The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life

Chapter 581

Chapter 581 The Chosen One (1)


tat tat tat.

An alley in Mexico City.

A man who appeared to be in his late 30s ran away with an urgent face.

The chase was very common in a world in turmoil, but it left people wondering who knew the man’s true identity as ‘Juan Carlos’.

Mexican hero. An S-class skill. Although he was never going to be chased by anyone, Juan Carlos continued to look back and couldn’t hide his nervousness.

“Damn it.”

when a week ago.

There was a fact that Roman Dmitry announced to the world.

Talking about the connection between the Chosen One and the Absolute, he declared that he would carry out a massive investigation into the Chosen Ones.

People couldn’t help but be embarrassed.

Confusion arose over the shocking truth of Maronism, and in the midst of it, the fact that Roman Dmitri was ‘Maron Dmitri’ was revealed, showing a confused reaction.

And that some of the chosen ones were the servants of the Absolute. Neither one was easy, so people couldn’t say exactly what was right.

While the world accepts the new reality.

Those who are chosen are forced to choose.

Under investigation one after another, Juan Carlos chose to drop everything and run away.

‘If you get caught, your life cannot be guaranteed.’

Roman Dmitry.

He is a warlike figure.

Seeing that he killed Reverend Sebastian without compromise, he would not be able to save his life the moment his guilt is revealed.

Juan Carlos was not as heroic as one might think.

Ordinary people think he saved Mexico every time, but in fact, there were not a few cases where he deliberately created a crisis through dealings with absolutes.

attracting monsters.

Deal with those monsters yourself.

By driving people to death and saving them, they provided fun that the absolute could be satisfied with.

S-class skills.

As a clown, he was a faithful master.

He left no evidence of his misdeeds, but if the truth came out, Roman Dmitry would not let him live.

So, after thinking about it, I chose to run away. Can’t we plan for the future once we live?

Juan Carlos, who once received enthusiastic cheers from the Mexicans, hurriedly bowed his head whenever he encountered anyone on his way to escape. As famous as it was, it was difficult to hide its existence.


a week like that.

Now the limit has been reached.

He missed the life of being cheered by people and couldn’t accept why he had to run away like this.

‘Fuck it’s good. Rather than having incompetent bastards die anyway, Mexico was able to be saved because the country became stronger at the cost of the sacrifices of a few people. I’m sorry Like the guy Roman Dmitri said, I didn’t mean to completely betray humanity, but rather to help the world by selling people out.’

Emotions surged.

I couldn’t run away forever.

In particular, he said that he could not stand his patience any longer, especially in the situation where the pursuit team was sent directly from the ‘Korean Empire’.

It was the judge’s version.


I stopped walking.

He turned around and showed a ferocious spirit.



“Okay, let’s try it sometime. I’ll show you that I’m not someone who will be easily captured.”

whoever has been chasing

I won’t run away anymore.

He will prove it by force and be confidently recognized by people for his legitimacy.



“This is a funny kid.”

A being that descends with fluttering wings.

The moment he confirmed that he was Kim Pan-seok.

“Oh wow.”

Juan Carlos hurriedly turned his steps and started running again.

* * *

Not all of the Chosen have concealed their vices like Juan Carlos.

People who thought they were proud came to Roman Dmitry voluntarily and were willing to be investigated.

“The concept of support for the Chosen One is correct, but there has never been a single reward for evil deeds. The ‘absolute’ who supported me was truly cruel. Whenever I faced a situation that I could never solve on my own, I offered a reward, and I always risked my life for humanity.”

“Innocent. I fully understand why His Majesty Emperor Roman Dmitry is conducting a major investigation into the Chosen. Even if it were me, I would have no choice but to doubt the chosen ones the moment I confirmed Andres’ malice. But I wanted to point out that not everyone is. I will actively participate in the investigation to prove my innocence, and I am proud of myself as a human being.”

Even if you say your innocence.

No investigation was completed in one day.

A process was needed to ensure that their testimonies were not mixed with lies, and truth and lies were distinguished based on the vast amount of data provided by countries around the world.

Of course, I knew that I couldn’t be completely sure. But it was a minimal safety net, and by the end of the week, those who had been proven innocent appeared.

And, of course, there were cases like Juan Carlos.

“Juan Carlos. Just because you ran away, I will not unconditionally conclude that you are a ‘traitor to humanity’. However, contrary to what you have testified in several cases in Mexico, it has been found that your alibi is inaccurate. Then there must be only one truth. That there are enough secrets to hide an alibi from you, who the world says is a hero. I will proceed with a mental interrogation of you from now on.”

“Oh, no!”

“Take it.”


Soldiers appeared and dragged Juan Carlos away.

mental interrogation.

It was an interrogation led by Kim Pan-seok, and it was a very cruel method of invading the boundaries of the mind and putting the opponent in pain to tell the truth.

Roman Dmitry set a firm standard so that innocent people would not be subjected to mental interrogation.

Those who want to escape like Juan Carlos and those who tell lies that are different from the truth during the investigation.

Lastly, mental interrogation was conducted if there were suspicious parts that sold the world through vast amounts of data, just like ‘Andres’.

cruel and

It was inhuman.

Some media criticized it, but Roman Dmitri didn’t react much to their criticism.

because it’s what you have to do

In times of peace, human rights are important, but if the Chosen Traitors of humanity are not properly controlled, internal enemies may destroy humanity.

A bold decision was needed. In a world where common sense does not work, if only humans argue about common sense, there is no choice but to play with the prank of the absolute.

