The Protagonist System

196 A Popular Guy

196 A Popular Guy

Miss Militia, in her civilian guise as Hannah Washington, stepped out of the elevator and saw me standing about ten feet away from the guards on the parking garage entrance. She walked over to me and nodded at the guards, then held a hand out for me to shake.

“I'm glad you aren't holding a grudge against the rest of us about what happened to you.” Hannah said and I shook the offered hand.

“I know it wasn't your fault, both personally and professionally. One bad apple shouldn't spoil the bunch.” I said and didn't make myself sound sarcastic or like I was humoring her.

Hannah smiled and motioned for me to walk with her. “Thank you for being open-minded about that. It's a lot more than anyone could expect from you.”

I nodded and we walked over to the elevator. She hit the button and we waited for a moment, then we entered it and she hit the button to go back up to the floor she just left.

“Just so you know, that officer has been suspended without pay to review the other cases he's been sent out to handle. If he could so grossly mishandle you, what else has he done?”

I made a fake gagging sound. “Why did you have to word it like he fondled me?”

Hannah gave me a teasing look and didn't respond.

I chuckled at her distracting me from getting angry about it. The elevator stopped and the doors opened. She led me down the hallway to her office and let me inside. I stood by the chair i front of her desk and waited for her to go around her desk to sit, then I sat as well.

Hannah looked appreciative that I did something so simple as that. She brought out several forms from her desk drawers and a recording device, then the interview started. It was surprisingly simple, thanks to her previous preparation and having some of the forms already filled out, and we discussed what happened that day and how it all came about.

I told her almost everything, from when my mother started to worry to my giving her my bathroom excuse and arriving across the street from my dad's office building. She knew about me talking to the fire chief and I told her about my tactic to get Lung away from downtown, which she made a special note of.

After I told her I found my dad's remains in the recovery tent, I heard Lung's roar and that he had healed faster than I expected. I flew down to the docks to continue the fight and found Lung was already fighting Skidmark and Squealer in an armored garbage truck.

Hannah gave me an approving look when I said I waited to see the entire battlefield and the situation before I acted, and she made note of it as well. When I assessed the best time to act, I did it decisively and saved Squealer's life.

After knocking him through the abandoned warehouse, I then used a special technique to give Lung a fatal blow, which didn't work right away, and I did it again to his head to stop him from acting. It worked and I jumped off of him just before Miss Militia arrived.

Hannah noted that Miss Militia's report continued from there and she handed it to me to show me, then asked for my own observations. She was only one person and having another perspective would make the report more complete.

I told my side of the altercations and she asked me about my thoughts and decisions, noting everything important, and she signed both reports and my statement as a witness, then had me sign the statement, too. Since I was giving the statement in my cape persona, I signed it as Atlas, making her nod.

Hannah ended the recording and asked for me to stay as she worked to get everything sorted and to make digital copies of. I asked if I could use my phone and she gave me permission. I moved my chair back to sit it against the wall to give her some privacy and checked my cell phone to see what the PHO message boards were saying about Lung.

When I created a new account, because I didn't want to be associated with my previous Void Cowboy persona, I registered as a cape and received an automated message about gaining the verified tag by providing a picture of myself in costume and showing off my power. It was simple to make myself glow gold and I took a selfie. Unmasked of course, and asked for the New Wave tag as well.

Only a minute later, I received an approval notice and logged in with the new credentials.


Welcome to the Parahumans Online message boards.
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Topic: Lung Bites The Big One!
Posted In: Boards > Locations > United States > New Hampshire > Brockton Bay

> Bagrat (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Guy In The Know)
Posted on Jan 4, 2011, 5:45 PM
That's right, folks. You read that title correctly. Lung, the undisputed leader of the Asian gangs in Brockton Bay, is dead. Several videos have been posted in other message threads, so I'm archiving them all here as an official post. (Here) (Here) (Here) (Here) (Here) (Here) (Here)

Those are not duplicate links, people. There were 7 people crazy enough to stay right there while Lung grew to a stupid size and fought both the Merchants and the brand new cape that no one knows the name of. The costume is professionally done, along the same style as New Wave's older capes, and it's both snazzy and making us straight guys jealous (and maybe a little gay) because damn. (screencap)

If anyone knows how this guy has been hiding himself until now, let me know. He looked and acted like a cape that's had years of experience and he took down Lung, Oni Lee, and Skidmark like a pro.

Edit: Someone mentioned in another threat that he looks like Lady Photon's little brother, Lightstar. Maybe it's his kid or something? Would they be old enough by now to be this big and buff? He's definitely had some training to act and react like he did.

(Showing Page 1 of 9)

> GStringGirl (Veteran Member)
Posted on Jan 4, 2011, 5:48 PM
Oh, sweet Mary, mother of hormones! Look at them pecks! Those arms! DAT ASS!

