The Red Hand

Chapter 349 – Charisma Level -100

Chapter 349 – Charisma Level -100

"MEW!" A happy Catkagi meowed as she lay on top of Yumi's head, acting as a sort of small, fluffy, and adorable accessory for the Priestess. “MEW! MEW!” She said as she rubbed her cheek against the Priestess.

"Ah, I see you've finally let your true form hang out." Halifax chuckled as she walked over and gave Akagi some ear scratches. "Has the widdle kitty been dying to let her fluff out? Did youse need some floofing?" She said as she continued to give pets, much to Yumi's displeasure.


"MEW!" Akagi meowed, indicating her agreement with the Sword's assessment. Now that the crisis had passed, she felt no reason to remain serious at all, not to mention that she was ready for a break from so much work. "I need a nice vacation with plenty of naps and cuddles."

"From me, right?" Yumi asked as she looked up at the cat on her head.

"Hmmm..." Akagi hummed in thought.

"From me, right?" Yumi pleaded for the snuggles in question to be with her.

"Maybe from you and Miji both." Akagi snickered as she was bapped on the head by a jealous Yumi.


“Don't hiss at me!” Yumi chastized her.

“Should I bite you instead?” Akagi asked.

“Only if I can bite you back.” Yumi mocked her.

"Where did all that tension go? With the way those two are talking it's almost as if the fate of the world wasn't at risk..." Kanato sighed.

{This was not what I wanted my day to be...} (Kanato)

"Listen, I don't know about you but I'm starting to get that idea that our little kitty here would MEW away all of Enoris if she decided it wasn't worth the trouble." Amakusa rolled her eyes as her lips curved into a nasty smile. "Though now that I think about it, we've got everyone here calling her cute, and yet Muichiro of all people said that she was a five out of ten at best. So what does it mean when a lecherous bastard like him thinks so poorly of you?" She smirked.


"Don't take it personally, kitty. It just means that he's a simpleton that has no standards. I know that I wouldn't appreciate his eye on me." Halifax huffed as she pulled Akagi off Yumi's head and squeezed her before letting the cat dangle from her arms. "Obviously he has no idea what true beauty is, nor does he understand just how cute this is." She held Akagi out in front her her. “I mean, just look at it! What fiend wouldn't love this little snuggle baby?!?” She pulled Akagi in and squeezed her.

"MEW! There exists nobody more cuddly than me! I am the ultimate floof!" Akagi smiled as she was given more pets by both Halifax and Yumi.

"Says who?" Amakusa asked with a snort.

{Who died and made you the cutest in all the land?} (Amakusa)

"Me! And at the end of the day isn't that the only person whose opinion really matters?" Akagi replied. "Well, Yumi and Miji too. They are equally important here, so their opinions are important."

"I like how you don't even include Kana in that equation." Halifax laughed at the conspicuously missing sister.

"Ah, don't sweat the small stuff." Akagi snickered. “Kana exists in a funny place in my heart anyway.”

"Yeah..." Amakusa sighed before turning to the two Primordials. "Well, I hope you like your Boss. She tends to spend time as a kitty and get spoiled like a child, so I hope you've come to realize just how stu-"

"BOSS IS SO CUTE!" (Ro x Zo)

{Of fucking course...} (Amakusa)

The two Primordials quickly zipped over to Akagi and began petting and poking her, which was highly appreciated, at least by the kitty.


"I never thought it was possible for someone as strong and powerful to be adorable too!" Zo said with stars in her eyes.

{She said something about naps, so does that mean I might get to take one with her?!?} (Zo)

"Indeed. Truly we've made the right decision to follow her." Ro nodded, absolutely certain that his new 'Boss' was the best Boss around.

{I give up...} (Amakusa)

"Hey, I think Shiroe is a bit jealous of all the attention she's getting. Halifax said, looking down at the Catkagi in her arms. “I think she wants some spoiling too.”

"She's always been like this." Yumi agreed. "Even back at the estate, she wouldn't stop complaining about how much we spoiled you."

"Aww, does the pup want some attention?" Akagi asked. “Are you feeling lonely?”

