The Noble Woman’s Guide On How to Tease One’s Husband

Chapter 117

The Noble Womans Guide On How to Tease Ones Husband Chapter 117

Translated by: Oinkoink

[T/N: (Yunxio) 15th night of the first lunar month]

This novel is only hosted on Foxaholic, copies found elsewhere are either stolen or plagiarized.

It was the Lantern Festival again where the streets and alleys were brightly-colored, coupled with the fluttering snow which set off Wangdu like a wonderland.

This years newly decorative festive lanterns stretched from the citys main streets to Tingzhou and large three-dimensional lanterns which were extremely fascinating were placed along the shoreline; there were curved neck swimming swan, blue wagging-tail whale and even large patches of endless peach forest with suspended plump pink peaches.

Due to the unprecedented grand scale, many people were attracted to go view it. Even Ye Huaiyang was somewhat itching to go but disinclined seeing her own heavy body, and when she thought about how busy Chu Jinglan had been lately, she put the idea off completely.

Being the Empress now, she could no longer go back to celebrate festivals in the Ye family like she did before, thus she had dinner alone then leaned back on the beautys couch to read a book for a while. Who knew her eyelids drooped straight down, so she simply closed the book to take a short nap.

Not knowing how long she slept when she seemingly felt weightlessness of her body, as if she had been carried up by someone whose embrace was extremely stable that even the strides didnt sway the least bit like lugging a bunch of willow catkins. So nestling comfortably, she slept deeply again.

Later, Ye Huaiyang was awakened by some noisy voices. Opening her eyes in a daze, she found herself in a narrow and dark place. Before she could distinguish where exactly she was, a hot damp kiss covered her. Emitting a kitten-like sound which was light and delicately soft, the body of the person propping above her tensed up at once.

Um .. Jinglan?

Chu Jinglan let go of her panting after taking countless honeyed nectar before caressing the delicate small face and spoke dumbly, If it isnt inappropriate now, I really want you.

Ye Huaiyangs cheeks became all the more crimson like blood and exuded captivating luster in the dim light, Your Majesty is improper all the time, what will the imperial son think upon hearing this?

When have you been any less improper? Chu Jinglan shot her a glance, With such a mother, I have long ceased to harbor ideas of how the imperial son will be once hes born.

Then Your Majesty go have babies with someone else, other people are proper! In a huff, Ye Huaiyang turned her body to face the inside of the soft couch and ignored him.

It was rare to see her getting peevish, especially the clumsiness when she turned around, like a plump fish wriggling ashore and totally without a hint of menace. Chu Jinglan couldnt help bursting into laughter and his low voice echoed within every square inch which left Ye Huaiyang unable to pretend not to hear him and immediately became all the more fumingly abashed.

Still laughing, you get out! Dont sleep here tonight!

Chu Jinglan laughed even louder and with a hint of teasing, I really didnt plan to sleep in the carriage.

The carriage?

Raising her head sharply, Ye Huaiyang only noticed the surrounding four walls which were covered with exquisite vague flower patterns that obviously were adornments found only in carriages. As she looked around and propped her body up, the familiar iron arms immediately wrapped around her waist and supported her to slowly sit up straight.

Were not in the palace? Where are we going?

Taking you to view the festive lanterns. Chu Jinglan replied lightly while her eyes lit up suddenly.


After saying that, she lifted the heavy curtain to take a look outside and realized that she was indeed on the bustling main street. The carriage drove past various stalls at a constant speed where the sea of faces pushed and squeezed with rackety noises while the gorgeous lanterns streaked past the corner of the eyes which was simply overwhelming. Chu Jinglan grabbed the white jade hand back into his palms to rub away the coldness before taking her whole person into his arms.

Why didnt you tell me you wanted to come and view it so badly?

Ye Huaiyang fiddled with the violet jade buttons on his collar and said softly, Youve been so busy lately that you dont even get enough sleep, so how am I willing to let you get distracted and accompany me to view the lanterns?

Chu Jinglan was silent for a moment when he suddenly asked with obvious seriousness, Do you think I am instead not as good as before after becoming the Emperor?

