The Myth of the Greek Heavenly Demon

Chapter 52

Chapter 52 – Judgment And Hell

The Twelve Divine Demons were all masters who had reached the pinnacle of their fields, becoming the rulers of the Million Demonic Path.
Even among the Twelve Divine Demons, Recursion Doctor, who was relatively weaker in combat, and Forgetting Sound Scholar, who was originally a musician, were evaluated as unparalleled in their martial prowess of the era. Hence, it was no exaggeration to say that the Twelve Divine Demons were the strongest leaders in the long history of the Heavenly Demon Cult.
However, among these Twelve Divine Demons, there were three whose martial prowess and accomplishments were on a different level altogether, known as the Three Supreme Beings of the Cult.
They were the Sura Demon Saint, the Nine Forms Sword Saint, and the Bloody Heavenly Martial Saint.

Among them, the Nine Forms Sword Saint’s unique martial art, Nine Forms Demonic Sword, was an extraordinary sword technique that encapsulated the hells of extreme heat and cold within the blade.
Originally, with my current level of accomplishment, it would be impossible to even use the Nine Forms Sword Technique, let alone wield the sword as described in the manual, but the divine energy that heightened my skills earlier was perfectly recreating the Nine Forms Sword in my mind.

But now, she blocked that Nine Forms Sword, imbued with the Fearsome Flame of the Inferno?
Even I was cut countless times just to grasp its true essence, and it took a whole lifetime just to block its first strike.


“Brother, please calm down, and let’s talk…”

The time for calm had passed.
The pink-haired goddess provoked me with the nymph I cherished and adored the most.
And this black angel, who stood with closed eyes, blocked the sword that should never be blocked, trying to steal the joy of punishment that I rightfully deserved.
Allowing this was something that could never be tolerated, not just as the Heavenly Demon, but as a martial artist and a demonic being who had lived through countless years.

“Furious Flame, Annihilation Flame.”

The fire that burns the world is neither noisy nor fierce.
It just burns, scorches, and blazes.


A light sound, like a spring breeze, echoed between my black sword and the black scale sword.

“…What is this?!”

Sensing something strange, the black angel tried to retrieve the sword, but it was already too late.

“Where do you think you’re going? Let’s play a bit more.”


The black angel flapped her wings and took to the sky, while I rushed at her, clashing our swords.
Gradually, the black scale sword began to tremble in the flames I had ignited, and the surrounding trees and grass started to char black as if engulfed by the fires of hell.

At last, as the fiery black scale sword gradually penetrated and left ripples, the black angel’s white eyes, which had been closed, suddenly opened wide in astonishment.

“!? J-Justicia?”

Her eyes, filled with shock, soon blazed blue, and suddenly, the black scale sword began to shine white.

[Judícĭum (Judgment)!!]


At the same time, the black scale sword, emitting a tremendous wave and glowing white, forced me to click my tongue and retreat.
A phenomenon similar to the divine power release shown by Hermes earlier.
Faced with the fierce white light that seemed to slash through my entire body, I had no choice but to retract my scorching sword and switch to defense.

Soon, just like the rain of arrows faced on the front lines of Mount Kunlun in the past, the falling white rays aimed at me were met by my black sword.

-Clang! Clang, clang, clang!

The standoff between the white rays and my black sword shield was inevitable.
The decisive blow was delivered by the sharp white sword.

[Frater, ignosce mihi (Brother, forgive me)]

“Oh, for crying out loud.”

While striking down with a white sword burning with divine power, she mumbled nonsense, making me chuckle as I, too, prepared for the battle.
Everything would end in this single bout for both the opponent and me—the moment that could be called the flower of swordsmen.
It was the perfect opportunity to see how far this freely unleashed power of the Twelve Divine Demons could go.

“Nine Forms Demon Sword – Infinite Hell.”

The black Infinite Hell sword, which aimed to devour even the light, and the white judgment sword, shining brightly in the night, searched for the moment to bare their fangs at each other.
And the moment they found an opening in each other.
The white sword and the black sword crossed…


Or so they tried.

Before a random strawberry milk came between me and the angel.


“What is this?!”

The two sword strikes rapidly diverted.



The pure white scale sword twisted its path skyward, and the completed Infinite Hell Sword shattered the ground.
Honestly, I briefly considered just stabbing the goddess who caused this fight.
But using the final strike of a duel between swordsmen to catch an uninvited guest was not cool.

Of course, even the aftermath ripped the sky apart and created craters in the ground.
The goddess crouching inside a pink protective barrier, whimpering, remained unharmed.

“Eris! Are you okay?”


“D-Dianes… I feel nauseous…”

“Neri! You didn’t get caught up in it, right?”

“Uh-huh… But the ground… ugh…”

The angel with black wings was so shocked that she almost struck her sister with her own hands, throwing away her sword and rushing towards the goddess called Eris.
I, too, was behind and not caught in the fray, but I had to check on Neri, who was feeling dizzy from the trembling ground.

“I’m fine… Dianes, your nose, your nose is bleeding!”


My nose is bleeding?
Hearing Neri’s scream as she looked at my face, I brought my fingers under my nose.
Warm blood stained them red.

