The Extra Wants Control

Chapter 111: Our descendant?

A swirling vortex of and black light gulfed Neveah, pulling him into a strange, ethereal space. Two figures materialized before him, their forms solidifying from the swirling chaos. One man, with flowing hair that contrasted sharply with his deep red eyes, wore pristine robes that shimmered with an otherworldly light.

The other, starkly differt, possessed long, rav black hair that cascaded down his broad shoulders. He was shirtless, clad only in a loose pair of black pants. Both m stared at Neveah with confusion and amusemt.

"This is awkward..." the -haired man muttered, breaking the silce. His voice resonated with a deep, rumbling power.

"How is he both of our descdant?" the black-haired man countered, his voice edged with a hint of annoyance.

"That's what I want to know," the -haired man echoed, his brow furrowed in concern. "And this is bad. He isn't ev 7 Star."

The black-haired man snorted. "That's not all. He isn't ev using mana. I think those wom had a hand in this. And he somehow got a hold of the ergy I taught my daughter to use..."

" I have a theory, either our families married and birthed him or he was human and turned into a vampire... As for your ergy I Kno your daughter taught him..."

A frustrated sigh escaped the -haired man. "You know this is weird, right? By the time I had my first grandchild, you hadn't ev met your wife, let alone had a daughter. And seeing the conctration of blood in this kid, he might ev be your grandson, but for me, he's like a great-great-great-great..."

"I get it," the black-haired man interrupted, his patice wearing thin. "But in a way, it's somehow good that he's both our descdant. This way, it's easier. Now shall we deal with the matter at hand? We don't have much time. We only placed a sliver of our ergy in those toks..."

He trailed off, his crimson eyes fixing on Neveah, who remained unaware of the conversation unfolding before him, he didn't hear a thing for him these beings were just looking at him and that made him uncomfortable.

Neveah blinked, disorited, as the figures shifted and shimmered. They were starting to fade, a sse of urgcy crackling in the air.

"So..." the -haired man started, his voice laced with a hint of exasperation, "how did you get the letter and the journal? Did you go to the cemetery trial? But you are so weak... Hmmm I don't think you ev got to 6 star before you were stripped of your strgth... "

He trailed off, casting a critical eye over Neveah. The black-haired man, who seemed to be uninterested at the kid, perked up his ear to also hear from the kid.

"A blue dragon teleported me and a couple of others to a maze tomb trial," Neveah explained as summarized as possible and he did it automatically as if he was compelled to it, this situation reminded him of the 'pleasant' time he had with the Goddesses and how powerless he was, just going with the flow amd he hated it.

The black-haired man snorted. "That lizard bastard got impatit," he muttered angrily, rolling his eyes. "And knowing him, he probably hijacked a forming tomb... This is why I didn't want him as the cemetery guardian look at the stunts he is pulling, he might get 'their' atttion." He paused, his gaze flicking back to Neveah.

"Well since this kid was a participant in the trial and had traces of our bloodlines, he got the toks. Although it's too early..."

" Too early? I don't think so can you not feel it, the traces of divine ergies in this world some are conctrated in certain individuals... Those wom are active. I could search more widely but I'm limited in this state.... He needs to find more toks." Said the haired man.

" You know we can't be revived right... Our

'true' selves have already be recycled and processed..." Said the black haired man in a slow knowing voice.

" Stop... Let's talk about something else. Focus on the thing at hand." Said the haired man impatitly wanting to change the subject and he was not happy.

Neveah frowned, his confusion deeping. Bloodlines? What did that ev mean? Why did they stop talking again? What's also this thing about being too early? Je needed answers.

But before he could voice his question, the -haired man spoke again.

"Hey kid," he said, his tone softing slightly, "as you already figured out, the letter and journal wer't ordinary. They wer't ev real. They served as toks, a way for us to communicate with our descdant in our case,you, to give you instructions."

He sighed, a hint of frustration evidt. "But we don't have much time. You need to find the remaining toks. The people outside helping you... all will be revealed to them in time. Make sure you visit the locations within a year.

