The Inheritance Of The Supreme Immortals

Chapter 60: Chapter 60: An Intimate Morning - 1(R-18)

The next Day.

Last night, Sam slept like a contted baby, his mind at ease after his little nighttime excursion in the Hailstorm Clan's prison territory.

His decision to create his own army of almost invisible and difficult-to-detect soldiers had a clear purpose.

Soul cultivators were a rare breed, akin to finding a needle in a haystack, and those who possessed soul techniques were ev scarcer.

Ev among this exclusive group, most could only achieve mediocre results because soul cultivation was an incredibly challging path, liked to finding true love – it's not an easy feat.

The scarcity of resources, lack of effective methods and techniques that focused on soul cultivation, and the sheer difficulty of the path meant that there were very few who could truly excel in this field.

This rarity was the key to Sam's advantage.

With his innate ability, Shadow Extraction, inherited from an Immortal Emperor who had be unrivaled in his lifetime, Sam had a unique edge.

He knew that, in the Zith Chi world where he currtly resided, there were very few who could sse or confront his shadow soldiers.

Only cultivators with higher-grade Immortal-level cultivation or those who had mastered an exceptional soul technique would stand a chance of detecting them.

Beyond their invisibility, Sam had ev more plans for his shadow soldiers.

He considered using them as assassins, making them conceal themselves within the shadows of his emies, acting as spies. With this strategy, he could uncover any nefarious plots and take precautions against them.

Additionally, Sam thought about hiding shadow soldiers in the shadows of those close to him, serving as guardians. This way, he'd be alerted whever his loved ones were in danger or needed his assistance.

Now, vision Sam building an army of shadow soldiers – wouldn't he become virtually untouchable? Last night was just the start of a new chapter in his journey.

Sam oped his eyes and squinted as he ssed something nestled beath the blanket on top of him. As he raised the blanket, he discovered a red-haired girl wearing a light dress cuddled up to him, fast asleep.

'Wh did she sneak in?' Sam couldn't help but smile as he siltly observed her sleeping form, marveling at her incredible cutess.

As if ssing his loving gaze, Amelia gradually oped her bright gre eyes and met Sam's warm gaze.

"You look like you had a good sleep," Sam gtly remarked.

Amelia pouted and buried her face in his chest, her voice muffled as she replied, "I can't sleep without you next to me."

'Man, I could never get used to how much she's changed since that first time,' Sam thought to himself, reflecting on the transformation of his beloved Amelia.

Her personality had become ev more dearing and vibrant, and he noticed that she exhibited this side of herself only wh he was with her.

Sam tderly patted her head, and wh she turned to face him, her lips found his own.

Amelia's eyes wided in surprise, quickly replaced by excitemt. Th, an intse kiss began, their lips locking and tongues gaged in a passionate dance.


The sound of their lips meeting filled the room, and with each parting of their lips, a new, more intse battle of tongues commced, each one more fiery than the last.

Amelia slowly rose, positioning herself on top of Sam's waist while they shared a deep and passionate kiss. Sam leaned back, allowing her to find a comfortable spot.

His hands gtly trailed along her back under her nightgown, and he couldn't help but think, 'Her skin is so soft and smooth.'

Amelia's body shivered with delight as she felt his hands exploring her back. The ssations running through her body were electrifying.

As the intsity of their kiss deeped, Amelia ssed her body growing warmer, her desire spiraling out of control. Her heighted state of arousal was impossible to ignore.

Amelia could feel her body getting hotter as she moved deeper into kissing Sam; she was incredibly horny.

Immersed in the kiss, Amelia's body heated up, her desire intsifying with each passing momt. She felt Sam's undiable arousal as she felt his big dick pressing against her under her panties, and her eyes took on a bright, passionate red hue.

Her instincts urged her to savor the pleasure to the fullest.

Catching her breath, Amelia gazed at Sam with intse passion.

"Darling~, I can't wait any longer," she whispered.

With those words, she boldly removed her gown, revealing her naked body. The only garmt she wore beath it was a pair of black panties.

She felt a bit embarrassed, but not ough to hide her body from the man she loved. In her eyes, Sam was the only one worthy of witnessing her in this vulnerable state.

Moreover, Sam had already se her naked body numerous times in the past three days, a fact that still surprised her.

They had be doing the 'deed' a doz times in just that short span, and yet, Sam's libido for her seemed insatiable.

Amelia couldn't help but acknowledge the vast depths of Sam's desire.

She knew that she could never fully satisfy him, and that the number of wom in Sam's future would likely be substantial.

But she wasn't sadded by this thought.

As long as she received her share of love, pleasure, and time with Sam, she didn't mind sharing him with others who could become her sisters in the future.

Sam tderly laid her on the bed, and with great care, he began to remove her panties. Amelia, feeling a bit bashful, covered her eyes.

Sam couldn't help but admire the sight before him. "You are incredibly beautiful, my dear," he whispered.

Amelia, with a face flushed red, muttered, "Don't say things like that wh I'm in this embarrassing position."

Sam's desire flared as he gazed at her pink-colored pussy, longing to savor a momt he hadn't yet expericed.

Amelia, who was waiting for his big dick to petrate inside her, frowned. 'What is taking my Darling~ so long? Can't he just put it inside of me already?' She complained to herself in dissatisfaction.

Wh she oped her eyes to check what Sam was up to, she found him looking at her pussy with an excited expression. Sam slowly lowered his face betwe her legs, poised for a differt kind of pleasure.

But just as he was about to indulge himself, two hands covered his head.

"D-Darling, it's dirty," Amelia muttered, avoiding Sam's intse blue eyes filled with desire, possessivess, and love.

"Baby, there's nothing dirty about you," Sam reassured her, gtly removing her hands as he leaned in to indulge himself, much to Amelia's surprise.

Sam inserted his tongue and began to savor the taste, causing an intse and pleasurable ssation for Amelia. She couldn't help but grab onto the bedsheets tightly, her body shivering uncontrollably.

The pleasure overwhelmed her, and she moaned, " feels amazing."

Sam, hearing her joying herself, felt deeply satisfied and continued with ev greater intsity, evtually adding his finger to hance her pleasure.

As Amelia suddly felt something tering her and intsifying the pleasurable ssation, her body heated up ev further.

Chu~ Chu~ Chu~

The room was filled with the sound of Sam pleasuring Amelia's clitoris, causing her to moan with desire.

"Darling~..." Amelia's moans grew louder as she approached her climax.

She tightly clutched Sam's head betwe her legs, feeling her body shiver with the impding climax. She knew she was on the verge of reaching her peak.

Before long, Amelia reached her peak, and the intse pleasure washed over her as she climaxed on Sam's face. Her orgasm continued for a couple of minutes before she finally calmed down.

Sam licked her, cleaning her as he used his tongue to remove the remnants of her climax, and the ssation st shivers of pleasure through Amelia's ssitive body.

Slowly raising his head, Sam gazed at his woman's flushed face, covered in sweat, and her heaving breaths. Their eyes locked, and Sam provocatively licked her climax fluid from his lips, his smirk with a warm gaze, "You tasted so good."

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