“Dianes, blood…”


Seeing this, Neri’s face turned bright red, and she fainted. Startled, I caught her.
A calm, clear voice came from behind.

“…It’s an aftereffect of excessive use of divine power. The nymph just fainted from shock, so you can rest assured.”

“Divine power?”

When I frowned and turned around, there stood the pink-haired goddess with a flushed face avoiding my gaze and the black-winged goddess looking at her pitifully while holding her in a princess carry.
The two goddesses quietly watched as I carefully lifted Neri, not wanting to leave her sitting on the cold ground.

“It doesn’t seem like we’re going for another round.”

“Hoo… Let me apologize first. My sister and I got too playful and almost hurt your beloved.”

“Sis~ I was just playing a little…”

“Shut up, Eris.”

Eris, who was fiddling with her fingers and trying to make excuses, closed her mouth at her sister’s stern gaze, which seemed impenetrable.

“First, let me introduce myself. I am Nemesis, who governs judgment and justice. This mischievous younger sister of mine is Eris, the guardian of discord and strife. We are all siblings born from the Primordial Night.”

Primordial Night.
It was a term referring to the god who created me, as mentioned by Hermes.
Though I had learned about the goddess who governs the night from the orphanage and had vague memories from my past lives, the Primordial Night was somewhat unfamiliar to me, and upon looking it up, it didn’t seem to be a god that was widely worshipped as there were no records.

“Shall I hear more about it…?”

Especially considering the sudden appearance of those beings beyond the mist, introduced as siblings.
Besides, after such an intense bout, I thought it might be a good idea to have a conversation. But to think that the goddess who referred to herself as my sister was capable of crossing swords with the Nine Forms Sword Saint, and such a beautiful one at that?

Honestly, anyone in my position would be compelled to speak respectfully.

“More than anything, that swordsmanship, the unique martial arts… It seems like you invented it yourself, and I’d like to discuss it, Sister.”



At the title “sister” that I uttered, Nemesis’s eyes widened, and Eris, who was nestled in her arms, was startled and lifted her head.

“Hey! Why didn’t you call me sister, too?!”


Nemesis, whose face was slightly flushed, gave a slight glance, and the Goddess of Discord, who had been wriggling like a live fish, went limp like seaweed again.

“Ahem, Brother, your swordsmanship was also very impressive. I deeply wish to discuss it slowly, but…”

Nemesis suddenly lifted her head and looked at the sky.
I followed that gaze, wondering if there was something there. I could see a dark blue veil torn and fluttering in the sky, with a crescent moon shimmering beyond the tattered edges.

“Hee-ing… The barrier I worked so hard to create has been torn apart?”

“It’s due to insufficient study, Eris.”

“You’re the fool, Sister! Where is there a barrier that can block your Judgment Sword?!”

“…Who was the idiot that jumped in front of that sword?!”

How on earth did she think of picking a fight with the person holding her?
Eris was once again slammed headfirst into the ground by Nemesis’s hand; her eyes rolled back.


“I told you! Just capture that foolish sinner who dared to insult our mother and kin!
Do you know how hard it was for me to deal with that whining Sea God in the palace beneath the sea? In the meantime, you couldn’t hold back and even got beaten up in a skirmish with our youngest?! And you call yourself the goddess of discord and strife?!”

“Eek! Aah!? Sister, w-wait a momeeeent!”

In the end, Nemesis, perhaps having lost her sanity, began spanking her sibling, who was now face-down on the ground.
At a glance, it was evident that she had been suffering because of her immature sister for quite some time.

“I’m never going to get married…”

“Phew… You keep making a fool of yourself.”

Leaving behind Eris, who was clutching her bright red buttocks even through her clothes and sobbing, Nemesis shook her head and turned towards me.

“…Ahem, anyway, although I, too, am eager to converse with my new sibling, if we stay like this, we’ll attract the attention of Olympus, so let’s meet again on another quiet night.”


Was it alright to set up a barrier and cause a ruckus in Chiron’s sanctuary like this?
As I frowned, Nemesis, seemingly reading my mind, responded with a smirk.

“No matter what, the current Greece governed by them is quite beautiful. It’s better to keep a suitable distance rather than destroy this land over pointless hostility.”


In other words, those not part of Olympus, like the Twelve Divine Demons, avoid entanglements with each other to prevent mutual troubles by keeping a suitable distance.

“By the way, when you mentioned a sinner, did you mean Orion?”

Suddenly, the Goddess of Judgment and the Goddess of Discord appeared before me.
Orion, who bled while chasing Neri, and Eris, who came after Orion.
And me, who entered the forest upon seeing Eris.
In this situation, naturally, the ruffian of Poseidon came to mind.

“Ah… come to think of it, you too were insulted along with mother, and your lover was almost dishonored.”

Nemesis, nodding as if she hadn’t thought of it, gestured into the air.



Then suddenly, a giant with blue hair, all battered, fell from the sky to the ground.

“From now on, I will punish the sinner who mocked the name of the god and tried to harm the bloodline. Will you watch with me, little brother?”

Nemesis, smiling faintly and calling me little brother, had a face that was somehow slightly red.

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