The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide

Chapter 91

Student Council President Election (4)

Even the same raindrops feel different in each season.

The spring rain feels like it is consolidating the ground. It is different from the cool summer rain that pours down with a whooshing sound.

When you walk through the summer rain and wind, you feel like water droplets are hitting your whole body, but when you walk in the spring rain, it feels like it’s pressing down on your body, which actually makes you feel calmer.

The thick moisture also seeps into the sound. As usual, there is no sound of going through the bushes.

The forest is filled with only the sound of your feet falling on thin mud and the sound of cars hitting a thin puddle.

[This is my first time going out to the north coast. Certainly, the cliff area was not only wide, but desolate and sparsely populated, so there wasn’t much to see! It’s still a very long way away! ]

The only person I could talk to was Mug, who sat on my shoulder and cleared his throat.

[ This fire candle mug boldly says that the contract with Lieutenant Water Spirit Lacia was an excellent choice! Above all, Lacia’s ‘Blessing of the Water Beast’ is different from the protection of my fire suit, as it depends on a lot of situations, so it has less versatility, but once the conditions are met… ] If you are with a

mug who explains everything in a simple way, you will hear a noise. There is no day. The sight of him talking back and forth about all kinds of spirits, wondering what he is so proud of, is now almost endearing.

I continued towards the north while chatting with Mug.

The size of the northern forest can never be said to be small. Although I have lived in this forest for a year, there are still paths that I am not familiar with. Maybe it’s because I only take the path I always take.

“It’s roughly like this here.”

It took quite a long time to walk to reach the cliff area at the northern end.

Basically, Aken Island becomes more prosperous the further south you go. This is because all of Sylvania Academy’s major facilities are located in the south. Of course. Because there are two bridges to the south that lead to the Nofaren Peninsula on the continent.

If you go beyond the middle part, you will find mostly wild forests with few people around, and once you reach the northern end, it feels like you are in a world that has nothing to do with Sylvania Academy.

Not only the Lacia I contracted with, but basically the water spirits are greatly affected by the moisture around them.

Even if it rots, it is still a middle-level spirit, so even in desolate areas with no moisture, it exerts power that is incomparable to that of lower-level spirits. Still, its true value is revealed only in a moisture-filled environment.

Rain pouring down the coast. There is no environment as perfect as this to deal with water spirits.

It is said that once all these difficult conditions are met, it can exert power equivalent to that of a high-ranking spirit, but honestly, I don’t even hope for that level. It won’t be able to handle the amount of horsepower.

I took out the bow I had brought with me.

This is a recurve bow that has been refined with considerable effort over a long period of time. It was the most proper one among those that were created through a lot of trial and error.

I pulled the bowstring toward the rippling sea. As I wrapped my hands in magic, the magic arrows generated by my sensitivity were created with a soft glow.

It’s not just a magic arrow. Magical arrows imbued with the energy of water are not just a one-dimensional means of attack that pierce the enemy and cause damage.

“Hmm… The magic power itself doesn’t consume much, but once you fire and activate it, it’ll be different…”

[The amount of mana directly used up to this point is only the very small amount needed to create the magic arrow, but if you activate the spirit ceremony, it’s a story again. It will be different. ]

“I guess I’ll have to use it first to get a feel for it.”

[But that doesn’t mean you can fire wildly. Master Ed’s absolute mana has grown significantly, but it may not be enough to offset the inefficient loss of mana that occurs due to insufficient spirit response. ]

I nodded and canceled the spirit ritual for now. The use of elemental magic is a fairly deep application area among elemental magic. First of all, it is something to think about after becoming familiar with the spirit manifestation itself.

It’s raining like this and waves are crashing on the coast. There is no other environment better than this to effectively deal with water spirits.

The moment I thought about that and tried to gather my magic power.

“It’s an honor to meet you after such a long time, Master Ed.”


I turned around and looked up when I heard a voice calling me.

Before I knew it, two men wearing gloomy robes were standing there.

The mid-boss of Phase 3 of the final scene of Act 4, the Crepin Subjugation Battle.

The vassals in charge of the darkness of the Rosstaylor family.

