The Extra’s Survival: Logging into the Game Master System!

Chapter 93: [Trust!]

[Adrian's POV!]

The five of them observed me for a few seconds. It seemed they wanted to say something but didn't have proper words to speak.

"Kid… I.. uh… nothing," Annabeth tried but then turned quiet as simply looked at me. The others were also the same as her. Though after a few moments, the first one to speak was the Admin.

"I don't know what to say."

He seemed rather tired with all the surprises he was getting today. He raised both his hands, as if giving up on this whole thing, before a chuckle escaped his mouth. His eyes turned to me with a refreshing look as he spoke,

"All right. I guess I will hear you out. But I have a small condition."

I tilted my head a bit, curious as I waited for him to continue speaking. Not wasting much time, he continued,

"Wait until the tutorial reaches the end. We still have a few more months, and we also heard from that [Contractor] that the way to save the planet is to revive its energy. So, I will try working with the Gods and see if we can figure it out somehow. If everything fails, then we will proceed with your plan. Meanwhile, you can also use this time to convince that soul of the first floor.

Though be careful, it might get tricky since even I don't know how the personality of that soul of the first floor is."

I nodded at him with a smile as I spoke,"I will," before I turned to Annabeth as I pondered about something before asking,"what do you think about it? Got anything to add or subtract?"

"Hmm?" She came out of her stupor as well, as she then sighed before thinking about the entire thing that I had told her. Then reaching a conclusion, she turned at me as she spoke,

"Well. Given you are the only one here who can talk to the soul of the first floor, I will leave my decision based on what she says or what she doesn't. Until then, I will just observe."

'That's fine by me. Though I would like her to go up the floors and hunt more GM Points more, I think having her by my side for the next few days would be better,' I pondered the pros and the cons of her staying by my side.

I guess it was more or less favorable for me?

"I will go and inform the leader about what happened here. If possible, I will bring 2 and 4 here as well. They can probably help," Hiradale spoke as he nodded before vanishing from here. I wanted to ask a couple of questions, but since they weren't exactly urgent, I decided to wait until the next time I see him.

"Should we come with you?" The man in white asked as he observed me. His eyes were shaking a bit, perhaps from excitement? Or perhaps he was afraid that his world was going to be destroyed? I can't tell.

"Just observe us, until I call you," I told them and they both nodded before bowing to me as they spoke,"then we will leave the fate of our planet in your hands. Please… try your best."

I will.

They both vanished from there as well, and I looked at the only other guy that was present here. Since he didn't go with the Gods, I guess he must have decided to come with us.

"I will come with you to observe a little. I want to confirm with my own eyes that the soul of the first floor is really on the tutorial or not," the Admin spoke as I observed his face before I nodded.

"Sure. Let's go," I spoke as I turned to Annabeth who took out a similar artifact as before. I guess it's finally time to get involved with Nora as well.

[The Tutorial's Admin's POV!]

In this long life of mine, I have seen many things. I have seen the worlds being collapsed and legends taking birth. I have seen the worst of what a race can do, and the best of what is possible.

All in the beginning of this tower, in this tutorial, where I was bound from the day of my birth.

'It certainly is a suffocating place,' I sighed as I looked at that guy, Crowley, a being who was preparing to challenge the very existence of the tutorial itself. Perhaps he could be the key to change that the entire tutorial desires? To help us break free from these chains that shackles us?

Honestly it was absurd to even think about it.

'Should I really put my hopes on him?' I thought as I have seen many legends in my life. He was neither as strong as them, nor he had the power to challenge even the beings of Floor 20. Yet… somehow, he was so confident about it. It's as if he already knew everything that was going to happen.

'Just who are you?' I questioned in my mind as I observed him.

This accursed fate of mine where I witness the ends of the world, over and over again. For centuries and centuries, I questioned my purpose, my freedom. Why should I be the one to be bound with these rules? Will I ever… catch a break?

I wasn't allowed to walk into the tower that was present in front of me. Everytime the players got into the tower, I was jealous of them. I wondered if I could get into the tower as well? But the rules didn't let me go even to the first floor.