"NO!" Amakusa felt a chill run up her spine, understanding what was about to happen. “Nope! I definitely don't need anything like you're imagining!”


"I think she's just lying to herself." Yumi said, egging Akagi on. “You should work to bring out her one true self!”

"You're right! We should help her out of that shell." Akagi snapped her fingers and returned Amakusa to her disguised wolfkin form. “Be free little awoo! Be free!”

"NOOOOOOO!" Amakusa cried out in horror as she was once again turned into a beastkin. "I'm not a pet! Get these damn ears and tail off me!"

"Pfff." Kanato let loose a quick laugh before stopping himself, albeit a moment too late.

"Oh? You think it's funny, harem boy?" Amakusa pulled out Inori. “Must be real fucking hilarious, huh?”

"No. No. No." Kanato waved his arms vigorously. "I just thought that you looked adorable is all." He said while trying hard not to laugh. “Nothing nefarious here...”

{Fluffy Shiroe... Damn, it reminds me why I love beastkin.} (Amakusa)

"Well, it looks like the Spirits won't get to enact their justice since I'm going to carve you up right here and now!" Amakusa cackled before Akagi told her to sit, which she reluctantly did.

"Bad pet!" Akagi reprimanded her for acting out. "No killing people unless I approve or if they're deserving."

"But he deserves it!" Amakusa protested while sitting on the floor like a dog.


"Sorry, pet, but the idiot is needed for my future plans." Akagi said while giving a thumbs down.

"Eh..." Kanato backed away, worried that he was about to be subject to something unpleasent. “I'll... Uh... I'll just be going now...”

"It's pointless to run, Kanato." Amakusa laughed, a dead look in her eye as she stared at him. "There is no escape from being her pet..."

{You shall join me in awoo soon...} (Amakusa)

"Pet? Na, I don't need a second one." Akagi replied.”I already got one, well maybe two if we still count the lizard.”

"Wait, what?!?" Amakusa exclaimed in shock and anger. "Why is he getting special treatment?!? Make him share my misery! He definitely deserves it! Take him down with me!"


{Thanks, Shiroe... I can always count on you to have my back...} (Kanato)

"If you're not adding him to your collection, then don't tell me that you're letting him go scott-free after everything he's done?" Halifax said, her petting stopping.

{Fool or not, he's complicit in...} (Halifax)

"I never said he was, did I?" Akagi said, looking up at her. "I've got every intention of turning him and the pet over to the Spirits when we've wrapped everything up here, that part hasn't changed."

{If nothing else, that drama will make for a good after dinner snack.} (Akagi)

"If you wish to put me in chains for my part in this mess, then I won't resist you." Kanato said as he shook his head. "I just ask that you keep my family safe. They're not to blame for my mistakes and I don't want to see any of them punished for my misdeeds."

{I'm sorry, everyone. I guess I won't be around to see our children grow up... Forgive me for being such a stupid father and husband...} (Kanato)

"Chaining you up isn't a bad idea, but just like the pet here, I intend to use you before you're turned over to the proverbial wolves." Akagi wiggled in Halifax's arms before leaping into Yumi's arms and situating herself and pleasing the Priestess in the process.


"I don't want to take part in more death, so please spare me such things." Kanato's face turned dark. "My hands... They're already covered in far too much blood."

{I don't... I don't want to fight... to KILL anymore...} (Kanato)

"Heh. I suppose that's become a running theme when we're talking about people Elariel gets involved with." Halifax spoke quietly under her breath, with only Akagi hearing her.

"Let me guess, you're going to have him use his status as one of our Heroes to undermine the Gods, aren't you?" Elariel spoke up for the first time since Akagi had gone Cat. "His word will carry great weight with it, and if Kanato goes around espousing that the Gods are actually the greatest threat to this world, then I suspect that many will believe him."

{Though I would also note that he is likely to get bumped off if he starts doing that. The Reaper will definitely come to claim her husband's soul if it comes down to it.} (Elariel)

"Hmmm, yeah, that's part of it." Akagi said as Yumi floofed her ears. "Though I've kinda already got a plan cooking that's going to handle the various nations in one fell swoop. Having our little Hero here go wandering around and undermining the people's faith in you is definitely useful, but it's not the only plan I have for him."

