The Last Paragon in the Apocalypse

Chapter 35: I Look Favourable On You

'What is going on with me?' Klaus wondered inwardly. A strange feeling washed over him, one that was unfamiliar and unsettling. It was as if something deep within him had be stirred, a connection he couldn't explain.

Suddly, he started learning things he had never heard or se before. That was a strange ssation, one that made him slightly rattled

His abrupt pause startled the lady. "Is everything alright?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern.

Klaus quickly snapped out of his thoughts and forced a small smile. "I'm fine," he reassured her. "I just... remembered something important, that's all."

The lady looked at him momtarily, clearly ssing there was more to it, but she didn't press further. Instead, she nodded, accepting his explanation, though her eyes still held a hint of worry.

Klaus, trying to shake off the lingering unease, refocused on the task at hand. "Let's get you out of here," he said, "We need to find a place where you can rest and recover."

"Mmmh, ar't you going to take the body of the monster?" Klaus asked, breaking the silce as they began to move away. Klaus had nearly forgott about the massive corpse of the Human-Face Spider Demon lying on the g, as someone looking for such monsters to sell and make money, his atttion was immediately drawn to it.

"You killed it, so go ahead and take it," she said with a casual shrug as if the body of a Tier 5 monster was nothing to her. Klaus, however, didn't notice her nonchalance. His heart was racing with excitemt. A Tier 5 monster was a rare and valuable prize, and he knew just how much it was worth.

The Human-Face Spider Demon had countless uses. First, there were the 6 vom sacs, each connected to its legs. These sacs were highly sought after in both blacksmithing and medicine, with the vom being a key ingredit in crafting powerful weapons and antidotes.

Beyond that, its legs were tougher than most metals. Blacksmiths could forge them into weapons of incredible strgth and durability. Th there was the web fluid sac, which could be weaponized to create ropes or nets capable of trapping ev the strongest of monsters.

The tire body was a treasure trove of materials, each part more valuable than the last. For Klaus, acquiring the corpse of such a formidable monster was nothing short of incredible.

"I won't waste this opportunity," Klaus muttered to himself. He quickly retrieved the spider's body, storing it securely in his space ring. The lady watched him with a faint smile, seemingly amused by his spirit.

With the spider demon's body safely stored, Klaus turned back to the lady. "Alright, now we can leave," he said, his tone much lighter now that he had secured such a valuable prize.

As they started walking again, Klaus decided to break the silce. "By the way, I'm Klaus," he introduced himself, his mood lifted by the rect success and the valuable prize he had secured.

"I am Ohema," she replied with a gtle smile. "Once again, thank you for saving my life."

They continued walking for about t minutes until they arrived at a small, clear river. "You can wash the wound here," Klaus suggested. Ohema nodded and approached the water to clean her wound.

Just as Klaus's mind began to drift back to the unsettling feeling he had expericed earlier, a voice suddly echoed in his mind. 'Mmmh, Klaus, you are indeed lucky.'

Before he could react, he felt a strange ssation, as if his consciousness was expanding and retracting. A connection to his soul sea formed, stronger and more immediate than ever before.

'You can use this connection to communicate with me,' the voice spoke again, and this time Klaus recognized it.

'Sior, you can talk to me on the outside too?' Klaus was startled but quickly smiled, feeling a sse of reassurance. The voice belonged to the sior behind one of the doors in his soul sea. The same person who helped him understand the reason for his first tribulation.

'Yes, this connection will allow us to communicate directly,' the voice continued its tone calm and knowing.

Klaus couldn't help but feel a surge of happiness. The voice had guided him before, revealing the reason behind his tribulation during his breakthrough. Knowing he could now communicate with it anytime gave him a newfound sse of confidce.

'Sior, why did you say I'm lucky?' Klaus asked, his curiosity piqued.

'Well, list, kid,' the voice replied, its tone slightly cryptic. 'No matter what, never get on the wrong side of that lady. It would be best if you could get her on your side.'

'What do you mean, Sior?' Klaus pressed further. 'I don't know why, but I felt something good from her. Is there a reason for that?'

The voice hesitated before answering. 'I can't tell you the specifics—it's for your own good. But just know that getting on her good side will befit you greatly. In fact, if you can... take her as you... Cough...

you know.' The voice chuckled before adding, 'I'm looking favorably at you, Klaus.' Th, it faded away, leaving Klaus with more questions than answers.