How could that be? Ye Huaiyang exclaimed lightly, then caressed his rigid back, My Husband is innately not a mediocre person but actually bound to soar above great heights where the beautiful country and the proud populace can rely on him to bring about a prosperous rule. He should be as ambitious as he is now and not to be trapped by me on the boudoirs embroidered couch. How can I, as his wife, dont even have this bit of awareness?

Hearing what was said, Chu Jinglan tightened his arms, as if to embed her into his flesh and blood.

He has not forgotten the circumstance when he viewed the lanterns with her last year. At that time, they had pretended to be at odds with each other and he could not even openly hold her hand when they went out. She then had to disguise as a man to enter her own Tianque Restaurant just so they could take the overall view of the grand festive, but how could that view from afar be more fun than to personally set foot amongst it? She, however, never complained a word, as if she would be happy as long as she had him with her.

Not knowing if she was like this when she was a girl in the boudoir, but after she married him, she is rather easily satisfied.

The more he thought about this, the more guilt-ridden he felt as a husband and his heart swelled with emotions because of her thoughtful words just now. If he is a goshawk that has eventually soared thousands miles of blue sky, then she is precisely the soft silk ribbon that can keep a hold on him yet is still most willingly setting him free to soar.

He opened his mouth faintly and realized there was only one sentence to say, Yanger, I love you.

Smiling sweetly, Ye Huaiyang lightly pecked the side of his face, I love you too.

The two of them had no more words after that and just hugged each other quietly. The carriage was a little bumpy but his steady embrace, seemingly drove away all her worries and discomforts with only joy lingering in the heart that even the dark flower patterns on the carriages walls blossomed like the thousand miles sea of flowers tapestry.

The carriage then left Wangdus northern gate amidst the tranquility where the speed immediately picked up and reached Yi Rivers bank in less than an hour. Looking over the ferry crossing, Tingzhou in the middle was glowing radiantly with dazzling displays of fireworks and lanterns striving to burst forth like the fallen Milky Way to earth.

Taking the lead to get off the carriage, Chu Jinglan then helped Ye Huaiyang set foot on the ground carefully. She couldnt wait stepping forward to see when Chu Jinglan dragged her back to drape her tightly with a fox fur cloak that even the sashes around her belly were tied to shield her from the cold wind.

The river bank is very windy and the path is not easy to tread on, so you are not allowed to dash about.

Ye Huaiyang nodded and followed him very obediently to the ferry crossing, only to see a huge pleasure-boat docked there. Overlaid with gilded and dazzling glorious splendor, there were altogether two levels and looked very spacious. The platform that extended from the side connected to the shore which allowed them to board the deck.

There were many pleasure-boats that came and went, but none superseded this, so it seemed he had taken great pains to prepare these.

Ye Huaiyang was very excited and dragged him towards the crossing but he hesitated a little and gathered her up cautiously, If you still get discomfort like before after getting up there, you must tell me.

Okay. She obediently agreed and boarded the boat immediately.

Copper furnaces had long been lit up in every corner of the cabin. Warm breeze assaulted the face once the door was pushed open. The gaps between the door and windows were also tightly fitted with cowhides where not a trace of chill air could leak in. The seats were also covered with thick wool felt and bales of cotton wedged around the sharp corners then wrapped with several layers of silk brocade that even if one was to bump into during a turbulent rocking, it wouldnt matter at all.

A certain plump fish pursed her lips and smiled gently looking at all these painstaking efforts.

It only took a short time to get to Tingzhou from this side. So the two of them didnt sit in the boat for long and went to view the lanterns once they landed.

Their arrival was not too late as there were still a lot of people bustling about in Tingzhou and it was unusually lively. Chu Jinglan shielded Ye Huaiyang to slowly stroll around. He wasnt really interested in viewing the lanterns, but felt content seeing her brightly lit eyes.

