The Girl Who Cured the Crazy BOSS is Majestic and Mighty

Chapter 30

~ Fu Wang, does Shu Yu know that youre so act cool ~

Fu Wang had yet to make his move, only carefully observing Hong Yuans habits and tricks. He was used to being fully prepared before making his move and wouldnt do so if he wasnt certain about it. This prudence has saved him countless times.

On the tenth day, Fu Wang noticed that Hong Yuan didnt go around looking for men anymore. She appeared uneasy and remained in a remote location where there was practically no trace of demon beasts, and she no longer went out as she pleased.

Having followed her around for these few days, Fu Wang didnt need much thought to figure out why she was acting this way. Although she practiced evil magic, she was still a half demon and since she was a half demon, she would still experience the half demon transformation. It was clear that Hong Yuan would be undergoing her half demon transformation soon. Every half demon would be able to sense when the time of their half demon transformation was approaching and they wouldnt be able to control when it started or the length of time. These circumstances were a hidden threat to all half demons.

Tough luck, Hong Yuan. Fu Wang rubbed his fingers as a smile formed on his face, his eyes void of any warmth. Half demonheh.

Half demons were at the bottom of the demon clan hierarchy. The high ranked demons were obviously at the top, being of pure demon blood or even higher bloodline. High ranked demons were further divided into ordinary high ranked demons or demons with great bloodlines. For example, Shu Yus bloodline was considered the highest ranked and most of the other descendants in the Tian Feng Residence were ordinary high ranked demons.

Beneath the high ranked demons were the mid ranked demons and low ranked demons, and beneath them were hybrid demons, demons born from different clans. Lucky hybrid demons would inherit the bloodline of the more powerful parent and were considered to be higher ranked than those who inherited the weaker parents bloodline. At the very bottom of this ranking were half demons.

If Fu Wang didnt have a few tricks up his sleeves and was regarded as a relatively useful slave in the Qinghu clan, he wouldnt even have been eligible to be sent to the Tian Feng Residence as a plaything because his status was too low. Back then, hed been tricked by a young master from the Qinghu family and had been sent to the Tian Feng Residence. Those demons had looked upon him with disgust and snided him, saying that it was his greatest honour, that a half demon like him could die in the hands of Lady Jin Yu.

Fu Wang scoffed, he had noticed their sarcasm but had to humbly acknowledge all their malice just because he was a lowly half demon.

Out of curiosity, Shu Yu had once asked Fu Wang if half demons were born of humans and demons. In the Meng Ze Realm, besides the demon clans and demon beasts, humans would occasionally stumble into Meng Ze Demon Realm through the afterlife realm. However, humans have short lifespans and their bodies are unable to bear the demonic energy so it was impossible for them to have a baby with demons.

Fu Wang was curious as to why Shu Yu would think so. He hadnt given Shu Yu an answer at that time, only smiling and changing the subject. He obviously didnt dare to tell Shu Yu about his filthy origins and even rejoiced over the fact that the original Tian Feng Jin Yu didnt care about these trivialities so she didnt know about it.

Half demons were born of the demon clan anddemon beasts that couldnt transform. In the eyes of the demon clan, demon beasts that couldnt transform were no different from an animal and half demons were part demon beasts so they were naturally regarded as the equivalent of animals.

Demons who had status in the demon clan liked to find various kinds of entertainment and Fu Wangs mother, a low ranked demon slave, was just one of the countless demons who were ruined by these demons for fun. Those demons would capture demon beasts and drug them before locking them up with the female slaves for entertainment.

This cruel and absurd game has lasted for thousands of years since the ancient times. In the beginning, few half demons were born and even fewer survived but children born from half demons, regardless of which bloodline the other parents had, be it a high ranked demon or low ranked demon, as long as the child was born from a half demon, it would always turn out to be a half demon.

As a result, such an undesirable mixed bloodline like half demons remained to this day.

For every half demon, their half demon body was the source of their pain, the very thing that disgusted them. Fu Wang stood in the dark, his face covered with shadows as he coldly watched Hong Yuan hide in the corner of the cave as her half demon transformation began. Fluffy ears and a fox tail appeared. She then stared at her own tail with bloodshot eyes filled with immense hate, before violently ripping out the fur on it, creating splatters of blood.

