The Extra Wants Control

Chapter 117: Final Talk

Neveah furrowed his brow, a knot of confusion tightening in his gut. "Hold on," he interjected, a thread of challenge lacing his voice. "What about Vampires who can turn others into their kind, they shouldn't be limited to a population factor. right??"

Verona gave an understanding smile. " Of course they can," she conceded, rolling her crimson eyes. "But it's not that simple, little one. Turning someone into a Noble Vampire, a creature with the true potential for power, is a delicate and highly complicated process that very few can amd even then they are limited, unless you have a progenitor status that would be very difficult.

And commoners, who are the most populated, can't humans to vampires of the same status, they can only make defects that are the plebians, even then the commoner vampire has to have fulfilled a bunch of requirements like age and many more. And Vampires can't just go around turning things, it's regulated"

"Regulated?" Neveah asked. "By who?"

"By everyone, of course," Verona rolled her eyes again. "Think about it. If vampires just went around snatching whoever they pleased and turning them, there'd be chaos. Not only that, the other races won't just stand by and watch vampires do whatever they please.

Even I as the Vampire monarch has a duty to ensure,the noble vampire to commoner vampire to pleabian vampire is at a certain level that always and the number should never increase... When it does I order for a purge."

Verona continued in, her voice laced with a hint of authority. "There are strict protocols in place for creating Noble Vampires," she explained. "Only those with exceptional potential and the right bloodline compatibility are considered. And even then, the sire, the vampire who performs the conversion, takes a huge risk. The process is fraught with danger, both for the sire and the fledgling.

That's why the tournament is important for many vampires it's a chance to be a noble vampire which many want."

" Tournament?" Valeriana thought but didn't ask as it wasn't any of her business.

A flicker of understanding dawned on Neveah's face. "So, that's why there aren't just hordes of high-ranking vampires," he mused.

Verona smirked. "Bingo," she said, snapping her fingers for emphasis. "Common vampires, the ones most sires create, are limited in their potential. They can only reach a certain level, typically around 3 to 5 Stars, pretty much just like common humans except for the slight boost in lifespan and strength."

Neveah shook his head, a new question forming in his mind. "But if humans can rise through the ranks quickly, why aren't there more high-ranking human mages or warriors then?"

Before Verona could answer, Valeriana spoke again. "The longevity factor, Neveah," she said, her eyes filled with a melancholic glint. "Sure, humans can rise through the ranks quickly, but their lifespans are finite. Even with the boosts they get at higher Star levels, they can't compete with the likes of vampires, dragons, or elves."

She gestured towards herself, a wry smile playing on her lips. "A 10 Star human might live long, but they can't hold a candle to a 10 Star vampire. Humans can't... Won't outlive yhe longevity races like Dragons, elves and dwarves."

Neveah absorbed this new information, a sense of awe. The world seemed far more complex than he ever imagined. There were limitations, hidden rules, and a constant struggle for power. There were layers upon layers to this world and he was discovering new things almost daily.

"There's no true immorality unless you are a God!" Said Valeriana.

" I don't know about that, it's not a fact afterall no one has succeeded in killing a god... Atleast not yet." Thought Verona coldly.

" We are lucky... I don't know if you could call it luck but when a powerful human dies almost immediately there's a person waiting to replace him or her. That's why tombs and inheritances are so important they help races regain lost power. It's like recycling." Said Valeriana

Neveah, however, was fixated on something else entirely. He blurted out the question that had been burning on his tongue, shattering the mood.

"Wait… Then how old are you?"

The question, innocent enough on the surface held a dangerous implication. Both Verona and Valeriana turned their heads towards him, their crimson eyes glowing and were giving an 'innocent' and 'sweet' smile. They then asked in sync." Why?"

Neveah felt a cold shiver crawl down his spine under their gazes. He had overstepped a boundary. Here, in the presence of near-immortal women, the concept of age was a delicate topic.

Before he could stammer out an apology, Verona cut in, her voice dripping with sardonic amusement.

"As I was saying," she drawled, her words laced with mock patience, "we need to assess your limits, my dear. See what you're truly capable of."

She shot a pointed glance towards Valeriana. "Valeriana," she said, her tone laced with a hint of sugary sweetness, "excuse us for a moment. It seems I need to take Neveah here ... 'training session.'"

Neveah had a bad feeling.

Verona's smile widened, revealing her set of sharpened fangs. "It'll be a six-month… 'intensive course,'" she corrected with a pointed cough. "And don't worry," she added, her voice dropping to a predatory purr, "I'll bring him back… alive. Mostly."

Verona, with a flick of her crimson wrist, tore open a swirling vortex of violet energy. The air crackled with raw power as the portal pulsed, offering a glimpse of a verdant landscape bathed in warm sunlight – the human continent.

"Here you go, Empress," Verona announced, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes.

Valeriana, her expression unreadable, stepped towards the portal. "Thank you, Verona," she said, her voice betraying none of the turmoil within. "I appreciate it."

Verona offered a smile. "Don't mention it, dear sister," she replied, her tone dripping with mock sweetness. "Just remember, use this time wisely. Integrate, understand, study the new energy I bestowed upon you. We'll pick up Neveah's training in six months."

Valeriana offered a curt nod, then stepped through the portal. The violet energy engulfed her for a fleeting moment, before depositing her on a grassy knoll overlooking a sprawling valley. Lush greenery stretched as far as the eye could see, dotted with small villages and meandering rivers. Fresh air filled her lungs, she was back in the human continent.

With a powerfull surge of energy, Valeriana took to the skies, soaring towards her home. Her heart hammered in her chest, a strange mix of apprehension and a flicker of hope.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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