The Inheritance Of The Supreme Immortals

Chapter 66: Chapter 66: Lenora Fenrir's Past - 2

Unable to control her anger, her dark black eyes turned neon blue, her face took on a wild furious expression, her werewolf features became visible. Her skin took on a silvery fur, a long tail with the same fur grew behind her, her fit body grew more defined, and her height increased a few inches.

Sharp and defined claws appeared on her hand, and her teeth grew fangs that seemed like they could tear apart the sky itself.

It wasn't for Sam being a dragon; her claws would have easily pierced his skin just by touching him a little. Ev now, it would pierce his skin if she applied a little pressure.

Soon, she started to lose control of her emotions. But just before it happed, Sam raised his aura and activated his Divine power, the Divine charm. It also had a hidd ability, which was influcing one's emotional state.

He hadn't unlocked this ability yet, but he could still use it on a small scale. Sam used this ability on Lora and tried to calm her down. The air inside the cave became violt and restless as her aura got stronger and wild, uncontrollably.

"Lora, calm down. You are here with me. Nothing bad is happing. I won't let anything bad happ to you. Control yourself," Sam gritted his teeth as he tried to hold her in place.

No matter what he said, Lora couldn't hear him, or more precisely, she didn't want to hear him. Her anger had reached a point where only destruction mattered, her killing instinct, the killer instinct of a wild animal. Wh provoked, it would not rest until it tore apart their existce into a million pieces.

That's how ferocious her instincts were, and Lora, being an Alpha-class werewolf, felt it countless times more—the instinct of an Alpha werewolf.

"Lora..." Sam's eyes became moist, he could feel his heartbeat restlessly.

He felt sadness burding him wh he looked at the state she was in. He couldn't understand how he became this emotional wh he saw her like that. He had just met her not long ago; he was just getting to know her.

Was it the work of this strange familiarity he felt with her? Just what was this weird feeling? Why did it make him feel this burding ssation, like it was his job to make her life right, like it was his duty to make her happy? It was weird, but Sam ssed that it was how it was supposed to be.

Suddly, Sam mustered all of his strgth, grabbing her fur-covered face, trying to hold her in place. She was much stronger than him in her werewolf form, and he could only counter using all his strgth. He increased his Divine power to its maximum as he attempted to calm her down.

Looking at her werewolf transformation, he didn't feel disgusted; all he felt was extreme sadness that he had never felt in his life before.

In a desperate attempt to reach her, he pressed his lips on hers. He felt a burning ssation on her lips, but he didn't stop. He could feel her fangs touching his lip as his skin was pierced, and a lot of blood spurted out.

The second the first drop of his blood landed inside her mouth, she felt something. It was his heart, and it ached with pain as it beat faster. Slowly, her consciousness returned, and her eyes closed as she felt an instinctual urge to return the kiss to Sam with intsity.

Her werewolf transformation slowly turned off, and her features reverted back to her human form, her lips still kissing Sam intsely. Droplets of tears rolled down her cheeks from her exhausted, tired eyes.

They both just kept their lips on each other without making any noise, their eyes closed. As their lips separated, a thread of saliva formed, and they looked into each other's eyes with indescribable emotions running rampant in their minds.

"Lora, so much anger, so much fury bottling up inside is not good. All it takes is a little nudge, and it's going to explode like a volcano. It will burn everything in its way, evtually, it will consume you too," Sam said slowly.

Sam continued, "I know something bad happed to you. I know you... Actually, I don't understand how you feel. Hell, I don't ev know what tragedy befell upon you. I'm not one of those people who would say that I understand you. I'm not going to pretd that everything will be alright just because I can say so.

But I can try to understand. Tell me what happed, so I can try to understand you and your feelings," Sam said, cupping her face with his two hands.

Lora, feeling a myriad of emotions, nodded her head and started recalling the life that she lived.

She was the direct descdant of the Lycan Progitor and also the Princess of the Lupinoria Kingdom.

The Lupinoria Kingdom was one of the major forces in the White Tiger contint, a kingdom made of the lycan races.

While the Werewolves, one of the lycan races, had the overall control over the tire lycan races, this was because the werewolves were the first of the lycan races to be created by the Lycan Progitor. Ev the royal family, the Frir family, were the direct descdants of the lycan progitor.

There were other lycan races too, like the Werecoyotes, Wdigos, and many more. They were created by the lycan progitor, but they were not the direct descdants like the werewolves.

It all happed a hundred years ago.

It was just another peaceful day in Lora Frir's life. She and her younger sister were hanging out in the gard wh suddly, out of nowhere, the royal family was attacked in their castle.

By the time Lora grasped the gravity of her circumstances, it was already too late. She and her sister were sured by a group of cultivators of the lycan race. She was first dumbfounded. Why would their own people attack them? Did something happ?

The cultivators suring them all had high cultivation levels. The weakest one was a lower-stage Battle Monarch. While Lora was a peak-stage Spirit Severing Realm cultivator, her younger sister was just a Core Formation Realm cultivator. There was no way they could hope to escape, let alone fight them.

Just at that momt wh all hope seemed to be lost, their father and mother, who were boundary emperors, defded them. A fight broke out, but the winning side was already decided, ev if they were boundary emperors, they could never fight against a group of great sages and a couple of boundary emperors.

But still, the King and Que managed to hold on for a few minutes, just ough to give their daughters ough time to make an escape.

It was all that Lora could remember. After fleeing from the castle, all she heard was explosions and screams. She didn't know what befell her parts. Ev after fleeing, they were still being pursued. They didn't look back. With her sister in her arms, Lora ran as fast as she could, and soon she was caught up by her pursuers.

They were attacked, and in her desperate attempt to escape, she used an artifact giv to her by her mother and teleported her younger sister to someplace she did not know about but a safe place.

That was the last time she saw her younger sister, and it was a hundred years ago.

Just as the pursuers were going to capture her, Adriana Hailstorm, the matriarch of the Hailstorm Clan, found her and saved her in respect to her good relationship with Lora's parts.

Ever since th, she has be with Adriana. After a month or so through Adriana's connections, she came to know that her parts were killed, and the another lycan race, the Werecoyotes, had annexed the kingdom under their influce.

At the d, it was all the Werecoyotes. Due to their jealousy of the Werewolves, they planned and gathered some forces and attacked the royal werewolves, killing the king and que, with the two princesses managing to escape.


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