The Main Characters That Only I Know

Chapter 204:

Chapter 204:

Chapter 204

Im Gunwoo laughed as if he was amused by Yu-hyun’s question.

“Hahaha. I just came here out of personal curiosity. Aren’t you quite famous too? Kang Yu-hyun, the Teller. They say you’re the most eccentric Teller they’re ever seen.”

“Im Gunwoo, Collector. Please be more respectful.”

The one who answered him was the person standing behind Im Gunwoo.

She was a sharp-looking woman in a suit and glasses. 

She was Im Gunwoo’s secretary, Choi Yeri, who was assisting him. 

She glared at Im Gunwoo with a fierce look.

Im Gunwoo smiled casually.

“Oh, come on, Yeri. Let’s be more flexible. Why do you have to be like that over such a thing?”

“It’s rude to say that to someone you just met. And do you know how many troubles you’ve caused by being so flexible, Im Gunwoo Collector? Do you want me to list them one by one right here? I still remember them all. I still shiver when I think of those times.”

“Oh, no, there’s no need for that.”

Im Gunwoo avoided her eyes and broke out in a cold sweat as he met Choi Yeri’s gaze.

A rare sight of a high-ranking Collector being scolded by his secretary.

But Yu-hyun didn’t look down on him for that. It was well-known in this field that he showed such a helpless look on purpose.

‘If I didn’t know better, I would have fallen for it.’

That was because Im Gunwoo was a Collector who had a kind of ‘powerful but weak’ concept, deliberately making his opponents underestimate him.

He was famous in his previous life too. Because of his frivolous attitude and casual speech, he easily got along with people who liked him, but people who hated him really hated him. As a result, physical clashes also happened frequently.

There were so many people who challenged him to a duel, criticizing his frivolous attitude that didn’t suit a high-ranking Collector, that the number exceeded two digits.

But Im Gunwoo won all of those duels without a single defeat.

There was no element of luck involved in that. They were all victories he achieved with his own skills.

Yu-hyun scanned Im Gunwoo’s book.

‘A book with a golden cover from the start. He’s strong now, but does that mean he has the potential to grow more in the future?’

From high-ranking Collectors and above, they had their own solid stories or concepts. 

The ‘powerful but weak’ concept that the public used to evaluate Im Gunwoo was one of them.

He deliberately showed a weak appearance and induced the opponent’s carelessness. 

Then, at the crucial moment, he showed his true skills and highlighted his abilities. That was Im Gunwoo’s power.

Of course, Yu-hyun didn’t bother to mention that point. 

He didn’t have any intention of picking a fight with someone who didn’t have any hostility towards him in the first place.

After scolding Im Gunwoo for a while, Choi Yeri coughed and apologized on his behalf.

“I’m sorry, Kang Yu-hyun Teller. Our Collector is such an insensitive person. Please forgive him.”

“No, Yeri. But I’m your boss, and you say I’m insensitive.”

“He may look rotten on the outside, but he’s not a bad person on the inside, so please understand.”

“Yeri. Don’t you think your words are a bit harsh? You’re hurting me.”


Yu-hyun thought she was not ordinary either as he watched Choi Yeri bite off the high-ranking Collector without changing her expression. 

He smiled and offered his hand.

“No, it’s not like that. Well, there are different kinds of people in the world, right?”

“I’m glad you understand.”

“Phew. See? Yeri. What did I tell you? If it’s this person…no, this Teller, he’ll let it go generously. I knew this would happen, okay? He’s totally different from the Teller I contracted with.”

“…If Kang Yu-hyun Teller says so.”

Choi Yeri gave Im Gunwoo one last murderous look and closed her mouth tightly.

Im Gunwoo chuckled and thanked Yu-hyun.

“Wow. Thank you. Thanks to you, I can avoid being nagged.”

“…Are you sure you can say that?”

Yu-hyun asked cautiously, looking over Im Gunwoo’s shoulder at Choi Yeri, whose face was twisted like a demon.

This guy, was he obsessed with his concept? Or was he like that from birth? 

Yu-hyun started to get confused.

Well, it was none of Yu-hyun’s business what he would do with her later when they were alone.

“So, what do you think of them?”

“Who are you talking about?”

