The Protagonist System

197 Out On The Town Part One

197 Out On The Town Part One

I didn't bother with a notice-me-not spell to keep me from being seen as I flew around, since I was now registered hero and technically had permission to operate in the area. I landed at a gas station and there were gasps and a few people had their phones out within seconds to record me.

“Atlas! Atlas!” A young woman's voice shouted and I turned to see a very cute Asian woman walk over to me.

My Danger Sense went off as she drew close and I let her approach without giving anything away. She reached into her purse and pulled out a handgun.

“GUN!” Someone yelled and only one person ducked and ran.

“Die, Empire scum!” The Asian woman shouted, her face set in an angry scowl, and she pulled the trigger several times. When it clicked empty and it looked like I hadn't reacted, she looked surprised.

“Are you looking for these?” I asked and held up a handful of bent bullets that I had moved faster than the eye could see to catch.

The Asian woman let out a scream and threw the gun at me and tried to run. She tripped over a bump in the pavement and fell flat on her face. I caught the gun and didn't crush it, because it could have been used in several crimes and this woman had used it against me. I walked over to her and used a zip tie on her wrists and took out my cell phone.

“911, what's your emergency?” The operator asked.

“Hi, this is the new cape, Atlas. A normal woman just shot at me several times at a crowded gas station down on the corner of Fifth and Pekoe. I've confiscated the gun and secured her with a zip tie. Can you send a patrol car or something to collect her? I'll stay here to make sure she doesn't get away.”

“Of course, Atlas.” The voice said. “ETA of arrival, ten minutes.”

“Thank you. Have a good night.” I said and hung up.

“This is so awesome.” Someone whispered.

I smiled at the people still recording and I looked through the window of the gas station. The clerk was filming me, too. “Can someone go inside and buy me a street level map of the bay? I need it for the street numbers and references.”

“Sure!” A woman said and ran inside. She grabbed a map and went to the counter, then she had to shout at the clerk to get him to ring her up. He did so reluctantly and she came out of the garage station with the map in her hands and walked over to me. She slowed down when she was a few feet away and her eyes went a little wide as she had to lift her head up to look at my face. “B-big.”

I chuckled and held out enough money for the map and a little more. “Thank you for the help.”

She ignored the money and handed me the map. “After what you did, buying a map is nothing.”

“I couldn't ask you to...” I started to say.

“He's not a hero! He's EMPIRE!” The Asian woman on the ground yelled.

“Do you think that because I'm blond? Because nearly all the other members of New Wave are blonde, too.” I said and she kept ranting I was a Nazi and a supremacist. I ignored her and accepted the map. “Thank you, miss...”

“Jillian.” She said and was smart enough to not give her last name.

I held my hand back out and she shook it with a huge smile on her face. “It's nice to meet you, Jillian. Thank you for the map.” I said and let her hand go. “It's going to make reporting locations to the police and Protectorate a lot easier when I can give accurate addresses and landmarks.”

“I'm glad I could help!” Jillian said. “How long have you been a cape?”

“I just finished registering my name with the PRT, so about twenty minutes.” I said with a smile.

“You're kidding.” She said, her face showing disbelief.

“I was down at PRT headquarters for an hour or so and was flying home when I remembered I needed a map.” I said, truthfully.

“That's... you... you're a new cape? You're not Lady Photon's nephew?” Jillian asked.

I chuckled and barely stopped myself from saying 'not yet'. “I'm not blood related to any member of New Wave, which Panacea can confirm. I do resemble them, especially with my matching costume.”

Jillian nodded a few times and then kind of wandered away.

I guess she couldn't handle the truth. I thought and turned when a BBPD patrol car drove up and parked as close to the scene as possible. “If any of you good citizens could send your videos to the BBPD or post them on PHO and send them links, I'd appreciate it.”

“Already done, Atlas.” A teenage girl said and waved.

I recognized her from school as one of Emma's hanger-ons. I seriously thought about giving myself away by calling her by name, and chose not to. I was anonymous at the moment and my mom was safer the longer the general population didn't associate my cape persona with my civilian one.

“Thank you.” I said as the two officers stepped out of the vehicle and one bent to take the Asian woman into custody and the other officer stopped beside me.

