The Red Hand

Chapter 101  – The Demon Lord.

Chapter 101  – The Demon Lord.


Alrighty! We are back! There are two chapters today as per normal and the schedule is back to as its been. Akagi is now the Demon Lord and the fun will now commence over this weekend! I've also got a fun announcement, with the help of a few members of the Discord we created some extra players who will be making their appearance in a coming Side Story that will then dovetail into the main story! These five awesome discord members got to design their own player and I wrote the chapters for them! So you'll see them starting after the beginning of Arc 3. Don't worry since these are extra, I'll just add them on as a bonus chapter. I really think you guys will like it and I know the people on discord had fun making players for the story, they put a lot of work into making them unique and I think its gonna be fun!

Now, back to the story and enjoy the coming show.

"My name is Akagi Dumetor, and I am the Demon Lord." Akagi's words echoed across the garden. The air went completely still as everything became quiet. If you listened hard enough, you could almost hear Hishya's heart pounding. The dragon girl was panicking internally, and when she looked into Akagi's eyes, she was reminded of what she saw that night in Hassan. Akagi's aura had become horrifying, as if she was evil and malice given form. The black aura around her was thick, and it writhed with such inhuman movements that it nearly made the dragon girl feint on the spot.

Mizumi was shaking in fear, her face turned pale, and she looked like she was about to puke. "D-D-D-D-D" She couldn't even speak, that's how afraid she was.

Kana shook off Hishya's grasp and slowly walked up to Akagi, her mouth dry from fear. Despite the fear, she was determined to speak with her sister. Hishya desperately wanted to call out to her and tell her not to go near Akagi, and she wanted to take her away and flee to somewhere far away, but she couldn't. She was too afraid to speak, let alone move. Plus, she knew deep down that there was nowhere to run.

Kana approached her sister, before stopping and standing at arm's length. The Demon's eyes seemed to peer into her soul, and Kana could feel her heart pound in her chest. "Onee-chan, is that still you?" Kana asked, her face filled with worry.

Akagi smiled and slowly lifted her hand. Mizumi and Hishya both thought Kana was about to die, but instead, Akagi simply put her hand on top of Kana's head and began to pat it.

"Yes, Kana, I'm still here." Akagi smiled. "Though perhaps I should say, nice to meet you?" She chuckled. “In a strange way, this is our first meeting.” She was finally free from her prison. So this was the first time Kana would be meeting Akagi as she was truly meant to be. Though that was merely a technicality as she was still the same person.

"Does this mean you're free?" Kana asked as Akagi rubbed her head.

Akagi smiled. "I am. After waiting for twenty-one years... I'm free, Kana." Akagi said.

Hearing this, Kana grabbed and hugged her sister, pulling her close.

"I'm so glad. I thought I'd lost you." Kana let out some tears. “I thought you'd gone somewhere far away, and you'd never come back."

"I almost did but, because of you and everyone else, I was able to face what was inside me and come to grips with who and what I am. So thank you. Without your love, I wouldn't still be here right now." Akagi wiped a tear from her sister's cheek and looked at Hishya and Mizumi. "You two don't need to be so afraid. Not that I dislike it." Akagi grinned. "I regret to inform you that the end of the world is postponed." Akagi let out a laugh. “The rain check will be in the mail.”

Seeing that Akagi was still herself, Hishya fell backward, letting out a deep breath as the stress and worry flowed out.

"Don't scare me like that!" She exclaimed. “I thought we were all going to die!”

Mizumi slumped over in the grass. "Thank goodness..."

"We have much to discuss, but first." Akagi snapped her fingers and the damage she'd inflicted on the building was completely repaired. "Now that I've fixed the building, let's warm things up a bit." She clapped her hands, and the temperature in the garden changed to something akin to summer. "Could someone get us a table and some chairs, please?" Akagi looked at her clan members, who immediately scrambled to do as she asked, and a few minutes later, a table was set up in the garden. The four of them took their seats, and tea was prepared. Mimi opted to return to Yumi's side to check on her.

Kana was the first to break the silence. "So, what do you mean by Demon Lord?" This was a question on Hishya's mind as well. “Why did you call yourself that?”

"That is simply what I am, Kana," Akagi answered. "I am the Demon Lord."

Not understanding, she pressed for clarification. "Ok, but what does that mean? I understand the term but..."

{Are you like something from one of those fantasy anime?} (Kana)

"A Demon Lord is a being that is born with the sole purpose of destroying the world they inhabit," Mizumi answered. She was still shaking slightly but was now able to speak. "When I looked into that Demon language you both use, I was drawn to some records about a Demon Lord that once terrorized my world once in the past. From what I could gather, that language was something only used by Demon Lords, NOT one shared with the Demon you merged with. They are similar, so that was why both Hishya and I mistakenly linked the two, however they are separate and distinct languages. As for how we have information on Demon Lords in my library, several thousand years ago one appeared in our world and nearly wiped us out. The only reason we managed to defeat him was because he was young, and in what you would term an infant stage of development. But even still, the devastation to our world was catastrophic and it was touch and go. My records also detailed information gathered from that Demon Lord on what they were and their purpose. After some additional digging and theorizing, I came to the conclusion that Akagi was a Demon Lord that had not yet been released."