So, the investigation proceeded in turn.

No innocent cases occurred.

As the mental interrogation proceeded only in certain cases like Juan Carlos, they soon shed tears and runny nose and revealed that they were ‘evil’.

Like Andres, he said that he sold humanity for his own gain.

no more

I didn’t think of the chosen ones as heroes.

No matter how good things were, it was a big problem that their power came from the ‘absolute’.

a few days after that.

An incident occurred that shocked the world.

* * *

1-3 Investigation room.

That was where the incident occurred.

French Julien, known as the Chosen One and an A-Class Hunter, was investigated, and he smiled in front of the investigator.

“Inspector. I will ask you a question in reverse.”


I pushed the chair forward.

He pushed his face out uncomfortably and looked at the investigator intently.

“If only. If you are being sponsored by the ‘absolute’, do you think you can refuse the absolute’s request? Even though a human who has lived a life of babbling every day can have a powerful power comparable to an S-class hunter at once, it should never be like that for the sake of mankind. Do you think you can say that?”

“So you mean you betrayed humanity?”

The investigator’s expression hardened.

Layers of magic circles were installed on the floor of the investigation room, so if Julien did something stupid, he would immediately be tied up.

And there were numerous troops waiting outside the investigation room.

The investigator was not at all frightened by Julien’s reaction, and rather did not avoid Julien’s gaze looking at him.

Julien laughed.

It was fun.

Unlike the other chosen ones, he volunteered to investigate for a different purpose.

“They’re really pretentious bastards. The absolute is the god of this world. Do you think it makes sense to turn down the reward when God speaks directly to me? If you have a head, do what you think. Sponsorship is an irresistible temptation, and from the moment I made the ‘choice’, I was told that I was more important than the safety of mankind.”

“you… !”

No more conversation was necessary.

obvious hostility.

The moment the investigator tried to send a signal, Julien’s magic exploded.

“Do you think you can catch me with a magic circle like this?”



Magic circles were simultaneously manifested.

Hundreds of bundles of magic power appeared and entangled Julien, but Julien’s powerful magic power tore them to pieces.

Investigators have prepared for situations like this countless times.

At the same time as the magic circle was manifested, the soldiers who had been watching the situation inside rushed in and tried to subdue Julien.

Grade A.

It was a low grade for a chosen one.

However, the actual force was completely different from the public evaluation.




Papa papa papa pat.

I received all the attacks coming from all directions.

Violent mana surged from Julien’s hands, and he smashed the first soldier’s head into the desk.



My head exploded.

Julien’s face was stained with blood, and from then on, he began to unilaterally slaughter the soldiers rushing forward.

Among them, there was a skilled person who was deployed for the safety of the investigators.

Although it was a skill that an A-class hunter could never handle, Julien killed all of them as if it were nothing.

This place.

It is in the middle of the Korean Empire.

Nevertheless, he showed his malice, and after killing everyone, he returned to his chair and sat down again.

It was a chilling sight.

The surroundings were already in ruins, and the ceiling of the building was open, showing the blue sky.

only one.

Only the investigator survived.

Julien looked at the inspector and said.

“Call Roman Dmitri here right now. Not me, but the absolute one who supports me wants to meet.”

* * *


Julien hummed.

Leaning back on the chair and bobbing her feet, she seemed relaxed as if this was her home.

Space was meaningless.

He could have escaped at any time through the open sky, but Julien deliberately remained in the space called the ‘Investigation Room’ and waited for Roman Dmitri to come.

The condition was not only that. Looking at the terrified inspector, Julien demanded one more.

“Oh, and don’t invite anyone here except Roman Dmitri. I want to have a conversation just the two of us. If you do any tricks, I can assure you that ‘you’ will definitely kill me by any means.”

About 10 minutes have passed since then.

Julien looked around.

A ruined investigation room.

Still, the shape of the investigation room was maintained in its own way, although the ceiling was blown off, probably because the magic defense was well formed.

Bodies strewn on the floor and a door barely stuck in tatters. The recent development of magic civilization has been amazing.

It developed rapidly, led by the Korean Empire, and even the absolute supporters of it showed admiration.

The plan of the absolutes.

faster than that

Humanity should have developed a little slower, but Roman Dmitri was changing everything.

“Tsk tsk, you don’t even know if that’s urging the lifeline. People say that Roman Dmitri is the one who will save the world, but in my opinion the world will end soon because of him.”

It didn’t matter how it happened.

the chosen one.

The reason why they were attached to the Absolute was because the Absolute was the one who brought disaster to mankind.

It was like Andres.

As a way to confront the Absolute, even a 0.1% chance of survival is not allowed, so I chose to survive by fully satisfying the Absolute.

So I found Roman Dmitri. The Absolute gave Julien a quest, and in order to fulfill it, he had to meet Roman Dmitri.

There was nothing to worry about.

Whether Roman Dmitri is transcendental or whatever.

Isn’t this quest ‘directly’ intervened by the absolute?

It was then.



The uneasy door fell to the floor.

and beyond.

I saw a man coming inside.

“what? I would have made it clear Don’t invite anyone except Roman Dmitri.”

“Ah, yes? By the way.”


stepped inside.

The man was Kim Pan-seok.

He stopped in front of Julien and looked down at him coldly.

“Are you an absolute being or someone who comes and goes when His Majesty the Fuck Emperor comes?”

A voice uttered ferociously.

It was a really embarrassing situation that far exceeded Julien’s expectations.

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