The Extra Wants Control

Chapter 11: Mother...

There was something about him, a spark in his soul that mirrored mine. A curious dissonance, his soul of two distinct voices: a young boy's innocence and a man hardened by experience. Twenty-eight and ten, intertwined into a being yet to be fully formed. It intrigued me, the outcome of this merger.

Yet, a veil shrouded his past, an invisible barrier that prevented me from delving deeper, from seeing the tapestry of his memories. Who did he encounter, I wondered, what shaped this fascinating anomaly?

A pang of something unfamiliar tugged at me. It wasn't hunger, not the thirst that defined my existence for millennia. Gazing out the high window, I considered my own vast, unfurling life. I'd witnessed empires rise and fall, tasted the sting of betrayal and the heady rush of conquest, known the ecstasy of love and the crushing weight of despair.

Yet, there was one experience that remained absent – motherhood. The idea of nurturing, of shaping a young soul, held a strange allure.

The yearning was foolish, of course. No mortal man could withstand the potent power flowing through my veins, the very essence of my being. I'd searched, oh how I'd searched, for a sire worthy of carrying my child, someone with the strength to complement my power. But fate had other plans. After countless disappointments, I'd resigned myself to solitude.

Then, this boy arrived. One who has a soul characteristic resembling mine. Maybe… maybe I could create a family another way. Not through birth, but through transformation. A smile tugged at the corner of my lips as I looked up at the vast expanse of stars.

Wait. Humans needed sustenance, didn't they? He had slept, as if undisturbed by hunger. But I was a mother now, and mothers provided for their children. Food it would be! I would lay out a feast, something grand, a reflection of the potential I saw within him.

And when he awoke, well-rested and satiated, his training would begin. A thrill coursed through me – a new purpose, a chance to shape a legacy.


[Raven's POV]

Evening light filtered through the dusty window, painting the room in an ominous orange glow. My stomach gave a low rumble, but hunger pangs were an old friend by now. I pushed myself up, the events of yesterday crashing back into my mind – the woman, her power, the offer to turn me. Was she in the novel? I couldn't remember, which wasn't exactly comforting.

She'd said "vampire." Like werewolves it wasn't a major race (cause they didn't have a representative god) in this world, existing more in the shadows, outside the power struggles between races. The author had tossed them in there, mentioned their strength, then seemingly forgotten about them.

He'd written about a demon invasion, a powerful duke-class demon was stopped before causing any real damage to their continent– proof of the vampires' strength. He'd also hinted at a vampire queen, a central figure in their hidden society, someone who remained shrouded in mystery yet was worshipped like a goddess by the vampires.

The author had never shown her, just teased her power throughout the story. Well, all the way up to the latest chapter I'd read, at least.

My initial plan was gone. Now, with this crazy-strong lady offering training and, potentially, vampiric immortality, my priorities needed a serious overhaul. Getting strong took precedence over escaping. Training from someone like her was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, a massive upgrade from my original plan of fumbling through this world alone.

Survival training turned into vampire bootcamp – a much better option considering the looming threat of those damn demons.

A booming voice shattered my train of thought. "Kid, come eat!"

My new mother, whoever and whatever she was, was apparently calling me for dinner. I pushed myself off the scratchy blanket, wincing a little at the soreness that had settled in while I slept. Where the heck did that voice come from? This place was huge, and I wasn't exactly sure of the layout.

With a renewed purpose, I stumbled off in search of food and my possibly-immortal future. Maybe this being-adopted-by-a-supernatural-being thing wouldn't be so bad after all.

The walk to find my "mom" felt like an eternity. This castle was massive, a labyrinth of echoing corridors and heavy oak doors. I must have looked ridiculous, cautiously pushing open each door only to find a dusty library, a drafty chamber, or a dead end. Finally, after several wrong turns and near panic attacks, I stumbled upon a brightly lit room.

There she was, reclining on a plush armchair by a crackling fire, a book in her lap. Relief washed over me, intense enough to make my legs wobble. "What took you so long?" she asked, her voice amusement laced with a hint of exasperation.

"Uh…" I scratched the back of my head, feeling like a sheepish child. "Got, uh, lost."

She gave me a long, assessing look, a faint smile playing on her lips. "Eat," she commanded, gesturing towards a groaning dining table. My stomach, which had been grumbling a silent protest for the past hour, let out a traitorous gurgle.

The sight before me was enough to make my mouth water. Crispy bread, roasted meats, glistening fruits, a platter of cheeses – it was a feast fit for a king, or so I imagined. "You're still human, for now," she explained, seeing my wide-eyed wonder. "And you require regular sustenance."

I tucked in with gusto, devouring the food with the ferocity of a starving man. Between bites, I stole glances at her, trying to gauge this woman who might become my mother, my teacher, possibly even my maker. Despite the power she exuded, there was an unexpected warmth in her eyes that put me at ease.

Once I'd demolished a plateful of food, feeling pleasantly full for the first time in ages, she spoke again. "Go back to your room," she instructed. "Freshen up and wear the clothes you'll find in the closet. Then, meet me outside."

I did as she instructed, finding a simple black outfit that fit surprisingly well. Emerging back into the vast hall, I squared my shoulders, a nervous flutter in my chest. This was it – the beginning of a new chapter, a journey into the unknown with a vampire for a guide. Taking a deep breath, I ventured out, ready to face whatever training awaited me.

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