They were two knights, Kadek and Nox, who had been promised a fief and had sworn loyalty to Crepin.


Kadec and Nox are veterans who have shared the history of the Ross Taylor family throughout their lives.

Under the robe to shed the rain, you can see Cardek, a slim figure wearing a neat suit and a loose tie. He is of similar age to Knox, but has a much neater appearance.

On the other hand, Nox, who has a well-shaven beard and quite a dependable appearance, looks much more easy-going.

The angular jaw and the intimidating muscles that appear on top of the well-groomed attire prove that this is definitely not someone to be taken lightly.

Two of Crepin’s top henchmen, who have been through all sorts of hardships, are on Aken Island. At this point, something had to be detected.

“These are faces that should be welcoming, but they are not very welcoming.”

The place the two knights were looking at was the edge of the cliff.

It was a blond-haired boy standing under the falling rain. In one hand, he holds a horned bow.

He turned his upper body towards the two knights. A view of the rain sea behind. Through the hair pressed by the rain, the light of the two eyes looks towards the knights. The bow that is aimed at the floor is quite large and is as big as the upper body of a decent person.

“Even though I’m an excommunicated person, I guess I’m thankful that they call me ‘young master’ all the time.”

He already knows enough about Cardek and Nox.

Mid-bosses in the final chapter of Act 4. Eagle Knight Kadek Brown Bear Knight Nox. Both were not easy opponents.

“I heard the story about Master Ed.”

It was Kadec who knelt there.

“A lot has happened to you since you were excommunicated, and I have heard that even during that time, you are still working hard and carrying out your duties.”

“That’s right, Master Ed. We… didn’t even know that.”

Nox, who had a sturdy build, also knelt down and bowed his head.

“I will tell you without hesitation. We… lived with great resentment toward Master Ed when we saw him at the Ross Taylor Mansion. I would like to take this opportunity to repent, and I even thought that Master Ed’s excommunication was justified.”

There was a certain sincerity in the deep voice.

“But after coming to Aken Island and reflecting on Master Ed’s life, my thoughts changed.”

Nox took out a leather pouch containing a dagger from his chest and placed it on the grass.

“We have come under instructions from Master Crepin. We will exclude Master Ed from Sylvania Academy at all costs, and if the opportunity arises, he has been ordered to assassinate him. We have even received a dagger with an extremely poisonous engraving on it.”

The two knights kneeling amidst the pouring rain calmly continued their conversation.

“But we know. There was something strange about Master Ed at that time. The cheerful appearance of his childhood disappeared like a ghost and he reigned over the mansion as if he were someone else… This was probably not Master Ed’s true self. It will be.”

“We can now see that the current Master Ed is truly a worthy successor.”

Evaluation of various rumors about Ed circulating within Aken Island. No one knows what effect those things had on the two knights.

However, there is no sense of hostility in the way he calmly lowers his head and continues the conversation.

“Please put everything back in place and pave the way to raise Ross Taylor’s honor to the world once again.”

“Our vassals… are ready to follow us wherever we go. I will explain everything to Mr. Crepin in detail.”

The two knights kept their mouths shut, quietly lowered their heads, and waited for Ed’s answer.

Ed took a few steps forward and looked down at the two knights with their heads bowed… He slowly closed his eyes and spoke.

“Don’t make a fuss.”

“You’ve grown up, Master Ed.”

The flying sword of the wind belongs to the Eagle Knight Kadek. He quickly twisted his body to avoid it and rolled once heavily on the mud floor.

Cardek quickly adjusted his posture and swung his sword again. That windy sword strike that makes the concept of distance meaningless must be dealt with with the mindset that you are dealing with a wizard, not a knight.

However, there is something unreasonable about it. Unlike a wizard, a cardek is good at close combat.


A wave spreads through the rain at the shout of brown bear knight Nox. In an instant, the flames that bloomed around him were covered by the rain and died down, but his magical mace was still powerful.

Ed, who quickly widened the distance, quickly pulled back the string of his bow. A heavy mace was thrust into the spot where he had been standing just moments before.

A person who is cornered is bound to be distracted by even a glimmer of hope.