"Indeed," Akagi nodded. "Now that I've been freed from my prison. I have access to all the knowledge I was meant to have, and I can confirm what you've said to be true. A Demon Lord is born to destroy a world, or at least do substantial damage before they are defeated."

"But why? What purpose does that serve?" Kana asked. "Why would you just kill everyone like that?” A good question, one Mizumi knew the answer to.

"It's simply part of nature, Kana." Akagi shrugged. "Demon Lords are a natural occurrence, placed in a world to destroy it if it's stagnating too much, or if its a net drain. Our goal is to annihilate all life within that world, thus removing the need to provide energy and resources for it. If we're somehow defeated, the hope is that our actions spur the survivors to improve. Think of it like how after a wildfire, the forest comes back stronger." That was about the best example she had. Describing her as a force of nature was probably for the best. "I should clarify that by world, I am referring to the bubble of reality one would call the Universe. Not just planet Earth." That was an important distinction since it had much wider implications.

"So you weren't placed here by someone?" Kana asked.

"No," Akagi shook her head. "I was uniquely created by the universe itself, there was no intelligent design behind my existence. Ordinarily, I should have awakened long ago, but certain factors kept me restrained. As a result, I've become..... different." Akagi laughed.

"Different?" Kana tilted her head. “Different how?”

"I'm not killing you right now, am I?" Akagi smirked. "That's not normal. My kind isn't really supposed to have cordial conversations with mortals. We're more the consume souls, burn planets kind of existence." Akagi's eyes glinted for a moment.

Kana gave a wry smile at the description. "So, then why are you different?"

"As I said before, it's because of you and all the people I've met. Those connections allowed me to discard that darkness in my heart and use my power as I see fit, rather than succumbing to my instincts." Akagi continued. "Though, I should also state that I have discarded my humanity as well."

Kana looked at her. "So does that mean you don't care about me anymore?" She was afraid Akagi had cast her aside.

"No," Akagi denied that claim and pat Kana on the head. "My feelings for you, Yumi, and all the others remain the same. I don't need to be human to love my sister now, do I?"

"I guess not." Kana smiled.

Casting aside my humanity more entails discarding human notions of morals, ethics and other in built or learned things from being born in a human body and raised by humans.” Akagi explained. “I still have emotions, feelings and other things that you would refer to as human, though broadly those are more aspects of sentient life than something unique to humanity.” Akagi continued. “However, retaining those things after awakening is what makes me different, since ordinarily those types of thoughts and emotions should have been burned away. My kind generally don't chat over tea with other people, but I'm actually glad that things like that stuck around. Otherwise, I'd be little more than an emotionless machine and that sounds horrible.” Akagi had banished the humanity which had implanted itself in her soul, but that didn't mean every human quirk was gone. She still loved her sister, she still cared for her family, she still could laugh and smile, and most importantly, Yumi was still the most important person in the world to her. She was now a strange mix thoughts and emotions, but while that would cause some problems, it was a net improvement over her prior condition. Most importantly, the void within her heart had finally filled.

"Hishya, you've been awfully quiet." Akagi looked at her. "Are you that afraid?"

"Yes!" Hishya yelped.

"Good." Akagi chuckled. "That's the right reaction."

"Don't bully her too much." Kana sighed. "She's having a hard time right now."

"I know, but seeing a mortal quake in fear at my very presence, is nice." Akagi's worst tendencies had only increased now that she'd been made whole. "But, you need not worry, little dragon. I am still me, just a bit different than before. I will not harm you, much." Akagi smirked.

"I- when you started freaking out. I thought that was it, that the world was about to end." Hishya said. "I thought we were all about to die, it was.... an experience I'd never like to go through again."

"This world was indeed very close to destruction. I was given a binary choice between destruction or salvation, but I chose my own path." Akagi shrugged. "If I want this world destroyed, it will be because I made that choice of my own free will. Not because I was told to do it."

“Quite a statement.” Mizumi gave a wry smile. “I would prefer if this world doesn't get destroyed.”

“Yeah, please don't go doing that.” Kana sighed. “I'd like the world I live on to stick around please.”

As I said, I have the power to destroy the world, but there is no guarantee I will do so.” Akagi grinned. “But ohhhhhh does the thought of doing so truly invigorate me. Ha-ha-ha.” Akagi's laugh sent chills down the girls spines.

“I think you're sadism has gotten worse again.” Kana looked at her.

Well, considering my kind see mortals as toys to play with or food. I'd say its understandable that I am a sadistic creature.” Akagi laughed.

“Please don't tell me you have to eat souls now?!?” Hishya asked, afraid of the implications of a soul hungry Demon running about.

I don't have to eat them, but I most certainly would like too. Though I think I will save such delicacies for more appropriate occasions.” Akagi grinned. “Yours's looks mighty tasty, the soul of a dragon would be quite the.... appetizing morsel.” Akagi's eyes seemed to pierce straight into Hishya.

