The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 32: A glimpse of the future

Onyx gave me a look which I inferred as panic at my question. "My love, my dearest Apollo, I would beg of you that you forget what I just said. The power of psionic foresight is as fickle as it is powerful, there is a reason the queen with all of her psionic might doesn't even use it. If I were to tell you what I meant when I said that the future may change drastically, for the better or worse?

I wouldn't know until It happens."

What Onyx said to me made some sense, with her foresight she sees futures that could be and futures to come. "But you have told me other things about the future though have you not? On our first meeting the other week you told me I would be inserting a large fleshy rod into you in the future did you not?

Why is that ok to tell me?" I asked inquisitively, If Onyx wishes not to tell me of he foresights that is fine I'm not trying to pressure her, I just request clarity.

Onyx's pitch black eyes flared up for a moment. "Ah yes I did say that didn't I? you see my mate that piece of information is a fixed causality. No matter which future path you take, you inserting your rod inside of me during our 'fight' is inevitable, It will come to fruition no matter what you or anyone shall do, It will happen!"

The chains around onyx's limbs went taut for a moment as Onyx's usually monotone voice became ridden with passion and possessiveness when she said the end of that sentence. The way she switched had me wanting to ask one more question. So I did. "I have one final question related to the matter at hand.

When we first met you seemed not to have much emotion, most of the hive don't mind you other than when I'm around, but you still stuck out, you seemed more calculative. May I asked what has changed?"

The chains on Onyx released their tension as her black eyes became full of softness and tenderness towards me "As a stalker, My task was to devour worlds just the same as the hive only on my own, My foresight was to help me with this picking off the right targets who to eat and not eat in a moment, It was all practical. But now, since you entered our lives and given me my name, Onyx.

My gift has had me see many futures, all in which it feels I live out in real time, countless futures in which I am by your side feeling your love and when I am back in this present It takes my all not to act like my future self as you are not ready to witness what we become..." she trails of once more before continuing "Just know everything I do, I do so you will have the future of your dreams."

I took a moment to gather my thoughts on what Onyx had said. It would seem her gift is a lot more complicated than once thought. "Would you do me one last favour before I drop the whole matter entirely?" "What is it you desire Apollo?" Onyx asked in a teasing manner as if knowing what I was about to say.

"I can feel through our bond your feelings for me they are as strong as the love Orchid and Jewel can emit through the link but I feel like you are holding a lot back somehow can I ask can you not hold it in, just for a second I wish to see the true face of my cloak and shield."

Onyx let out a toothy smile for a second before an uncharacteristic giggle and voice came out of her mouth "Hehe OF course MY LOVE but you will regret it when you wake up~"

"When i wak-" I was about to follow up before I was pinned to the ground in my own mind, coming out of Onyx was a physical torrent of her emotions made manifest It felt like my mind was being devoured by absolute obsession of myself. My Mind could not process the sheer volume of emotion that I felt in that second and passed out.

As soon as I passed out once more the avatar I use inside of my mind faded away and Onyx went back to her cold self once more as if she didn't just erupt with the force of 1,000,000 yanderes. "Foolish love, I warned you, you cannot handle what our love will turn into yet. *sigh* If only I could just eat you and keep your biomass inside of me forever."

After the disturbing thought passed Onyx once more started walking around Apollo mind "From what I remember, It should be Ah yes here." Onyx arrived before Apollo's Psionic Origin It looked like a prismatic Orb but it was so much more, Outside the Mindspace paradox it would currently equate to the size of a adult humans balled fist. "You look almost cute as of now.

I know you do not like outside interference, but if you don't let me do what I'm about to do, you are going to be miserable for at least a year." She said as she reached out for the Orb, as she did Apollo's Mindspace began to change ever so slightly...

"Arruggh." I woke up once more some time later feeling like crap. I don't even quite remember what happened to make me pass out, I know I asked Onyx to show me her emotions but I cant remember what happened after the only thing I do know is " I regret that." I said aloud.

"Ah darling you are awake finally, I felt weird happenings in your Mindspace as you slept but I am glad to see you are fine." To my right Jewel was propping her head up with her arm staring down at me " I would not say fine but yea I'm ok." I replied as I leaned up to give her a kiss, She reciprocated the gesture happily for a few minutes before we broke off.

"I am pleased you still find me desirable my Apollo, even after the treachery Orchid pulled on me down on that planet." she said gazing menacingly at the sleepy bug to my left.

This caused me to spank Jewel in retaliation garnering a yelp out of her despite not hurting her "Take it easy on Orchid, she actually stopped me from going all the way with her I just gave her private regions some well deserved love besides." I leaned over grabbing Jewel by the throat and bringing her close to my face with a seductive grin. "I have much more planned for you later."

The dominant act caused the queen, who rules over all of her bio forms and never had anyone in a position above her, practically gushed at the gesture. The psionic energy she usually emits from her face plate eye slits went from a cool purple to a hot pink as she became aroused. The colour caused a flash of pain to run through my head as though it remembered something it did not wish to.

"But not right now as I still feel like crap." I said letting go and falling back into bed.

The sudden bump caused Orchid to Jolt up, she had been watching Apollo for hours after they entered the ship she did not even remember drifting into this bodies horrible torpor where it is not even aware of its surroundings while resting.

"AH Apollo! Orchid is glad you have awakened. It has been a whole two days she would have been worried if not for the stak- Onyx's words saying you were fine." I rubbed my aching temples at Orchids loud awakening. "Two days? I guess a whole being taking up residence in your head requires time to adapt huh."

Jewels non existent eyebrows furrowed at that remark "The stalker took inhabitancy through the bond? Most strange, My love allow me witness your mind for a moment." Although she didn't have to ask as she can do so without me even realising and I trust her unconditionally, the fact she did was a gesture I do appreciate.

Lowering my defences I allowed Jewel to peer into my mind from the psionic plane unopposed.

I was about to enter my Mindspace myself to see what she was having a gander at but in less than a second she was already done. A large smile was plastered on her face as she looked at me "What?" I asked as the smile was a little creepy.

"I am simply happy with what my stalker is doing inside your mind my love, now with that said I would request you don't enter your Mindspace until we return home can you do that for me?" Jewels request left me a little shocked whatever was going on in my head I wanted to investigate, but considering How little Jewel ever asks of me I felt it was a reasonable request.

"Fine I don't get why my own head is being kept a secret from me but I trust you to the end of the universe and back, now lets get me some eats I'm so hungry I could ride a horse...wait"

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