{Plan A is still to crush everyone in one foul swoop and I'm looking forward to seeing if I can reenact one of my favorite little plans in fiction.} (Akagi)

"Hold up, why are you going to let him go wander around, but you keep me as your fucking pet?!?" Amakusa pouted and complained that she wasn't being treated fairly.


"Shiroe, far be it from me to criticize you but do you really think that you're the best person to go around telling people about the Gods' plans?" Kanato said with a raised eyebrow.

"I mean sure, I don't have your damn harem Hero charisma and charm, but I could do it!" Amakusa retorted, noting that she got an A in all her speaking assignments in school and she'd given speeches to different armies.

"Shiroe... Okay let me be real with you for a second... You have... How do I put this nicely while also being truthful?” He thought for a moment. “Alright well, let's just say that you are not the easiest person to get along with..." Kanato sighed.

"Are you saying I've got an attitude problem?!?" Amakusa growled.


"I'm just saying that you've got the social acumen of a brillo pad." Kanato's word choice made both Yumi and Akagi burst out laughing. "Not to mention that your public perception is of someone already too close to the Spirits due to..." His eyes briefly moved to Alm before returning to Amakusa. "So, yeah..." Kanato was always the face of the Hero party and was generally regarded as the best speaker of the bunch.

"A... brillo pad?" Amakusa leaned forward in shock.

{A fucking, BRILLO PAD?!?} (Amakusa)

"Okay, harem boy gets a point from me for that one!" Akagi said while wheezing. "I'm going to have to use that one in the future."

{A brillo pad! Holy fucking hell, kid! That's gonna sting for a while!} (Akagi)

"You know, now that I think about it I'd say that such a thing describes Hishya quite well." Yumi said while laughing.

"IT DOES!" Akagi continued to wheeze. "It really does..."

“STOP LAUGHING AT ME!” Amakusa howled as she was ignored and everyone laughed at her expense. “FUCK YOU ALL! GO TO HELL! ALL OF YOU!”

After recovering from her laughing fit Akagi then went on to explain what she wanted from both Kanato and the Twin Primordials. "Okay, I think I'm good now." She continued while still snickering. "So you two." Akagi looked to the Twins.

"Yes, Boss!" Ro and Zo said, kneeling before her floofiness.

"I'll be allowing you to use more of your power so that you can better investigate the Demon Cult and search for Vikes' Axe. Find it, whatever it takes." Akagi gave her orders, her eyes looking far more fierce than her fluffy exterior and her voice distoring. “I will not tolerate failure.”

"We shall find and bring it to you." Ro said with a bit of nervousness in his voice.

"E-Exactly!” Zo said while similarly nervous. “And while we're at it, we may as well deal with those idiot Cultists." Zo grinned.

“Yeah, we can crush them too, I suppose.” Ro nodded.

"Good, and as for you." Akagi's eyes scanned over to Kanato, who gulped as he awaited his mission. "As I said before, head around and spread the good word. Tell people that the Gods have sold the people of this world out to save their own asses and that Demon Lord Akagi is offering to save all those who bow to her. And while you're at it, try and see what you can dig up on both Vikes' Axe and that other idiot Hero."

"Oh yeah, I wonder where Muichiro is anyway?" Amakusa said.

"Knowing him... I can't imagine it's anything good..." Kanato sighed.


<Labrys POV>

Ahh, its been so long since I had a good meal.” The Demon Axe said as he pulled his body from a dead villager. All around him was death and destruction and in the background an entire village burned in a raging inferno, bodies littering the ground. Each was lifeless and withered, as if they'd been drained of their very essence. “But it will take much more than this to satisfy me.” He smirked under his mask as he walked away from the destruction he'd created.

{I suppose I should make an effort to find Enūma. It has been a while since I've seen her.} Labrys let out a small laugh as he continued walking away as the village burned in the background.

“I do wonder how that foolish sister of mine is fairing?” (Labrys)

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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