The Last Paragon in the Apocalypse

Chapter 41: Royal Gold Reserve Bank

After leaving the tattoo shop, Klaus headed toward the Royal Gold Reserve Bank, now disguised in a dark hat and sunglasses. His earlier run-in with the paparazzi had be exhausting. It was the first time in his life he had be noticed, and it rattled him more than he expected.

He had tried to prepare for this momt since his awaking, but it still came too suddly. Now that his face was out there, he knew he had to brace himself for whatever might come next. As he walked through the busy streets, weaving betwe shops and crowds, he kept a low profile, moving quietly toward the bank. According to Uncle Zizzy, it would take about an hour to reach his destination.

Ross City was massive, it was once a state but now fully under the control of the Ross Great Family. Millions of people called it home, and it spanned thousands of miles. Klaus didn't know exactly how large the city was, but he knew the bank was located on the eastern side.

The Royal Gold Reserve Bank is a massive financial institution that gained promince wh the new union leaders implemted a rule to replace all old currcies with gold coins. Their presce made the transition smooth and efficit.

Now, with blockchain technology as the backbone of global transactions, the Royal Gold Reserve Bank stands as a titan of finance in this new era. They have branches in every city across the world, and their immse influce attracts a vast number of customers. Almost everyone who wants reliable banking services turns to them.

Klaus had learned from Madam Fei that there were other banks where he could request housing assistance, and they would only require a quarter of what the Royal Gold Reserve Bank demanded. However, those banks lacked the backing and prestige of the Royal Gold Reserve, meaning their services were much more limited.

Madam Fei's recommdation of the Royal Gold Reserve Bank couraged Klaus to aim for the best.

After 45 minutes of weaving through the busy streets and keeping a low profile, Klaus finally arrived in a differt part of the city. Ross City was truly a marvel. The buildings seemed to stretch dlessly into the sky, constructed with advanced machines, elegant designs, and durable glass. The towers gleamed in the sunlight, a testamt to the wealth and power conctrated in this part of the city.

The g beath Klaus's feet was lined with smooth tiles, and the terrain had be meticulously designed so that walking, driving, and ev flying could be done with ease. It was a seamless bld of functionality and luxury.

In the distance, Klaus spotted a massive building adorned with a large gold coin insignia. The building towered above everything else, with countless floors. Ev from afar, Klaus could see the bustling parking area filled with sleek cars and a few private jets parked to one side. The sight of those jets made his heart race.

"Suddly, I feel out of place," Klaus muttered to himself with a smirk. "Who am I kidding? I've always be out of place." He laughed quietly at his own situation but didn't stop moving forward.

His eyes locked onto one of the smaller, yet elegant jets among the fleet. "One day, I'll be packing my jet here too," he said with quiet determination, already imagining himself arriving in style.

Just as he approached the bank, about 00 meters from the trance, a voice rang out behind him. "Stop right there!"

Klaus halted in his tracks and slowly turned a, wondering who was calling for him now.

Turning a, Klaus saw a young man in a slick suit, casually walking with two beautiful wom on either side of him. They moved with confidce, and behind them followed a self-driving Velox T-0, a sleek vehicle that Klaus would later learn was made from nano-technology capable of repairing itself and ev resisting bullets and other projectiles—though not all.

'A Rich brat,' Klaus thought to himself, instantly assuming the worst. He figured this guy was up to no good, so he mtally prepared for a verbal sparring match. However, wh the young man approached, his expression was far from hostile. Instead, he smiled warmly.

"I'm Nathan Alcadia," the man said, his tone fridly. "May I know this brother's name?"

Klaus immediately recognized that Daniel was older than him and radiated the aura of a Master stage expert. It surprised him, though, that Daniel's demeanor was far more polite than he had expected.

"I'm Klaus," he replied, keeping his expression neutral.

"I noticed Brother Klaus is headed into the bank, so I won't take much of your time," Daniel said, still smiling. "Would you mind giving me a minute of your time?"

"Feel free," Klaus responded, relaxing a bit and giving Daniel the go-ahead to continue.

"Good," Daniel smiled, visibly pleased. "Actually, I noticed that Brother Klaus is a warrior. From your aura, I can tell you're stronger than most Ascded. The reason I stopped you is to see if you'd be willing to join a temporary team I'm putting together. We're planning to ter the Jade Mountain Forbidd Zone for a special task."

