The Noble Woman’s Guide On How to Tease One’s Husband

Chapter 36

The Noble Womans Guide On How to Tease Ones Husband Chapter 36

Translated by: Oinkoink

Proofread by: Silkscreen

This novel is only hosted on Foxaholic, copies found elsewhere are either stolen or plagiarized.

The Emperor arrived at the Cold Palace four hours ago.

[T/N: Cold Palace ( Lnggng) place where disfavored imperial harem was banished]

Accompanied by the cool moon, the bucket arches of the upturned eaves were no different under the illumination of the lanterns lit in the wee hours of the morning. But there was a gloomy coldness even in this midsummer season. Holding a candle, the little eunuch walked ahead where he felt everything looked ghostly. His whole body felt cold from sweat once he entered the courtyard and even his limbs felt somewhat numb.

It was said that many imperial concubines of the late emperor died here, including the greatly favored Imperial Concubine Chen.

Now that Bai Zhixuan is also residing here, the little eunuch couldnt help but think that perhaps this palace was truly cursed with something; that any concubine who monopolized the favor of the emperor could not escape the miserable and tragic end. Imperial Concubine Chen could not even survive a full moon before she died at that time; hence, this Noble Lady Bai may not last long either. It is rare for the Emperor to personally come over, it would depend on her luck for a possible favorable turnaround.

Silently he pushed open the palace door where a bright yellow robe flashed by before his eyes. He firmly closed the palace door after the figure walked several steps away.

The light from the candle is faint and the enclosed blue walls of the room are cloaked with mustiness. The Emperor knitted his brows once he entered the room. Looking around, Bai Zhixuan shrunk on the small bed in the corner. Her appearance was disheveled, the quilt could not even cover her whole body. A slight stretch of her legs would reach the bare nails of the bed, which was badly battered.

Like a phantom, the Emperor silently took a seat at the edge of the bed. Most of his face was cast within the shadow and his expression could not be seen. His profound gaze didnt leave Bai Zhixuans body, which gradually tightened. It is so oppressive that one could hardly breathe.

Bai Zhixuan woke up.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she was startled to see a man sitting in front of the bed. Instinctively, she wanted to scream when she realized it was the Emperor. The panic in her heart immediately turned to fear yet she dared not speak nor act. The surged up breath choked her heart and almost suffocated her.

The Emperor stroked the side of her face with an extremely gentle gesture, Xuaner.

Bai Zhixuan trembled slightly before she finally regained her voice. She hurriedly got up to curtsy but was held down by the Emperor, so she could only arch her body slightly and speak, Chenqie[1] pays respect to the Emperor. Requesting pardon from Your Majesty for failing to greet and receive Your Majesty.

Its alright. Just lie down with ease.

Hearing that, Bai Zhixuan respectfully and submissively lowered her head but the slender hands within her sleeves were gripped tightly.

Ease? How could she be at ease? This was the first time the Emperor came to see her since the succession of events of falling in the lake and poisoning. Even though she was merely imprisoned in the Cold Palace without any other punishment, she felt even more strung like this, especially when all evidence pointed to her and the Emperor still treated her with such tenderness that it caused her more agitation.

At the moment, she dare not arbitrarily speculate the Emperors mind and could only counter whatever move he makes. She would throw out all doubts that were in her favor if the Emperor asked for convincing proof of her innocence. If the Emperor punished her, she would use the royal offspring in her belly as her shield. She couldnt believe that based on the many years of their mutual affections, she still couldnt defeat that damn girl, Ye Huaiyang?

Thinking of this, Bai Zhixuan asked in a low voice, Your Majesty, why did you suddenly come over to Chenqies place tonight?

We[2] are here to see you. The Emperors voice was extremely soft like rain that fell on the eaves, which every drop pummeled into her heart, How are you doing these days?

With a smarting nose and tears trickling down, Bai Zhixuan cried, Chenqie is not doing well.