Also did I mtion you don't have a choice?."

As the -haired man spoke, a torrt of information flooded Neveah's mind. Images of locations flashed before his eyes. The two beings began to fade, their forms dissolving into wisps of light.

"Good luck, young one," the -haired man's voice echoed faintly. "You have a difficult path ahead, but remember, the power lies within you. Use it wisely. Sorry for forcing you to do this but this is a decision that was made before you were born. Just see it through."

"They want to use me? I can't let this happ again, It won't!. But how am I going to get out of this." Thought Neveah.

The two figures were increasingly becoming more transpart.

"Wait, I just thought of something..." he said, his voice laced with unease. "This kid is taking in all of 'that' right?"

The black-haired man, who had be seemingly nonchalant, lifted an eyebrow. "Yeah, so?"

"So," the -haired man pressed, his voice gaining urgcy, "that means we are refining his blood on two fronts – the vampire and human side. So what will he become?"

A thoughtful silce descded upon the space. Finally, the black-haired man spoke, his voice devoid of emotion but holding a weight. "The strongest will be dominant."

"..."The -haired man remained speechless, the implications of that statemt hanging thick in the air.

" You know Vampire hybrids are dangerous, there's a reason why they ar't alive. We also made sure that won't happ again. Ev if the two race human and vampire can marry one blood will always dominate the other in their childr... In his case which I'm positive he will retain both bloods." Said the haired man.

" ... There's nothing we can do now... We can only hope for something positive." Said the black haired man.

" I don't like leaving things to chance... We only have one shot at this if this kid fails..." Said the haired man not finishing his stce.

"Anyway," the black-haired man continued, changing the topic, a hint of amusemt creeping into his voice, "it seems this kid is quite lucky. If he didn't have those two beside him, he would have died. This… thing…" he gestured vaguely towards the two source of the ergy, "was meant for 7 Star and above.

It's all that reckless dragon's impatit move, it could have be disastrous we would have failed before we started."

However, a subtle shift occurred. Gazing through Neveah's eyes, the black-haired man's expression softed. There was a flicker of warmth in his crimson gaze as it settled on Verona's figure. "This situation also seems to be beficial to the helpers. They are getting refined as well. It would be helpful for them wh they reach 'that realm,' especially for the vampire woman who is really close.

Ev if he was already 7 Star, some ergy would have be wasted cause he wouldn't have absorbed everything... This situation is quite good."

The -haired man nodded in agreemt. "It all worked out somehow. This kid just had those two, who happed to be our descdants, there with him."

A wry smile touched the corner of the black-haired man's lips. "Fate works in mysterious ways, doesn't it. But will he handle.the two differt ergies?"

" Again we don't have a choice on it." Said the haired man grimly, and the black haired man nodded in agreemt.

As the two ethereal beings faded further, their forms barely wisps of light, they cast a final, grave warning towards Neveah. "Tell those two by your side," the -haired figure rasped, his voice tinged with urgcy, "to be careful. The Gods are not on our side. Until we meet again my descdant..."

With those ominous words hanging in the air, both figures flickered and vanished completely. Neveah was left alone in the void. His surings began to distort, the space swirling and dissolving a him.

He blinked, the darkness dissipating to reveal a familiar sight – the plush bed of Verona's chambers. Moonlight streamed through the arched windows, casting an silvery she across the room. But he wasn't alone. Valeriana and Verona sat on either side of the bed, their expressions a mix of concern, confusion and love…

How long had he be unconscious? What had happed? Why is the human empress here?

As if ssing his confusion, Verona gtly placed a hand on his arm. "Neveah," she began, her voice surprisingly gtle, "we need to talk. All three of us.

"Three of us? About what?" he asked.

Verona exchanged a glance with Valeriana, a flicker of something passing betwe them. It was a momt of silt communication, a shared understanding that left Neveah feeling more lost than ever before.

"There's… a lot to explain," Valeriana finally said, her voice low and steady. "Things you might not be prepared for."


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