Daniel paused for a momt, letting the gravity of his words sink in before continuing. "Although you might not have time to think about it right now, I'd like to let you know that just by joining the team, you'll immediately earn 00 million gold coins. And after the quest is completed, you'll receive another 300 million."

Klaus raised an eyebrow at the numbers. Five hundred million gold coins was an astronomical sum, more than ough to secure a comfortable future for both him and his mother. But there was a catch—there always was. So, without hesitation, Klaus asked the most important question, "Can I know what Tier the Jade Mountain Forbidd Zone falls in?"

"It's a Tier 3 Forbidd Zone, but the strongest monster there is a Tier 6 Terror," Daniel explained. "I'm telling you this to make sure you're aware of the danger. I wouldn't want to bring you in knowing you're several ranks lower than a Tier 6 monster. But don't worry, the strongest member of the team is a Grandmaster who has already started forming their Star Core."

Klaus took in the information, considering the risks and rewards. "Good to know. And wh is this task?"

"A week after the Felin Youth Ball," Daniel replied, "so about a month from today."

Klaus nodded, already calculating how much time he had to prepare if he decided to join. "I'm busy at the momt and can't make a decision right now, but if you leave me your card, I'll reach out once I've made up my mind."

Daniel's smile wided in satisfaction. He beckoned to one of the ladies beside him, who quickly handed Klaus a sleek card. "I look forward to hearing from you," Daniel said with a slight bow.

"I'll contact you once I decide," Klaus replied, turning to leave. He approached the gate, which scanned his worker's permit badge before oping it automatically. He stepped through, tering the grand trance of the Royal Gold Reserve Bank.

As he walked away, one of the wom by Daniel's side leaned in and asked quietly, "Young master, why did you request his help and show him such respect?"

"Honestly, I don't know," Daniel admitted, watching Klaus disappear into the distance. "Big sister told me to invite him. She's too prideful to come herself, so she st me instead."

One of the wom raised an eyebrow. "Why would she care about him?"

Daniel shrugged. "Who knows? Anyway, let's head back. He probably won't reach out. A weak warrior like him would only be a burd." With that, the car doors oped automatically, and they got in. The sleek vehicle drove off, fading into the bustling city.

Meanwhile, Klaus, now standing before the grand trance of the Royal Gold Reserve Bank, held the card Daniel had giv him. He chuckled to himself. "If I didn't know better, I'd say the heavs are favoring me," he mused, tucking the card away.

As he approached the door, it slid op before he could touch it. Stepping inside, Klaus was momtarily tak aback by the luxurious interior. The walls gleamed with polished stone, and the air smelled faintly of fresh lavder. Before he could take it all in, a petite woman in a fitted black suit approached him with a polite smile.

"Young warrior," she greeted him, her voice warm yet professional, "welcome to the Royal Gold Reserve Bank. How may we assist you today?"

"Hi, I am looking to op an account," Klaus said, addressing the petite woman in the black suit.

"This way, please," she responded with a polite nod. She led him to a door and oped it, gesturing for him to ter. "Young warrior, you'll be attded to through there."

"Thank you," Klaus replied and walked through the door.

On the other side, he found himself in front of a glass table where a young blonde lady was seated, scrolling through a glass phone.

"Hi, I was directed here," Klaus said, making his presce known. "I'm Klaus and I would like to op a bank account."

The lady who was lost in her Phone was jolted awake wh Klaus spoke. With an embarrassed expression, she spoke. "Sorry about that. Welcome to the Royal Gold Reserve Bank. How may I assist you today?"

"I would like to op a bank account," Klaus said, taking a seat in one of the comfortable chairs.

The lady quickly composed herself and began oping a form on her computer. "May I have your name, please?"

"Klaus Hanson," Klaus replied.

After typing a few details into the computer, the young lady looked up and said, "Kindly place your right palm on this scre, after placing your left palm." Klaus followed her instructions.

"I will need you to remove your cap and glasses so I can scan your face," she added.

Klaus cursed inwardly, but he gtly removed his cap and sunglasses. As his disguise came off, the lady's eyes wided in shock, and her jaw nearly dropped.

"Please, can we continue with the account creation?" Klaus smiled at her reaction. His mother had advised him to take it easy with the ladies now that he had become more charming, but such reactions were beyond his control.

"I know this isn't related to the account creation, but can I—"

"Yes, I'll take a selfie with you, but let's finish the account setup first," Klaus interrupted before she could finish her request. Klaus could only smile looking at such a foreign reaction.

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