The Extra Wants To Live

Chapter 129: Back To Capital

Prince Carl, the most noble prince in the empire, wanted to break away from elitism.

This was not a childish commt saying,

"I think this would be a good idea,"

but a conclusion reached after cool-headed judgmt with a clear vision and specific plan.

Howell could not have known that Carl had referced Adrian actions in the original work.

No, ev if Carl had consulted the original, it was now Carl's.

His intellect had already tak root in a wide field, growing rapidly, absorbing nutrits with tremdous power.

'How could someone who had spt his tire life in bed until a few months ago d up like this? If only he had be treated a little earlier, or if he had never gott sick!'

Howell was thrilled and sad at the same time. If Carl had stood out from the beginning, the succession structure would not have become monopolized by Balos as it is now.

Howell also had a tdcy to be arrogant, overconfidt in his own intelligce due to his superior brainpower.

This caused him to look down on and despise those he considered inferior to himself, which evtually led to him not ev being able to secure the position of administrator.

So, on the contrary, the momt he countered a young prince with an intellectual ability that he could acknowledge, Howell could feel a great sse of satisfaction.

This satisfaction made the arrogant and haughty Howell look back on himself and gain humility.

He saw Carl blooming brilliantly in a harsh vironmt. He never know where in the world there might be a gius, and he can't always be sure he's right.

"There are some people I used to have frequt discussions with wh I was an administrator in Himmeln. If I could just get them on board, it would be a great help,"

Howell advised Carl with humility.

"Howell, I am like a candle left alone in the wilderness of the night. Do you know what is hidd in that darkness and call them in?"

Carl must be very vigilant about his surings. It is a huge risk to approach the military, so what happs if he reach out to the administration?

There, Aric and Adrian have their eyes and ears dug in everywhere. He'll be caught right away.

"What Prince Carl needs now is more talt. One person cannot handle the work of t people alone. There may be many talted people further afield, but how can we find and recruit each and every one of them?"

"It's too dangerous."

"It's not my place to say this, but they are all ecctric and stubborn, and they are not the type of people who would go into politics. They may have be demoted and th kicked out. If I can contact them, I will face them and try to persuade them."

Howell advised again.

In fact, Howell was a little frustrated because he couldn't quite figure out what it was that Carl was so kely wary of.

It didn't seem right to say that he's wary of Aric. But since Carl wouldn't tell him, he just did the best he could within the scope of what he could do.

"… I understand. I will try to find a way. But don't forget. What you are asking is too much."

"I will never let you get caught by the tail."

Carl, who returned in this way, was able to meet those who had be waiting to welcome him in front of Himmeln, unlike before.

It wasn't a triumphal procession. However, it wasn't proper to just pass over the imperial prince who wt out with the emperor's flag, successfully completed his mission, and returned without doing anything.

It was other than the Imperial Knights who welcomed Carl.

They lined up in ceremonial armor decorated with rich fabrics. Since their faces were not covered, Carl could clearly see the expressions of the imperial knights. It seemed like they had be waiting for a long time, and although they were somewhat dissatisfied, they were not showing it like before.

It was clear that Carl's status had ris.

"Your Majesty Carl."

"Sir Gilbert, it's be a while."

Carl dismounted and offered Gilbert a hand.

Carl, who returned after completing his mission, was now the main character of this place and was also the most noble being.

There was no need for him to get off his horse. But if this unnecessary action could show that he had great respect for the Imperial Knights, th he was more than happy to do it.

Gilbert smiled and shook Carl's hand cheerfully.

"The merits of Carl have already reached Himmeln. Ev this old man is moved."

"Most of it is thanks to Duke Davron taking care of it."

They talked with warm smiles, but countless unspok words were exchanged in their eyes. Gilbert was convinced that Govan's earlier report was false.

'You ev managed to capture Marquis Davron in such a short period of time. That's amazing.'

Gilbert did some math in his head, acting like a warm-hearted old man.

How much power could Carl gain from this?

"Oh, I've be holding you back too long. Lord Carl, please mount your horse. Ar't you the star of the show today? You should ride your horse with pride and show everyone Lord Carl."

"Hahaha, of course."

Carl jumped back on his horse.

While Carl got off his horse, Harmon cleverly combed the horse's mane and dusted it off, making it look nice.

Gilbert also mounted his horse, and at his gesture, the waiting imperial knights also mounted their horses.

Carl walked leisurely betwe the imperial knights lined up on either side.

His smart horse also seemed to joy the situation, walking with his head held high and majestic.

"Lady Catherine, please stand in front."

"Yes, Lord Carl."

Carl st Catherine forward carrying the Emperor's standard.

The honor of being the standard bearer and leading the charge in a unit that has returned after carrying out the Emperor's orders was by no means small.

The gates of Himmeln oped wide, and Carl rode his horse majestically inside.

Of course, it wasn't an improvemt, so there wasn't any special preparation. They just controlled the road. But a large crowd of people gathered to watch, and they could all see Carl clearly.

The imperial knights followed behind Carl, his cloak fluttering, creating a rather spldid sce.

The only times wh the Imperial Knights would act in this way was wh they had performed a military feat while carrying the Emperor's flag.

That is, it meant that the fourth prince, who was like a young boy, participated in the battle and achieved great success.

A commander who defds the empire's territory and saves its suffering subjects deserves to be loved.

It might still be small and fading, but this spark would soon become a huge flame. For that, they would have to fight ev more battles in the future.

Carl smiled conttedly, joying the momt, while inwardly he calmly planned his next move.

Howell's carriage, which had slipped out before reaching Himmeln, tered Himmeln quietly after Carl passed by, drawing everyone's atttion.

No one paid Howell any atttion, and he took a place with Iris with the money he received from Carl and quietly waited for the right time.

Since he had to persuade those who were equally stubborn, he would have to work hard to come up with a solution.

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