“Atlas?” The man asked and I nodded. “Can you tell me what happened?”

“I can do that.” I said and pointed to Jessica. “That pretty brunette over there has agreed to send you the video of the whole thing, too.”

The officer relaxed his stance and smiled slightly. “That's going to be a big help.”

I nodded and held out the gun and the bent bullets I caught. “She used this against me and threw it at me, so I did not illegally search her person or her purse to find it.”

The officer took out his notepad and wrote that down. His partner returned after putting the still ranting woman in the back of the patrol car and he brought evidence bags with him. The gun went in one and the bullets in the other.

“I'm sure if you run ballistics on it, you'll find she's done a few more things than felony assault on a cape.” I said and they both gave me pointed looks. “I doubt you can make an attempted murder charge stick, even if she shouted 'die empire scum' and emptied the thing at me.”

The first officer sighed. “You're not wrong. There's less evidence needed to prove a lesser charge.”

“All you can do is all you can do. Once it's in a lawyer's hands, it's out of yours.”

“Ain't that the truth.” The other officer said. “That was great work with the Skidmark fight. My cousin was one of the troopers you protected.”

I smiled and nodded as I looked back at the first officer. “I was returning from the PRT HQ after registering my cape name and stopped to get a map...”


Jillian walked away from the gas station and stumbled into an alleyway. It was a clean one, since she was still in the better part of the city, and she lifted her shaky hands up to her hair and pulled off the brown wig. She had never been more grateful for the disguise, because if Atlas had known who she really was, he would have tracked her down and killed her.

Lisa Wilbourn's shaking hands ruffled her blonde hair out and she took several deep breaths as she tried to calm down. She had used her powers to find Greg Veder and she had been ordered to get some dirt on him by her boss, Coil. Getting close enough to Atlas to not strain her power too much had been as easy as being nearby the PRT headquarters and using one of Bitch's mutated giant dogs to ride after him and put herself in his path.

What a huge mistake that was. Lisa thought and her hands just wouldn't stop shaking. She had been afraid when Coil had recruited her at gunpoint and she could deal with that. When she had been close enough to Greg to use her thinker power on him, she had been utterly terrified of what she learned.

Atlas is Greg Veder. Greg Veder is not Greg Veder. Atlas is Extradimensional entity of unknown origin. Ruthless. Murderer. Has personally killed hundreds of powered individuals. Arranged for the deaths of thousands of powered individuals.

Lisa slid down against the wall as tears came to her eyes, because for the first time since she had triggered and gained her power, she knew her power was just as terrified as she was.

Knows about the source of parahuman powers. Copies powers. Can grant powers. Has killed parahuman powers. Loves unconditionally. Will destroy everything to protect those he loves. Knows everyone's secret identities. Will hunt down villains to permanently end them and their threat to humanity.

“Oh, god.” Lisa whispered and her shaking hands almost poked her eyes out as she wiped at her face. She was completely fucked up after learning all of that and she didn't know what to do. She just hoped that he never found out that she knew his secret.

Atlas has found you.

Lisa caught her breath and looked up to see the slight golden glow surrounding the floating man that could kill her in an instant.

“Hello, Tattletale.” Atlas said with a warm smile. “We need to talk.”

That was too much for Lisa's over-stressed brain to handle and she passed out.


Taylor Hebert sat at her ancient desktop computer at home and read through almost 60 pages of the new cape's activities on PHO. She switched back to the updated Wiki page for capes and envy burned inside of her. That asshole's powers were right up there with the best of New Wave! He could fly, had super strength, a shield, and energy blasts! It was ridiculous!

At first, she had been relieved that it hadn't been her suffering in that toxic waste filled locker, with the bugs, needles, and used tampons and pads that had fermented for weeks. Taylor knew the three bitches had planned to kill her and no one did anything about it. It had been a year and a half of bullying so far and nothing changed, then this last thing happened and she knew it was meant to break her.

It might have, if Greg-fucking-Veder hadn't saved her and pushed her out of the way. She had run away as soon as she realized she hadn't ended up in the locker and she hadn't gone back to school. Sophia hadn't been arrested after being recorded doing that and Taylor knew the evil bitch would make her life an even bigger hell than it already was if she ever went back to Winslow High School.