At that momt, Ohema finished washing her hands and returned to him. Klaus, who was still reeling from the voice's suggestion, was suddly struck by her beauty. It was as if, in the rush to save her, he hadn't truly tak in her appearance. Now, as he looked at her, Klaus found himself mesmerized.

Her silver-gre eyes sparkled in the sunlight, and her presce had an aura of grace and strgth that captivated him.

Her long black hair flows down her back like a waterfall. Her features are perfect. Klaus couldn't help but be struck dumb by her beauty.

For a momt, Klaus was at a loss for words. The voice's suggestion echoed in his mind, but he quickly pushed it aside, focusing instead on the prest. He smiled, trying to mask the whirlwind of thoughts swirling in his head.

"You look much better," he said, his voice a little softer than before.

Ohema returned his smile, a warmth in her eyes that made Klaus's heart race just a little faster. "Thanks to you," she replied, her tone sincere.

"By the way, I meant no offse, but where did you learn to dispel poison like that" Ohema asked

Klaus was caught off guard by Ohema's question, but he quickly composed himself. Without missing a beat, he replied, "My dad taught me." He kept his expression steady, hoping she wouldn't see through the lie. In truth, Klaus didn't know how he had instinctively known how to dispel the poison—it was as if the knowledge had simply come to him in the momt.

Ohema nodded thoughtfully, her silver-gre eyes studying him with a hint of admiration. "Your father seems to be a great figure," she remarked, her voice carrying a note of respect.

Klaus forced a small smile, his mind racing. He didn't want to delve too deeply into a conversation about his father, who had be missing for so long. "He was," Klaus said simply, choosing his words carefully.

Ohema seemed to sse the weight behind his words and didn't press further. Instead, she offered him a gtle smile. "You've clearly learned well. I'm lucky you were here."

Klaus relaxed slightly, relieved that the topic had shifted. "I guess we both got lucky today," he said, trying to light the mood.

Klaus, feeling a bit out of his depth, especially a Ohema, tried to keep the conversation going. "By the way, I'm from Ross City," he said, his voice a bit uncertain. "I was on my way home wh I heard your battle with the spider. Now that you're fine, I guess I'll be leaving."

He paused, glancing at her to gauge her reaction. The words felt awkward on his tongue, and he wasn't sure if he was saying the right thing. "Perhaps... do you want to leave with me?" he added, hoping he didn't sound too forward.

Ohema tilted her head slightly, a small smile playing on her lips as she observed Klaus's struggle. Something was dearing about his awkwardness, a contrast to the strgth and skill he had just displayed in battle. "That sounds like a good idea," she replied softly. "It would be safer to travel together, don't you think?"

Klaus nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. "Yeah, you're right," he agreed, relieved that she didn't find his offer strange. "It's always better to have someone watching your back."

"So tell me, Klaus, which family are you from?" Ohema asked as they moved away from the river and started heading out of the forest.

"Well, I'm not from any notable family. I just live with my mom," Klaus replied with a smile.

"You mean to say you're not from any Great Family?" Ohema asked again, clearly surprised by his answer. The strgth Klaus had shown suggested he was from a powerful lineage.

What many don't realize is that while killing weaker monsters can raise your cultivation base, those who level up by defeating stronger monsters become much more powerful. It's all about the spiritual Qi. Those who kill stronger monsters will have a wider and more pott spiritual Qi pool, and its dsity will be higher than those who level up by fighting weaker monsters.

Powerful families always sure their childr hunt stronger monsters from the start. This way, their strgth will be above that of the average awaked. But beyond that, the skills Klaus had displayed were something an ordinary person wouldn't be able to afford. So, for Klaus to unleash such a powerful skill, Ohema was convinced he must be from a powerful family.

"You look like someone from a powerful family," Ohema said with a soft smile.

"Oh, don't be intimidated. This little one just lives with his mother," Klaus replied with a grin. What he didn't realize was that the currt version of him was ough to catch the eye of anyone. His ascsion had completely transformed him. Now, with his unique hair and striking gold eyes, people couldn't help but feel differt wh they looked into them.

"By the way, where are you from? Although I'm not from a powerful family, you clearly are," Klaus stopped and looked at her curiously. It seemed like his charm was back—time to unleash Young Master Klaus.

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