Just like every half demon, she hated this part of her body that represented animals. Fu Wang had also felt this way when he was young. After hed been bullied by other servants to the point of almost losing his life, he was filled with hate and had attempted to cut off that hideous tail and ears, as if doing so would make him a half demon no more. Truly naive and foolish.

Fu Wang had only done this self mutilation once. The demon beasts on the mountain had followed the scent of his blood and hed almost been eaten by them. Feeling that this behaviour was recklessly stupid, he had never done that to himself again, deciding to simply ignore it. In all his life, he had only met one person who didnt reveal a disgusted or mocking expression at the sight of his parts that represented demon beasts, instead even taking a liking to it.

Damn it! One day, Ill get rid of this damn identity! With a callous expression, Hong Yuan tightened her fists around her red clothing as she bit down on her lips. Blood instantly dripped down from the corners of her mouth.

Fu Wang had seen many people in red, including Hong Yuan who was in front of him right now. Red made them look like they were covered in blood, which was very unsightly. Only one person, when dressed in red, could he see warm red flames, beautiful and dazzling.

Seeing the exhaustion on Hong Yuans face as she closed her eyes slightly, Fu Wang knew that after so many days, the opportunity hed been waiting for was finally here.

A piece of bamboo appeared in Fu Wangs hand and he smiled as he moved his fingers. The cave Hong Yuan had chosen was small and narrow and shed blocked the entrance to prevent demon beasts from sniffing her out. This made things convenient for Fu Wang. Fu Wang had the spirit weapon Shu Yu brought from Tianxin Island to hide his aura and the spells he had practiced which was aided by his arrays. Even someone as vigilant as Hong Yuan wasnt able to sense his presence.

Probably because she was in the middle of her half demon transformation, Hong Yuan wasnt as sharp as usual and if it werent for the string of bells around her waist that served as a warning device, Fu Wang wouldve already caught her before she realised what was going on.

Hong Yuan reacted quickly. The moment the bells on her waist rang, she opened her eyes and dodged to the side. The spot she had been sitting on was buried by fragments of exploding rock.

She must have obtained many useful items from her harem of lovers. After dodging this attack, Hong Yuan activated a bell-shaped defensive spirit weapon. After determining that she was safe, she looked over to see a silhouette beyond the smoke and dust.

You areFu Wang! It was obvious that Hong Yuan had a deep impression of this acquaintance who had almost killed her when she was a child. After she recognised him, anger and resentment appeared in her eyes that already contained wariness.

Fu Wang didnt feel any regret over missing this hit. He already knew that this womans skills werent beneath his and that it wouldnt be that easy to kill her. It was normal for people like them to have some assassin skills. If she wasnt in the middle of her half demon transformation, it wouldnt really be possible for him to obtain the key unscathed, but things were different now. Now, he was determined to win and success was in his hands.

Its been a long time, Hong Yuan. Fu Wang smiled as if he were greeting an old friend.

Hong Yuan also regained her composure quickly, revealing her signature sweet and seductive smile as she spoke coquettishly: After so many years, Fu Wang has grown into a handsome man, even I cant help but to be charmed by it. Its just that, why did you do that? We knew each other since childhood, why didnt you first sit down and reminisce about the past? I still cant believe that you tried to attack me ~

Fu Wang knew exactly what Hong Yuan was thinking. She was unable to use her spiritual power in her half demon form and after the spiritual power in the bell-shaped defensive spirit weapon that was protecting her was exhausted, she wouldnt be able to maintain it with her own spiritual power. When that time came, the only thing that awaited her was death. Fu Wang didnt believe that Hong Yuan would have more spirit weapons that could defend against attacks from high ranked demons.

Seeing that Fu Wang didnt reply, she secretly cursed at him all while maintaining a gentle smile on her face, What brings you here? If there are benefits, Id naturally be willing to cooperate. Afterall, isnt someone whom you know more reliable than other demons?

Both of them knew that this was a lie, but the person saying this had a sincere expression, making it difficult for others to refute it.

I came here to borrow something from you. Fu Wang finally stated his intention.

Something? There isnt anything on me that you would fancy. Why dont you come closer and look for it? Hong Yuan took off her outer garment as she said this, her slender hand reaching for her inner garment and the two balls on her chest jiggled along with her movement.

