The Response to my Drunken Proposal was Surprisingly Good

Chapter 80: Suspicious Couple (6)

Chapter 80: Suspicious Couple (6)

​✦  Chapter 80 – Suspicious Couple (6)  ✦

「Translator – Creator」


A booming voice called out, and Ezekiel’s group stopped in their tracks.

The source of the voice was two mages clad in blue robes. The snowflake embroidery emblazoned on their chests clearly indicated that they were from the Blue Tower and had no intention of hiding their affiliation.

One was an elderly man, the other a young woman.

“Your auras suggest you are a group of mages,” the old man began. “Would you mind telling us who you are?”

— I will speak for our group.

Agnes stepped forward. She couldn’t risk the three of them giving away their true identities.

“As you can see, we’re just an ordinary couple. And this is our adopted daughter.”

But just then…

“Hmm… Aren’t you the Second Princess’s personal secretary?” the young woman from the Blue Tower interjected, recognizing Tether.

It wasn’t unusual for those affiliated with the towers to have had interactions with the imperial family at some point. It seemed she remembered Tether, the representative of the Second Princess.

“Secretary? Now that I think about it, you’re the Second Princess’s secretary!”

“Secretary… adoption? What do you mean?”

“Um… ”

Tether stammered, trying to regain her composure.

“M-more importantly… why are you here, if you don’t mind my asking?”

“As you know, the official presentation doesn’t begin until tomorrow. We usually arrive just before the announcement, but this time, we couldn’t ignore the provocations from the Imperial Magic Tower Inspector and came a bit early.”

Tether glanced at Ezekiel.

—You provoked them?

—I told them not to be late. That’s hardly a provocation.

“Provocation aside, we’re also here to keep an eye on the Black Tower,” the young woman from the Blue Tower spoke up. “They’re acting suspicious.”

This was a significant revelation, implying that not all the towers were aligned with the Black Tower. It was welcome news for the Imperial Magic Tower group.

“So, who are the two people with you, Secretary?”

“Well, that’s…”

As Tether stammered, a telepathic conversation ensued.

— These mages are from the Blue Tower. They don’t seem hostile, and our disguises have been blown. Should we reveal our true identities?

— Yes.

With Ezekiel’s approval, Tether nodded.

“Alright. Allow me to explain.”






​They moved to a secluded clearing to continue their conversation.

“That’s how it happened,” Tether concluded.

She had recounted all that transpired—from the Black Tower’s hostility towards the Imperial Magic Tower delegation, to their demand for Ezekiel’s sword, to the influx of thugs into the town.

“…How could they? Treat the Imperial Magic Tower with such disrespect!”

The two Blue Tower mages were flabbergasted, their eyes wide with disbelief.

Agnes bowed her head slightly.

“We appreciate your understanding.”

“Of course. And forgive us for our delayed introductions. Now that we know you are the Inspector from the Imperial Magic Tower, allow us to greet you properly.”

Ezekiel’s group and the Blue Tower mages exchanged respectful greetings. During the introductions, the old man burst into laughter.

“Ho ho ho! We should be the ones offering you respect!”

He stepped back, motioning towards the younger woman. It seemed she was the one with higher standing.

“I am Seina, an elder of the Blue Tower.”

She introduced herself with the esteemed title of ‘Elder.’

Her white hair was neatly braided to one side, cascading over her shoulder. Her blue eyes bore a striking resemblance to Ezekiel’s, though hers were gentler, less intense.

Ezekiel sent a telepathic message to his companions.

— Is she famous?

— She’s an Elder of the Blue Tower, and she’s considered their future. She’s extremely talented.

— I’ve heard of her as well. She’s the one who’s been boosting the Blue Tower’s reputation lately.

Agnes quickly bowed.

“Agnes, from the Imperial Magic Tower.”

The old mage responded immediately.

“You’re the inspector who sent that provocative invitation? I never would have guessed you were such a charming young woman! Ho ho ho!”

