The Retired Hero is an Extra

Chapter 161: Chapter 161: Limits Tested


The boss monster collapsed, unable to bear the onslaught of attacks for so long, succumbing to its injuries.

Its limp body was moving up and down slightly as if to prove that it still had some semblance of life within it.

The nearby girls had distanced themselves at the sight of its huge body collapsing, saving themselves from any aftershocks or last-ditch attacks.

Looking at the swift dispersal of the boss monster, the pink-haired girl's lips trembled as she mumbled, "Mons...ters... all o...f them, monsters..."

Due to her low voice and the loud noise of the boss monster's collapse ringing in their heads, no one could hear her at all.

Fortunately, she had kept herself hidden or she would've been in the same condition as the boss monster in even less time.

Her eyes were full of determination to reach their level one day, locking fiercely onto the figure of Ziva.

However, seeing nothing happen after taking down the boss monster surprised them.

"Looks like it has come down to this," Ziva muttered, confusing the ones around her as she channeled her mana.

Though a second late, the others also understood and started preparing to attack and defend.

A battle was about to ensue amongst them, to find who would claim the title of the strongest.


A strange sound echoed suddenly, disorienting everyone to varying degrees, with Ziva being the least affected and Levi being the most.

At that moment, the green-haired girl came out of hiding, holding a fan-like object in her hand.

Covering her mouth with the fan and lowering it slightly, the same noise echoed again.

This time, however, the source was clear and they immediately noted, "Sound element!"

It was one heck of a scary element if used correctly and the most useless if given to an idiot.

And one look at how expertly the green-haired girl used, it was clear that she belonged to the former category.

Despite all of that, her eyes were fiercely locked on the figure of Ziva, who seemed mostly unaffected.

In fact, Ziva wasn't fazed in the least.

It would be the same if someone around her rank used a mental attack on her.

Nothing like this would work on her, her strange element protecting her passively itself, not even requiring anything from her.

Just her body with affinity to it was enough, her being able to control it was just cherry on the top.

Sadly, the green-haired girl hadn't predicted the full negation of her ability, allowing the others to react as well.

"Finally decided to show yourself, huh? What about the other one?" Ziva asked with a casual expression.

Her words shocked the green-haired girl and made the pink-haired girl gulp and hold her breath despite being disoriented.

Yet, Ziva remained unfazed, her expression casual as ever.

In the next second, the green-haired girl increased the pitch of her voice, amplifying her voice up a notch.

But it remained largely ineffective on Ziva, who was already heading towards her.

Of course, she was also human and got fatigued after fighting for so long, so her pace was a bit slow.

If Ziva had a few minutes to catch her breath, she would return to somewhat the peak of her power.

Despite this, the green-haired girl panicked slightly as she backtracked, still sending sound attacks, focusing them on Ziva as much as she could.

It dampened the impact on others, allowing them to regain their senses as Caera was the first to begin casting a spell.

Unlike others who had a wait and watch attitude, she wanted to help her friend, so she couldn't care less about the proximity to others.

Thankfully, Rura somewhat felt that Caera was her friend and tried to guard her despite not being able to recover properly.

'Weak... I am so weak!' she thought self-deprecatingly, 'If only I was as strong as her!'

Alas, there was no answer to hopes and prayers without the efforts and talent itself.

But, she didn't really have to blame herself, she had a crazy good talent, just not in fighting.

Seeing the scene nearby her, Lyra dismissed her thoughts of befriending Rura. 'Useless,' she labeled Rura.

Being the third to free herself, after Sylvie, she was already planning on finding ways to become better.

All this Entrance Test—she had dismissed as mere child's play until faced with the harsh slap from reality.

It forced her to realize her weakness and learn that there were people stronger than her, not just in strength but other aspects as well.

While she was growing, there was Ava nearby, who felt nothing but helpless about the situation, like always with her mother.

Negative thoughts took root in her mind, 'I am so... useless... helpless even... I deserve to fail...'

Fortunately, Sylvie put a hand on her shoulder at the correct time, bringing her out of her reverie.

Sylvie wore a serious expression on her face as she focused on creating a vine on the ground for the green-haired girl.


Unable to focus on her surroundings, the green-haired girl fell down.

Still, she didn't give up, increasing the intensity of her attack once more, forcing others to take a step back and balance themselves.

Yet Ziva just slowed her pace, not stopping despite Caera's spell being disrupted, which was supposed to be her support.

'!' The green-haired girl denied her situation, forcefully pushing her limits, wanting to win this whole thing.

However, it had no effect on Ziva.

But how could the green-haired girl know that her bane was participating in the Entrance Test?

Not just her—even some professors had their suspicions about the situation.

The sound element was rare to begin with, and it showed up in a girl they had never heard of or even seen.

Then, there was Ziva, being totally unaffected in the face of it.

However, that made no sense as her element wasn't a 100% negation, it could only help one achieve that feat.

Nonetheless, there was no way to interrogate her as she was a Duke's daughter.

Well, even if they somehow got the permission, it was going to be of no help as she herself had no clue.

She just knew that it worked, and work, it did.

Meanwhile, the girl on the ground pushed herself to the limit, her nose bleeding and her skin paling.

But she didn't stop; the intensity of her attack rose, causing the jarring sound to make Freirae, Rura and Levi collapse on the ground.

Being a dwarf had its own shortcomings unlike elves, who despite their longer ear could choose to selectively hear.

Not that it wasn't getting harder for her, but the situation demanded it.

The green-haired girl was just far too stubborn as she continued despite the deteriorating condition of her body.

Even the increasing pressure on her mana core started to hurt her yet she only reminded herself, 'Levoria, you can't lose!'

Blue veins were starting to appear around her arms, and blood was oozing from her nose, down her cheek.

It was clear that she was going beyond her limits for this attack.

However, as if to prove it wrong and relieve them, a arrow fast approached,


Ziva deflected two arrows as the third one aimed for the girl on the ground, eliminating her.

Seeing the arrows, Ziva grew wary of the newcomer when she heard a carefree voice,

"Oops! Looks like I was late to the party..."

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