Neither I can get out nor I can get in. Stuck in between the two places, all I could do was follow the duty that was placed… no, forced upon me by someone whom I don't even know. I don't want that… I want to die… why… just why… Why could I neither die nor live in this accursed place? I hated everything about here…

'Is there really no end to this madness?' That's what I thought when I saw the monsters coming out of that rift. I thought perhaps I could die, but then I saw that those monsters weren't killing me but corrupting me. It was the same as living in pain for the rest of my life, a fate worse than death.

And then he came, saving me and the tutorial from a never ending cycle of pain and destruction.

"I will transfer us back to the same place where we came from," Seat 3 of the corrupted spoke, as she activated her artifact, teleporting us back to another place on the planet of Darkness.  Observing the calm expression of the boy who was now walking with a relaxed look on his face, I wondered again,

'Can I really put my trust into him?'

Deep in my heart when he said that he wanted to connect the safe zone with the tutorial, it made my heart happy? Can I really find a path towards the upper floors? Is there really a chance?

But I can't be sure about it. Not yet… so for now, I will simply observe. And silently pray that everything he said turns out to be true.

[Hiradale's POV!]

"I must reach them faster. This is big! I must tell the leader!" I spoke out loud as I kept activating my spatial spell one after another. Even though it was one of my basic spells, because of my [Gift] it was powerful enough to be compared with those of the highest degree.

My [Gift: Book of Perfection!] was a mythical grade that allowed me to weave any spell types of a spell that I have used and bring it to at least 3 Grades up. So, if I have a control type spell, like Necromancy, I can use all the spells related to Necromancy to at least 3 Grades up to what I have used.

Using the most powerful spatial spell, I jumped from one floor to another as fast as I could. With the help of [Corruption Energy] I could even bypass a couple of floors, enhancing my speed even more. And while it still took about 10 minutes, I reached the 46th floor much faster than anyone else could have done.

The 46th floor was a dead area where the plants were withering, and barely any signs of life normally are present here. The sky is dark, always covered with dark clouds, and it rains almost 24 hours here with barely any sunlight. One could even confuse it with a cemetery if not for the current situation in front of me.

'Where could be the leader?' I questioned as I looked around the area as fast as I reached the 46th Floor. An army was present in front of me, as they were preparing for a war that was about to happen in the next few days. While I and 11 were trying our luck in the tutorial, the others were preparing to fight and kill one of the heroes on the 57th Floor.

"Ah! It's you! No wonder your energy felt familiar," a feminine voice sounded from my left as I saw a white haired girl standing a bit away from me. She was wearing a white one piece dress that reached a bit above her knees. Carrying a wooden staff in her hand, she looked at me a bit confused,

"What are you doing here, 3? Is everything all right?"

She was the Seat 5 of our group. One of the spatial dragonic mages, who had perfected their sense of space. Her special heterochromatic purple and yellow eyes observed me from top to bottom as she checked for my condition. I let her do that, since it would be better that way.

It was one of the rules of our group that allowed us to survive this far despite antagonizing a force that could shake the entire tower itself.

Once she confirmed her assessment, her expression turned normal, and she sighed in relief as she smiled at me. She then pondered something before speaking,

"Should I ask you the questions right now? Or it would be better to take you to the leader? Looking at your expression it seems to be the latter."

She was smart enough to understand the situation, and I was thankful for that. I nodded at her before speaking,

"Take me to the leader, please."

She chanted a spell, and the entire area was filled with dense gray mana. And before I knew it, the surroundings changed and I found myself in a room filled with at least 2 dozen people sitting in a circle.

And at one of the corners of the circles, on a seat that was a bit more bigger than the others, there sat a man, one of the extreme few who had the [Beyond Mythical!] grade of gift in the tutorial. He was our leader, Seat 1.

"3? Why are you here?" He asked as he looked at me, a bit surprised.

"It would be better… if we can talk in private," I said as I looked at all the people here. There were many aristocrats from the higher floors, and many powerful NPCs including a few Admins as well, but despite that I must relay what happened in the tutorial to the leader. It was of that much importance.

"Everyone except 2, 4 and 5. Please leave," leader asked politely as he looked at everyone present here. The people didn't seem to like the fact they have to leave despite their high status. Narrowing their eyes at me, they even seemed to have mixed emotions regarding my sudden entrance.

Though they didn't make a fuss and simply walked out on their own. And once they were gone I saw the leader's expression changing before he started walking towards me with a concerned look on his face as he asked,

"What happened?"

And I sighed before I nodded and said,"you might wanna sit down for this one."

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