The dragon girl's hair stood on end as Akagi stared at her. “Please don't do that! I can literally feel you ogling my soul!”

Akagi moved her gaze to Mizumi who complained of the same effect.

Interesting, it seems mortals are instinctively aware when a predator is observing their soul.” Akagi looked at Kana, who had no reaction. “I suppose that makes sense, you're used to my antics.”

“Please don't go around eating peoples souls, or even just scaring them.” Kana pleaded with her.

I'll restrain myself.” Akagi put up her hands in surrender. “I'll just limit myself to those foolish people who dare raise their blade against me.” Her eyes turned fierce. After a bit more discussion, Akagi stood up. "I suppose it's time to see Yumi. I'll wake her up now. If you don't mind can you please leave the two of us alone for the day. I'll return to you all later.”

The three girls nodded and Akagi began walking towards the clinic. After entering, she found Yumi quietly sleeping on the bed. She looked peaceful and there was not a single blemish on her body. Yuzu and Suzu were momentarily shocked by Akagi's new appearance and power, but went back to work. Akagi bent down next to the sleeping Yumi and touched her face, before emitting black energy into her body via her hand.

[Yumi, my Bonded Soul. This is all my fault, it was my failure that caused you to get hurt. I'm sorry for what happened to you, if I'd only accepted myself sooner, then perhaps you would not have been harmed so. I hope you'll forgive me for my foolishness, and I promise that I will never let this happen to you again.]” Akagi cupped the preistess's face and pushed back her hair. “[Now please wake up, you can't go leaving me alone like this. I don't know what to do without you and your warmth, so please wake up. Every moment you stay like this feels like an eternity to me, and my heart aches to be reunited with you.]”

"Ugh.." Yumi's eyes flickered as she awoke from her coma. "Where... am I?"

[Good, you've returned to me. And now, let us never be apart again.]” Akagi bent down and hugged her.”[You don't get to leave me, not now, and not ever. You're stuck with me until the end of time.]”

"What's going on? What happened to you, my Lord?" Yumi asked. She was confused, and the last thing she remembered was teleporting away from Armalthy before she passed out from the pain.

"I've been freed Yumi. I'm finally free." Akagi squeezed her tighter.

Yumi looked at Akagi's face. She felt bad that she was the reason it was contorted in sadness, and she could feel Akagi's pain through their connection.

"I'm sorry, my Lord. My weakness, my mistake are what caused all this. I'm sorry that they caused you so much pain." She hugged her back "But, I'm back now. So please stop crying, its alright. I'm here now."

Being told to stop didn't help, and the two sat together on the medical bed and cried for almost ten minutes. Akagi had nearly lost the person she cared for most in this world, and Yumi was overwhelmed by all the emotions swirling between her and Akagi. Both needed the other, and neither wanted to be separated even for a moment. The very thought that the other could become unreachable, that they could go to a place the other could not terrified them to their core, and neither wanted to experience that ever again.

The irony is that Yumi was never in any danger. With her full knowledge unlocked, Akagi now understood another quirk of the [Bonded Soul]. As long as the senior partner lived, the junior could never die. Even if Yumi's entire body was destroyed, she'd just reform so Yumi was never truly in any danger. Yumi would have awoken later that day with or without medical attention and there was no chance she'd stay in a coma permanently. Though Akagi would say that didn't matter. Someone laying their hands on Yumi was a sin she would never forgive, and she was prepared to make this world understand the consequences of harming her.


Akagi spent the rest of the night at Yumi's side. The two were inseparable and, as requested, Kana and Hishya left them alone. While they couldn't fully comprehend everything about the two girls connection. They knew enough to understand that what just happened was an incredibly traumatic occurrence. Akagi and Yumi's bond was the kind that should never be allowed to break, and merely threatening it was grounds for annihilation. The two girls needed each other to continue onward, and one without the other was no longer possible.

The next day, Akagi called for a general meeting of all of her entire family. She explained that she was the Demon Lord, her purpose in this world, and how she intended to live her life. She would no longer fear the power inside of her and, instead, accept what she is. She told them to prepare for dramatic changes in the near future, as they'd soon have their own nation. Something which caused a massive cheer and celebration. Akagi then told them what happened to Yumi and explained her connection to her. They didn't understand everything about their relationship, but they knew how much Yumi meant to their master. Naturally hearing that she was beaten so badly drew outrage, and everyone flew into a frenzy. There were calls for blood, and Akagi wasn't going to shy away from giving them what they wanted.

"Hishya." Akagi pulled the dragon girl aside after she was finished speaking to her people. "You'll be coming with me."

Hishya instantly got a bad feeling. "And where will we be going? And why me specifically?"

"I'll be going to wipe out Libra, of course." Akagi's smile belied the anger she felt within. "And you are coming with to act as a witness. I want your assistance in showing the world what it means to cross me."

Hishya knew she couldn't refuse and so didn't even try. Though she was curious to see what Akagi would do, and her morbid curiosity beat out her reluctance to watch.

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