“The students gathered over there.”

Im Gunwoo gestured with his chin, and Yu-hyun took a moment to answer.

“I think they are not bad overall. I don’t know the level of the previous academy students, so I can’t compare them, but there are many talented kids in general.”

“Kuhah! Of course, right? Well, you have a good eye, so you already recruited two famous collectors.”



“Why do you think I came here?”

Yu-hyun smiled slyly.

“Our Baekhwa Management’s third one entered this academy at this entrance ceremony. That’s why I came.”

“Oh. I see. I thought you were trying to pick up one of those guys here.”

“Did you? But they all have their own sponsors, don’t they?”

Im Gunwoo nodded nonchalantly at Yu-hyun’s sharp words.

“That’s right. Most of the guys who entered here already have their mouths stained by others.”

“Are those people over there mostly guardians?”

“Yeah. They are all breath-taking bastards. Global corporations, large clans, king maker management, political bigwigs, etc. I was originally among them, but man, it was no place for humans.”

He shuddered as if he remembered something unpleasant.

Yu-hyun nodded unconsciously. Knowing Im Gunwoo’s personality so far, that kind of stiff and formal place would be more dreadful than hell for him.

“So, I came here out of curiosity because I was alone. But I didn’t know that your side’s protege was also here.”

Im Gunwoo hesitated whether to say this or not.

Then Yu-hyun took the initiative.

“Is it because of the secret entrance test that will be held soon?”


Im Gunwoo widened his eyes as if he was caught off guard.

“Did you hear it from somewhere?”



“I guessed it.”

Yu-hyun explained casually as if it was nothing.

“I thought it was strange that they sent out all the relatives of the students but left the guardians alone. And those people over there. They seem to be watching the entrance ceremony quietly without showing it, but they are secretly looking forward to something.”

“What are they looking forward to?”

“Something like an event that only they know and the general public doesn’t. But it wouldn’t be something inhumane. If I had to choose, a simple test to evaluate the level of the students would be likely. Ranking people is one of the things people like, right?”

“Hmm. Can I ask why you thought that way?”

“These people here are all people who can fart with their noses wherever they go. Do you think they came here to see their sponsored students just enter? “

They considered it a kind of competition to see their sponsored students get higher grades.

Yu-hyun did not bother to say anything more. Im Gunwoo nodded his head with a smile on his face, as if that was enough for him.

“That’s accurate, very accurate. You have a really amazing eye for talent.”

“That’s too much praise.”

“As you say. Can I call you Yu-hyun, by the way?”

“Call me whatever you like. I’ll call you Gunwoo then.”

“Hahaha. That’s refreshing. As you said, the reason why those people gathered here is because of the event that will happen after this. Oh, look. It’s starting right now.”

[We will end the entrance ceremony here. Students, please wait in your seats for a moment.]

Some students were confused by the unexpected announcement, but some others who had already heard about the situation looked excited.

Then, the instructors came out and guided the students.

“Come on, let’s get up too. We can’t miss this fun spectacle.”

“But, is it okay to do this without the consent of the guardians?”

“To train collectors who have to fight for their lives in the fantasy world, they have to create unexpected situations at any time. Even if some parents complain, do you think they are stronger than those people? Let’s go.”

Im Gunwoo got up, and Yu-hyun followed him. 

Choi Yeri trailed behind them.

The three moved to the building next to the auditorium.

Inside, the new students were listening to the instructors explain the situation. 

There were some students who were flustered by the sudden entrance test, but most of them were eager with anticipation.

They were all minors with power, and they thought they were special. 

This was an opportunity to show off how amazing they were.

Im Gunwoo opened his mouth.

“The test is not that big of a deal. It’s only two things. The first is a simple fantasy creature hunt. The second is a duel between students.”

“Fantasy creatures…”

“They are not real fantasy creatures from the fantasy world, but fake ones based on their stories. They are much weaker than real fantasy creatures because they are the ones that students have to face. They have almost no killing power either.”

“But, they look the same.”


That meant that even if they were weak, the fantasy creatures had a similar pressure to the real ones.

“That’s where the ones with guts and the ones without will be separated. After giving them a simple grade, they will match them with similar ones for the duel.”

“It sounds rather crude.”

