he fridly all of a sudd?' Jash wondered, his eyes turning to the gold-haired boy, 'Look at him, he's so depressed.'

The protagonist had a sad look on his face, full of disbelief as if the world itself had ded.

Not caring about any of their reactions or thoughts, Rui began, "The winner is..."

"For first place among the boys', we have Jash Ramille!!" Rui exclaimed loudly, followed by a huge of applause, cheering and whistles.

'What the hell!? Why am I in the spotlight already?' Jash complained inwardly while maintaining his expression.

He had expected Rui to build some kind of suspse instead of revealing so blandly, but who knew what goes on in that crazy guy's mind.

"And for first place among the girls', we have Ziva Arne!!" Rui announced with the same fervor that he used to shout Jash's name.

Thankfully, the audice fully supported him, not giving a lukewarm response and reciprocating similar to just a few seconds earlier.

In fact, a large part of the audice hadn't stopped from the second he took Jash's name, not wanting to miss the opportunity to celebrate the conclusion of the Entrance Test.

After all, they would have to wait a year or so for the next Entrance Test...

Not wasting any more of the precious time giv to him, Rui announced, "As you all know, the rules state that the winner will become the Year Represtative of the first-year studts."

"So we will have Ziva Arne and Jash Ramille as the First Year Represtatives."

The cheering continued while a discontted participant grumbled, "Just announce it at once, already."

Of course, the poor guy got marked by Rui while the others on the stage respected his sacrifice.

'You will forever be remembered in our hearts...'

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