The Inheritance Of The Supreme Immortals

Chapter 20: Chapter 20: First kill

After satisfying his vgeful desires with Jack, Sam strolled out of the house. Standing there for a momt, he gazed back at the residce with a twitch of his mouth.

His inttion had be to finish all of them off today, but it seemed luck wasn't on his side. Only Jack had be home, and he didn't want to spoil the dramatic declaration he'd made earlier.

With a resigned sigh, he contemplated his next move.

"Should I just head home?" The day had slipped away, and darkness began to descd, signaling that it was nearing dinnertime.

Sam's sses, sharped by his cultivation, extded to his surings. He could hear the cacophony of car horns, the screeching of tires, and the chatter of people going about their everyday lives.

The desire to explore and the thrill of taking to the skies swelled within Sam.

An excited smile stretched across his lips as he looked up at the dark, starry night sky. It was at that momt that he truly appreciated the breathtaking beauty of the night.

He was going to fly.

Ordinary cultivators would need to reach the Core Formation Realm to gain the ability to fly, and ev th, their flying speed would be limited.

But Sam was no ordinary cultivator; he was a dragon, and that meant he had wings—wings that would allow him to soar through the heavs.

"Now, how do I do this?" Sam clched both fists, an instinctive understanding of how to summon his wings washing over him. There was an unusual ssation in his shoulders and back, but it wasn't painful; it felt as if he were aligning with his true nature.

Suddly, a pair of wings erupted from Sam's back, unfurling to an impressive three meters in lgth each.

They looked almost oversized compared to Sam's figure, and at the tips of the wing's fingers, sharp, curved talons glisted in the light.

Sam gazed at his newfound wings with eyes that shone brightly.

The wings themselves were a breathtaking sight.

They were adorned with scales that resembled freshly fall snow, each scale bearing intricate crimson markings and patterns that stretched across the tire expanse of the wings.

The combination of pristine scales with the striking crimson markings created a look that was both majestic and intimidating.

But Sam knew that this appearance would undergo further transformations as his assimilation of the Primordial Chaos Dragon bloodline continued to progress.

The wings on Sam's back twitched involuntarily, and he chuckled to himself. With a bit more control, he couraged his wings to flap gtly.

"Oops," Sam chuckled again.

With each flap of his magnifict wings, Sam's body began to ascd from the g. His eyes sparkled with wonder as he floated in the air.

"This is so cool!" he exclaimed.

His wings flapped faster, propelling him upward and onward. With a powerful swoosh, Sam blasted into the night sky, soaring through the darkness like a plane. The moist night air caressed his face as he ascded higher and higher, reaching a point where he could see the tire city sprawled out below him.

The ssation was nothing short of incredible. Sam felt free, exhilarated, and in awe of the world a him.

With a sse of excitemt, he steered himself in the direction of his home, soaring gracefully through the starry night sky.

As Sam soared through the night sky, his heighted eyesight caught the figure of someone below. It was other than Jacob, one of those who had conspired to kill him alongside Jack. Jacob stood in a dimly lit alley, puffing on a cigarette.

A sinister smile crept across Sam's face.

"Looks like I really get to deal with one of you today," he muttered with a cold demeanor. With a swift flap of his wings, he descded from the sky like a shooting star, closing in on Jacob.

Jacob, lost in his own world as he smoked, was suddly jolted from his stupor wh he felt himself lifted off the g.

"Wha..What's happing?". Panic washed over him as he found himself dangling in the air, gripped by an unse force.

"Don't panic, Jacob. I won't drop you just...yet," Sam's voice echoed in Jacob's ears, sding shivers down his spine.

Jacob, initially bewildered by the voice, quickly realized the impossible. It was the voice of someone who should have be long dead.


"Yes, it's me—alive and well." Sam's icy blue eyes transformed into a piercing shade of crimson as they bore into Jacob's trembling figure.

To Jacob, Sam's face remained obscured, hidd behind the macing red eyes of this supernatural tity with flapping wings in the night sky. He felt as though a demon itself had descded to claim his wretched soul.

"You monster, let me go!"

"Monster? No, you've got it all wrong," Sam retorted coldly, fighting the urge to d it all right th and there.

"You... you're Sam?" Realization dawned on Jacob as he connected the dots.

"Yeah, it's me."

Jacob's mind swirled with questions, the incomprehsible nature of the situation overwhelming him.

"How can you have wings?"

"Seriously, dude?" Sam's voice dripped with disdain. "You're suspded like three hundred feet above the g with your worst emy, and you're wondering how I can have wings?" ,

"You really are stupid, ar't you?" Sam's icy voice dripped with disdain.

Jacob squirmed in his grasp, desperately trying to break free, but the realization had already dawned upon him. If Sam let go, he'd be nothing more than a bug squashed underfoot.

"Sam, please... please don't drop me," Jacob pleaded, his composure crumbling.

"Stop whining," Sam growled, his grip on Jacob's neck tighting, making it impossible for him to speak. "You're making it hard for me to think."

Sam weighed his options. Should he torture Jacob or simply drop him from this height and head home?

Considering his choices, he couldn't help but think about how angry his mom would be. After all, he was already quite late.

"I don't want my mom to get angry with me," Sam sighed.

With a calculated decision, he lifted Jacob by the neck and soared toward a busy about on a bustling road. Ev at this late hour, traffic was heavy.

At the top of the road, high above the g where no one could see them, Sam dangled Jacob in the air like holding a water bottle.

A dark thought crossed Jacob's mind as he realized his horrifying fate. Panic overcame him, and he fought ev harder to break free, having already lost all semblance of sanity to his fear.

"Bye-bye." Sam uttered those cold words before releasing his grip, sding Jacob plummeting down to the road below.

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