The Extra’s Survival: Logging into the Game Master System!

Chapter 2: [GameMaster!]

[Game Master's ID Found!]

[Unlocking Game Master's Privileges!]

[Game Master's ID: Adrian John Rodriguez/????

Username: Unnamed

Authority Level: 0

Current GM Points: 0]

[The current Privileges are unlocked at Level 0!]

[Privilege 1: The Game Master can see All the Quests Present on the current Level!]

[Privilege 2: The Game Master can bet on the players present in the current Level!]

My eyes read through the new text over and over, as I tried to understand the meaning behind them. While I had a rough idea, that idea was a little absurd to believe.

[The Game will begin in 20 Minutes!]

[Tutorial Level 1 Quest: Survive!

Difficult Level: Medium!

Objective: Survive the attack of the Zombies(Lvl 0)!

Time limit: 10 Minutes!

Rewards: Information about the System; +2 Attributes!]

[Tutorial Level 1 Hidden Quest: Kill!

Difficulty: Hard!

Objective: Kill at least 1 Zombie!

Limit: 10 Players

Rewards: +5 Free Attributes]

[Tutorial Level 1 Hidden Quest 2: Kill Harder!

Difficulty: Insane!

Objective: Kill 10 Zombies!

Limit: 2 Players!

Rewards: +10 Free Attributes; Skill: Undead Retaliation!]

[Tutorial Level 1 Hidden Quest 3: Kill em all!

Difficulty: Impossible!

Objective 1: All the Zombies must be dead!

Objective 2: Kill count 25+!

Limit: 1 Person!

Rewards: Title: Undead Hunter!]

[The bettings are open!]

[Select the number of people that are going to survive the Level: !]

[Since it's Game Master's First Bet: A Free Bet worth 100 Points is gifted to the GM!]

And I looked at the messages that appeared in front of me. My heartbeat was louder than my breathing as I read the messages over and over.

'Seems like Sister Martha was correct.'

While a bit in panic, I still understood what these messages meant. It would be wrong to say that I didn't have questions in my mind. In fact I had too many questions.


[The Game will start in 16 minutes: 23 seconds!]

'Let's postpone the questions until we get out of this mess,' I thought as I looked at the quests from the start.

There were things that I understood and things that I didn't. So given the time limit, I focused on the former.

'Zombies will arrive. 50 of them in total. Surviving will let us live but… ' I glanced over the hidden quest. They were tempting. And equally dangerous.

'First of all. Can my classmates even kill a single zombie?' I glanced at my frozen classmates as I focused on a few of them.

There were 2 of them who knew karate and 4 bullys who knew fighting better than others. If I am hopeful, then including the teacher there are 7 who can fight. But will the zombies be weak?

'Not really a hopeful situation,' I glanced frantically as my heartbeat kept rising. Each second was weighing more and more while I altered my glances between my classmates and the system messages.

[The Game will start in 8 minutes: 12 seconds!]

Even if you ignore the monsters outside…

'Most will die. Or most likely… all will die,' I reached this conclusion as I analyzed the situation more and more. Given the atmosphere, the chances of people messing up things were pretty sky high.

[The Game will start in 5 minutes!]

'Let's change the outlook. We don't exactly have to fight,' I thought as I narrowed my eyes on the people who were calmer than others. People whom I can count on.

[The Game will start in 2 minutes!]

'All right. Let's hope this works,' I braced myself as I rubbed my chest. The high heart beat and the burning sensation coupled with the sudden thirst, I gulped as I tried to calm myself. The fear was numbing my mind but I was trying my best to remain calm in this situation.

[The Game will start in 30 seconds!]

[The number of people who will survive this level: !]

And I bet my all on this.

Why? Because given what I was about to do, either we all will survive this stupid quest… or none of us will.

[The Game will start now!]

Time started again as everything around me began moving again.

[Tutorial Level 1 Quest: Survive!

Difficult Level: Medium!

Objective: Survive the attack of the Zombies!

Time limit: 10 Minutes!

Rewards: Information about the System; +2 Attributes!]

The same quest panel appeared in front of me, though unlike previously green, this time it was blue. It made me clarify that the GameMaster system was different from this system.





I noticed that some of the people in the class could speak now. But still they didn't speak anything, maintaining the silence which was present before. Even though everyone was in a bit of a panic, nobody dared to utter any other word.



And the slow murmur of somebody walking towards the class made everyone turned towards the door.

-Thud! Thud! Thud!

And as everyone wondered what was going to happen next… a certain boy, a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes, the most popular kid in our class. He ran towards the door and locked it.

"Everyone! Bring your seats and place them at the door! NOW!!!" He had a desperate look in his eyes. But for some reason, rather than panic, there was serious desperation in his eyes. He wasn't scared. Just hurried.

And his loud voice broke the classmates out of their stupor. My eyes glanced at the stupidly standing people in the room. But it was better than panicking and shouting. You can say that I was somewhat surprised that they weren't losing their wits in this situation.

'I should help too,' I thought but some of the classmates moved faster than me. At first half the class moved the furnitures, and then the rest followed as well. Our teacher also followed to help Luke.

Luke was popular. Good in sports, good in studies. He was the cheerful guy who was somewhat an unofficial leader of our class( at least half of them). So him taking the first step made others follow him without hesitation as well.

'Good job Luke!'

Couldn't help but praise him for that.

As for the white goblin, he looked at the students with a rather disdained look. Observing them working in unison with minimal panic… it probably wasn't what he calculated. But as he wasn't saying anything, he probably doesn't have enough authority to deal with it.




"Hold it tightly! We need to survive for 20 minutes!" Shouted Luke as he held his own body against the tables and chairs.

'We are lucky that we have only one entrance in the classroom. The other classrooms won't be as lucky,' I thought as our classroom was on the far end of the hallway. And since we were on the third floor, the chances of zombies appearing through the windows were minimum.

While half of the students stood watching the scene, considerably calmed down, the others who still had a bit of terror, were working with Luke to stop the zombies. I was obviously in the latter half.

"Once all this is over. I am going to call my father. I don't know what is going on but this sort of prank is going to cost the school a lot," one of the girls standing a bit away from us, spoke, as she looked at the teacher.

'Is she being serious?' I wondered. But then again… there are always people like that in the novels, aren't there? I always thought that it was a stupid plot author tried to put in for no reason.

"Your father is a police commissioner, right?!" Another girl, whose eyes lit up, spoke with a relieved sigh.

"Yeah," that girl spoke proudly, as she looked down at the rest of us.

[16 minutes Left!]




Time passed slowly as we held on together.

The combined strength of half of the class along with the furniture blocking the main gate, we were able to contain the zombies outside the classroom. Even though the number of zombies were increasing, it didn't seem like we were going to have a lot of trouble surviving here. Too bad for the hidden quest, but oh well. Surviving comes first.

While some of the classmates talked with each other, some simply chose to be silent. I, of course, was of the latter ones given my lack of social habits, but what was surprising that Luke, the most cheerful guy, didn't uttered a single word after what he spoke earlier.

[12 Minutes]

[8 Minutes!]

[3 minutes!]

[1 minute!]

And under the gazes of everyone present in the room, the countdown went down to 0.

[Congratulations! You have passed the first tutorial!]

[Each Surviving Individual can now view their System!]

[+2 Free Attributes!]

And as soon as that information ended, time stopped again. Once again everything turned black and white as I observed the area. And just like before… a White System Screen different from the blue one appeared in front of me.

[Congratulations! You have won the bet!]

[Free Bet Ticket is now being Converted into GM Points!]

[+200 GM Points Acquired!]

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