There was no shortage of traders everywhere. The coastline was full of stalls selling small objects which fully paved the ground and was extremely eye-catching. Ye Huaiyang asked Chu Jinglan to buy her the caramelized hawthorns to lightly munch on. As she chewed and strolled, she even turned her head to feed Chu Jinglan in which he took a piece under her expectant gaze. His teeth almost got acetic off by the melted sugar-coating that he turned his head to look at Ye Huaiyang who was eating happily without taking a short break and his expression immediately turned a little complex.

.. Dont you think its sour?

Its not sour ah. With bulging cheeks, Ye Huaiyang replied indistinctly then shot him a glance, You think its sour? That piece of fruit is probably not delectable, why dont you try another piece again

The stick that emitted sweet aromas was shoved in front of him again. The corners of Chu Jinglans mouth twitched as he said, No need, you eat it.

Without a trace of politeness, Ye Huaiyang immediately drew back the stick and finished it after several nibbling. Once she had devoured it all, she shook his arm and acted spoiled, People still want to eat

How could she consume so much of this outside stuff all at once? Besides, she is even pregnant now and mustnt be indulged. Thinking of this, Chu Jinglan rejected her firmly, No.

The plump fishs face crumpled at once.

In the end, Chu Jinglan could not see her aggrieved look, hence he retreated a step, Let the imperial chef make it for you when we get back to the palace.


The low-ebb was only momentarily as she was soon fascinated by those collections of dazzling things. Dragging Chu Jinglan to leap around non-stop, she was not like a pregnant woman at all, let alone the matriarch of the dignified Ye family. As Chu Jinglan regards her girlish streak dearly, he naturally lets her have her way.

Soon, she bought a lot of odds and sods. She only carried a panda lantern which she said was to bring back as Lan-lans wife while the rest were carried by Tang Qingfeng and Yueya. Most of the stuff were impractical and bought purely for pleasure only.

Shortly, they arrived in front of a stall selling small toys. On it was an exquisite drum-shaped rattle made of rhino-wood that had a huge qilin painted on the drum surface and the drum beads were two onyx stones, even the patterns of the tassels and strings were unlike others. Ye Huaiyang couldnt tear herself away and played with it fondly as she liked it the more she looked at it.

The stall owner was an old woman with gray hair and when she saw her stuck-out belly, she asked, Madam is going to give birth in a month or two? You are just in time to buy it back for the little young master to play. This old woman will sell it cheaper to you.

The tips of Ye Huaiyangs eyebrows perked up as she said, How do you know this is surely a little young master?

The old woman smiled benevolently, This old woman has given birth to eight children and still has this little ability to discern. Not only that, this old woman can also tell that this is Madams first pregnancy.

This foresight was indeed a little sharp.

If this is really the case, my Husband will be unhappy. Ye Huaiyang glanced mischievously at Chu Jianglan while the corners of her mouth couldnt stop rising, He wholeheartedly wants only a daughter.

Yo, this is indeed rare. My familys old man just wanted boys, so I gave birth to eight of them.

This actually is true. Not only the ordinary families are like this, those influential and noble families are more concerned about this. In order to give birth to a legitimate firstborn son, some even hire someone to feel the fetus and will abort with drugs if it is a girl, which is extremely despicably ruthless. It goes without saying for the royal family, not knowing how many people are eyeing the child in her belly. Some even anticipated a girl, so that she might fall into disfavor and Chu Jinglan would then accept more beautiful ladies into the palace.

Since ancient times, no matter who the Emperor is, the imperial harem has always been a place where others scheme.

The two of them were not affected as they simply wanted a mini version of each other, hence they didnt mind what was said. Ye Huaiyang didnt chat with the old woman anymore but simply bought the drum-shaped rattle and dragged Chu Jinglan away.

Walking on the road, she suddenly made a suggestion, Jinglan, why dont we go worship in the temple a few days later.

Caressing her stomach, Chu Jinglan nodded and thought it was time to earnestly pray to Buddha to bless and protect her with a smooth delivery, but who knew what she said next almost choked him.

I hope Buddha will respond to me that no matter if its a boy or a girl, it will be as good-looking as you are!

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