> Tin-Mother (Admin Mod)
Posted on Jan 4, 2011, 5:48 PM
Thank you, (Bagrat). I'll clean out some of the locked scrap threads and give links back to this one. Also, (GstringGirl), please try to keep things respectful. That was borderline harassment. ;)

> Valkyr (Wiki Warrior)
Posted on Jan 4, 2011, 5:50 PM
I've already set up a page for the new cape. Thanks for the screencap, (Bagrat). As soon as someone mentions a name, I'll update it. I've already listed his displayed powers, and I have to agree with (Bagrat). He is damn fine!

> Broctonite03 (Veteran Member)
Posted on Jan 4, 2011, 5:51 PM
Look at (Tin_Mother) dish out the sassy comment. I never knew you had it in you! lol

> Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy In The Know)
Posted on Jan 4, 2011, 5:52 PM
My sources just confirmed that the PRT will be issuing a statement shortly about the incident.

> Hammertime
Posted on Jan 4, 2011, 5:53 PM
I'm not sure what they can say to that, except to award the guy a key to the city and pay him the bounty we all know they have to pay out this time.

> OpenMouthNoises (Veteran Member)
Posted on Jan 4, 2011, 5:56 PM
Holy s**t! Lung's dead! D.E.D.! DEAD! Someone go raid their brothels and save those whores!

> Tin-Mother (Admin Mod)
Posted on Jan 4, 2011, 5:58 PM
(OpenMouthNoises), have an infraction. Calling for help for others is admirable. Calling them denigrating names at the same time is unnecessary.

> MadCapper (Verified Cape) (Protectorate)
Posted on Jan 4, 2011, 6:01 PM
Tin-Mother's dropping the hammer again today.

> In-All-Her-Glory_Girl (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Posted on Jan 4, 2011, 6:04 PM
The cape in question is my adorkable sister's new boyfriend, Atlas! She super-adorbs him and he adorbs her right back! Doesn't he rock our signature look? He's all bumpy in all the right bumpy places and he can fly! FLY! I don't have to patrol the skies and beat up Nazis alone anymore!

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> Suck-It-Up-Princess (Verified Cape) (Protectorate Ward)
Posted on Jan 4, 2011, 6:06 PM
That's how you kick ass! No talking, no banter, and no wasting time. New guy, if you're reading this, we have to patrol together.

> Panacea_Official (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Posted on Jan 4, 2011, 6:08 PM
Vicky! I'm going to kill you for sending that!

> Vista_Official (Verified Cape) (Protectorate Ward)
Posted on Jan 4, 2011, 6:10 PM
Who let Shadow Stalker keep her cell phone? Isn't she under review again?

> Tin-Mother (Admin Mod)
Posted on Jan 4, 2011, 6:13 PM
That's your third Infraction and you get a temp-ban for a day (Panacea_Official). Uttering death threats, even in a joking manner, isn't a joking matter.

> Miss-Militia (Verified Cape) (Protectorate)
Posted on Jan 4, 2011, 6:17 PM
Vista, stop posting on a controversial topic. Shadow Stalker, turn over your back-up cell phone immediately and report to my office.

> Fervent-Supporter
Posted on Jan 4, 2011, 6:20 PM
I'm surprised this thread hasn't been shut down for not talking about Lung's death, which is the whole point of this thread.

> AllSeeingEye
Posted on Jan 4, 2011, 6:21 PM
It's the best way to keep track of all the people interested in the new cape and you are all going to be shocked by who he really is.

> Tin-Mother (Admin Mod)
Posted on Jan 4, 2011, 6:21 PM
(AllSeeingEye) Do not encourage people to discover the cape's civilian identity, even if he is an outed cape. Please respect his privacy. Take an infraction.

> In-All-Her-Glory_Girl (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Posted on Jan 4, 2011, 6:22 PM
Thanks, (Tin_Mother)! I forgot to say Atlas is the newest member of New Wave, too! We all voted him in, except for (Shielder), but he's a jealous butthole and we ignored his vote.

> Reave (PRT ENE Agent)
Posted on Jan 4, 2011, 6:25 PM
The official statement has been released in a new thread (Here). Please refer to it as the only source of actual information from the Parahuman Response Team: East North-East. More details will be released when they become available.

End of Page. 1, 2, 3... 29.

I was about to read some of the death threats from banned ABB goons after already reading the official statement the PRT released, and I stopped when Hannah cleared her throat. I couldn't resist the temptation and turned my phone to show here what I was reading so intently.

Hannah smiled widely. “That's ten pages more than the last time I checked it an hour ago.”

“I'm a popular guy, apparently.” I said and tucked the phone into my belt and stored it.

“And getting more popular.” Hannah said took out two forms. “With the important things out of the way, we can register your cape name and one for your mother. She should visit to sign it herself; but, it's not necessary. You're vouching for her and informing us she has powers, and that's good enough for me.”

We spent the next few minutes filling out my form and I told her the powers I had in my current skill set. Even those few, super strength, flight, regeneration, energy shield, and energy blasts, had her eyebrows rise until her eyes were almost as wide as they had been when I saved her from Oni Lee's grenade assault.

