The Inheritance Of The Supreme Immortals

Chapter 71: Chapter 71: Explosive Thoughts - 2

Not far away, Amelia narrowed her eyes with an irritated look as she observed the way Yuna was looking at Sam. 'Tch, another one bites the dust. It seems I have to up my game, as the competitors are increasing at an alarming rate. I must secure my place as the first wife.'

Amelia's gaze then shifted to another figure emitting Sennyu resonance. 'A dragon from the Hailstorm clan, huh? Just like that werewolf and this Qilin girl, she also gives me this Sennyu resonance.'

'I wonder how darling came up with this name 'Sennyu Resonance'?' Amelia smiled to herself as she observed the new dragon girl.

The girl she was observing was Ophelia Hailstorm, daughter of Duncan Hailstorm, who was the youngest brother of Alexander Hailstorm, recently banished from the Ancestral Manor.

the girl's milky hair flowed down her back up to her waist, and her dark black eyes contemplated Sam with an expression only she understood.

Next to Ophelia stood her father, Duncan Hailstorm.

'Hmm, Helena's son, right? Let's see if his talent matches his looks,' he mused, continuing to observe Sam with a calculating gaze.

Not far away, Nicholas Scarlett spotted his second daughter.

"My daughter..." Nicholas called out to her.

"What do you want?" Amelia asked, indifferent.

"Is that how you're going to talk to your father? Do you realize how much you've hurt me by not being around?" Nicholas felt like someone had just stabbed his heart with a rusted knife, hearing the 'I don't give a damn' tone from his daughter.

Amelia simply acted as if her father didn't exist and kept watching Sam, looking like a lover.

'How can my beloved daughter ignore me like this? Has she forgotten that I'm her father?' His eyes followed hers and found her gazing at the crimson-haired man, annoyance narrowing his own eyes.

"Is it that kid? Is he really so important to you that you'd ignore your own beloved father?" Nicholas's face turned sour.

"Yes, he is... Oh, and by the way, have I introduced you to your son-in-law?" She pointed to Sam. "Meet my darling, Sam Hailstorm, my husband and your supposed son-in-law." Amelia gave a short but heart-piercing introduction to her father.

For a moment, Nicholas didn't understand anything, but soon it hit him, making him question if he really heard that from his beloved daughter.

"What? No, no, he's not your husband. Don't call him that, and he's certainly not my son-in-law. He doesn't deserve you, my daughter," Nicholas said, breathing heavily.

"Did you hit your head or something? Can't you understand what I'm saying? He is my husband in both body and soul, and I couldn't care less if you acknowledge it or not," Amelia said indifferently.

Nicholas swore he just felt like someone had slapped him on both sides of the face with a shoe dipped in some awful shit.

Suddenly, realization dawned on him. His eyes widened, then narrowed frighteningly. "Daughter, you and him, did you..."

"Yes, father, that's exactly what I've been saying. When I claim he's my husband in both body and soul, I mean it, well, in both my BODY AND SOUL," she said matter-of-factly.

Amelia didn't bother hiding it, and everyone nearby heard her loud and clear.

Some shot her dangerously narrowed glares, treating her words like some forbidden revelation, especially Lenora, Yuna, and Ophelia.

'Tch, this girl thinks just because she got with the master first, she's his wife... No, I've got to catch up with her. I've been thinking about it, and I'm sure of it now more than ever. I will imprint on the master,' Lenora's eyes gleamed with excitement and possessiveness.

Imprinting was no joke, and for an Alpha Werewolf like herself, it was like the bond between shadow and light—indispensable. Like gravity, she'd always be drawn to him, no matter the distance.

She didn't consider it too soon or too crazy. Instead, she found it an obvious move. Despite not knowing where this newfound confidence came from, she trusted her instincts and decided to put her faith in Sam.

Yuna, on the other hand, had different thoughts. 'That vampire, his wife?...'

Her expression soured. 'I wonder if he's considering having a harem for himself. I mean, he's handsome, and from the looks of it, a genius. No woman in her right mind would reject him... Even I wouldn't mind m-marrying him,' her last sentence nearly got stuck in her mouth.

She quickly hid her red face and shook her head.

Her little antics didn't escape the notice of some, like her father and the women from Sam's family.

Meanwhile, Ophelia was wrestling with strange thoughts. 'Why am I feeling irritated and jealous? And what the hell is this strange connection I'm sensing? It's like we're tied by something invisible.'

Near Helena, Lorraine's mind was in turmoil too. "I just looked away for a second, and he already has women lining up for him."

Her eyes narrowed accusingly at her older sister. "If it wasn't for you restraining me, I could also call him husband now?"

Helena sighed, as if tired of Lorraine's persistent complaints. "Okay, fine, do whatever you want. Just don't come crying to me if it doesn't work out, or I'll beat you until your ass burns. Understand?"

Seeing Helena's unusually annoyed expression, Lorraine squinted her eyes. "Why do you look so bothered? Is it because Amelia called herself his wife?"

Helena looked at Lorraine for a moment but didn't respond.

Observing her sister's silence, Lorraine said, "I guess you haven't heard what happened three days ago, have you?"

This caught Helena's attention, confirming that her older sister was indeed listening. Lorraine continued, "Sam and Sophia kissed."

Helena's eyes widened in shock. "I-Is that true? Because I swear, if you are lying about this, get your ass ready for some whipping."

"What? You don't trust your own sister?"

"Just answer the damn question, Lor."

"It's true, alright. Haven't you seen the way Sophia's been acting for the past two days? Her face is practically glowing with the obvious. Also, I asked her about it, and she said they had the 'moment' two days ago."


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