The Mech Touch

Chapter 6187 Red Humanity Under Siege

Chapter 6187  Red Humanity Under Siege

As the Red Tide Offensive swept across human space, everyone's lives became affected one way or another.

Aside from the completely isolated secret bases and such, every human learned that the Red Cabal had unleashed a tide of over a thousand fleets.

The zones at the border between human and alien space turned into meat grinders as the simultaneous assaults exerted a massive amount of pressure onto the three colonial alliances.

The Terran Alliance, the Rubarthan Pact and the Red Ocean Union all came under siege at once.

The good news was that the invading aliens did not concentrate the bulk of their forces at any single front in order to achieve a faster breakthrough.

Their strategy of spreading out their fleet assets as much as possible successfully minimized the impact of the god pilots stationed at the border at this time.

In one fortified star system located in the middle of the Rubarthan Alliance, the Rubarthan defenses began to endure a powerful beating from a mighty alien armada belonging to the juregs.

The jureg race was one of the 13 major alien races of the Red Ocean!

Red humanity had yet to encounter the juregs on a wider scale until today. The formal meeting between the two races was a misfortune to the defenders, because the attacking race was well-known for its cruelty and brutality!

The juregs were aquatic crustacean-like aliens that preferred to colonize planets with deep and extensive oceans. The average jureg was five times larger than a human and weighed a lot more due to their thick exoskeletons.

One of the more remarkable traits was that their shells were able to integrate phasewater fairly easily! n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

The juregs relied on this trait to increase the rate of phase lords emerging among their population, thereby causing the race to become strong and feared.

If not for their low rationality and their lower than average intelligence, the juregs could have become a lot more dominant in the Red Ocean!

The juregs bred fairly quickly, but it was due to this racial trait that the aquatic aliens engaged in brutal competition starting from birth.

The childhood mortality rate of the juregs was horrendously high, as only 1 in 500 juveniles make it to adulthood on average!

While this allowed the juregs to keep their population levels under control, it also caused their society to become strongly biased towards hyper aggression, bullying, rule breaking and other unsavory behavior.

This predictably caused them to get along poorly with many of the other major alien races of the Red Ocean!

The only notable exception was their relations with the phase whale race. The juregs fanatically worshiped the phase whales as the descendants of the Elder Gods!

The juregs were convinced that their common aquatic origins and the ease in which their race was able to produce phase lords definitely proved that they were related to the phase whales somehow!

Even though the phase whales themselves never acknowledged this crazy theory, it did not stop the so-called descendants of the Elder Gods from bringing the juregs to heel.

After all, who didn't want a strong civilization made up of fearless warrior aliens at their beck and call?

Although it was difficult to keep the infamously unruly juregs in line, the Red Cabal still found it worthwhile to hold their leash and direct their aggression against different targets in order to maintain their high ground.

Nowadays, the juregs had answered the call to arms and moved to the other side of the Red Ocean in order to slay as many humans as possible!

The bloodthirsty aquatic aliens sent much of their assault fleets towards the border zones of the Rubarthan Pact.

One of the most important human star systems that the Red Cabal wanted to topple was the Duvallan System located in the small but crucial Monroe Upper Zone.

Orbital fortifications manned by Rubarthans unleashed a lot of firepower towards the formidable armada that consisted entirely of massive capital warships.

The juregs preferred to build their homeships big!

The huge capacity of their water-filled vessels offered lots of room for hull plating and functional models.

Not only were they extremely well-protected by many strong transphasic energy shield generators, their exteriors offered lots of room for powerful kinetic gun batteries and missile launchers.

The jureg race overwhelmingly preferred to make use of short to medium-ranged transphasic kinetic cannons, as they remained effective underwater. Energy weapons tended to perform poorly in aquatic environments.

In order to compensate for the shorter ranges of their cannons, the jureg warships also tended to carry a lot of missile and torpedo launchers.

Right now, the orbital ring built and fortified by the Rubarthans were doing their best to intercept the large amount of transphasic missiles and torpedoes launched by the jureg fleet!

The Rubarthan mechs, defensive platforms, orbital fortresses and starships all tried to wipe out the missiles with intercepting fire.

Precise laser cannons and more destructive counter-missiles sought to blow up as many of the incoming warheads as possible, but their efforts only made a partial difference.

There were too many missiles!

The much larger and more destructive torpedoes also resisted a lot of damage before they could finally be stopped!

The Rubarthan defenders of the critical Duvallan System all received a considerable shock as the missiles struck and exploded!

Many fortifications overloaded their azure shield generators and employed additional high-tech defensive measures to mitigate the damage. However, the juregs who received a lot of intelligence about the Rubarthans and other first-class human forces had made sure to compensate for that by allocating additional missiles onto specific targets!

Dozens of defensive platforms and half-a-dozen orbital space fortresses soon turned into debris fields as the transphasic explosions shattered their structures and killed every Rubarthan serviceman who hadn't managed to evacuate in time.

The remaining human defenders lost confidence after witnessing the destruction wrought by the invading jureg warships.

"We need backup!"

"Send out our reserves!"

"Where are our ace pilots?!"

"Our Saints are being suppressed by the jureg phase lords!"

Although the jureg fleet no longer launched a super-salvo of expensive transphasic missiles, their formidable kinetic cannons had already begun to open fire.

Although the weapons were relatively low-tech, the damage they could inflict was no joke as long as their calibers were large enough.

As many Rubarthan fortifications began to wither under the titanic barrage of transphasic kinetic projectiles, the fall of the main planet of the Duvallan System would not take long to come to fruition!

