The Rejected Alpha's Vengeance

Chapter 115: A Whole New World


"I can't believe I'm back here," Hawi whispered wh they got to the gates of Sicario. They had be on horses for the better part of their journey, which was half a day, and walked the remaining route there.

Adolf and the Greyson warriors had tak Hawi and Rukiya's horses and hid them well, just like they had be forced to hide. Their alpha had told them that this was a mission that only needed Rukiya and Hawi to handle.

It was crazy, giv everything that had happed with the two just the previous eving, but no one was counting, right?

Besides, it was already morning, so the worst that could happ was fatigue, but th with Hawi's determination, fatigue was a pleasure that she couldn't afford right now.

"It was just a matter of time, love. Evtually, you would have to come home, whether for vgeance or to get the truth of what happed th," Rukiya said lovingly as they stared at the huge black gates that stood betwe them and Sicario.

So much had changed over the years, and Hawi could see that there was a new formation of soldiers on watch. Theo had clearly be giv a promotion, while the number of warriors on watch had be reduced.

It was a dangerous decision, on the reigning Sicario alpha's part, giv that Sicario was known to be a fort.

But th with Dom and the Luna dead, and now Alpha Sicario was imprisoned in the lost dungeons, not to mtion his daughter who had be a banished mess, it was safe to say that the house Sicario was one that was cursed and one whose future was undetermined.

It was hellish in every way and shameful for a place that had be known to be the best of the best.

"These warriors are stupid. The Sicario magic should have already ssed us standing at the gates, ev with me invisible. But look at them, going on with their lives like this is the only thing they can do.

"I would pay a shitload of gold just to see anyone go to war with Sicario. Or maybe I should just call the Clarksons for a batt—"

"Easy there, warrior. We are here for a burial and nothing else. Well, technically since I'm the only one who can be se, I must seem composed, but your anger is not making it any easier," Rukiya said earnestly.

She looked like she was conversing with a ghost and maybe that was also why the Sicario warriors hadn't come much. but Hawi was right. The once-tight security had be bt and now all that remained was a shell of what Sicario had cone be.

Hawi wouldn't be shocked if they didn't ev make weapons anymore, and that would be a terrible thing, because th there would be no way for Sicario to protect itself and its people. Goodness, this was frustrating.

"All I'm saying is this is absolute bullshit. My family worked our asses off to make Sicario a powerhouse and what it is now, is a shitload of crap. Sicario oming second? That is ev a biased ranking.

"I would rank this pack tth or ev fifteth, giv the security protocols right here," Hawi said angrily, the disappointmt clear on her face and Rukiya understood her.

Back wh Hawi was the alpha, no one could ev get as close as t meters to the Sicario borders without risking their lives. It was like a fortress, one that everyone wanted to be in and one that no one was stupid ough to try and invade.

Yet right now, Hawi could see a pack that she could invade without ev her army. It was disappointing on so many levels that it was making Hawi want to commit murders just to prove a point.

"Hey shitheads, we're here. Op the damn fucking gates you tattering bastards!" Hawi shouted at the warriors and Rukiya facepalmed.

The impatice and disappointmt Hawi was giving was making her look crazy, especially since the warriors finally looked at the gates and saw an alpha who didn't ev have an voy. It was strange, especially for a powerful alpha like Rukiya.

Thankfully, Adolf was nearby and he rushed to where Rukiya was, as if to tell the Sicario warriors that they still had an army somewhere ready to bring their gates down if need be, but would these warriors ev be worried about that?

"They sure took their sweet time with the gates," Hawi said angrily wh the gates finally oped five minutes later.

Rukiya looked at her woman, liking the angry version of Hawi, and yet at the same time, she couldn't help but worry about the security of Sicario too. It was just impossible for a once-powerful pack to be reduced to this.

It just didn't make any sse to anyone.

"Hawi… be nice, we're supposed to be guests," Rukiya reminded, and Hawi just scowled while Adolf looked at the Sicario warriors. He didn't want to start a fight with Hawi right now, especially giv that Hawi was still angry.

It would make the whole visit a fiasco and frankly, they wer't ready for that, not this time.

"I'm just saying I could kill them all in under three minutes and ev have the time to leave and disappear before they could ev rally back up," Hawi shrugged carelessly.

"Hello, alpha Rukiya, what is the reason for your visit to Sicario?" Theo asked, from being the warriors. It seemed like the warriors had be waiting for Theo to show up, which was stupid according to Hawi.

Well, there would be a lot of things today that would make the woman want to take out as many warriors as she could and Rukiya would just have to put up with her commtary, if she didn't want to look crazy.

"You sure took your sweet time," Hawi murmured and Rukiya responded fast, to cover up the murmur.

"We have come to pay our respects to beta Dominic Sicario. It is unfortunate what happed to him, and we would like to honor him one last time. He may have be a pain in the ass, but he was a good warrior, and a responsible one.

"I did joy fighting against him in wars," Rukiya said earnestly, and for a momt she expected Hawi to make her rude and snarky commts, but instead, Hawi stayed silt as she looked at her best watcher.

Theo was one of her best warriors and that was also why she had assigned him to the gates. Because with Theo at the gates, no one would ever get closer to Sicario without risking their heads.

He was well trained though it seemed like right now, the warriors had slacked a little and that was disappointing to Hawi in so many ways.

"Okay, please come on in. Do you have any luggage? Is this a one-day visit? Seeing as you do not have any luggage?" Theo asked and Hawi felt like a proud alpha th. She had trained him well and he was asking the right questions.

"No, Theo. We will be staging for the burial; As for our luggage, the Greyson warriors are camping nearby so after this, Adolf and I will be back out here, as we can't come with the whole army to Sicario.

"You know the protocols wh an alpha leaves her home g right?" Rukiya asked.

"Of course. That makes sse. As usual, I will have to ask you to leave your weapons at the gate here. This is a time of mourning and we certainly don't want it to be a time of war. There are other pack leaders within the premises too.

"You will see them," Theo said, while Hawi zoned out.

She had missed her home for years and now she was standing here in Sicario, feeling and breathing the air from her home. It was just so surreal and she wished that she could have done better, or ev managed to protect her family.

However, as she looked a, carelessly following Rukiya and Adolf to the pack house where the alpha and the Sicario luna were, Hawi wondered what could have happed if her brother and her mate hadn't thirsted for power.

She wondered what her home would have be like, if she hadn't be exposed to the betrayal.

It was a cruel reality, but one that Hawi knew she had to come to terms with.

"You're here?" Elodie asked suddly, snapping Hawi back to her reality.

She really was home, but would it ever be worth it, or ev feel like home again?

Oh, but the emptiness was more than obvious.

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