We are not doing well, either. It has been almost a year since Our third younger brother returned to Wangdu and not only did We fail to kill him but have allowed him to play tricks right under Our nose. He has even now joined in wedlock with the Ye family. Just tell Us, are We a useless emperor?

The Emperors tone was still gentle as usual but just like a scorching iron submerged in the water, it instantly set Bai Zhixuans heart boiling with unceasing palpitation. She immediately climbed out of the bed, and in spite of her heavy body, kneeling down with a thud at the feet of the Emperor.

Your Majesty, its the incompetence of the Bai family that failed to kill Chu Jinglan before he returned to Wangdu, resulting in the current obstacle and difficulty in getting the job done. But the Bai family can make up for it, do have faith in Chenqie!

The Emperor crouched down and clasped her lower jaw. His deep, dark gaze filed with annoyance is apparent, Make up for it? Its a thousand miles away from the Northern Land and your Bai family has failed to kill him even in an ambush all the way here. Again in Wangdu, which is full of royal relatives, civil and military ministers, you still failed to have him killed. Tell Us, Xuaner. Who exactly is it that your Bai family wants to make amends for?

Bai Zhixuans face suddenly turned ghastly pale and her speech trembled, Your Majesty, Bai family has never been double-minded*, Heaven and earth can testify. You must not be deceived by the rumors!

[T/N: Double-minded ( r xn) disloyal, unfaithful, half-hearted]

Never been double-minded? Seemingly remembering something, the Emperor laughed sarcastically, In truth, I am not the first master of your Bai familys allegiance, are We?

Bai Zhixuan shuddered, knowing that she said the wrong thing. She immediately kow-towed to explain but was helped up by the Emperor. The ice-cold fingers gently stroked her face before sliding over her chest to rest on her bulging belly, slowly drawing circles along the arc with gentleness, imbued with tender affections. This made the frightened Bai Zhixuan have a momentary illusion as if the Emperor would no longer be tyrannical, willing to let off his suspicions and forgive the Bai family because of this child.

Xuaner, We are truly fond of you. The Emperor leaned in and kissed her cheek; however, even his lips were ice-cold. Ten years ago when We first saw you in the Princess residence, you were so beautiful that you attracted the attention of all the sons of the aristocrats present at that time, We were thinking that We must make you Ours.

Your Majesty. Bai Zhixuan kept trembling when she felt the hand of the Emperor reach her chest.

Its a pity that the late Emperor was blind. The fact that he betrothed you to Chu Jinglan, thinking that he would be able to force the Bai family into Chu Jinglans hands and give him sure victory in the battle for imperial power. Who knew We have already secretly gained the support of the Xie family, and with the Wang family behind the Queen Mother, Chu Jinglan was no match for Us at all! Fortunately, your father was a smart man and knew how to defect at the last minute, otherwise, there wouldnt be a Bai family today.

Seeing there might be a turn of events, Bai Zhixuan hurriedly opened her mouth to plead, Your Majesty, I implore you to reflect on that year .

Hush, We still havent finished yet. The Emperor covered her mouth, his face looked extremely calm yet it seemed as dark as the deep seabed, Then you married Us and We have been doting on you for the past six years but We have neglected to ask, was the person you loved back then Us or Chu Jinglan?

Hearing this, Bai Zhixuans heart shook alarmingly like a wave of terror rolling over, drenching her back with sweat. Before she could even utter a single word, she was pushed on the bed by the Emperor. The moment the light bent, a book was thrown to her side which she picked up with shaking hands and three big words Daily Note Record were printed on it.

[T/N: Daily note ( J zh) book that specifically records the words and deeds of the emperor]

What does this mean?

She hurriedly flipped through the pages when several of which had been tampered with and judging by the traces before they were altered, the date of her shiqin didnt match the months of her pregnancy. For a moment, the lightning thundered and roared in her head. When she raised her head again, her face was ashen and the hand around her abdomen shook like chaff.