The old mouse she used was almost crushed in her hands when she switched back to the message boards and read the latest posts about how much everyone loved Atlas. He had just caught a serial killer that had murdered eight Empire 88 members after they killed her sister and she had gotten away with it until now.

That should have been me. Taylor thought and silently raged at being denied the chance to become a cape. Those powers should have been mine! I should be hot! Desirable! Kicking Lung's ass! ME!

The old mouse broke apart under the pressure and Taylor yelled at it, yelled at the screen, and then she screamed as she smashed her fists into the keyboard. It shattered and the little keys flew everywhere and made a huge mess.

As the room around her went dark, the last thing Taylor saw was a vision of two swirling worm-like whale shapes in a starry sky.


Lisa Wilbourn slowly woke up and let out a shaky breath and she felt weird. She didn't know why she felt that way, she just did. She opened her eyes and saw she was in someone's living room.

Modern living space with comfortable furniture. Well taken care of and maintained. House in middle-class area. Recently cleaned with powers. Protective barriers of unknown energy around windows and doors. Property surrounded by similar energy. Fireproof. Self repairing. Recently added.

Your power works on everything? A deep resonating male voice asked in her head.

Lisa barely stopped herself from jerking in surprise. Who are you? How did you get inside my head?

The voice chuckled. I'm not inside your head.

Then how are you talking to me? She asked.

“I allowed a temporary telepathic link to make sure you were okay after your second trigger.” Atlas said and stepped into view.

Lisa stared at him and waited for her imminent death, because he killed villains, and she was a villain. Surprisingly, her brain didn't shut down this time.

“I'm sorry about that, by the way. I didn't realize your power would still pick things up from me.” Atlas said and sat down in the air in front of the couch and handed her a cold bottle of soda. It was her favorite brand and she stared at it like it was a coiled snake and was going to bite her.

“Funny you should think that.” Atlas said and opened his own bottle to take a drink.

Lisa remembered that he knew everyone's identities and who her boss was. “Why?”

“Because I hate seeing people forced to do things because of their circumstances.” Atlas said and held his soda bottle with both hands. “I've been there, Lisa.”

Lisa wasn't sure why her power wasn't working on him anymore.

“I blocked it.” Atlas said and tapped his temple. “I thought I was immune because your power was intuitive deciphering and I was wrong, so I used some telepathic tricks to stop my body and mannerisms from giving subtle clues away.”

“But...” Lisa stopped herself from asking the stupid question.

“Your second trigger was true telepathy, and a pretty strong one, too. There were no caps or Manton Limits on it, either.” Atlas told her.

Lisa stopped breathing, because if what he said was true, then she should have been hearing the thoughts from at least half the population of the city.

“Ha, try all of New Hampshire.” Atlas said and took another drink of his soda.

Lisa felt woozy as she thought about that. She had done her research before coming to Brockton Bay. New Hampshire was one of the smallest states in the country at only 9,300 square miles. It also had a shockingly high population of around 1.4 million people for such a small area and she had expected to fade away into the dense population when she arrived, only to find someone else had other plans for her.

“Your brain wouldn't have physically exploded with over a million minds worth of thoughts shoved into your head.” Atlas said with a chuckle. “You would have wished it did, though.”

Lisa did not doubt that in the least, not after the severe thinker headaches she had from using her powers too much. Going instantly insane was not a fun thought to have, either.

“It's all right now, though. I fixed it.” Atlas said and took another drink of his soda.

Lisa stared at him and didn't know what to say. Instead of trying to use her useless power against him, she lifted her hand and stared at it.

Power is power. Power no longer connected to Power. Database copied and inserted in mental partition (read only). Predictive models currently unavailable. Limits of power unlocked. Lisa is relieved she no longer feels thinker headaches. Telepathy limited to sight / area of effect (30 feet) and mental switch / choice. Will only work on targets not protected by other similar powers.

“Holy shit.” Lisa whispered and considered what her power, that wasn't her power, had told her.

“You're welcome.” Atlas said and set his empty bottle aside. “Just so you know, the more you use your telepathy, the stronger it will become. Your brain will pretty much train itself to handle the strain if you work at it.”