“They don’t want a clear ranking. It’s more like dividing them into upper, middle, and lower classes. Well, those old geezers over there seem to want at least a top 10 though.”

Im Gunwoo muttered sourly.

Most of the guardians here wanted their students to be in the ranking. 

They were already saying things like whose student was better and so on.

“So, are you okay with it, Yu-hyun? You don’t seem to have prepared much.”

“Yes. Well, our student will be fine.”

“I see. You have picked up that sword master and that madman, so I guess your third one won’t be ordinary either. But don’t take it too lightly. The other students are also trained hard and won’t be easy to deal with.”

“I know that without looking. But it’s okay.”

“Well, if you say so. I won’t nag you then. So who is your third one?”

Yu-hyun hesitated for a moment when asked who Seo sumin was.

Rather than hesitating to answer, he had too many words to describe her, so he couldn’t decide what to say first.

“Just, well. She’s amazing. Very amazing.”

“Oh, you seem quite confident? Haha. Well, I guess you have a reason to be, since you got a nickname for each collector you picked. Do you have any idea what nickname you would get if you become a collector for the third time?”

“Ah, yes, I do.”

“Really? What is it?”

Im Gunwoo asked with a hint of curiosity.

Yu-hyun answered without hesitation.

“Heavenly Demon.”


‘Hmm. This is quite an interesting thing to do.’

Seo Sumin looked around at the reactions of the others after hearing the instructors say that they would have an entrance test.

‘Some seem to know already, and some seem to be clueless. Is it a matter of information gap? The ones who know all seem to have decent talents. Maybe they have some backers.’

She didn’t expect any fairness in this place from the start. 

In her previous life and in this life, what she felt was that this world was never a fair place.

“Su, Sumin. What are we going to do?”

Kang Yura was visibly nervous after hearing the sudden announcement of the test.

It was understandable. 

She didn’t hear anything about this. 

Fighting against phantoms! 

Even if she had awakened, it was something that would make Kang Yura anxious.

“Don’t worry. It’s just a test, so it won’t be dangerous.”


“Yeah. And you can do it easily with your level, Yura.”

“How do you know that?”

“Hmm. Just a feeling?”

She said it was a feeling, but Kang Yura’s level was not bad for someone who had just awakened. 

Perhaps it was because of the aftermath of being caught up in the fight at Chulapantaka, but Kang Yura also received a huge amount of text as a reward.

She didn’t realize it yet, but Kang Yura’s physical abilities were among the top in this place.

“Next. Seo Sumin, come forward.”

“Ah. Yura, I guess it’s my turn. I’ll go first.”

“Sumin, good luck.”


Seo Sumin followed the instructor’s guidance and entered a specially treated room. 

As she passed by, the students who were waiting looked at her with curiosity.

She was the only one here with white hair, and her appearance was also enough to catch their attention.

‘Who is she? Did we have someone like that?’

‘I’ve never heard her name before. She must be a nobody. But she’s pretty.’

The students, especially those who had already heard about the test, had formed their own information network.

There was no information about Seo Sumin in that network.

That meant she was an insignificant opponent.

They lost interest in Seo Sumin. What mattered now were the other competitors.

‘So they don’t even expect anything from me?’

Seo Sumin read the meaning behind their eyes and smiled slightly.

‘Well, that’s not too bad either.’

As soon as she entered, a security guard approached her and asked.

“Do you have any weapons that you use?”

“I do, but I didn’t bring them.”

“If you don’t have any, you can choose one from over there that you like.”

Seo Sumin looked over the weapons on display. 

There were all kinds of cold weapons, and some of them were ones that Seo Sumin had never seen before.

Swords, spears, clubs were basic, and even swords had various types.

Seo Sumin usually used her own sword, but now she felt like trying something different.

‘It would be ridiculous to hold a sword and be serious here. And I’m actually curious about how other weapons are.’

Seo Sumin looked around for a while and found something that she liked and grabbed it.

“Huh? No, that’s…”

The security guard who was watching her also showed a displeased expression when he saw what Seo Sumin had picked.

“I like this one.”

Seo Sumin smiled with a slight twinkle in her eyes and said that.

What she held in her hand was a silver baseball bat.

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