Fu Wang looked at her and calmly stood where he was, Penglai Mansion key.

Hong Yuans hand paused, no longer trying to tempt Fu Wang. They were essentially the same kind of people and he had been calm and cruel back then. It seems like he hadnt changed in the many years that had passed. He wanted the Penglai Mansion key and since he knew that she had it, he must have been following her for a few days. Recalling how there was no trace of him for the past few days, Hong Yuan felt a chill in her heart. Fu Wang had come prepared and her current situation wasnt optimistic.

If she wasnt in her half demon form, even if she couldnt win against Fu Wang, she would at least be able to escape from him but she was left with no choice now. Since that was the case, she can only try and hope for the best.

Hong Yuan said calmly: I do have the Penglai Mansion key. This key only allows entry for two people to enter the mansion together and I happen to need a companion so I can bring you along. After all, theres a limit to my abilities and because Im not the only one with a key, therell be many other demons going to the mansion so Ill need a partner, what do you think?

Fu Wang rubbed his knuckles, looking as if he was contemplating it. After a while, he smiled and said: How do I know if what you said is the truth? After all, the ones that believed you have all died.

Hong Yuan swiftly replied: I can leave the key with you if you do the demons agreement with me, you must not hurt me before we enter Penglai Mansion.

Deal. Fu Wang gave it some thought before finally nodding in agreement.

The look in Hong Yuans eyes eased up a little and she kept away her defensive spirit weapon. Retrieving the jade ball from inside her sleeve, she stepped forward to hand it to Fu Wang. It was at this moment that her eyes flashed and a hairpin-shaped spiritual tool coated in spiritual energy that was strong enough to injure a mid ranked demon hurtled towards Fu Wang.

Fu Wang didnt even try to avoid it, a faint smile on his face as he let the weapon pass through his body. Instead of blood splatters, that Fu Wang simply turned into a bamboo leaf and the hairpin-shaped spiritual weapon pierced into the stone wall behind him.

Seeing that Fu Wang had long been prepared, Hong Yuan clenched her teeth and tried to escape but the moment she touched the stone wall, she let out a blood curdling scream as if she had touched a red hot soldering iron. Half of her body was black from the burns and she scurried back to the centre of the cave.

Youwhen did you set up this array? How could you have known how to set up such a high level array! Hong Yuan looked at the figure that emerged from the stone wall with horror in her eyes.

Its surprising that you have so many spiritual weapons. Its a pity that youve already used up all of them. Fu Wang walked towards her with a smile.

Hong Yuans expression went through a myriad of changes and she shoved the jade ball into his hand, pleading: Ill give you the key, please just let me go. We are both half demons, why must we kill each other? Back then, I was childish for snatching your things but Ive learned my lesson and youve also schemed to get me kicked out of the Qinghu Clan. For the past few years, Ive been having a hard time, being bullied and insulted for being a half demonFu Wang you should understand me right? Arent we just doing this to survive? Let me go and I will not appear in front of you again.

Fu Wang stopped in front of her and with a smile, he raised his foot and stomped on the jade ball, smashing it to smithereens.

Did you really think that I wouldnt be able to tell that this is a fake?

Sat on the ground, Hong Yuan saw Fu Wangs cold gaze and the killing intent in it told her that Fu Wang had no intention of cooperating with her and from the start, he had planned to kill her and take the key. Hong Yuan knew that she couldnt escape but even so, she wouldnt give him the key. She would rather have the key be blown to pieces with her. If she couldnt get it, then no one else shall have it!

As soon as she decided on this, Hong Yuan felt a pain all over her body. Looking down, there was an array beneath her that prevented her from self-destructing her demon core, she wouldnt even be able to kill herself.

If you let me go, Ill not only give you the Penglai Mansion key, but other spiritual weapons and treasures, and many other good things that I have, Im willing to give them all to youAhhhh! Before Hong Yuan could finish what she was saying, she felt a sharp pain in her belly and screamed in pain.

Fu Wang reached his hand into her open belly and fumbled for a while before finally retrieving a bloody jade ball.

With one bloody hand and a tone that was as indifferent as usual, If I want something, I have to get it myself. Isnt that right?

Hong Yuan was no longer able to speak and she let out another tragic scream as her body was engulfed by flames from the array beneath her, turning her body to ashes within seconds.

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