Lisa looked up at him and concentrated. Can you hear me?

Yes. Atlas responded. I told you, I established a telepathic link between us to handle your trigger.

Lisa wasn't sure how he could send amusement over the link.

It just takes practice. Atlas thought to her and sent over a happy feeling.

Lisa slapped both hands over her mouth to stop herself from bursting out laughing.

“I also included a single use of my sharing power, just so you can pass on the limited telepathy to Bitch for me.” Atlas said and Lisa looked confused. “She loves her dogs. If she can talk to them in her head, she can take better care of them and their needs.”

“You really do know all of our identities.” Lisa commented.

“I also know most of your personal histories.” Atlas admitted and Lisa felt herself grow pale. He was instantly in front of her and took her hands. “No, I'll never mention what happened to you or what your real name is. I'm not some asshole that intentionally torments people.”

“Not even villains?” Lisa asked before she could stop herself, because Coil had used her history against her and she hated him for it.

“Not even villains.” Atlas said and gave her that same warm smile he had given her in the alley. “If I know they are irredeemable, I end them without question. There are no second chances and no more innocent deaths.”

Lisa felt a flood of reassurance fill her and she hated it, because she knew it was fake.

“It's not fake, Tattletale.” Atlas said and let her hands go. “Go back to the hideout. Talk to Brian and tell him to check his PHO account and to call his sister to stay with him, then tell Alec that Hearbreaker will be dead by morning.”

Lisa gasped and stared at him.

Atlas chuckled and stood up. “If someone is resourceful, they could siphon a few million dollars out of Coil's slush fund before he figures out that his thinker power doesn't work on the newest member of New Wave.”

Lisa's mouth dropped open and Atlas waved his hand over her. She dropped about a foot and was suddenly sitting on the couch in the hideout with a shocked Alec staring at her.

“Send ten percent to my account as a finder's fee.” Atlas said and closed the portal.

“What the fuck was that?” Brian asked as he rushed over to her from the kitchen. He had been looking for a late night snack and saw the portal.

“Our boss...” Lisa started to say and swallowed audibly. “...our ex-boss is about to meet the bay's newest cape.”

“Oh.” Alec said and then shrugged. “Good for him, I guess.”

Brian looked disappointed. “Is that where you've been, Lisa?”

“Atlas caught me after the gas station.” Lisa told them and then sighed. She didn't tell them that he had caused her a second trigger and then taken both powers and given her 'fixed' versions. The last thing she needed was for Atlas to connect her to several capes trying to get him to fix their powers.

“Are you all right?” Brian asked, genuinely concerned.

Fortunately, Lisa's power now had a mental trigger and she didn't see everything there was to see about Brian's cleanliness, his sexual preferences, or that he secretly loved seeing his little sister wearing skimpy clothes and flirting with him.

“I'm fine.” Lisa said and looked into his eyes. “Atlas said to check your PHO account and to get Aisha to stay with you for a few days.”

Brian looked shocked and Lisa tried to not enjoy it as she turned her head to look at Alec.

“He also said your dad will be dead by morning.” Lisa said.

Alec looked shocked as well, then he let out a single laugh. “I'll believe it when I feel it.”

Lisa nodded and stood, patted both young men on the shoulders, and walked towards her room. “I'm going to be busy for a few hours, so don't disturb me.”

“No prob.” Alec said and went back to playing video games.

Lisa left the living room and went to her bedroom and her air-gaped computer setup. She connected the hub, activated the Virtual Private Network, and went to work. With luck, she could raid Coil's assets for as much as possible before he either died or his base blew up. Either way, she was going to be free of the controlling asshole and have millions of dollars in her offshore account.

Her thoughts only paused for a moment before she decided Atlas deserved another five percent on top of the ten he had asked for. It was only another 150,000 dollars on top of the 300,000 he was going to get anyway, and she was sure he didn't know she had access to Coil's payment ledgers and could divert another thirty percent of the total assets of his Fortress Construction company into her own slush fund.

It was sheer coincidence that extra five percent was exactly the right amount to include for the new assets he didn't know about. Yes, sheer coincidence.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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