The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 192: The Invisible Sepiidan

Janine was not even bothered that she was just lifted off the ground by her neck as she looked at Onyx then back at me in shock. "I'm Invisible?" She said as she looked at her own arms. "Are you sure? I can still see myself." Janine questioned. "Yes I can see her as well so are you sure its invisibility?" I followed up.

Onyx stared at me for a moment and then at the space next to me. "It is not total anti senses invisibility as I can hear her when she speaks and smell her slightly." Janine took a whiff of herself thinking she smelt bad for a second, but she smelt immaculate and that was what Onyx probably meant.

"That was the reason I was able to find her and grab her by what I assumed to be her neck. Janine, pick up that bowl, I want to test something." Onyx asked, but felt more like a demand.

Janine was confused by what was happening so she obliged hoping to get answers. From Onyx's perspective, as soon as Janine picked up the bowl, it dissapeared from Onyx's view. "Interesting. Ok now place it back down on the table."

Janine followed the instruction and the bowl reappeared the moment Janine placed the bowl back down and her fingers left its surface. Onyx closed her eyes for a moment to process the information, she had killed countless Psionic beings so she was collecting data on what could have happened.

Once she opened her eyes, they had turned fully green with her energy, though seemed perfectly in control of herself. "Ah, there you are." Onyx smiled as she made eye contact with Janine.

"So, you figured out what has happened?" I asked as I looked at Onyx smile beautifully. I should have been careful with my thoughts around those green eyes as she turned to me faster than expected and continued to smile having read my thoughts.

"Of course my one and only, and your protector wants rewards for figuring it out later." She said with a wink before she began to explain.

"So in simple terms, Janine here has the opposite of my stealth capabilities. She has created a passive aura around herself that will make her invisible to non Psionic beings, or Psionic beings who aren't actively using their energy in their eyes. Apollo, you can already see her, but place some energy in your eyes so you understand what I mean."

Taking Onyx's advice, I channelled some energy to my eyes and looked in Janine's direction. Janine was now glowing ever so slightly as her body was highlighted in a blue outline. "Oh I see, very interesting."

Janine was beginning to feel like a lab rat with all the staring. "Can you stop looking and explain what you are doing?" She said, her voice hiding a tinge of excitement. "Oh, sorry Janine, when I get into Psionic and science mode, I tend to forget about other people. Right, we are looking at you know with our energy concentrated on our eyes. With this, you are sort of glowing to us.

Though that leaves the question, why can I see you without the highlight, but you can't Onyx?"

Onyx furrowed her eyebrows at that question. "A good question Apollo." Onyx said as she moved forward to the test subject once more. Janine did not find Onyx to be remotely attractive at this moment, the look on her face as she moved towards her was cold and indifferent, like she was literally looking at a lab rat.

When Onyx placed her hand on Janine's shoulder, Janine suddenly felt shivers go all across her body. She suddenly felt week and had to sit down on the couch. Now as much as I cared for Janine, I trusted Onyx more and allowed her to do her thing without interrupting of protesting.

After getting over a little bit of nausea, Janine looked up at Onyx and whispered. "W-What are you doing?" She had begun to run cold sweats. Onyx continued doing her thing and ignored Janine. That was until she found something she did not expect to find and jumped back in shock.

"H-H-How. How is that possible?" Onyx said with what seemed like actual fear in her voice. That fear turned into anger however as she yelled. "How have you usurped my Universe energies and tainted your own energy with his!"

To Onyx, this was akin to Heresy, as far as the hives understanding went on the principle, her love, her husband, her King, her life, her universe, her everything's Psionic energy should belong to him and him alone, why does this bitch now have traces of it inside of her.

Onyx wanted to pry for answers, but I put myself between the two women seeing how Onyx had begun to lose herself. I then grabbed Onyx's face with my hands and made her look directly at me.

"Hey, hey, hey. Look at me. I need you to come back to me ok? Don't get sucked in to your emotions again ok? Deep breaths with me. In and out, in and out." I repeated the step over and over and Onyx seemed to calm down.

It was not the breathing that helped Onyx, It was staring deeply at her universe.

Having a calm Onyx back in my grasp, I stroke her cheek and ask. "Is everything ok? Why don't you explain what you were doing and why you reacted the way you did ok?"

I then took a seat next to Janine, who was looking better already and decided to hug my arm for comfort. I then turned back to Onyx and nodded at her to begin her explanation.

"To start of, I will say this. I was not hurting Janine in any way, I was simply using my power to disrupt her energy and expel it out of her body. Her body is new to Psionic energy and it was currently trying to make her stronger, so when I removed it, it made her feel like shit as you would say.

I was removing it to figure out how her power worked, but when I felt a trace of your energy inside of her I-I."

Onyx had to stop herself so she wouldn't get riled up once more. "What she has done should not have happened. You used neutral Psionic energy to start her Origin, nothing else would work after all. Tell me my love, did anything peculiar happen while you were probing her Mindspace?"

Janine looked at me inquisitively from the side, despite feeling awful a few moments ago, she found all of this exciting. She has a Psionic ability, just like her best friend!

"No, not that I can think of, her origin did awaken almost instantly and cut off my tendril." I said. "No that cant be it, there wouldn't be enough..." Onyx paused. Her thoughts began to piece a puzzle together.

'My energy if I were to do that would bear no results, but Apollo with his unlimited potential from his origin? If Janine's origin latched on to any left over energy from Apollo's tendril, it could use it as a perpetual battery to feed its growth as long as It was not greedy.'

Onyx eyes went wide at the possibilities, just as Jewel did months ago with her now gigantic warrior. Unlike Jewel however, who seemed to only think about the hives benefits of this discovery, Onyx began to worry about Apollo's safety.

There are countless beings in the universe that the Hives 'unlimited numbers' can't win against. If one of those beings found out about this... Psionic enhancement ability her universe possesses, they would stop at nothing to get it.

Onyx shook her head to clear her scrambled thoughts. 'That would never happen anyway, I will make sure of it.' She then looked back at the awaiting duo and smiled. "I am sorry about that, Janine what has happened to you in theory should not have happened.

I will not tell you, but know that it is only a benefit to you and there are no side affects other than you getting stronger and Apollo being able to see through your invisibility due to him awakening you."

Janine saw no reason to ask further, there was already enough on her plate to figure out now, but as I looked at Onyx, I saw traces of fear as though she found something out that shocked her to her core.

I would not pry though, If she feels the need to keep it secret, I will let her have it. 'I just hope my Origin has the same idea and does not take me to the room again or I will be tempted.'

I thought that to both assure and tease my beloved Onyx as just as I could read her, she could read that I read her. It was then as we were staring at each other with a knowing look, Janine spoke up.

"So as great as it is to have my newfound power and all, do any of you know how to turn it off?

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