How powerful and tempting is the lure of being reinstated as a nobleman to Ed Rothtaylor, who has led such a wild life for a year?

Nevertheless, Ed did not relax his fighting stance until the two knights finished speaking. It was clear to the two knights that he had his full attention.

I can clearly see that I have lived a not easy life over the past year.

“Do you remember my daughter, Meliana? The poor child who lost one eye because of Master Ed’s mere play.”

Ed widened the distance and looked at Nox for a moment, brushing off his collar in the rain.

“Now that I think about it, something like that happened.”


I thrust my tightly clenched fist into the air, and a ray of flame is instantly emitted. Ed reacted quickly and used basic defense magic to neutralize all the flames.

“You were definitely complacent. There is no way in the world that anyone could rekindle their loyalty to the enemy who took my daughter’s eyes… Master Ed knows it all too well. There is no way you would be deceived by such lies. ”

Nox picked up the mace again and took a stance with his teeth grounded.

“Revenge is a vain law, Nox.”

“I know. Revenge leaves only an endless emptiness. But this is not something you should hear from Master Ed, who harmed your daughter.”

“…That makes sense.”

As Nox kicked the ground and leaped, Ed lowered his posture, took out a dagger from his thigh, and stuck it in the ground. Meanwhile, a sword attack filled with Kadec’s magical power attacked Ed.

Kadec and Nox. The attack patterns of the two knights were set. Nox, who is in charge of the vanguard, wields a mace imbued with fire magic. Every time I swung, flames spewed out, so I had to keep the range a little longer and dodge.

Cardek constantly checks between short and medium distances. Be careful because if you get hit even once, all subsequent hits will be allowed.


The flames that erupted from the mace he swung scorched several strands of Ed’s hair.

He tried to avoid it by rolling backwards a few times, but now there was only an endless cliff behind him.

Even a single blow to Nox would result in instant death. The mass of the mace and the intensity of the flame are also the same. However, when looking at the combat structure itself, Cardek’s sword strike is much more difficult.

The feeling of walking a tightrope on the border of life and death. It immediately sends a chill down my spine.

However, the front line pushed close to the cliff is Ed’s target.

– Woe!

No matter how blunt the mace is, you cannot avoid it forever. It’s almost a fluke that I’ve avoided it until now. If this structure is maintained, the enemy’s attack will definitely be allowed.

Realizing that there was no more way to avoid it, Nox swung the final blow, but when Ed held out his hand, a stream of fresh blood sprayed out from Nox’s back.


Information superiority is a key element in Ed’s fighting style.

Ed can recite all of Nox and Kadek’s specifications and formal attack methods for organizing battles, but Kadek and Nox have no idea how Ed has grown.

Such information asymmetry is the only means of making up for insufficient specifications.

The dagger that had just been plunged into the ground was stuck in Nox’s back.

“W… Telekinesis magic…? That can’t be…”

It wasn’t telekinesis magic, it was spirit magic. If you think about it slowly in a quiet place, you can easily realize it, but it is not easy to judge it in an urgent battle situation.

– Kwaaaang!!

Explosive magic once enveloped the edge of the cliff. Ed, who was surrounded by the blessings of peace, was free from the damage.



There is no time to rest.

A magic arrow flew through the smoke and stuck near Kadek’s leg.


After dodging the arrow with reflexes close to that of a superhuman, Kadec thought for a moment and then mercilessly launched a wind sword strike with the thick smoke rising.

Nox might get hit, but what’s more important is completely suppressing Ed.

I don’t know how much of a corner I’ve lived, but it seems clear that I’ve grown a lot compared to when I was living a life like a bastard at the Ross Taylor mansion.

Inattention is a knight’s mortal enemy. Even if Nox was caught up in the attack, Nox himself would understand that it was an inevitable situation. Between two people who had crossed swords together for a long time, that level of communication was possible without direct discussion.

There is no route to avoid. It is definitely correct. The problem is how to neutralize the enemy.

The blowing wind blew away the thick smoke, revealing Ed with stab wounds all over his body.

However, there is no change in the posture of pulling the bowstring. Unless the sword is severe enough to cut off body parts, the mindset is to just endure it with evil.

