The Inheritance Of The Supreme Immortals

Chapter 34: Chapter 34: Passion

Sam tighted his grip on her hand and declared firmly, "I won't let anyone steal her away from me. The one who is going to marry Amelia is me, and no one else." His possessive tone left no room for doubt about his determination.

"You have nothing to worry about, Amelia," Hela reassured her with a serious tone. "In terms of power and wealth, our Hailstorm Clan is not any less than your father's Scarlett Clan. So, Amelia, trust me. I won't let him take you away from my son. You're like my daughter."

Despite Hela's jealousy over Sam's affectionate behavior toward Amelia, she guinely liked her. She had already started to see Amelia as a daughter.

Lorraine, on the other hand, didn't mind the idea of having Amelia as a sister, someone she could share her future husband, Sam, with. She hadn't giv up on her pursuit of Sam as her husband, after all.

As for Sophia, she couldn't handle all the public displays of affection betwe Sam and Amelia. She stormed out of the room in frustration, her cursing audible ev from her own room.

"Now that everything has be cleared up, you guys should go pack your things. We'll be leaving in an hour, alright?" Hela instructed the group.

Sam and Amelia promptly left the room to prepare their belongings for the journey.

Lorraine took this opportunity to address her older sister. "Are you really okay with this, Hela?"

Hela seemed puzzled. "Okay with what?"

Lorraine persisted, "Amelia and Sam. Don't you get jealous?"

Hela sighed, realizing the topic wouldn't go away. "Again with this shit, Lorraine?"

Lorraine didn't back down. "Come on, Hela. The last time we talked about this, you just ran away. Now that we're alone, you can be honest about your feelings."

Hela remained silt, clearly uncomfortable discussing the matter.

Rolling her eyes, Lorraine continued, "Oh, come on. Why can't you just be honest with yourself? Perhaps you're afraid that Sam won't fuck you because you are his mother?" She bluntly addressed the unspok feelings Hela had be harboring.

Hela's eyes twitched with frustration. She couldn't believe Lorraine would be so blunt about her feelings.

Finally unable to contain herself, Hela admitted, "Fine. Yes, I like Sam. I love my son, but I'm his mother. I shouldn't be feeling like this. It's just wrong."

"Wrong?" Lorraine snorted dismissively. "My fat ass."

Lorraine regarded Hela with indifferce and sighed. "List to me, sis. Sam is going to the cultivation realm, and wh he sees how things work there, and learns about our customs, he'll understand that relationships like this are normal. Th it will only be a matter of time before we can make a move on him."

Hela hesitated, still uncertain. "Lorraine, you're not going to back down, are you?"

"No, and I want you to do the same," Lorraine replied firmly.

"I still have doubts," Hela admitted.

Lorraine reassured her, "Don't doubt it. It's simple. Just imagine that we could both have Sam as our husband. We could ev do it together with him."

Hearing Lorraine's words, Hela's face turned bright red. "You're so perverted."

Lorraine didn't seem fazed. "Don't tell me you've never imagined doing it with Sam?"

Hela remained silt, and Lorraine smirked. "I thought so."

"So, you think I should pursue Sam?"

"Yes, finally," Lorraine nodded.

Hela was eager to know how to proceed. "How should I do that?"

"I don't think you need to do anything special. I'm pretty sure he already likes us as wom, but he just hasn't realized it," Lorraine explained.


"Yes," Lorraine nodded knowingly, like a seasoned merchant. "If he didn't take the first step, we can always seduce him, you know."

"S-seduce him?" Hela's face flushed crimson.

"Yes, I've se him looking at my breasts a lot of times. I think he likes big-breasted wom. If that's the case, you have the upper hand among us. I don't think he's noticed it yet. After all, you have the biggest rack."

Hela glanced down at her chest, her face turning an ev deeper shade of red.


Kiss~ Kiss~

Inside Amelia's room, the air was charged with passionate ergy as Sam and Amelia gaged in a fierce, intimate kiss.

Kiss~ Kiss~

Their lips locked together in a heated exchange, their tongues dancing in a tantalizing tango.

Sam's strong hands held Amelia's waist firmly, pulling her close, while Amelia's delicate fingers were wrapped a Sam's neck, holding him as close as possible.

Kiss~ Kiss~

They momtarily broke their kiss, both panting and breathless, their eyes locked in a sultry gaze. Amelia's eyes were moist, her face intoxicated with desire.

"You said you wanted to help me pack my stuff," Amelia whispered, her voice laced with longing.

Sam nodded, his desire burning in his eyes.

"Th why did you kiss me?" she asked, her voice husky with desire.

In response, Sam closed the distance betwe them and captured her lips in a passionate kiss once more. Amelia's eyes wided in surprise, but she quickly surrdered to his ardor, returning his kiss with equal fervor.

Their lips met again and again, like a raging storm of desire.

"You're so cheeky," Amelia pouted cutely, making Sam's heart race ev faster.

For the past week, Sam and Amelia had be stealing kisses whever they found a momt alone. Amelia had grown so accustomed to his kisses that if he didn't kiss her wh they were together, she felt that something was amiss.

Sam pulled her waist closer to him until their faces were mere ctimeters apart. "You're so cute," he murmured before sealing their lips in another passionate kiss.

Their kiss continued, their passion growing with each passing momt.

Kiss~ Kiss~

"We *chuu* have to *chuu* pack our things," Amelia breathed heavily betwe kisses.

"Th go and pack," Sam replied, teasing her with a mischievous smile.

Kiss~ Kiss~

Amelia's breath staggered as she kissed him harder and harder. "Let me go *chuu* and pack...*chuu* stop kissing me."

Sam released his hold on her waist, giving her the freedom to do as she wished. "Okay..."

Amelia's expression momtarily shifted to one of disappointmt as she felt his hands leave her, but she quickly recovered.

She looked deep into his azure eyes and, without hesitation, took the initiative, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss.

Kiss~ Kiss~

Sam broke the kiss, a smirk playing on his lips. "I thought you wanted to pack your stuff," he teased.

"You are so cheeky," Amelia responded, her lips pressed against his. She could feel the intsity of his emotions through their kisses, igniting a fiery passion that consumed them both.

Kiss~ Kiss~


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