“You flatter me. But…” Agnes said, gesturing towards Ezekiel. “The Inspector… is actually this gentleman.”

“Hmm? ”

The old mage blinked. For the first time, he focused on Ezekiel.



“…This… gentleman? Is the Inspector from the Imperial Magic Tower? ”



Ezekiel, casually sucking on a lollipop, projected an air of casual elegance, more like a wealthy idler than a formidable Inspector. They hadn’t expected him to be the one in charge.

The elixir had played a part in this. As Ezekiel’s power had grown, so had his ability to conceal his chilling aura.

‘Even the Blue Tower mage couldn’t sense my true power.’

I’m getting stronger.

He was certain of it. His power was increasing at an unprecedented pace; the future was full of possibilities.​

“Ho ho ho… Forgive my rudeness, Inspector,” the old mage chuckled, recovering from his surprise.

“Hold on.”

Seina stepped forward, her gaze fixed on Ezekiel’s piercing blue eyes.

“Inspector… you’re concealing quite a chilling aura. You were the one who froze the dining hall, weren’t you?”

“I was.”

“Did you attend the academy?”

“Never as a student.”

He had only been to the academy a handful of times, on official business.

“… You didn’t receive a formal magical education? ”

Seina’s eyes narrowed.

“I’m mostly self-taught.”

“May I ask which noble house you hail from? ”

“I have no house. I’m a commoner.”

“A commoner? ”

The word seemed to catch Seina off guard. She exchanged a quick look with the old mage before continuing.

“Have you ever studied ice magic at the Blue Tower? Or perhaps learned from one of our mages?”


“That’s… unusual. If you had achieved this level of mastery through conventional means, the Blue Tower would surely know of you.”

The old mage stroked his beard thoughtfully.

“Indeed, it’s quite strange. The Blue Tower is the foremost authority on ice magic in the entire Empire. Yet, you claim to have achieved such mastery without any connection to us?”

“And your position as Inspector… well, that’s unusual too,” Seina added.

A palpable tension filled the air.

Ezekiel’s group exchanged a telepathic message.

— I thought we were supposed to be fellow ice mages, but they don’t seem too happy to see me.

— I understand their reaction.

Agnes answered calmly.

— The towers, apart from the Imperial Magic Tower, specialize in one element each. They are very sensitive about their knowledge being leaked or stolen.

— And being an Inspector probably doesn’t help.

Tether cautiously interjected.

— As you know, the true power of the towers lies with the Elders and the Tower Masters, not the Inspectors. Inspectors are… well… it’s hard to explain…

— Why mince words? Most Inspectors are just figureheads, coasting on their connections. They’re usually appointed for their social standing, not their magical talent.

— Exactly. So, you can imagine how confusing it is for them to meet Ezekiel—a commoner, a self-taught mage, an inspector… who also happens to be a master of ice magic.

The situation itself was easy to understand.

In fact, the Blue Tower mages were being surprisingly polite. Given their emphasis on lineage and tradition, they could have easily dismissed Ezekiel outright, just like the Imperial Magic Tower mages had done initially.

Seina spoke up again.

“The teachings of the Seolgwi, which form the foundation of our knowledge, are carefully guarded. For now, we will take your word for it that you are self-taught, Inspector. ”


— He’s a legendary figure revered by the Blue Tower. They believe he laid the foundation for all ice magic. No one knows his true identity, though.

‘The demons called me the Seolgwi, too,’ Ezekiel thought to himself.

What a strange coincidence.


Seina’ tone hardened at that moment.

“A mage who isn’t from the Blue Tower wielding such a dangerous level of ice magic… As an Elder of the Blue Tower, this situation gives me great concern.”


“Yes. Even the most beautiful ice can become a disaster if wielded improperly.”

“We’re busy. Could you get to the point?”

“Let’s have a duel, using only ice magic. The losing side must unconditionally comply with the winner’s demand.”

Seina’s expression was resolute.