Just as the eager and bloodthirsty juregs drove their massive and devastating warships closer, the Rubarthan soldiers all received a priority notification that uplifted their moods!

A single heavy artillery shell launched from the other side of the planet!

Strangely enough, the flaming orange comet precisely curved around the globe and rapidly advanced towards the side where the jureg armada sought to demolish half of the orbital defense ring at once!

Even though the shell did not appear to be too big, it glowed bright enough to light up the dark side of the planet and traversed across space at a much higher velocity than more mundane projectiles!

Strangely enough, the flaming orange comet precisely curved around the globe and rapidly advanced towards the side where the jureg armada sought to demolish half of the orbital defense ring at once!

Though the flaming orange artillery shell generated alarmingly powerful energy emissions, none of the Rubarthan systems saw any reason to trigger any alarms.

This was because the exceptionally powerful artillery shell bypassed all of the Rubarthan assets and flew straight in the direction of the jureg warships!

Before the extremely powerful explosive projectile reached its destination, it abruptly split up into 10 smaller but still devastating cluster munitions that spread evenly across the different jureg fleet elements.

Ten simultaneous explosions erupted at once, causing many sensor systems to become temporarily blinded!

As the cluster munitions silently did their work, the once-proud jureg armada had become a thing of the past.

Not a lot of jureg warships actually managed to get destroyed as the aquatic aliens made sure to keep their huge vessels far apart from each other.

However, the split shells accurately managed to annihilate the largest and most destructive capital warships that were responsible for exerting the greatest degree of pressure towards the Rubarthan defenses!

With the elimination of these jureg flagships and siege vessels, the alien offensive in this star system immediately became a lot less threatening.

Even if the juregs wanted to persist in their assault, they might not have many warships left!

There was only one Rubarthan hero that could wreak so much devastation.

It was impossible for a mere ace mech, even one piloted by a peak ace pilot, to break the back of the powerful jureg armada so easily

Every Rubarthan began to feel as if they possessed the power to destroy the galaxy as soon as they came under the effect of a God Kingdom.

The Ragnarok emerged from behind the planet!

The powerful god mech looked larger and heavier than many other god mechs, but its speed was not slow in the slightest!

"Haha! The Destroyer of Worlds has come!"

"Your doom is at hand, aliens!"

"We're eating crab meat tonight!"

As the Ragnarok appeared high above the north pole of the globe, dozens of cannons emerged across its ominous and fiery surface.


As the god pilot's oppressive meaning rang through the minds of every human and jureg on the battlefield, the multitude of artillery cannons began to fire several salvos of artillery shells at many different targets at a time!

Explosion after explosion engulfed the warships, the support vessels, the converted carrier vessels and more!

For all of their vaunted segmented multi-layer transphasic energy shields, the might of a god pilot that could warp reality to make her attacks more destructive proved too much for these technological solutions!

The only extraordinary champions that had the potential to mitigate the damage were the jureg phase lords.

The giant-sized crustacean aliens disengaged from the ace mechs they had been dueling against.

Strangely enough, the Rubarthan ace pilots did not bother to chase after their enemies.

"Poor aliens."

"They are already dead and gone from the moment the Destroyer of Worlds entered this star system."

From the perspective of the powerful Saints, there was no point in fighting anymore as every single jureg invader had already been marked for death!

There was no challenge anymore, so it was pointless for the Saints to do any needless work!

As the multitude of resonance-empowered artillery shells shattered through the defenses of so many alien warships and broke apart their hulls, the Ragnarok soon directed its hostility towards the phase lords!

A larger cannon extended from the front of the god mech and began to glow much brighter than all of the other barrels!


The large cannon fired a single projectile that was surrounded by a giant flaming cat-like illusion!


With Emma riding along the shell, there was no way for the phase lords to escape death!

The jureg 'gods' attempted to split up in the faint hope that maybe one of them could escape this forsaken kill zone alive, but before the glowing artillery shell came close enough to one of the panicking aliens, the warhead exploded in the middle of empty space!

Three alien mental cries erupted from three jurgen phase lords as three enormous energy lances penetrated their transphasic shells and impaled their massive bodies up to their giant brains!

It turned out that the strange artillery shell did not explode like other warheads, but instead concentrated all of their destructive power into three different directions, thereby forcing all three alien phase lords to endure a third of the titanic destructive potential of the explosive projectile!

Amplified and controlled by Emma, the enormous fiery lances not only punched through many essential organs, but also destroyed a lot of arteries and other life-sustaining organs!

The jureg phase lords rapidly weakened and began to die without exception.

None of them could mobilize their spatial abilities or regenerate their fatally wounded organs.

The Destroyer of Worlds was too powerful!

Not only that, but the surgical strike towards the phase lords also preserved a lot of phasewater and other important organs, thereby making sure that the Rubarthans could salvage plenty of valuable biotissue from these corpses.

The god pilot could be quite restrained when needed!

"Destroyer of Worlds! Destroyer of Worlds! Destroyer of Worlds!"

Pretty much every Rubarthan in the star system felt grateful towards their god pilot! They literally worshiped her as their god and savior!

As the god pilot silently accepted the faith of all of the Rubarthans she had managed to save, her Ragnarok minutely grew a little darker and gloomier.

The god mech had begun to absorb faith as well. Yet instead of opening itself up to the positive feedback of fellow humans, the machine employed special means to absorb the negative faith and resentment of the juregs that died at the hand of its artillery cannons.

The harvesting of alien lives fueled the Ragnarok's growth!

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