The pain of being cut by a knife has the power to destroy a person’s composure, regardless of the depth of the wound. Even if you are not overpowered by a single blow unless you hit a critical point, it usually puts a huge burden on your mind at the very least.

In the first place, the wound itself is by no means at the level of being shallow. Nevertheless, Ed’s posture somehow did not break down.

Just like that, Ed fired the arrow without any hesitation. However, Kadec, who was gifted with reflexes, worked hard with his sword and deflected all the arrows.

Still, it is difficult to deliver the final blow when Nox is neutralized.

No matter how you think about it, close combat is the best against Ed Rosstaylor. Even if it is a card deck that is good at controlling from a distance, there is a need to stay close at first.

However, a variable that led to a redefinition of the battle structure was revealed to Cardek’s eyes.

– Through the smoke,

you can see Nox collapsed. Although he seems to have completely lost his mind…

‘Nox… you guy…!’

Nox is a veteran in his own right.

They are not being suppressed, they are ‘pretending’ to be suppressed…!

To instill confidence that the only remaining opponent is Cardek.

Ed does not have time left to confirm and kill Nox. This is because there is too much pressure on Cardek’s movement right now.

Kadec quickly realized Nox’s intentions. What Kadeq does is not difficult. All you need to do is create an opening for Nox to strike.

Thinking like that, Kadek took a step back to adjust the distance again, but his ankle ended up being eaten by a ‘puddle of water’.


He looks down at his left ankle through the pouring rain.

An arrow that just missed and stuck on the floor. Those magic arrows imbued with the energy of water… are not intended to pierce the enemy.

A magic arrow with the spirit expression ‘Water Source Appearance’ engraved on it creates a large puddle of water in empty land.

The water source manifested through magical power… becomes another battlefield where water spirits roam.

A surprise strategy is only meaningful if it is used unexpectedly and outside the opponent’s field of vision.

A missed arrow is bound to be completely pushed out of the opponent’s consciousness. In fact, it is difficult to realize that the arrow was a stepping stone for a surprise attack.

If you look up little by little from the left foot submerged in water, you will see a fairly large puddle of water spread out behind the card deck. And ‘in the water’, the lieutenant water spirit lioness Lacia jumps out and bites the back of Kadek’s neck.


The cardek rolled over a puddle of water. Of course, I can’t breathe properly either. Water enters the trachea and esophagus, and little by little the strength to resist the weight of the lion pressing down on one’s body is lost.

‘I can’t breathe…!’

After struggling in a puddle for a while… Eventually, Kadek lost consciousness.

But that doesn’t mean the battle is over.

Nox, who was thought to be completely unconscious, suddenly stands up behind Ed’s back.

The body was not even protected by magic during an explosion of that magnitude. His entire body is covered in burns, but he doesn’t care at all and points the dagger he was carrying towards Ed.

The speed is so fast that it is difficult to follow with the eyes. Just before the knife plunged into Ed’s back, Nox was confident of victory.

– Hwaaaaaaa!

However, the wind that blew instantly blocked Nox’s movements and blew him over the cliff again.

– Kagang!

The dagger rolled on the floor.

The high-ranking wind spirit’s always-activated skill ‘Blessing of the Storm’. It was a defensive magic that blocked physical attacks outside of consciousness once at a certain time.

Nox, who had been blocked even from the last blow, had no fighting means left.

A lioness made of water rose from the puddle and stood directly behind Ed. The bat on his shoulder is still burning brightly, and the bow he holds horizontally has no scratches.

Seeing Ed’s eyes slowly looking back, Nox swallowed his dry saliva.

Ed calmly approached Nox like that.

Death is coming. Slowly but surely, as all deaths do.

Ed arrived in front of the completely battered Nox and looked down at him for a while without saying anything. He had a calm expression, as if he was organizing his thoughts.

Nox slowly opened his mouth.

“Is it a luxury to ask for an end in one blow?”

“That’s what I’m going to say.”


Ed said that and looked up at the rainy sky.

“It has become meaningless. This kind of life and the miserable life I endure.”

The spirits were reverse-summoned and disappeared, and the bow I was holding was roughly thrown around.