— Is she always like this?

— Let’s just say she’s very passionate about the Blue Tower and Ice magic. It’s part of her reputation.

— She’s also probably trying to undermine the Imperial Magic Tower before tomorrow’s presentation.

“I can’t think of anything to demand.”

“Then I’ll grant you one wish, to use whenever you like. If that doesn’t interest you… well, I think I know what Ice mages like.”

She reached into her belongings and produced something.

It was a flask filled with a blue liquid. Icicles clung to its base, evidence of the intense cold it contained.

“This is Frost Elixir.”

“What? Frost Elixir?!”

Tether’s eyes widened.

— That’s incredibly valuable! The last time I saw Frost Elixir in the imperial treasury, it was locked away on the second floor!

It was a rare and valuable potion that could greatly enhance one’s ability to control ice magic. But Ezekiel was more curious about something else.

“And if I lose? What will you ask of me? ”

“You must visit the Blue Tower twice a week.”

The response was quite unexpected.

“For three hours each time, you will receive moral education, including lessons on the mindset of an ice mage.”


Ezekiel couldn’t help but chuckle at the unexpected answer.

Seina tilted her head slightly.

“…What’s so funny, Inspector? ”

“It’s nothing. Just… not what I was expecting.”

“Did you think I was going to demand your life? Or all your possessions? Not at all. I simply want all ice mages to wield their powers with a pure heart and create beautiful ice.”

Seina’s earnestness was almost… disarming.

‘She pities me, ’ Ezekiel thought wryly.

It wasn’t that she wanted to humiliate him or expose him as a fraud; it was as if she saw him as lost puppy, a talented but misguided soul in need of guidance. He’d never met anyone like her.

‘Well, I suppose it’s true that I had a… unconventional upbringing. ’

Ezekiel popped another lollipop into his mouth.

“Whenever you’re ready.”

“So, you’re letting me have the first move? Very well.”


As the duel commenced, Seina’s ice swirled like multiple whips. She wielded the hard ice with the grace and fluidity of a whip.

Ezekiel wasn’t interested in counterattacking. He was focused solely on defense.

Crack—! Slap—!


Ice whips slammed into the ground, sending shards of rock flying. Seina’s relentless assault continued, and Ezekiel, unfazed, simply deflected each attack.

“This is getting tedious. Shall we wrap this up?” Seina smiled, confident in her impending victory.

Agnes and Tether exchanged worried glances.

— Write this down.

— Element: ice, four vertical strokes, three horizontal strokes.

Suddenly, Ezekiel’s telepathic instructions echoed in Agnes’s mind.

— Remove all output from the termination circuit.

— Real-time ice control calibration, minimum interval.

It was almost like a spell formula being written on a scroll.

What was he doing?

But then… it dawned on Agnes.

‘Could he be…?’

Yes. He was doing exactly that.

When she had asked how he planned to steal the secrets of the other towers, he had given a simple answer.

— I’ll take them right from under their noses.

Agnes felt a chill run down her spine.

She had dismissed his words as impossible, but he was doing it—deconstructing the Blue Tower’s magic right in front of them.

All while the opponent remained completely oblivious.


A massive ice rope, thick as a tree trunk, slammed into the ground like a battering ram, sending up a cloud of dust that obscured their vision.


But the moment the dust settled, Seina gasped, her hand suddenly feeling strangely light. The ice rope, which she had been wielding with all her might, had snapped in two.

“Blue Tower, huh.”

As the dust settled, Ezekiel dusted off his shoulders.

“Surely this isn’t all you’ve got?”

He posed a single question, accompanied by a mischievous grin.

Deconstructing secret techniques.

Punishing the Black Tower’s transgressions.

Growing stronger.

All these tasks began to intersect like the teeth of gears…

And Ezekiel, the driving force, was moving forward once more.

What had seemed like the slow progress of the Imperial Magic Tower team…

Was now unfolding with newfound wings.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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