[T/N: (Sh qn) visit of the Emperor in his chambers for his sexual pleasure]

Who is it? Who could have forged such a daily note to kill her?

Just when Bai Zhixuan was in a state of confusion and had difficulty in speaking, the Emperor spoke again. His voice was extremely light but frigid like a dreadful calm before an eruption of fury.

First, Wang Yaru fell into the lake and Ye Huaiyang was poisoned then the tampering of the daily note records. On top of the numerous failures of the Bai family to kill and Chu Jinglan sending someone to save Bai Xingzhi in Lingnan, Bai Zhixuan, what else do you have to say?

Your Majesty, these are all Ye Huaiyangs cunning schemes to avenge Imperial Concubine Chen and Chu Jinglan that she framed Chenqie! Bai Zhixuan crawled over on her hands and knees then hugged the Emperor but was ruthlessly shook off.

Thanks to you stubbornly clinging to this, otherwise We wouldnt have interrogated Ye Huaiyang, nor would We have obtained the records of this daily note! The Emperor raised his hand to cover Bai Zhixuans belly as he slowly pressed downward, We forget to tell you that Wang Yaru was pregnant with Our flesh and blood when she died. She was supposed to climb the bed of Chu Jinglan when she was sent to King Lan mansion and then use the child to subdue him but We didnt expect Our good younger brother would counteract Our move. Bai Zhixuan, take his child and go first. We promise you that We will soon send him down to see you.

No. Your Majesty, its not like this! This is your own flesh and blood!

Staring with her round eyes, Bai Zhixuans expression was panic-stricken. She wanted to get up and defended herself but a large hand unexpectedly seized her neck when it tightened abruptly, cutting off all sources of oxygen. She struggled frantically. Her limbs scratched and kicked at all places but the person beside her steadfastly stood his ground as he stared at her with those immensely piercing ice-cold black eyes.

YourYour Majesty.

She could barely spat out a few words. Throat pain, purplish swelling face while tear and saliva flowing uncontrollably all over her face. Bloodthirsty countenance manifested in the Emperors eyes as his hand gradually increased in strength. Not long after the sound of the fluttering movements on the bed weakened along with the total depletion of the dripping water clock, deathly silence eventually returned.

Standing up, the Emperor received the handkerchief from an imperial guard and wiped his hands. The man in the lightly flapping robe was already five steps away when the body with its eyes opened was thrown behind him a moment later.

Get her taken care of and if there is a leak of any rumor, bring your head to meet me.

This subordinate complies with your wishes.

The imperial guard bowed and retreated in a flash. The Emperor walked out of the palace. He looked back only once he reached the middle of the courtyard. Shadows on the window panes were scampering about followed by darkness after a slight rustling sound. He then turned and stepped out of the Cold Palace. The wisp of ruthlessness in his eyes was finally obstructed by the night and no longer visible.

The Emperor did not expect Chu Jinglan who was far outside the Imperial City would have learned of the news merely four hours later.

King Lan mansions study room.

After six years of not seeing each other, Chu Sanghuai has gotten more and more deranged. Lu Heng arched the corner of his lips, his eyes full of sarcasm but he abruptly turned to look at Chu Jinglan, Why isnt Ye Huaiyang leaping with joy at this news? This was a good game that she set up, which rather paid off abundantly.

Chu Jinglan replied indifferently, She doesnt know yet.

Hearing this, Lu Hengs face actually improved. Its only right that she doesnt know. After all she is an outsider and we should both keep that in mind.

Raising his head in silence, Chu Jinglan stared at him. His eyes were clear and frigid, just the swirling vortex of a cold geyser which made it impossible to see what was hidden in the heart of that deep geyser.

[1] (Chn qi) I, your royal concubine (even used by the empress)

[2] (Zhn) illeism for the Emperor which equivalent to the royal We that the Emperor used in proclamation instead of I.

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