The Human Giant

Chapter 267 267: Geo's Heart Explodes

Even with half of the force of Yoze's Death Finger being reduced before hitting its target, the amount was still plenty to explode Geo's heart. Unfortunately for Geo, even though he reacted fast and quickly mobilized his crystal energy, the sphere he created simply wasn't strong enough.

If he had more time to react, he could have used more of his crystal energy to form a perfect sphere around his heart that even Yoze couldn't destroy. If he wanted to, he could even modify one of his protection spells to exclusively protect his organs.

Yet, this was the real world, and what if and what was possible didn't play a role in changing reality. So even though Geo did his best, Death Finger's force shattered the force field surrounding Geo's heart, only losing another tenth of its strength.

Seeing that things were going against his favor, Geo gritted his teeth and used the milliseconds of extra time his force field provided to shift his heart to the side. That would be enough as long as he could prevent all of his heart from being destroyed.

But how could Yoze's Death Finger be so simple? As soon as Geo shifted his heart, Death Finger's force was immediately attracted to it like a metal to a magnet. Shifting its flight path slightly so that it would directly hit the center of Geo's heart.

Regardless of his effort to stop this attack, Geo sensed Death Finger's force swiftly slamming into his heart and entered inside without resistance. For a few milliseconds, nothing happened; the deathly silence made Geo's danger explode as he waited with anxiety for the inevitable.

After the deathly silence, a mind-numbing pain rocked Geo's body, with the epicenter of it coming from his heart. He could sense his heart rapidly expanding, and due to the uncontrollable expansion, his heart began to tear itself apart.

Just as Geo's heart expanded to triple its original size, it exploded into nothing but a blood mist. Not a single chunk of his strengthened heart remained, as the remaining Death Finger force collided with the force field that Geo created to trap the damage to just his heart.


Even though the sound of Geo's heart exploding wasn't loud, everyone, regardless of their immortal cultivation status, saw Geo's chest expand before quickly deflating after the sound. Paired up with Geo's eyes turning glassy and cloudy, everyone could conclude the results.

Silence engulfed the crowd of immortal cultivators as they watched the battle completely captivated and waited for anxiety about what would happen next. Since they all knew that this battle was far from over.

As everyone knows, immortal cultivators were the closest to becoming immortals, and the stronger the immortal cultivator, the harder it is for them to remain dead. This was especially true for immortal cultivators who reached the Crystal Brain realm.

Unless you were able to destroy both their regular brain and their crystal brain, they could always repair their body no matter how damaged it was. As long as they had time and enough resources, they could regenerate any part of their bodies, which included their heart.

Even though Yoze hadn't been a part of the immortal world for very long, he could see very clearly that Geo's spiritual energy wasn't disappearing or being devoured by death spiritual energy meaning that he wasn't close to death. Paired with an uneasy feeling coming from his heart, he decided to end this match by crushing Geo's head.

Quickly taking advantage of Geo's motionless body, Yoze sent all his heavy inner vigor into his leg and stomped at Geo's head. However, as soon as his foot was mere centimeters away from crushing Geo's Shadow Armor along with his skull, the sense of danger coming from his heart expanded to his whole body as it became ten times more potent.

It was so dangerous that Yoze knew that this wasn't something he could afford to endure and thus allowed Mindless Legs to take over his body. After regaining control, Mindless Legs quickly stopped Yoze from stomping on Geo's head and used his full power to launch Yoze's body into the sky.

Just as Yoze's feet left the ground, a black shadow darker than the night rapidly engulfed the spot Yoze was just standing. The black shadow then moved under Geo's motionless body and continued to expand until every inch of the obsidian platform was engulfed.

"Shadow Swamp!" 

Recognizing the black shadow for what it was, Yoze quickly turned his head towards Geo's Shadow Clone to see that it had lost half of its body as it used the lower half to cast Shadow Swamp. Noticing that the Shadow Clone was staring directly at him, Yoze felt a tingling sensation coming from above him as he saw that the thousands of Shadow armor shards had gathered in the sky above him to prevent him from going too high.

At the same time, he saw that Geo's motionless body was being absorbed into the Shadow Swamp, which he could assume was to be able to heal and re-gather his strength before attacking with his Shadow Clone. Knowing that he couldn't allow this to happen or he would be completely defenseless, Yoze activated his heavy inner vigor to increase the weight of his body and made the air above him heavier. 

With his physical body heavier and the increased air drag, Yoze quickly slowed his ascent to a crawl before allowing gravity to pull him back to the platform. As he fell to the ground, Yoze manipulated his blood into turning into a blood whip.

With a heavy swing of his blood whip, Yoze quickly sent a heavy attack at Geo's head. Understanding that Shadow Swamp must have been an extraordinary crystal energy-intensive spell since Geo hadn't used it, Yoze knew that as long as he could get close, he had a possibility of a victory.

All he needed to do was make sure that nothing could block his descent, including the shadow armor shards. Just as he expected the moment, the moment he launched an attack, a small portion of the shadow armor shards above him separated from the pact.

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