“It seems that my father has decided to kill me. In that case, I will definitely die someday. My father is a person who even makes the rules of cause and effect to his side.”

“That is…”

“So, even if I end you all here, this bondage will not end. Someday, you will somehow try to kill me in a grander and more ridiculous way. If you have made up your mind to do so… “Because you won’t change your mind.”

After saying that, Ed picked up the dagger that Nox had dropped. A curse of extreme poison was engraved on the surface of the dagger. This sword with its eerie patterns becomes a fatal curse that can cause the opponent’s death with just one swipe.

“It wasn’t a very good life. How petty and dirty I survived… I’m sure you can guess it by looking at me now, Nox. The elegance of nobility? The dignity of lineage? Things like that… I boiled the bark and ate it. “When we opened the wild boar carcass, we threw it all away.”


The dark clouds I looked up were thick. It’s like the life Ed Rosstaylor went through.

“I will not make such cowardly escapes as to pay for my sins with death. I am not such a good person, and above all, it is meaningless. However, to loyalists like you who devoted their lives to the Ross Taylor family… Lastly, “It could be a gift to give.”

After seeing what Ed did, Nox couldn’t believe his eyes. He just threw the dagger and handed it to Nox.

The cursed dagger rolled to the edge of Nox’s feet. The shiny handle seems to be screaming for me to hold it.

“Like I said, revenge leaves nothing but emptiness… but it doesn’t mean it’s completely meaningless. If you complete your revenge like this, you’ll feel like you’ve completed one of your life’s greatest wishes.”

And Ed Rosstaylor raised both arms defenselessly.

“Stab. If even my family denies my life, I have no desire to live this miserable life any longer.”

Rainy cliffs.

Nox stood up, clutching his trembling hands… and faced Ed, who was looking down at him casually.

Nox constantly suspected that this was even a trap, but there was no reason to dig another trap here against Nox, who was completely unable to fight.

Nox suddenly grits his teeth and lunges forward.

A stream of fresh blood flows down the razor-sharp blade of the buried knife.

The corner of Ed’s mouth was also covered in fresh blood.

“Ugh… Ugh…!”

The blood sputum boiled. It had a sharp iron taste.

“Ker .. Uh .. Black …”

“This …” “This … what …”

Knox felt that the smile was blooming behind Ed’s moan.

Even at the moment of death, I felt a distant sense of fear as he never lost his senses.

The curse of the dagger is imprinted on Ed Rosstaylor’s body. With the curse blooming on his skin and extreme pain overtaking him… Ed slowly raised his head and looked at Nox and said.

“Okay… congratulations.”

The sight of him smiling while covered in blood was terrifying.

“Finally… I got my revenge.”

At that sight… Nox broke into a cold sweat and quickly pulled out the knife and pushed Ed away with his foot.

Ed, who was staggering, was pushed to the edge of the cliff… and eventually fell down a distant cliff.

It was the moment when everything ended.


A sharp scream tore through the air.

The northern cliff area is the most remote place on Aken Island. That is why the two knights who were following Ed were able to carry out their plan without hesitation.

Nox was greatly embarrassed because he had never thought that a student would come to a place like this.

A bolt of lightning split the sky.

The screaming girl crossed the clearing and came to the cliff. Nox no longer had any strength left to restrain the girl.

“Ed ed…! Ed!”

The basket the girl brought rolled around on the floor. Various snacks spilled out from inside and got wet in the rain.

I desperately run and sit down on the ground and look down at the cliff… but I can’t see the end of the darkness beyond the cliff.

“This… this…!”

Nox tried to say something more, but his completely battered body did not listen.

Instead, my trembling legs lost strength and I collapsed.

How many minutes had passed?

The girl who had been sitting down for a while… slowly got up.

The sight of the girl, wet from head to toe at the edge of a cliff amidst wind and rain, turning her head towards Nox… has an inexplicable charm.

“You… you…”

The rising magical power began to fill the air.

Although the girl’s expression could not be clearly seen, Nox could sense it. Even if you roughly estimate the amount of magical power… Nox was an opponent he could never defeat.

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