The Rejected Alpha's Vengeance

Chapter 5: He Couldn't Betray Her, Right?


Carefully, the reject lifted and used one of the openings on her gown to check on her stomach and what she saw broke her heart. Her stomach was having dark marks, the kinds that were only gotten in one way.

She had subconsciously clawed her stomach last night and hadn't even woken up. Now, she was feeling the pain she hadn't been able to feel the previous night. maybe it was because whatever had happened last night, was happening again.

Awuor wanted to say this wasn't what it was, but she knew because she could feel it in the mate bind. She could feel her rage and the pleasure of her mate, the only problem was that her mate was having the time of his life, while she was banished.

He was definitely with another woman and she was out in the wild, paying the price for a crime she was certain she hadn't committed but had no proof of it all. If only she could sever her link to the bastard, she could.

"No. He couldn't, he said he'd wait for me," Awuor tried to convince herself, in a bid to make herself feel better. she wanted to think that maybe her tummy had been itchy and that she had clawed herself subconsciously, but she knew she was reaching for the impossible.

Her mate was finally getting what he wanted, and that was to be a cheating and power-hungry bastard without a conscience. This time, his misdeeds could be excused, in the name of 'his mate wasn't around to give him the pleasure he needed.'

The man was more than willing to do whatever it took to get what he wanted. He had been eyeing one of the daughters of the warriors in the past few months and there was no doubt that this was the product of it all.

With the rejected alpha away from home, her mate finally had the opportunity to cheat on her and do whatever he wanted with the women of the court.

No one would even step forward to stop and condemn him, because he was the alpha, not to mention the only other alpha was mourning his dead mate.

'Fantastic, just fantastic,' the reject said right before she felt another wave of pain in her stomach.

"Aaahh!" she let out another scream before curling herself to minimize the pain. But nothing was working. She was hurting, and her mate was the engineer of it all. She hadn't even been away from home for a day and he was already messing around with other people?

What kind of love was this?

"Focus," Awuor tried to talk herself into focusing on something else but how could she, when her mate was already sleeping with someone else? It was the perfect disgrace for her, the banished without a voice.

It was then that she had regretted not rejecting him when she had been banished. Her pride had let her forget the most essential of things. She should have rejected him when she was banished, but instead, she had allowed her father to give him power.

She had let him hold onto the throne, almost like she expected this already. She was paying a price too high and she knew today was just the beginning of her hell as by her mate.

With her mate on the throne, no one would stake his or her claim on it. Maybe it was a tactical move by Awuor, but how long was she going to endure this?

While her feet were almost fully healed, it hurt that her stomach looked like she had been clawing herself apart. It was one aspect of pain after the other and this time, she cried out in pain. She wasn't around anyone, so she could cry out.

No one would judge her for not being the strong alpha that the Sicario pack needed.

No one was going to give her the side eye for being weak and not taking matters into her own hands. She knew this was a given with her mate. She knew that the murder of her mother had given access to the vilest of creatures to run the pack.

Her father was no doubt still mourning his mate, and definitely cursing his only daughter for taking away his mate. He was somewhere in their bedroom praying to the goddess to punish his daughter for being too cruel.

Maybe while he was at it, he was praying that his daughter have the same cruel fate as he was right now. The fate of losing a mate, but who was going to tell him that his daughter was already paying the price for it all?

Her brother was trying to come to terms with the death of their mother, but was he? Well, that was something the rejected alpha couldn't know yet. Her brother had loved their mother, but no one could ever love Luna Eniola more than her daughter.

She had cherished her mother so much and everyone knew it. maybe that should have been the basis for them to begin an investigation into the murder of their luna. They should have been rational and not pushed the one person who could get them answers.

Her mate, of course, had already begun screwing around, the proof that Awuor was never really important to him. She knew her mate had only accepted her because she was a high-born. Otherwise, he would have rejected her.

That broke her heart and she cursed the moon goddess for giving her such an inconsiderate mate, in a world where there was no choice of getting a second chance mate. It also meant that she was stuck with Jer for life, oh the audacity the fates had for parigin her with such a cruel man.

"Make it stop, please!" The rejected alpha cried out in pain as she slowly fell asleep. She had no other option, especially now that any moment she healed she was getting more scars. Maybe she would get used to the scars, but maybe she would go back and fight for them.

She had bitten her lower lips a little too hard in her quest to survive the pain her mate was causing her and thanks to all that, she was having another bruise. When would this end for her?

The punishment her father had given her was too insane, but he had been a man in pain. He had wanted his daughter to suffer the way he was already suffering. Maybe that made him a selfish father, but then what else could he do?

She had stolen love from him, and she had to pay the price for it.

"Mother, help," Awuor said as she finally fell asleep, the pain-numbing all her senses and leaving her once again, so vulnerable that she couldn't even fight back if she happened to be attacked by a feral.

Awuor may have been alone and in the wild, but as she gave in to the darkness, she made a promise to her people and everyone who was hurting her right now.

They had refused to listen to her, so she would never listen to them.

They had cast her out, and she would do the same for them.

They had broken her so bad, and she would make them feel the brunt of it all.

They took pride in a Sicario pack that forgave the culprits and murdered the innocents, and Awuor would ruin them all.

She had promised destruction and vengeance and no matter how long that took, she would get back at them.

She would make them pay.

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