Hannah's eyes went from the list of powers to my styled blonde hair. “You're going to fit into New Wave like you're a part of the family already.”

I chuckled and didn't tell her about Vicky saying almost the same thing, only she was having dirty thoughts about it at the time after my suggestion of the taboo. “My new sisters are adorbs.”

Hannah barked a laugh at being reminded about Vicky's comment on the message board. “At least Panacea didn't go through with her threat.”

“Even if she was serious, she would never go through with it.” I said and Hannah nodded as she moved my completed form aside and showed the blank one. “Should we put the powers I think my mom might have gained or should we wait for her to wake up before adding them to her registration sheet?”

“Just a general description is good enough for now. If she starts going to the hospital like Panacea does, then she will have to come in for power testing to be certified for volunteer work like Panacea is.” Hannah told me and I filled out the form and signed it myself and then added my mother's cape name of Nostrum. “Thank you for coming in so promptly, Atlas.”

I nodded and she took the forms, entered the information into her computer, and then filed both forms in her file cabinet. “I want to thank you, too. This was as painless as I hoped it would be with you handling me so well.”

Hannah chuckled at me using her own teasing words against her. She stood up from her chair and held her hand out to shake my hand. “I'm sure it was a pleasure for you, too.”

I laughed and took her hand, gave her a crooked smile, and bent over to kiss the back of it instead of shaking it. Her olive-colored skin flushed to a darker color as she blushed. I let her hand go and was about to leave when I saw the time on her desk clock.

“It's just past midnight, Miss Washington. Can I assume you haven't eaten a mid-shift meal yet?” I asked and she nodded her head. “Then may I escort you to the cafeteria or whatever it is that serves food here?”

“They don't operate past 10 pm.” Hannah told me.

“It doesn't matter. I'll whip something up for us if they don't have any leftovers.” I said and motioned towards her office door. “Before you ask, I'll leave some cash by the register for anything we use.”

Hannah beamed a smile at me and I smiled right back, because I knew she would be a stickler for the rules. I escorted her out of her office and we rode the elevator down to the dark cafeteria. The room itself was still open, because there was still coffee and things for the night shift officers to serve themselves.

“Oh, I forgot to ask. Was that patrol vehicle written off because of the damage Skidmark did to it or is it being repaired? If it's parked nearby, I can untwist the metal I bent together to keep Squealer secured.”

Hannah's beaming smile grew brighter and it lit up her whole face. She almost looked like a different person, it was such a huge change. “Thank you for the offer, Atlas. I can take you right to the garage after we eat.”

I nodded and went behind the counter to pretend to hunt up something good. I had tons of meals stored in my inventory and I just had to fake prepping them before serving them. Besides filling her belly, it should make her usually boring night shift just a little bit more enjoyable.

I did my little tricks to make the meals and brought the food out to her on a large tray. The wide eyes and the long inhale through her nose, let me know my ruse had been successful. The small amount of drool on her lip was a dead giveaway, too.

I served her first, with a glass of wine included, and handed her a cloth napkin before I sat down. She looked at the personally monogrammed napkin and then at my skintight costume.

“No, I'm not telling you were I hid that.” I said with a huge grin.

Hannah blushed for a moment and then softly laughed. She then pointedly patted her lips with the dry cloth several times, spread the napkin out, and set it across her lap. She looked amused at teasing me back and I lifted the glass of red wine and clinked it against hers.

We didn't really flirt anymore and just chatted about her work as we ate. She made appreciative sounds several times and the meal passed by quickly. I cleaned up the table, brought everything into the kitchen part, and stored what I had used. I walked back over to the counter and left two twenty dollar bills there under the edge of the register.

Hannah nodded and led me out of the cafeteria and back to the elevator. We went to the garage and she pointed out where the SUV was. It had several chalk marks on it, the mechanics writing out what had to be fixed, and I gave her a smirk.

“Just don't make it worse.” Hannah said with a sigh.

I unbent the part I had done myself to the armored door, adjusted it to take the warp out of it, then carefully pulled out the dent in the frame's undercarriage. I eyed the thing as I cast a diagnostic spell on it, then used a fingertip to push out the several small dents that I assumed were from bullets.

“Thank you, Atlas.” Hannah said and wrote out the things I did on the sheets on the mechanic's desk that referenced the repairs needed for the SUV. “I'll walk you out.”

We left the garage and went up the stairs to ground level and entered the main parking area. Hannah waved at the guards on duty and stopped just before she would have stepped outside.

“If I didn't know you had a girlfriend already, I might have thought this was an actual date.” Hannah said, her tone teasing.

“Yes, imagine that. Two people enjoying each other's company for a meal and they aren't dating. What a shock.” I joked and glowed slightly as I floated up in the air. “Have yourself a good night, Miss Washington.”

“You too, Atlas.” Hannah responded and I flew up and away.

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